


Commentaire : Analyse de l'ordinateur

Format du document : text/plain


ÿþ---------- [Système d'exploitation] ----------------------------
Propriétés Valeur
Windows 10
*** TRIAL *** Win*** TRIAL ***o x64, version 21H2
Nom du produit Windows 10 Pro
Ver*** TRIAL *** 21H*** TRIAL ***S 19044.1288)
Experience Windows Feature Experience Pack 120.2212.3920.0
Caractéristiques 64 Bit Edition; Terminal Services in Remote Admin Mode; Multiprocessor Free
Typ*** TRIAL ***n Pro*** TRIAL ***
ID *** TRIAL ***on [TH*** TRIAL ***
ID de sortie 2009
Type de clé Retail
*** TRIAL *** Ret*** TRIAL ***
SKU 0x30 Pro
Nom*** TRIAL ***nateur DES*** TRIAL ***E4
Description de l'ordinateur
Programme Windows Insider Désactivé
Sandbox Windows Non
Langue French
Mode sans échec Non
État de l'activation Inconnu
Sta*** TRIAL ***licence Not*** TRIAL ***[Windows(R) Operating System, RETAIL channel]
Aut*** TRIAL *** Non*** TRIAL ***Windows License)
Con*** TRIAL ***vérifiée *** TRIAL ***
UAC*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL ***
Rac*** TRIAL ***S C:\*** TRIAL ***
Dispositif de démarrage (boot) \Device\HarddiskVolume1
Périphérique système \Device\HarddiskVolume1
Sys*** TRIAL ***Options NOE*** TRIAL ***IN
Ver*** TRIAL ***rnel 10.*** TRIAL ***02
Ver*** TRIAL ***rnelBase 10.*** TRIAL ***02
Cré*** TRIAL ***nche vb_*** TRIAL ***
Lab*** TRIAL ***ion 190*** TRIAL ***ase.191206-1406
Con*** TRIAL ***b ex 190*** TRIAL ***fre.vb_release.191206-1406
Sécurité 256 bits
Ver*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL ***
Long Paths Enabled Non
Mat*** TRIAL ***disponible *** TRIAL ***
Garde d'appareil Désactivé
Mis*** TRIAL ***automatiques Act*** TRIAL ***
Date du dernier redémarrage 2022-07-18 14:16:57 (lundi 18 juillet 2022)
Temps 8 Minutes 42 secondes
Dat*** TRIAL ***lation 202*** TRIAL ***:50:00 (jeudi 7 juillet 2022)
Historique de l'installation
Restauration du système Activé
SusClientId e4b39d48-5d2f-43a4-b4c6-627314406f22

---------- [Licences] ------------------------------------------
Type de ressource Clé Nom d'utilisateur Nom de la société Autre
Win*** TRIAL ***o 3NM*** TRIAL ***DPTH-XJJB6-J2QGT *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL ***
Windows Backup Product Key Default*** TRIAL *** MN6*** TRIAL ***9T3G-3Q7QB-2PQGT *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL ***
Win*** TRIAL ***lt Product Key XGV*** TRIAL ***TTHJ-W3FW7-8HV2C *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL ***
Windows Default Product Key 3NM*** TRIAL ***DPTH-XJJB6-J2QGT
Windows PID*** TRIAL *** 003*** TRIAL ***3934-AA389 *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL ***
Windows Product Key*** TRIAL *** 3NM*** TRIAL ***DPTH-XJJB6-J2QGT *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** Win*** TRIAL ***o x64, version 21H2 (Professional)

---------- [Répertoires système] -------------------------------
Nom Chemin Nom interne de Windows Source
Obj*** TRIAL *** C:\*** TRIAL ***W\3D Objects\ *** TRIAL *** FOL*** TRIAL ***cts3D
Photos du compte*** TRIAL *** C:\*** TRIAL ***W\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\AccountPictures\ *** TRIAL *** FOL*** TRIAL ***untPictures
Dossier du cache activeX*** TRIAL *** C:\*** TRIAL ***wnloaded Program Files\ *** TRIAL *** HKL*** TRIAL ***\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\
Dossier des outils d'administration*** TRIAL *** C:\*** TRIAL ***W\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Administrative Tools\ Out*** TRIAL ***nistration Windows CSI*** TRIAL ***OLS
Dossier d'application spécifique données*** TRIAL *** C:\*** TRIAL ***W\AppData\Roaming\ Roa*** TRIAL *** CSI*** TRIAL ***
Rac*** TRIAL *** l'application C:\*** TRIAL ***W\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Application Shortcuts\ *** TRIAL *** FOL*** TRIAL ***icationShortcuts
Dossier de Boot*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** HKL*** TRIAL ***\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Setup\
Rouleau de caméra*** TRIAL *** C:\*** TRIAL ***W\Pictures\Camera Roll\ *** TRIAL *** FOL*** TRIAL ***raRoll
Dos*** TRIAL ***avage CD C:\*** TRIAL ***W\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Burn\Burn\ Dos*** TRIAL ***avure temporaire CSI*** TRIAL ***AREA
Dos*** TRIAL ***utils d'administration courant C:\*** TRIAL ***a\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Administrative Tools\ Out*** TRIAL ***nistration Windows CSI*** TRIAL ***ADMINTOOLS
Dossier de démarrage Non-localisé courant*** TRIAL *** C:\*** TRIAL ***a\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\StartUp\ Dém*** TRIAL *** CSI*** TRIAL ***ALTSTARTUP
Dossier des données d'application commune C:\ProgramData\ ProgramData CSIDL_COMMON_APPDATA
Dos*** TRIAL ***reau courant C:\*** TRIAL ***ic\Desktop\ Bur*** TRIAL *** CSI*** TRIAL ***DESKTOPDIRECTORY
Dossier des documents courants C:\Users\Public\Documents\ Documents publics CSIDL_COMMON_DOCUMENTS
Dossier des favoris courants*** TRIAL *** C:\*** TRIAL ***W\Favorites\ Fav*** TRIAL *** CSI*** TRIAL ***FAVORITES
Dossier de musique commune C:\Users\Public\Music\ Musique publique CSIDL_COMMON_MUSIC
Dossier des images communes C:\Users\Public\Pictures\ Images publiques CSIDL_COMMON_PICTURES
Dossier des programmes courants*** TRIAL *** C:\*** TRIAL ***a\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\ Pro*** TRIAL *** CSI*** TRIAL ***PROGRAMS
Dossier du menu de démarrage courants*** TRIAL *** C:\*** TRIAL ***a\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\ Men*** TRIAL *** CSI*** TRIAL ***STARTMENU
Dossier de démarrage courants*** TRIAL *** C:\*** TRIAL ***a\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\StartUp\ Dém*** TRIAL *** CSI*** TRIAL ***STARTUP
Dossier de modèles courants C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Templates\ Modèles CSIDL_COMMON_TEMPLATES
Dossier des vidéos communes C:\Users\Public\Videos\ Vidéos publiques CSIDL_COMMON_VIDEO
Magasin de métadonnées de l'appareil*** TRIAL *** C:\*** TRIAL ***a\Microsoft\Windows\DeviceMetadataStore\ *** TRIAL *** FOL*** TRIAL ***ceMetadataStore
Bibliothèque de documents C:\Users\ARROW\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Libraries\Documents.library-ms FOLDERID_DocumentsLibrary
Tél*** TRIAL ***ts C:\*** TRIAL ***W\Downloads\ *** TRIAL *** FOL*** TRIAL ***loads
Dossier du bureau*** TRIAL *** C:\*** TRIAL ***W\Desktop\ Bur*** TRIAL *** CSI*** TRIAL ***DIRECTORY
Dossier du matériel*** TRIAL *** C:\*** TRIAL ***F\ *** TRIAL *** HKL*** TRIAL ***\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\
Dossier du cache dll*** TRIAL *** C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\dllcache\ *** TRIAL *** HKL*** TRIAL ***\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon\
Contacts C:\Users\ARROW\Contacts\ FOLDERID_Contacts
Dossier des favoris*** TRIAL *** C:\*** TRIAL ***W\Favorites\ Fav*** TRIAL *** CSI*** TRIAL ***ES
Polices C:\Windows\Fonts\ Polices CSIDL_FONTS
Explorateur de jeu C:\Users\ARROW\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\GameExplorer\ FOLDERID_GameTasks
His*** TRIAL *** C:\*** TRIAL ***W\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\History\ His*** TRIAL *** CSI*** TRIAL ***
Raccourcis d'application implicites*** TRIAL *** C:\*** TRIAL ***W\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch\User Pinned\ImplicitAppShortcuts\ *** TRIAL *** FOL*** TRIAL ***icitAppShortcuts
Dossier des cookies Internet*** TRIAL *** C:\*** TRIAL ***W\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCookies\ INe*** TRIAL *** CSI*** TRIAL ***
Dos*** TRIAL ***che Internet C:\*** TRIAL ***W\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCache\ INe*** TRIAL *** CSI*** TRIAL ***T_CACHE
Bibliothèques*** TRIAL *** C:\*** TRIAL ***W\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Libraries\ *** TRIAL *** FOL*** TRIAL ***aries
Liens*** TRIAL *** C:\*** TRIAL ***W\Links\ *** TRIAL *** FOL*** TRIAL ***s
Dossier des données d'application locales*** TRIAL *** C:\*** TRIAL ***W\AppData\Local\ *** TRIAL *** CSI*** TRIAL ***PPDATA
Faible local*** TRIAL *** C:\*** TRIAL ***W\AppData\LocalLow\ *** TRIAL *** FOL*** TRIAL ***lAppDataLow
Musique*** TRIAL *** C:\*** TRIAL ***W\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Libraries\Music.library-ms *** TRIAL *** FOL*** TRIAL ***cLibrary
Dossier mes documents C:\Users\ARROW\Documents\ Documents CSIDL_PERSONAL
Dossier ma musiques C:\Users\ARROW\Music\ Musique CSIDL_MYMUSIC
Dossier mes images C:\Users\ARROW\Pictures\ Images CSIDL_MYPICTURES
Dossier mes vidéos C:\Users\ARROW\Videos\ Vidéos CSIDL_MYVIDEO
Dossier mon réseau*** TRIAL *** C:\*** TRIAL ***W\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Network Shortcuts\ Net*** TRIAL ***cuts CSI*** TRIAL ***
Dossier de démarrage non localisé C:\Users\ARROW\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\ Démarrage CSIDL_ALTSTARTUP
OneDrive C:\Users\ARROW\OneDrive\ FOLDERID_SkyDrive
Dossier personnel C:\Users\ARROW\Documents\ Documents CSIDL_PERSONAL
Photos*** TRIAL *** C:\*** TRIAL ***W\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Libraries\Pictures.library-ms *** TRIAL *** FOL*** TRIAL ***uresLibrary
Dossier imprimantes de voisinage*** TRIAL *** C:\*** TRIAL ***W\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Printer Shortcuts\ Pri*** TRIAL ***cuts CSI*** TRIAL ***OD
Dossier profil C:\Users\ARROW\ ARROW CSIDL_PROFILE
Dossier des fichiers programmes C:\Program Files\ Programmes CSIDL_PROGRAM_FILES
Dossier des fichiers programmes communs C:\Program Files\Common Files\ Common Files CSIDL_PROGRAM_FILES_COMMON
Program Files Common W6432*** TRIAL *** C:\*** TRIAL ***les (x86)\Common Files\ *** TRIAL *** %Co*** TRIAL ***mFiles(x86)%
Dos*** TRIAL ***ammes C:\*** TRIAL ***W\AppData\Local\Programs\ *** TRIAL *** FOL*** TRIAL ***ProgramFiles
Dossier programmes C:\Users\ARROW\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\ Programmes CSIDL_PROGRAMS
Program W6432 C:\Program Files\ %ProgramW6432%
Pub*** TRIAL *** C:\*** TRIAL ***ic\ *** TRIAL *** FOL*** TRIAL ***ic
Téléchargements publics*** TRIAL *** C:\*** TRIAL ***ic\Downloads\ *** TRIAL *** FOL*** TRIAL ***icDownloads
Exp*** TRIAL ***e jeu public C:\*** TRIAL ***a\Microsoft\Windows\GameExplorer\ *** TRIAL *** FOL*** TRIAL ***icGameTasks
Bibliothèques publiques*** TRIAL *** C:\*** TRIAL ***ic\Libraries\ *** TRIAL *** FOL*** TRIAL ***icLibraries
Sonneries publiques C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Ringtones\ FOLDERID_PublicRingtones
Photos de comptes publics*** TRIAL *** C:\*** TRIAL ***ic\AccountPictures\ *** TRIAL *** FOL*** TRIAL ***icUserTiles
Lancement rapide*** TRIAL *** C:\*** TRIAL ***W\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch\ *** TRIAL *** FOL*** TRIAL ***kLaunch
Dos*** TRIAL ***ents récents C:\*** TRIAL ***W\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\ Doc*** TRIAL ***ents CSI*** TRIAL ***
Télévision enregistrée C:\Users\Public\Libraries\RecordedTV.library-ms FOLDERID_RecordedTVLibrary
Dossier Ressource*** TRIAL *** C:\*** TRIAL ***sources\ Res*** TRIAL *** CSI*** TRIAL ***ES
Sonneries C:\Users\ARROW\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Ringtones\ FOLDERID_Ringtones
Tuiles itinérantes*** TRIAL *** C:\*** TRIAL ***W\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\RoamingTiles\ *** TRIAL *** FOL*** TRIAL ***ingTiles
Jeu*** TRIAL ***rés C:\*** TRIAL ***W\Saved Games\ *** TRIAL *** FOL*** TRIAL ***dGames
Images enregistrées*** TRIAL *** C:\*** TRIAL ***W\Pictures\Saved Pictures\ *** TRIAL *** FOL*** TRIAL ***dPictures
Bibliothèque d'images enregistrées*** TRIAL *** C:\*** TRIAL ***W\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Libraries\SavedPictures.library-ms *** TRIAL *** FOL*** TRIAL ***dPicturesLibrary
Rec*** TRIAL *** C:\*** TRIAL ***W\Searches\ *** TRIAL *** FOL*** TRIAL ***dSearches
Dos*** TRIAL ***er vers C:\*** TRIAL ***W\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\SendTo\ Sen*** TRIAL *** CSI*** TRIAL ***
Men*** TRIAL *** C:\*** TRIAL ***W\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\ Men*** TRIAL *** CSI*** TRIAL ***NU
Démarrage*** TRIAL *** C:\*** TRIAL ***W\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\ Dém*** TRIAL *** CSI*** TRIAL ***
Système*** TRIAL *** C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\ Sys*** TRIAL *** CSI*** TRIAL ***
Temp*** TRIAL *** C:\*** TRIAL ***W\AppData\Local\Temp\ *** TRIAL *** Get*** TRIAL ***PI
Mod*** TRIAL *** C:\*** TRIAL ***W\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Templates\ Mod*** TRIAL *** CSI*** TRIAL ***ES
Tmp*** TRIAL *** C:\*** TRIAL ***W\AppData\Local\Temp\ *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL ***
Utilisateur épinglé C:\Users\ARROW\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch\User Pinned\ FOLDERID_UserPinned
Utilisateurs*** TRIAL *** C:\*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** FOL*** TRIAL ***Profiles
Vidéos*** TRIAL *** C:\*** TRIAL ***W\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Libraries\Videos.library-ms *** TRIAL *** FOL*** TRIAL ***osLibrary
Windows C:\Windows\ Windows CSIDL_WINDOWS
Dossier du bureau Windows*** TRIAL *** C:\*** TRIAL ***W\Desktop\ Bur*** TRIAL *** CSI*** TRIAL ***
Système x86*** TRIAL *** C:\*** TRIAL ***sWOW64\ Sys*** TRIAL *** CSI*** TRIAL ***86
Program Files (x86)*** TRIAL *** C:\*** TRIAL ***les (x86)\ Pro*** TRIAL ***86) CSI*** TRIAL ***_FILESX86
Program Files (x86)\Commun*** TRIAL *** C:\*** TRIAL ***les (x86)\Common Files\ Com*** TRIAL *** CSI*** TRIAL ***_FILES_COMMONX86
.NE*** TRIAL ***k 4.8 C:\*** TRIAL ***crosoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\
.NET Framework 4.8 (x86) C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\

---------- [Système de fichiers] -------------------------------
Nom Chemin
hosts C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\
lmh*** TRIAL *** C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\etc\
networks C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\
protocol*** TRIAL *** C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\etc\
services C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\
tcpmon.ini*** TRIAL *** C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\
system.ini*** TRIAL *** C:\*** TRIAL ***
win.ini*** TRIAL *** C:\*** TRIAL ***

---------- [Programmes installés] ------------------------------
Propriétés Valeur Date d'installation
Asm*** TRIAL ***ost Controller Driver Ver*** TRIAL ***26.1 202*** TRIAL ***ercredi 13 avril 2022)
ASU*** TRIAL ***Register Program Ver*** TRIAL ***30 202*** TRIAL ***ercredi 6 juillet 2022)
Goo*** TRIAL *** Helper Ver*** TRIAL ***4.15 202*** TRIAL ***ercredi 13 avril 2022)
Goo*** TRIAL *** Ver*** TRIAL ***.5060.114 202*** TRIAL ***ercredi 6 juillet 2022)
Int*** TRIAL ***set Device Software Ver*** TRIAL ***1.7 202*** TRIAL ***ercredi 13 avril 2022)
Int*** TRIAL ***gement Engine Components Ver*** TRIAL ***.0 202*** TRIAL ***ercredi 13 avril 2022)
Intel(R) Management Engine Components Version 2022-04-13 (mercredi 13 avril 2022)
Intel(R) Management Engine Components Version Non disponible
Intel(R) ME UninstallLegacy Version 2022-04-13 (mercredi 13 avril 2022)
Int*** TRIAL ***ork Connections Ver*** TRIAL ***0.0 202*** TRIAL ***ercredi 6 juillet 2022)
Int*** TRIAL ***ty Assist Ver*** TRIAL ***.532 202*** TRIAL ***ercredi 13 avril 2022)
Int*** TRIAL ***d Connect Service Client Ver*** TRIAL ***17.0 202*** TRIAL ***ercredi 13 avril 2022)
Log*** TRIAL *** périphérique à chipset Intel® Ver*** TRIAL ***1.7 Non*** TRIAL ***e
Mic*** TRIAL ***e Ver*** TRIAL ***902.67 202*** TRIAL ***eudi 7 juillet 2022)
Microsoft Edge Update Version Non disponible
Mic*** TRIAL ***ual C++ 2012 Redistributable (x64) - 11.0.50727 Ver*** TRIAL ***50727.1 Non*** TRIAL ***e
Mic*** TRIAL ***ual C++ 2012 Redistributable (x86) - 11.0.50727 Ver*** TRIAL ***50727.1 Non*** TRIAL ***e
Mic*** TRIAL ***ual C++ 2012 x64 Additional Runtime - 11.0.50727 Ver*** TRIAL ***50727 202*** TRIAL ***ercredi 6 juillet 2022)
Mic*** TRIAL ***ual C++ 2012 x64 Minimum Runtime - 11.0.50727 Ver*** TRIAL ***50727 202*** TRIAL ***ercredi 6 juillet 2022)
Microsoft Visual C++ 2012 x86 Additional Runtime - 11.0.50727 Version 11.0.50727 2022-07-06 (mercredi 6 juillet 2022)
Mic*** TRIAL ***ual C++ 2012 x86 Minimum Runtime - 11.0.50727 Ver*** TRIAL ***50727 202*** TRIAL ***ercredi 6 juillet 2022)
Microsoft Visual C++ 2015-2019 Redistributable (x86) - 14.29.30037 Version 14.29.30037.0 Non disponible
Microsoft Visual C++ 2019 X86 Additional Runtime - 14.29.30037 Version 14.29.30037 2022-07-06 (mercredi 6 juillet 2022)
Microsoft Visual C++ 2019 X86 Minimum Runtime - 14.29.30037 Version 14.29.30037 2022-07-06 (mercredi 6 juillet 2022)
Realtek High Definition Audio Driver Version 2022-07-12 (mardi 12 juillet 2022)
SIW*** TRIAL ***3.0521i Trial Ver*** TRIAL ***05.21i 202*** TRIAL ***undi 18 juillet 2022)
Upd*** TRIAL ***nt Ver*** TRIAL ***0.0 202*** TRIAL ***ercredi 6 juillet 2022)
Win*** TRIAL ***64-bit) Ver*** TRIAL ***0 Non*** TRIAL ***e

---------- [Sécurité] ------------------------------------------
Propriétés Valeur
Sécurité des fournisseurs de services
Pare-feu Bon
Paramètres de mise à jour AutoUpdate Bon
Ant*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL ***
AntiSpyware Bon
Par*** TRIAL ***ternet *** TRIAL ***
Contrôle de compte d'utilisateur Bon
Service Bon
Par*** TRIAL ***indows
Programme C:\Windows\System32\FirewallControlPanel.dll
Ver*** TRIAL *** 10.*** TRIAL ***6
Compagnie Microsoft Corporation
GUID {304CE942-6E39-40D8-943A-B913C40C9CD4}
Statut Actif
Ant*** TRIAL ***
Windows Defender
Programme C:\Program Files\Windows Defender\MsMpEng.exe
Version 4.18.1909.6
Compagnie Microsoft Corporation
*** TRIAL *** {D6*** TRIAL ***F-4fae-9E44-DA132C1ACF46}
Sta*** TRIAL *** Act*** TRIAL *** jour auto, À jour
Pol*** TRIAL ***udit
Mod*** TRIAL ***de l état de la sécurité
Extension système de sécurité
Int*** TRIAL ***système
Pilote IPSEC
Aut*** TRIAL ***ents système
Ouv*** TRIAL ***meture de session
Ouv*** TRIAL ***sion
Fer*** TRIAL ***sion
Ver*** TRIAL ***du compte
Mode principal IPsec
Mode rapide IPsec
Mode étendu IPsec
Ouverture de session spéciale
Aut*** TRIAL ***ents d ouverture/fermeture de session
Serveur NPS
Revendications utilisateur/de périphérique
App*** TRIAL ***à un groupe
Accès aux objets
Sys*** TRIAL ***chiers
Obj*** TRIAL ***u
*** TRIAL ***
Ser*** TRIAL ***ertification
Généré par application
Man*** TRIAL ***de handle
Par*** TRIAL ***chiers
Rejet de paquet par la plateforme de filtrage
Con*** TRIAL ***la plateforme de filtrage
Aut*** TRIAL ***ents d accès à l objet
Partage de fichiers détaillé
Sto*** TRIAL ***ible
Stratégie centralisée intermédiaire
Utilisation de privilège
Uti*** TRIAL ***e privilèges sensibles
Uti*** TRIAL ***e privilèges non sensibles
Autres événements d utilisation de privilèges
Suivi détaillé
Création du processus
Fin du processus
Activité DPAPI
Événements RPC
Évé*** TRIAL ***ug-and-Play
Évé*** TRIAL *** jeton ajustés à droite
Cha*** TRIAL *** stratégie
Mod*** TRIAL ***de la stratégie d audit
Mod*** TRIAL ***de la stratégie d authentification
Mod*** TRIAL ***de la stratégie d autorisation
Mod*** TRIAL ***de la stratégie de niveau règle MPSSVC
Modification de la stratégie de plateforme de filtrage
Aut*** TRIAL ***ents de modification de stratégie
Ges*** TRIAL ***omptes
Gestion des comptes d utilisateur
Gestion des comptes d ordinateur
Ges*** TRIAL ***roupes de sécurité
Ges*** TRIAL ***roupes de distribution
Gestion des groupes d applications
Autres événements de gestion des comptes
Acc*** TRIAL ***
Accès au service d annuaire
Modification du service d annuaire
Réplication du service d annuaire
Réplication du service d annuaire détaillé
Connexion de compte
Val*** TRIAL ***s informations d identification
Opé*** TRIAL *** ticket du service Kerberos
Aut*** TRIAL ***ents d ouverture de session
Ser*** TRIAL ***hentification Kerberos

---------- [Accessibilité] -------------------------------------
Propriétés Valeur
Disponibilité terminée 300000 millisecondes
Signal sonore quand le délai est dépassé*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL ***
Délais activé*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL ***
Touches filtres disponibles*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL ***
Touches filtres Activés Non
Temps d'attente 1000 millisecondes
Temps de délai 1000 millisecondes
Tem*** TRIAL ***tition 500*** TRIAL ***ndes
Temps de rebond*** TRIAL *** 0 m*** TRIAL ***es
Bruit de click quand on appuie sur le bouton*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL ***
Activation touche de raccourci autorisé. Oui
Con*** TRIAL ***ctivation touche de raccourci *** TRIAL ***
Signal sonore à l'activation touche de raccourci Oui
Indicateur visuel*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL ***
Con*** TRIAL ***vé disponible *** TRIAL ***
Contraste élevé activé*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL ***
Str*** TRIAL ***traste élevé par défaut *** TRIAL ***
Activation Hotkey disponible*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL ***
Activation touche de raccourci autorisé. Oui
Confirmer l'activation touche de raccourci*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL ***
Sig*** TRIAL *** à l'activation touche de raccourci *** TRIAL ***
Ind*** TRIAL ***suel *** TRIAL ***
Boutons de souris disponibles Oui
Boutons de souris activés*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL ***
Vitesse maximum de la souris*** TRIAL *** 80 *** TRIAL ***des
Accélération de la vitesse souris 3000 millisecondes
Indicateur visuel Oui
Acc*** TRIAL ***de la vitesse en appuyant sur Ctrl *** TRIAL ***
Ctr*** TRIAL ***tion de la vitesse 0 m*** TRIAL ***es
Le pavé numérique controle le pointeur quand NumLock est activé (verrouillage chiffre)*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL ***
Le *** TRIAL ***gauche sélectionne l'émulation *** TRIAL ***
Le bouton de droite sélectionne l'émulation*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL ***
Le bouton de gauche arrête l'émulation*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL ***
Le bouton de droite arrête l'émulation*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL ***
Le mode souris est activé*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL ***
Activation touche de raccourci autorisé.*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL ***
Confirmer l'activation touche de raccourci*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL ***
Signal sonore à l'activation touche de raccourci Oui
Com*** TRIAL ***e touche disponible *** TRIAL ***
Son visuel activé*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL ***
Son*** TRIAL ***sponibles *** TRIAL ***
Sons texte autorisés Non
Typ*** TRIAL ***l visuel Pas*** TRIAL *** visuel
Durée du signal visuel*** TRIAL *** 0 m*** TRIAL ***es
Type d'effet graphique*** TRIAL *** Fla*** TRIAL ***icheur entier
Durée de l'effet graphique*** TRIAL *** 0 m*** TRIAL ***es
Typ*** TRIAL ***et Windows Fla*** TRIAL ***rre de titre de la fenêtre active
Durée de l'effet Windows*** TRIAL *** 0 m*** TRIAL ***es
Fonction de rappel de la procédure de l'entrée son (SoundSentryProc)*** TRIAL *** Non*** TRIAL ***e
Touches rapportées (StickyKeys) disponibles*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL ***
Touches rapportées (StickyKeys) activées Non
Lire un son quand l'état des touches modifiées change*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL ***
Indicateur visuel*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL ***
Mode trois états Oui
Deu*** TRIAL ***arretées *** TRIAL ***
Confirmer l'activation touche de raccourci*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL ***
Activation touche de raccourci autorisé. Oui
Signal sonore à l'activation touche de raccourci*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL ***
ALT gauche relaché Non
ALT gauche vérouillé*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL ***
ALT droit relaché Non
ALT droit vérouillé*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL ***
CTRL gauche relaché Non
CTR*** TRIAL ***érouillé *** TRIAL ***
CTRL droit relaché*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL ***
CTR*** TRIAL ***rouillé *** TRIAL ***
MAJ gauche relaché*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL ***
MAJ gauche vérouillé*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL ***
MAJ*** TRIAL ***aché *** TRIAL ***
MAJ*** TRIAL ***ouillé *** TRIAL ***
Touche Windows gauche relaché*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL ***
Touche Windows gauche vérouillé Non
Touche Windows droit relaché Non
Touche Windows droit vérouillé*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL ***
Tou*** TRIAL ***mutation disponible *** TRIAL ***
Tou*** TRIAL ***mutation autorisée *** TRIAL ***
Act*** TRIAL ***uche de raccourci autorisé. *** TRIAL ***
Confirmer l'activation touche de raccourci Oui
Sig*** TRIAL *** à l'activation touche de raccourci *** TRIAL ***

---------- [Environnement] -------------------------------------
Propriétés Valeur
APP*** TRIAL *** C:\*** TRIAL ***W\AppData\Roaming
CommonProgramFiles C:\Program Files\Common Files
CommonProgramFiles(x86) C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files
Com*** TRIAL ***W6432 C:\*** TRIAL ***les\Common Files
ComSpec C:\WINDOWS\system32\cmd.exe
DriverData C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\DriverData
HOMEPATH*** TRIAL *** \Us*** TRIAL ***
LOCALAPPDATA*** TRIAL *** C:\*** TRIAL ***W\AppData\Local
LOG*** TRIAL *** \\D*** TRIAL ***PLE4
OneDrive*** TRIAL *** C:\*** TRIAL ***W\OneDrive
OS*** TRIAL *** Win*** TRIAL ***
*** TRIAL *** C:\*** TRIAL ***les (x86)\Intel\iCLS Client\;C:\Program Files\Intel\iCLS Client\;C:\WINDOWS\system32;C:\WINDOWS;C:\WINDOWS\System32\Wbem;C:\WINDOWS\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\;C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\Intel(R) Management Engine Components\DAL;C:\Program Files\Intel\Intel(R) Management Engine Components\DAL;C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\Intel(R) Management Engine Components\IPT;C:\Program Files\Intel\Intel(R) Management Engine Components\IPT;C:\Program Files (x86)\ATI Technologies\ATI.ACE\Core-Static;C:\WINDOWS\System32\OpenSSH\;C:\Users\ARROW\AppData\Local\Microsoft\WindowsApps
PROCESSOR_IDENTIFIER*** TRIAL *** Int*** TRIAL ***y 6 Model 94 Stepping 3, GenuineIntel
ProgramData C:\ProgramData
ProgramFiles*** TRIAL *** C:\*** TRIAL ***les
ProgramFiles(x86)*** TRIAL *** C:\*** TRIAL ***les (x86)
ProgramW6432*** TRIAL *** C:\*** TRIAL ***les
PSModulePath C:\WINDOWS\system32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\Modules\;C:\Program Files\Intel\
PUBLIC*** TRIAL *** C:\*** TRIAL ***ic
SystemDrive*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL ***
SystemRoot*** TRIAL *** C:\*** TRIAL ***
TEMP C:\Users\ARROW\AppData\Local\Temp
TMP C:\Users\ARROW\AppData\Local\Temp
USE*** TRIAL *** DES*** TRIAL ***E4
USE*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL ***
win*** TRIAL *** C:\*** TRIAL ***
__COMPAT_LAYER DetectorsAppHealth

---------- [Paramètres régionaux] ------------------------------
Propriétés Valeur
Spécificité locale utilisateur
Fus*** TRIAL ***e
Nom standard Paris, Madrid
Daylight Name Paris, Madrid (heure d été)
Changement horaire d'hiver Dernier dimanche de octobre, 3:00:00 AM
Changement horaire d'été Dernier dimanche de mars, 2:00:00 AM
Lan*** TRIAL ***
Nom de la langue (natif) Français (France)
Nom*** TRIAL ***gue (Anglais) Fre*** TRIAL ***
Nom de la langue (ISO 639) FRA
Pay*** TRIAL ***
Nom*** TRIAL ***natif) Fra*** TRIAL ***
Nom*** TRIAL ***Anglais) Fra*** TRIAL ***
Nom du pays (ISO 3116) FRA
Code Pays 33
Nom de la monnaie (natif) euro
Nom*** TRIAL ***naie (Anglais) *** TRIAL ***
Sym*** TRIAL *** monnaie (natif) *** TRIAL ***
Sym*** TRIAL *** monnaie (ISO 4217) *** TRIAL ***
Format de la monnaie 123 456 789,00
For*** TRIAL ***f de la monnaie -12*** TRIAL ***00
For*** TRIAL ***
Format de l'heure HH:mm:ss
Déterminant du format de l'heure Format 24-heures
Format court pour la date dd/MM/yyyy
For*** TRIAL ***our la date ddd*** TRIAL ***yyy
Séparateur pour la date /
For*** TRIAL ***mbres 123*** TRIAL ***0
Format des nombres négatifs -123 456 789,00
For*** TRIAL ***stes Pre*** TRIAL ***de;Troisième;
Chiffres 0123456789
Jour de la semaine
Nom local pour Monday lundi / lun.
Nom local pour Tuesday mardi / mar.
Nom*** TRIAL ***r Wednesday mer*** TRIAL ***r.
Nom*** TRIAL ***r Thursday jeu*** TRIAL ***
Nom*** TRIAL ***r Friday ven*** TRIAL ***n.
Nom local pour Saturday samedi / sam.
Nom*** TRIAL ***r Sunday dim*** TRIAL ***m.
*** TRIAL ***
Nom local pour January janvier / janv.
Nom*** TRIAL ***r February fév*** TRIAL ***r.
Nom local pour March mars / mars
Nom local pour April avril / avr.
Nom*** TRIAL ***r May mai*** TRIAL ***
Nom local pour June juin / juin
Nom local pour July juillet / juil.
Nom*** TRIAL ***r August aoû*** TRIAL ***
Nom local pour September septembre / sept.
Nom*** TRIAL ***r October oct*** TRIAL ***.
Nom*** TRIAL ***r November nov*** TRIAL ***v.
Nom local pour December décembre / déc.
Typ*** TRIAL ***drier Gré*** TRIAL ***ocalisé
Taille du papier par défaut A4
Sys*** TRIAL ***que Mét*** TRIAL ***
Page code 1252
Page code OEM par défaut 850
Page code EBCDIC par défaut 20297
Sys*** TRIAL ***
Fuseau Horaire
Nom*** TRIAL *** Par*** TRIAL ***
Day*** TRIAL *** Par*** TRIAL *** (heure d été)
Changement horaire d'hiver Dernier dimanche de octobre, 3:00:00 AM
Cha*** TRIAL ***raire d'été Der*** TRIAL ***che de mars, 2:00:00 AM
Nom de la langue (natif) Français (France)
Nom de la Langue (Anglais) French
Nom*** TRIAL ***gue (ISO 639) *** TRIAL ***
Nom*** TRIAL ***natif) Fra*** TRIAL ***
Nom*** TRIAL ***Anglais) Fra*** TRIAL ***
Nom du pays (ISO 3116) FRA
Cod*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL ***
Nom de la monnaie (natif) euro
Nom*** TRIAL ***naie (Anglais) *** TRIAL ***
Symbole de la monnaie (natif) ¬
Sym*** TRIAL *** monnaie (ISO 4217) *** TRIAL ***
For*** TRIAL ***monnaie 123*** TRIAL ***0
For*** TRIAL ***f de la monnaie -12*** TRIAL ***00
For*** TRIAL ***eure HH:*** TRIAL ***
Dét*** TRIAL ***u format de l'heure For*** TRIAL ***res
Format court pour la date dd/MM/yyyy
For*** TRIAL ***our la date ddd*** TRIAL ***yyy
Séparateur pour la date /
For*** TRIAL ***mbres 123*** TRIAL ***0
For*** TRIAL ***mbres négatifs -12*** TRIAL ***00
For*** TRIAL ***stes Pre*** TRIAL ***de;Troisième;
Chi*** TRIAL *** 012*** TRIAL ***
Jour de la semaine
Nom*** TRIAL ***r Monday lun*** TRIAL ***
Nom*** TRIAL ***r Tuesday mar*** TRIAL ***
Nom*** TRIAL ***r Wednesday mer*** TRIAL ***r.
Nom local pour Thursday jeudi / jeu.
Nom local pour Friday vendredi / ven.
Nom*** TRIAL ***r Saturday sam*** TRIAL ***
Nom*** TRIAL ***r Sunday dim*** TRIAL ***m.
*** TRIAL ***
Nom local pour January janvier / janv.
Nom local pour February février / févr.
Nom*** TRIAL ***r March mar*** TRIAL ***
Nom*** TRIAL ***r April avr*** TRIAL ***
Nom local pour May mai / mai
Nom local pour June juin / juin
Nom*** TRIAL ***r July jui*** TRIAL ***l.
Nom*** TRIAL ***r August aoû*** TRIAL ***
Nom*** TRIAL ***r September sep*** TRIAL ***ept.
Nom local pour October octobre / oct.
Nom local pour November novembre / nov.
Nom local pour December décembre / déc.
Div*** TRIAL ***
Type de calendrier Grégorien - Localisé
Tai*** TRIAL ***ier par défaut *** TRIAL ***
Système métrique Métrique
Pag*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL ***
Page code OEM par défaut 850
Page code EBCDIC par défaut 20297
Sys*** TRIAL ***éfaut
Fuseau Horaire
Nom*** TRIAL *** Par*** TRIAL ***
Daylight Name Paris, Madrid (heure d été)
Changement horaire d'hiver Dernier dimanche de octobre, 3:00:00 AM
Cha*** TRIAL ***raire d'été Der*** TRIAL ***che de mars, 2:00:00 AM
Lan*** TRIAL ***
Nom*** TRIAL ***gue (natif) Fra*** TRIAL ***nce)
Nom de la Langue (Anglais) French
Nom*** TRIAL ***gue (ISO 639) *** TRIAL ***
Nom du pays (natif) France
Nom du pays (Anglais) France
Nom du pays (ISO 3116) FRA
Code Pays 33
Nom de la monnaie (natif) euro
Nom de la monnaie (Anglais) Euro
Symbole de la monnaie (natif) ¬
Symbole de la monnaie (ISO 4217) EUR
Format de la monnaie 123 456 789,00
For*** TRIAL ***f de la monnaie -12*** TRIAL ***00
Format de l'heure HH:mm:ss
Déterminant du format de l'heure Format 24-heures
Format court pour la date dd/MM/yyyy
Format long pour la date dddd d MMMM yyyy
Séparateur pour la date /
For*** TRIAL ***mbres 123*** TRIAL ***0
For*** TRIAL ***mbres négatifs -12*** TRIAL ***00
For*** TRIAL ***stes Pre*** TRIAL ***de;Troisième;
Chiffres 0123456789
Jour de la semaine
Nom*** TRIAL ***r Monday lun*** TRIAL ***
Nom local pour Tuesday mardi / mar.
Nom local pour Wednesday mercredi / mer.
Nom local pour Thursday jeudi / jeu.
Nom*** TRIAL ***r Friday ven*** TRIAL ***n.
Nom*** TRIAL ***r Saturday sam*** TRIAL ***
Nom*** TRIAL ***r Sunday dim*** TRIAL ***m.
*** TRIAL ***
Nom*** TRIAL ***r January jan*** TRIAL ***v.
Nom local pour February février / févr.
Nom local pour March mars / mars
Nom local pour April avril / avr.
Nom local pour May mai / mai
Nom local pour June juin / juin
Nom*** TRIAL ***r July jui*** TRIAL ***l.
Nom*** TRIAL ***r August aoû*** TRIAL ***
Nom*** TRIAL ***r September sep*** TRIAL ***ept.
Nom local pour October octobre / oct.
Nom*** TRIAL ***r November nov*** TRIAL ***v.
Nom*** TRIAL ***r December déc*** TRIAL ***c.
Div*** TRIAL ***
Type de calendrier Grégorien - Localisé
Taille du papier par défaut A4
Système métrique Métrique
Page code 1252
Pag*** TRIAL *** par défaut *** TRIAL ***
Page code EBCDIC par défaut 20297
Cla*** TRIAL ***
Lan*** TRIAL ***faut Fre*** TRIAL ***
Langue Français
Fic*** TRIAL ***sposition KBD*** TRIAL ***
Nom de l'affichage de la disposition Français
Pag*** TRIAL *** installées
*** TRIAL *** 37 *** TRIAL ***CDIC - États-Unis/Canada)
437 437 (OEM - États-Unis)
*** TRIAL *** 500*** TRIAL ***CDIC - international)
708 708 (arabe - ASMO)
*** TRIAL *** 720*** TRIAL ***- ASMO transparent)
*** TRIAL *** 737*** TRIAL ***grec 437G)
*** TRIAL *** 775*** TRIAL ***baltique)
850 850 (OEM - latin multilingue I)
*** TRIAL *** 852*** TRIAL ***latin II)
855 855 (OEM - cyrillique)
857 857 (OEM - turc)
858 858 (OEM - latin multilingue I + Euro)
*** TRIAL *** 860*** TRIAL ***portugais)
*** TRIAL *** 861*** TRIAL ***islandais)
*** TRIAL *** 862*** TRIAL ***hébreu)
*** TRIAL *** 863*** TRIAL ***canadien français)
*** TRIAL *** 864*** TRIAL ***arabe)
*** TRIAL *** 865*** TRIAL ***nordique)
866 866 (OEM - russe)
*** TRIAL *** 869*** TRIAL ***grec moderne)
870 870 (IBM EBCDIC - multilingue/ROECE (latin-2))
*** TRIAL *** 874*** TRIAL ***EM - thaï)
875 875 (IBM EBCDIC - grec moderne)
932 932 (ANSI/OEM - japonais décalage JIS)
*** TRIAL *** 936*** TRIAL ***EM - chinois simplifié GBK)
949 949 (ANSI/OEM - coréen)
*** TRIAL *** 950*** TRIAL ***EM - chinois traditionnel Big5)
1026 1026 (IBM EBCDIC - Turc (Latin-5))
*** TRIAL *** 104*** TRIAL ***DIC - Latin-1/système ouvert)
*** TRIAL *** 114*** TRIAL ***CDIC - É.U./Canada (37 + Euro))
*** TRIAL *** 114*** TRIAL ***CDIC - Allemagne (20273 + Euro))
*** TRIAL *** 114*** TRIAL ***CDIC - Danemark/Norvège (20277 + Euro))
1143 1143 (IBM EBCDIC - Finlande/Suède (20278 + Euro))
1144 1144 (IBM EBCDIC - Italie (20280 + Euro))
*** TRIAL *** 114*** TRIAL ***CDIC - Amérique Latine/Espagne (20284 + Euro))
*** TRIAL *** 114*** TRIAL ***DIC - Royaume-Uni (20285 + Euro))
1148 1148 (IBM EBCDIC - International (500 + Euro))
*** TRIAL *** 114*** TRIAL ***CDIC - Islandais (20871 + Euro))
*** TRIAL *** 125*** TRIAL *** Europe centrale)
*** TRIAL *** 125*** TRIAL *** cyrillique)
*** TRIAL *** 125*** TRIAL *** latin I)
*** TRIAL *** 125*** TRIAL *** grec)
*** TRIAL *** 125*** TRIAL *** turc)
*** TRIAL *** 125*** TRIAL *** hébreu)
*** TRIAL *** 125*** TRIAL *** arabe)
*** TRIAL *** 125*** TRIAL *** baltique)
1258 1258 (ANSI/OEM - Vietnam)
1361 1361 (coréen - Johab)
*** TRIAL *** 100*** TRIAL ***romain)
10001 10001 (MAC - japonais)
10002 10002 (MAC - chinois traditionnel Big5)
*** TRIAL *** 100*** TRIAL ***coréen)
*** TRIAL *** 100*** TRIAL ***arabe)
*** TRIAL *** 100*** TRIAL ***hébreu)
10006 10006 (MAC - grec I)
*** TRIAL *** 100*** TRIAL ***cyrillique)
*** TRIAL *** 100*** TRIAL ***chinois simplifié GB 2312)
*** TRIAL *** 100*** TRIAL ***Roumanie)
*** TRIAL *** 100*** TRIAL ***Ukraine)
10021 10021 (MAC - thaï)
*** TRIAL *** 100*** TRIAL ***latin II)
10079 10079 (MAC - islandais)
10081 10081 (MAC - turc)
10082 10082 (MAC - croate)
20000 20000 (CNS - Taïwan)
20001 20001 (TCA - Taïwan)
20002 20002 (Eten - Taïwan)
20003 20003 (IBM5550 - Taïwan)
20004 20004 (TeleText - Taïwan)
*** TRIAL *** 200*** TRIAL *** Taïwan)
20105 20105 (IA5 IRV alphabet international No.5)
*** TRIAL *** 201*** TRIAL ***lemand)
*** TRIAL *** 201*** TRIAL ***édois)
20108 20108 (IA5 norvégien)
20127 20127 (ASCII - É-U.)
*** TRIAL *** 202*** TRIAL ***
*** TRIAL *** 202*** TRIAL ***37 accent sans espace)
20273 20273 (IBM EBCDIC - Allemagne)
20277 20277 (IBM EBCDIC - Danemark/Norvège)
*** TRIAL *** 202*** TRIAL ***CDIC - Finlande/Suède)
20280 20280 (IBM EBCDIC - Italie)
20284 20284 (IBM EBCDIC - Amérique latine/Espagne)
*** TRIAL *** 202*** TRIAL ***CDIC - Royaume Uni)
20290 20290 (IBM EBCDIC - japonais Katakana étendu)
20297 20297 (IBM EBCDIC - France)
*** TRIAL *** 204*** TRIAL ***CDIC - arabe)
20423 20423 (IBM EBCDIC - grec)
20424 20424 (IBM EBCDIC - hébreu)
*** TRIAL *** 208*** TRIAL ***CDIC - coréen étendu)
20838 20838 (IBM EBCDIC - thaï)
20866 20866 (russe - KOI8)
*** TRIAL *** 208*** TRIAL ***CDIC - islandais)
20880 20880 (IBM EBCDIC - cyrillique (russe))
*** TRIAL *** 209*** TRIAL ***CDIC - turc)
20924 20924 (IBM EBCDIC - Latin-1/Système ouvert (1047 + Euro))
20932 20932 (JIS X 0208-1990 0212-1990)
*** TRIAL *** 209*** TRIAL ***s simplifié GB2312)
21025 21025 (IBM EBCDIC - cyrillique (serbe, bulgare))
*** TRIAL *** 210*** TRIAL ***ules alpha étendues)
21866 21866 (ukrainien - KOI8-U)
28591 28591 (ISO 8859-1 latin I)
28592 28592 (ISO 8859-2 Europe centrale)
*** TRIAL *** 285*** TRIAL ***59-3 latin 3)
28594 28594 (ISO 8859-4 baltique)
28595 28595 (ISO 8859-5 cyrillique)
28596 28596 (ISO 8859-6 arabe)
28597 28597 (ISO 8859-7 grec)
28598 28598 (ISO 8859-8 hébreu : ordre visuel)
28599 28599 (ISO 8859-9 latin 5)
*** TRIAL *** 286*** TRIAL ***59-13 Latin 7)
*** TRIAL *** 286*** TRIAL ***59-15 latin 9)
*** TRIAL *** 385*** TRIAL ***59-8 hébreu : tri logique)
50220 50220 (ISO-2022 japonais sans Katakana demi largeur)
*** TRIAL *** 502*** TRIAL ***22 japonais avec Katakana demi largeur)
50222 50222 (ISO-2022 japonais JIS X 0201-1989)
*** TRIAL *** 502*** TRIAL ***22 coréen)
*** TRIAL *** 502*** TRIAL ***22 chinois simplifié)
50229 50229 (ISO-2022 chinois traditionnel)
51949 51949 (EUC-coréen)
52936 52936 (HZ-GB2312 chinois simplifié)
*** TRIAL *** 549*** TRIAL ***s simplifié GB 18030)
*** TRIAL *** 550*** TRIAL *** SMS GSM)
*** TRIAL *** 550*** TRIAL ***ol 7 bits SMS GSM)
55002 55002 (portugais 7 bits SMS GSM)
55003 55003 (turc 7 bits SMS GSM)
*** TRIAL *** 550*** TRIAL *** bits SMS GSM)
*** TRIAL *** 570*** TRIAL ***- dévanâgari)
57003 57003 (ISCII - bengali)
*** TRIAL *** 570*** TRIAL ***- tamoul)
57005 57005 (ISCII - télougou)
*** TRIAL *** 570*** TRIAL ***- assamais)
*** TRIAL *** 570*** TRIAL ***- odia (oriya))
57008 57008 (ISCII - kannada)
*** TRIAL *** 570*** TRIAL ***- malayalam)
57010 57010 (ISCII - gujarati)
57011 57011 (ISCII - pendjabi (gurmukhi))
*** TRIAL *** 650*** TRIAL ***
65001 65001 (UTF-8)
Pages de code supporté
*** TRIAL *** 37 *** TRIAL ***CDIC - États-Unis/Canada)
437 437 (OEM - États-Unis)
500 500 (IBM EBCDIC - international)
*** TRIAL *** 708*** TRIAL ***- ASMO)
*** TRIAL *** 720*** TRIAL ***- ASMO transparent)
*** TRIAL *** 737*** TRIAL ***grec 437G)
775 775 (OEM - baltique)
850 850 (OEM - latin multilingue I)
852 852 (OEM - latin II)
*** TRIAL *** 855*** TRIAL ***cyrillique)
*** TRIAL *** 857*** TRIAL ***turc)
*** TRIAL *** 858*** TRIAL ***latin multilingue I + Euro)
*** TRIAL *** 860*** TRIAL ***portugais)
861 861 (OEM - islandais)
862 862 (OEM - hébreu)
863 863 (OEM - canadien français)
*** TRIAL *** 864*** TRIAL ***arabe)
*** TRIAL *** 865*** TRIAL ***nordique)
866 866 (OEM - russe)
*** TRIAL *** 869*** TRIAL ***grec moderne)
*** TRIAL *** 870*** TRIAL ***CDIC - multilingue/ROECE (latin-2))
874 874 (ANSI/OEM - thaï)
875 875 (IBM EBCDIC - grec moderne)
*** TRIAL *** 932*** TRIAL ***EM - japonais décalage JIS)
936 936 (ANSI/OEM - chinois simplifié GBK)
*** TRIAL *** 949*** TRIAL ***EM - coréen)
*** TRIAL *** 950*** TRIAL ***EM - chinois traditionnel Big5)
1026 1026 (IBM EBCDIC - Turc (Latin-5))
1047 1047 (IBM EBCDIC - Latin-1/système ouvert)
*** TRIAL *** 114*** TRIAL ***CDIC - É.U./Canada (37 + Euro))
1141 1141 (IBM EBCDIC - Allemagne (20273 + Euro))
*** TRIAL *** 114*** TRIAL ***CDIC - Danemark/Norvège (20277 + Euro))
*** TRIAL *** 114*** TRIAL ***CDIC - Finlande/Suède (20278 + Euro))
1144 1144 (IBM EBCDIC - Italie (20280 + Euro))
1145 1145 (IBM EBCDIC - Amérique Latine/Espagne (20284 + Euro))
*** TRIAL *** 114*** TRIAL ***DIC - Royaume-Uni (20285 + Euro))
1148 1148 (IBM EBCDIC - International (500 + Euro))
1149 1149 (IBM EBCDIC - Islandais (20871 + Euro))
*** TRIAL *** 125*** TRIAL *** Europe centrale)
1251 1251 (ANSI - cyrillique)
1252 1252 (ANSI - latin I)
1253 1253 (ANSI - grec)
1254 1254 (ANSI - turc)
*** TRIAL *** 125*** TRIAL *** hébreu)
*** TRIAL *** 125*** TRIAL *** arabe)
*** TRIAL *** 125*** TRIAL *** baltique)
*** TRIAL *** 125*** TRIAL ***EM - Vietnam)
1361 1361 (coréen - Johab)
*** TRIAL *** 100*** TRIAL ***romain)
10001 10001 (MAC - japonais)
*** TRIAL *** 100*** TRIAL ***chinois traditionnel Big5)
*** TRIAL *** 100*** TRIAL ***coréen)
*** TRIAL *** 100*** TRIAL ***arabe)
*** TRIAL *** 100*** TRIAL ***hébreu)
10006 10006 (MAC - grec I)
*** TRIAL *** 100*** TRIAL ***cyrillique)
*** TRIAL *** 100*** TRIAL ***chinois simplifié GB 2312)
10010 10010 (MAC - Roumanie)
*** TRIAL *** 100*** TRIAL ***Ukraine)
10021 10021 (MAC - thaï)
10029 10029 (MAC - latin II)
*** TRIAL *** 100*** TRIAL ***islandais)
10081 10081 (MAC - turc)
*** TRIAL *** 100*** TRIAL ***croate)
20000 20000 (CNS - Taïwan)
20001 20001 (TCA - Taïwan)
20002 20002 (Eten - Taïwan)
20003 20003 (IBM5550 - Taïwan)
20004 20004 (TeleText - Taïwan)
*** TRIAL *** 200*** TRIAL *** Taïwan)
*** TRIAL *** 201*** TRIAL ***V alphabet international No.5)
*** TRIAL *** 201*** TRIAL ***lemand)
*** TRIAL *** 201*** TRIAL ***édois)
20108 20108 (IA5 norvégien)
20127 20127 (ASCII - É-U.)
*** TRIAL *** 202*** TRIAL ***
*** TRIAL *** 202*** TRIAL ***37 accent sans espace)
*** TRIAL *** 202*** TRIAL ***CDIC - Allemagne)
20277 20277 (IBM EBCDIC - Danemark/Norvège)
*** TRIAL *** 202*** TRIAL ***CDIC - Finlande/Suède)
20280 20280 (IBM EBCDIC - Italie)
*** TRIAL *** 202*** TRIAL ***CDIC - Amérique latine/Espagne)
20285 20285 (IBM EBCDIC - Royaume Uni)
20290 20290 (IBM EBCDIC - japonais Katakana étendu)
20297 20297 (IBM EBCDIC - France)
20420 20420 (IBM EBCDIC - arabe)
*** TRIAL *** 204*** TRIAL ***CDIC - grec)
20424 20424 (IBM EBCDIC - hébreu)
20833 20833 (IBM EBCDIC - coréen étendu)
*** TRIAL *** 208*** TRIAL ***CDIC - thaï)
*** TRIAL *** 208*** TRIAL ***- KOI8)
20871 20871 (IBM EBCDIC - islandais)
20880 20880 (IBM EBCDIC - cyrillique (russe))
20905 20905 (IBM EBCDIC - turc)
20924 20924 (IBM EBCDIC - Latin-1/Système ouvert (1047 + Euro))
20932 20932 (JIS X 0208-1990 0212-1990)
20936 20936 (chinois simplifié GB2312)
21025 21025 (IBM EBCDIC - cyrillique (serbe, bulgare))
21027 21027 (minuscules alpha étendues)
21866 21866 (ukrainien - KOI8-U)
28591 28591 (ISO 8859-1 latin I)
28592 28592 (ISO 8859-2 Europe centrale)
*** TRIAL *** 285*** TRIAL ***59-3 latin 3)
28594 28594 (ISO 8859-4 baltique)
*** TRIAL *** 285*** TRIAL ***59-5 cyrillique)
28596 28596 (ISO 8859-6 arabe)
*** TRIAL *** 285*** TRIAL ***59-7 grec)
28598 28598 (ISO 8859-8 hébreu : ordre visuel)
28599 28599 (ISO 8859-9 latin 5)
28603 28603 (ISO 8859-13 Latin 7)
*** TRIAL *** 286*** TRIAL ***59-15 latin 9)
38598 38598 (ISO 8859-8 hébreu : tri logique)
*** TRIAL *** 502*** TRIAL ***22 japonais sans Katakana demi largeur)
50221 50220 (ISO-2022 japonais avec Katakana demi largeur)
*** TRIAL *** 502*** TRIAL ***22 japonais JIS X 0201-1989)
*** TRIAL *** 502*** TRIAL ***22 coréen)
*** TRIAL *** 502*** TRIAL ***22 chinois simplifié)
50229 50229 (ISO-2022 chinois traditionnel)
*** TRIAL *** 519*** TRIAL ***réen)
*** TRIAL *** 529*** TRIAL ***312 chinois simplifié)
54936 54936 (chinois simplifié GB 18030)
*** TRIAL *** 550*** TRIAL *** SMS GSM)
55001 55001 (espagnol 7 bits SMS GSM)
55002 55002 (portugais 7 bits SMS GSM)
*** TRIAL *** 550*** TRIAL *** bits SMS GSM)
55004 55004 (grec 7 bits SMS GSM)
*** TRIAL *** 570*** TRIAL ***- dévanâgari)
*** TRIAL *** 570*** TRIAL ***- bengali)
57004 57004 (ISCII - tamoul)
57005 57005 (ISCII - télougou)
*** TRIAL *** 570*** TRIAL ***- assamais)
57007 57007 (ISCII - odia (oriya))
*** TRIAL *** 570*** TRIAL ***- kannada)
*** TRIAL *** 570*** TRIAL ***- malayalam)
*** TRIAL *** 570*** TRIAL ***- gujarati)
*** TRIAL *** 570*** TRIAL ***- pendjabi (gurmukhi))
*** TRIAL *** 650*** TRIAL ***
65001 65001 (UTF-8)

---------- [Processus en cours d'exécution] --------------------
PID Nom de l'image Version Nom Type PID parent Tâches Priorité Titre Windows Date de Création Temps de Fontionnement Temps Kernel Temps Utilisateur Taille Nom du fichier et Chemin Ligne de commande avec des paramètres
*** TRIAL *** [Sy*** TRIAL ***ss] *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL ***
*** TRIAL *** Sys*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** 1,2*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL ***
*** TRIAL *** Reg*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** 71,*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL ***
392 smss.exe 10.0.19041.964 Gestionnaire de sessions Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® 64-bit 4 2 11 1,208,320 C:\Windows\System32\smss.exe
*** TRIAL *** svc*** TRIAL *** 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pro*** TRIAL ***e pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® 64-*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** 202*** TRIAL ***:17:02 (lundi 18 juillet 2022) 0d *** TRIAL ***s 0h *** TRIAL *** 0h *** TRIAL *** 14,*** TRIAL *** C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe -k RPCSS -p
556*** TRIAL *** Run*** TRIAL ***.exe 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Run*** TRIAL ***r / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System 64-*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** 202*** TRIAL ***:18:23 (lundi 18 juillet 2022) 0d *** TRIAL ***s 0h *** TRIAL *** 0h *** TRIAL *** 7,9*** TRIAL *** C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\RuntimeBroker.exe C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\RuntimeBroker.exe -Embedding
*** TRIAL *** csr*** TRIAL *** 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pro*** TRIAL ***xécution client-serveur / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® 64-*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** 5,4*** TRIAL *** C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\csrss.exe *** TRIAL ***
*** TRIAL *** win*** TRIAL *** 10.*** TRIAL ***02 App*** TRIAL ***e démarrage de Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® 64-*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** 7,1*** TRIAL *** C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\wininit.exe *** TRIAL ***
664 csrss.exe 10.0.19041.546 Processus d exécution client-serveur / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® 64-bit 648 13 13 5,521,408 C:\Windows\System32\csrss.exe
728*** TRIAL *** ser*** TRIAL *** 10.*** TRIAL ***8 App*** TRIAL ***Services et Contrôleur / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® 64-*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** 10,*** TRIAL *** C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\services.exe *** TRIAL ***
764*** TRIAL *** win*** TRIAL *** 10.*** TRIAL ***66 App*** TRIAL *** ouverture de session Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® 64-*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** 202*** TRIAL ***:17:01 (lundi 18 juillet 2022) 0d *** TRIAL ***s 0h *** TRIAL *** 0h *** TRIAL *** 11,*** TRIAL *** C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\winlogon.exe win*** TRIAL ***
796*** TRIAL *** lsa*** TRIAL *** 10.*** TRIAL ***66 Loc*** TRIAL ***y Authority Process / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System 64-*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** 202*** TRIAL ***:17:01 (lundi 18 juillet 2022) 0d *** TRIAL ***s 0h *** TRIAL *** 0h *** TRIAL *** 19,*** TRIAL *** C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\lsass.exe C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\lsass.exe
860*** TRIAL *** svc*** TRIAL *** 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pro*** TRIAL ***e pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® 64-*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** 202*** TRIAL ***:17:02 (lundi 18 juillet 2022) 0d *** TRIAL ***s 0h *** TRIAL *** 0h *** TRIAL *** 8,4*** TRIAL *** C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe -k DcomLaunch -p -s LSM
872*** TRIAL *** svc*** TRIAL *** 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pro*** TRIAL ***e pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® 64-*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** 202*** TRIAL ***:17:02 (lundi 18 juillet 2022) 0d *** TRIAL ***s 0h *** TRIAL *** 0h *** TRIAL *** 7,9*** TRIAL *** C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe -k LocalServiceNetworkRestricted -p -s Dhcp
948 svchost.exe 10.0.19041.546 Processus hôte pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® 64-bit 728 17 8 2022-07-18 14:17:01 (lundi 18 juillet 2022) 0d 00h 09m 34s 0h 00m 01s 0h 00m 00s 26,505,216 C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe C:\WINDOWS\system32\svchost.exe -k DcomLaunch -p
*** TRIAL *** fon*** TRIAL ***xe 10.*** TRIAL ***65 Use*** TRIAL *** Driver Host / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System 64-*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** 202*** TRIAL ***:17:02 (lundi 18 juillet 2022) 0d *** TRIAL ***s 0h *** TRIAL *** 0h *** TRIAL *** 3,4*** TRIAL *** C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\fontdrvhost.exe "fo*** TRIAL ***exe"
980*** TRIAL *** fon*** TRIAL ***xe 10.*** TRIAL ***65 Use*** TRIAL *** Driver Host / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System 64-*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** 202*** TRIAL ***:17:02 (lundi 18 juillet 2022) 0d *** TRIAL ***s 0h *** TRIAL *** 0h *** TRIAL *** 5,8*** TRIAL *** C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\fontdrvhost.exe "fo*** TRIAL ***exe"
*** TRIAL *** svc*** TRIAL *** 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pro*** TRIAL ***e pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® 64-*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** 202*** TRIAL ***:23:59 (lundi 18 juillet 2022) 0d *** TRIAL ***s 0h *** TRIAL *** 0h *** TRIAL *** 23,*** TRIAL *** C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe -k netsvcs -p -s BITS
1056 dwm.exe 10.0.19041.746 Gestionnaire de fenêtres du Bureau / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® 64-bit 764 21 13 2022-07-18 14:17:02 (lundi 18 juillet 2022) 0d 00h 09m 33s 0h 00m 01s 0h 00m 04s 70,930,432 C:\Windows\System32\dwm.exe "dwm.exe"
*** TRIAL *** svc*** TRIAL *** 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pro*** TRIAL ***e pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® 64-*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** 202*** TRIAL ***:17:02 (lundi 18 juillet 2022) 0d *** TRIAL ***s 0h *** TRIAL *** 0h *** TRIAL *** 7,9*** TRIAL *** C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe -k netsvcs -p -s gpsvc
*** TRIAL *** svc*** TRIAL *** 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pro*** TRIAL ***e pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® 64-*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** 202*** TRIAL ***:17:02 (lundi 18 juillet 2022) 0d *** TRIAL ***s 0h *** TRIAL *** 0h *** TRIAL *** 17,*** TRIAL *** C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe -k netsvcs -p -s DsmSvc
1176 svchost.exe 10.0.19041.546 Processus hôte pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® 64-bit 728 7 8 2022-07-18 14:17:02 (lundi 18 juillet 2022) 0d 00h 09m 33s 0h 00m 00s 0h 00m 00s 16,793,600 C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe C:\WINDOWS\system32\svchost.exe -k netsvcs -p -s wlidsvc
*** TRIAL *** svc*** TRIAL *** 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pro*** TRIAL ***e pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® 64-*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** 9,3*** TRIAL *** C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe *** TRIAL ***
*** TRIAL *** mse*** TRIAL *** 92.*** TRIAL *** Mic*** TRIAL ***e 64-*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** Tha*** TRIAL *** installing SIW Trial Version - Profil 1  Microsoft Edge 202*** TRIAL ***:25:25 (lundi 18 juillet 2022) 0d *** TRIAL ***s 0h *** TRIAL *** 0h *** TRIAL *** 123*** TRIAL *** C:\*** TRIAL ***les (x86)\Microsoft\Edge\Application\msedge.exe "C:*** TRIAL ***iles (x86)\Microsoft\Edge\Application\msedge.exe" --edge-redirect=Windows.Protocol https://www.gtopala.com/thank-you/siw-trial-install.php?ver=2022.05.21i
*** TRIAL *** Run*** TRIAL ***.exe 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Run*** TRIAL ***r / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System 64-*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** 202*** TRIAL ***:21:45 (lundi 18 juillet 2022) 0d *** TRIAL ***s 0h *** TRIAL *** 0h *** TRIAL *** 15,*** TRIAL *** C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\RuntimeBroker.exe C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\RuntimeBroker.exe -Embedding
1296*** TRIAL *** svc*** TRIAL *** 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pro*** TRIAL ***e pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® 64-*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** 202*** TRIAL ***:17:02 (lundi 18 juillet 2022) 0d *** TRIAL ***s 0h *** TRIAL *** 0h *** TRIAL *** 10,*** TRIAL *** C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe -k LocalSystemNetworkRestricted -p -s NcbService
1360*** TRIAL *** svc*** TRIAL *** 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pro*** TRIAL ***e pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® 64-*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** 202*** TRIAL ***:17:02 (lundi 18 juillet 2022) 0d *** TRIAL ***s 0h *** TRIAL *** 0h *** TRIAL *** 16,*** TRIAL *** C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe -k netsvcs -p -s Schedule
1380*** TRIAL *** svc*** TRIAL *** 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pro*** TRIAL ***e pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® 64-*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** 202*** TRIAL ***:17:02 (lundi 18 juillet 2022) 0d *** TRIAL ***s 0h *** TRIAL *** 0h *** TRIAL *** 6,6*** TRIAL *** C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe -k LocalSystemNetworkRestricted -p -s hidserv
1400*** TRIAL *** mse*** TRIAL *** 92.*** TRIAL *** Mic*** TRIAL ***e 64-*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** 202*** TRIAL ***:25:25 (lundi 18 juillet 2022) 0d *** TRIAL ***s 0h *** TRIAL *** 0h *** TRIAL *** 7,6*** TRIAL *** C:\*** TRIAL ***les (x86)\Microsoft\Edge\Application\msedge.exe "C:*** TRIAL ***iles (x86)\Microsoft\Edge\Application\msedge.exe" --type=crashpad-handler "--user-data-dir=C:\Users\ARROW\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data" /prefetch:7 --monitor-self-annotation=ptype=crashpad-handler "--database=C:\Users\ARROW\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Crashpad" "--metrics-dir=C:\Users\ARROW\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data" --annotation=IsOfficialBuild=1 --annotation=channel= --annotation=chromium-version=92.0.4515.131 "--annotation=exe=C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft\Edge\Application\msedge.exe" --annotation=plat=Win64 "--annotation=prod=Microsoft Edge" --annotation=ver=92.0.902.67 --initial-client-data=0x104,0x108,0x10c,0xe0,0x110,0x7ffcf51146f8,0x7ffcf5114708,0x7ffcf5114718
1408*** TRIAL *** svc*** TRIAL *** 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pro*** TRIAL ***e pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® 64-*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** 202*** TRIAL ***:17:02 (lundi 18 juillet 2022) 0d *** TRIAL ***s 0h *** TRIAL *** 0h *** TRIAL *** 14,*** TRIAL *** C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe -k netsvcs -p -s ProfSvc
1556*** TRIAL *** svc*** TRIAL *** 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pro*** TRIAL ***e pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® 64-*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** 202*** TRIAL ***:17:02 (lundi 18 juillet 2022) 0d *** TRIAL ***s 0h *** TRIAL *** 0h *** TRIAL *** 20,*** TRIAL *** C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe -k netsvcs -p -s UserManager
1624*** TRIAL *** svc*** TRIAL *** 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pro*** TRIAL ***e pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® 64-*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** 202*** TRIAL ***:17:02 (lundi 18 juillet 2022) 0d *** TRIAL ***s 0h *** TRIAL *** 0h *** TRIAL *** 12,*** TRIAL *** C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe -k LocalServiceNetworkRestricted -p -s TimeBrokerSvc
1632 svchost.exe 10.0.19041.546 Processus hôte pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® 64-bit 728 2 8 2022-07-18 14:17:02 (lundi 18 juillet 2022) 0d 00h 09m 33s 0h 00m 00s 0h 00m 00s 6,307,840 C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe C:\WINDOWS\system32\svchost.exe -k LocalServiceNoNetwork -p
1640*** TRIAL *** svc*** TRIAL *** 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pro*** TRIAL ***e pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® 64-*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** 202*** TRIAL ***:17:02 (lundi 18 juillet 2022) 0d *** TRIAL ***s 0h *** TRIAL *** 0h *** TRIAL *** 21,*** TRIAL *** C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe -k LocalServiceNetworkRestricted -p -s EventLog
1760*** TRIAL *** svc*** TRIAL *** 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pro*** TRIAL ***e pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® 64-*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** 202*** TRIAL ***:17:02 (lundi 18 juillet 2022) 0d *** TRIAL ***s 0h *** TRIAL *** 0h *** TRIAL *** 14,*** TRIAL *** C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe -k LocalSystemNetworkRestricted -p -s SysMain
*** TRIAL *** svc*** TRIAL *** 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pro*** TRIAL ***e pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® 64-*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** 202*** TRIAL ***:17:02 (lundi 18 juillet 2022) 0d *** TRIAL ***s 0h *** TRIAL *** 0h *** TRIAL *** 6,0*** TRIAL *** C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe -k netsvcs -p -s Themes
1776*** TRIAL *** svc*** TRIAL *** 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pro*** TRIAL ***e pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® 64-*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** 202*** TRIAL ***:17:02 (lundi 18 juillet 2022) 0d *** TRIAL ***s 0h *** TRIAL *** 0h *** TRIAL *** 8,1*** TRIAL *** C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe -k LocalService -p -s EventSystem
1904 svchost.exe 10.0.19041.546 Processus hôte pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® 64-bit 728 4 8 2022-07-18 14:17:02 (lundi 18 juillet 2022) 0d 00h 09m 33s 0h 00m 00s 0h 00m 00s 8,364,032 C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe C:\WINDOWS\system32\svchost.exe -k netsvcs -p -s SENS
1916 svchost.exe 10.0.19041.546 Processus hôte pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® 64-bit 728 7 8 2022-07-18 14:17:18 (lundi 18 juillet 2022) 0d 00h 09m 17s 0h 00m 00s 0h 00m 00s 6,356,992 C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe C:\WINDOWS\System32\svchost.exe -k LocalSystemNetworkRestricted -p -s WdiSystemHost
1924*** TRIAL *** Mem*** TRIAL ***ssion *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** 925*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL ***
*** TRIAL *** svc*** TRIAL *** 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pro*** TRIAL ***e pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® 64-*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** 202*** TRIAL ***:17:02 (lundi 18 juillet 2022) 0d *** TRIAL ***s 0h *** TRIAL *** 0h *** TRIAL *** 8,7*** TRIAL *** C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe -k LocalService -p -s nsi
*** TRIAL *** svc*** TRIAL *** 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pro*** TRIAL ***e pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® 64-*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** 202*** TRIAL ***:17:02 (lundi 18 juillet 2022) 0d *** TRIAL ***s 0h *** TRIAL *** 0h *** TRIAL *** 8,4*** TRIAL *** C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe -k LocalSystemNetworkRestricted -p -s AudioEndpointBuilder
2012*** TRIAL *** svc*** TRIAL *** 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pro*** TRIAL ***e pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® 64-*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** 202*** TRIAL ***:17:02 (lundi 18 juillet 2022) 0d *** TRIAL ***s 0h *** TRIAL *** 0h *** TRIAL *** 8,7*** TRIAL *** C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe -k LocalService -p -s FontCache
2044 WmiPrvSE.exe 10.0.19041.546 WMI Provider Host / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System 64-bit 948 6 8 2022-07-18 14:20:02 (lundi 18 juillet 2022) 0d 00h 06m 33s 0h 00m 00s 0h 00m 00s 9,940,992 C:\Windows\System32\wbem\WmiPrvSE.exe C:\WINDOWS\system32\wbem\wmiprvse.exe
2112 svchost.exe 10.0.19041.546 Processus hôte pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® 64-bit 728 8 8 2022-07-18 14:17:02 (lundi 18 juillet 2022) 0d 00h 09m 33s 0h 00m 00s 0h 00m 00s 12,578,816 C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe C:\WINDOWS\System32\svchost.exe -k NetworkService -p -s NlaSvc
2156*** TRIAL *** svc*** TRIAL *** 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pro*** TRIAL ***e pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® 64-*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** 202*** TRIAL ***:17:02 (lundi 18 juillet 2022) 0d *** TRIAL ***s 0h *** TRIAL *** 0h *** TRIAL *** 7,4*** TRIAL *** C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe -k LocalService -p -s DispBrokerDesktopSvc
*** TRIAL *** svc*** TRIAL *** 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pro*** TRIAL ***e pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® 64-*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** 202*** TRIAL ***:17:02 (lundi 18 juillet 2022) 0d *** TRIAL ***s 0h *** TRIAL *** 0h *** TRIAL *** 9,8*** TRIAL *** C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe -k LocalService -p -s netprofm
2252*** TRIAL *** mse*** TRIAL *** 92.*** TRIAL *** Mic*** TRIAL ***e 64-*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** 202*** TRIAL ***:25:25 (lundi 18 juillet 2022) 0d *** TRIAL ***s 0h *** TRIAL *** 0h *** TRIAL *** 85,*** TRIAL *** C:\*** TRIAL ***les (x86)\Microsoft\Edge\Application\msedge.exe "C:*** TRIAL ***iles (x86)\Microsoft\Edge\Application\msedge.exe" --type=renderer --field-trial-handle=2100,17654263877333115262,6362316107471784554,131072 --lang=fr --disable-client-side-phishing-detection --device-scale-factor=1 --num-raster-threads=2 --enable-main-frame-before-activation --renderer-client-id=6 --no-v8-untrusted-code-mitigations --mojo-platform-channel-handle=3304 /prefetch:1
2336*** TRIAL *** svc*** TRIAL *** 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pro*** TRIAL ***e pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® 64-*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** 202*** TRIAL ***:17:02 (lundi 18 juillet 2022) 0d *** TRIAL ***s 0h *** TRIAL *** 0h *** TRIAL *** 14,*** TRIAL *** C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe -k LocalServiceNetworkRestricted -p
*** TRIAL *** svc*** TRIAL *** 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pro*** TRIAL ***e pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® 64-*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** 202*** TRIAL ***:17:03 (lundi 18 juillet 2022) 0d *** TRIAL ***s 0h *** TRIAL *** 0h *** TRIAL *** 8,7*** TRIAL *** C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe -k LocalServiceNetworkRestricted -s RmSvc
2468 dllhost.exe 10.0.19041.546 COM Surrogate / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System 64-bit 948 6 8 2022-07-18 14:24:17 (lundi 18 juillet 2022) 0d 00h 02m 18s 0h 00m 00s 0h 00m 00s 11,870,208 C:\Windows\System32\dllhost.exe C:\WINDOWS\system32\DllHost.exe /Processid:{973D20D7-562D-44B9-B70B-5A0F49CCDF3F}
2484 svchost.exe 10.0.19041.546 Processus hôte pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® 64-bit 728 20 8 2022-07-18 14:17:02 (lundi 18 juillet 2022) 0d 00h 09m 33s 0h 00m 00s 0h 00m 00s 8,654,848 C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe C:\WINDOWS\system32\svchost.exe -k NetworkService -p -s Dnscache
2492*** TRIAL *** svc*** TRIAL *** 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pro*** TRIAL ***e pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® 64-*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** 202*** TRIAL ***:17:02 (lundi 18 juillet 2022) 0d *** TRIAL ***s 0h *** TRIAL *** 0h *** TRIAL *** 6,9*** TRIAL *** C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe -k LocalServiceNetworkRestricted -p
2500 svchost.exe 10.0.19041.546 Processus hôte pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® 64-bit 728 8 8 2022-07-18 14:17:02 (lundi 18 juillet 2022) 0d 00h 09m 33s 0h 00m 00s 0h 00m 00s 10,317,824 C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe C:\WINDOWS\system32\svchost.exe -k LocalServiceNetworkRestricted -p
*** TRIAL *** svc*** TRIAL *** 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pro*** TRIAL ***e pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® 64-*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** 202*** TRIAL ***:17:02 (lundi 18 juillet 2022) 0d *** TRIAL ***s 0h *** TRIAL *** 0h *** TRIAL *** 15,*** TRIAL *** C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe -k appmodel -p -s StateRepository
2572 SearchProtocolHost.exe 7.0.19041.1151 Microsoft Windows Search Protocol Host / Windows® Search 64-bit 5684 7 4 2022-07-18 14:22:52 (lundi 18 juillet 2022) 0d 00h 03m 43s 0h 00m 00s 0h 00m 00s 20,905,984 C:\Windows\System32\SearchProtocolHost.exe "C:\WINDOWS\system32\SearchProtocolHost.exe" Global\UsGthrFltPipeMssGthrPipe1_ Global\UsGthrCtrlFltPipeMssGthrPipe1 1 -2147483646 "Software\Microsoft\Windows Search" "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT; MS Search 4.0 Robot)" "C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Search\Data\Temp\usgthrsvc" "DownLevelDaemon"
2584*** TRIAL *** Sys*** TRIAL ***s.exe 10.*** TRIAL ***02 Par*** TRIAL ***Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® 64-*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** Par*** TRIAL *** 202*** TRIAL ***:18:33 (lundi 18 juillet 2022) 0d *** TRIAL ***s 0h *** TRIAL *** 0h *** TRIAL *** 15,*** TRIAL *** C:\*** TRIAL ***mersiveControlPanel\SystemSettings.exe "C:*** TRIAL ***mmersiveControlPanel\SystemSettings.exe" -ServerName:microsoft.windows.immersivecontrolpanel
2664 GoogleUpdate.exe Programme d'installation de Google / Google Update 32-bit 1360 5 4 2022-07-18 14:20:02 (lundi 18 juillet 2022) 0d 00h 06m 33s 0h 00m 00s 0h 00m 00s 2,097,152 C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Update\GoogleUpdate.exe "C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Update\GoogleUpdate.exe" /c
2668*** TRIAL *** svc*** TRIAL *** 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pro*** TRIAL ***e pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® 64-*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** 202*** TRIAL ***:17:02 (lundi 18 juillet 2022) 0d *** TRIAL ***s 0h *** TRIAL *** 0h *** TRIAL *** 7,7*** TRIAL *** C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe -k LocalServiceNetworkRestricted -p -s WinHttpAutoProxySvc
2744*** TRIAL *** svc*** TRIAL *** 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pro*** TRIAL ***e pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® 64-*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** 202*** TRIAL ***:17:02 (lundi 18 juillet 2022) 0d *** TRIAL ***s 0h *** TRIAL *** 0h *** TRIAL *** 16,*** TRIAL *** C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe -k LocalSystemNetworkRestricted -p
*** TRIAL *** svc*** TRIAL *** 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pro*** TRIAL ***e pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® 64-*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** 202*** TRIAL ***:17:03 (lundi 18 juillet 2022) 0d *** TRIAL ***s 0h *** TRIAL *** 0h *** TRIAL *** 14,*** TRIAL *** C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe -k NetworkService -p -s CryptSvc
2820*** TRIAL *** svc*** TRIAL *** 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pro*** TRIAL ***e pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® 64-*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** 202*** TRIAL ***:17:02 (lundi 18 juillet 2022) 0d *** TRIAL ***s 0h *** TRIAL *** 0h *** TRIAL *** 14,*** TRIAL *** C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe -k netsvcs -p -s ShellHWDetection
2876*** TRIAL *** svc*** TRIAL *** 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pro*** TRIAL ***e pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® 64-*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** 202*** TRIAL ***:17:03 (lundi 18 juillet 2022) 0d *** TRIAL ***s 0h *** TRIAL *** 0h *** TRIAL *** 33,*** TRIAL *** C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe -k utcsvc -p
2928 spoolsv.exe 10.0.19041.1288 Application sous-système spouleur / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® 64-bit 728 7 8 2022-07-18 14:17:02 (lundi 18 juillet 2022) 0d 00h 09m 33s 0h 00m 00s 0h 00m 00s 15,994,880 C:\Windows\System32\spoolsv.exe C:\WINDOWS\System32\spoolsv.exe
2960*** TRIAL *** svc*** TRIAL *** 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pro*** TRIAL ***e pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® 64-*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** 202*** TRIAL ***:17:03 (lundi 18 juillet 2022) 0d *** TRIAL ***s 0h *** TRIAL *** 0h *** TRIAL *** 19,*** TRIAL *** C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe -k LocalServiceNoNetworkFirewall -p
2996*** TRIAL *** svc*** TRIAL *** 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pro*** TRIAL ***e pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® 64-*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** 202*** TRIAL ***:17:03 (lundi 18 juillet 2022) 0d *** TRIAL ***s 0h *** TRIAL *** 0h *** TRIAL *** 8,3*** TRIAL *** C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe -k NetworkService -p -s LanmanWorkstation
3084*** TRIAL *** IPR*** TRIAL ***r.exe 20.*** TRIAL *** Int*** TRIAL *** Monitoring Service 64-*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** 202*** TRIAL ***:17:03 (lundi 18 juillet 2022) 0d *** TRIAL ***s 0h *** TRIAL *** 0h *** TRIAL *** 6,1*** TRIAL *** C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\IPROSetMonitor.exe C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\IProsetMonitor.exe
3092 svchost.exe 10.0.19041.546 Processus hôte pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® 64-bit 728 16 8 2022-07-18 14:17:03 (lundi 18 juillet 2022) 0d 00h 09m 32s 0h 00m 00s 0h 00m 00s 14,368,768 C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe C:\WINDOWS\System32\svchost.exe -k LocalServiceNoNetwork -p -s DPS
3100 svchost.exe 10.0.19041.546 Processus hôte pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® 64-bit 728 8 8 2022-07-18 14:17:10 (lundi 18 juillet 2022) 0d 00h 09m 25s 0h 00m 00s 0h 00m 00s 9,523,200 C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe C:\WINDOWS\system32\svchost.exe -k LocalServiceAndNoImpersonation -p -s SSDPSRV
3112*** TRIAL *** DTS*** TRIAL ***.exe 2.1*** TRIAL *** DTS*** TRIAL ***vice / DTS Post Processing APO 64-*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** 202*** TRIAL ***:17:03 (lundi 18 juillet 2022) 0d *** TRIAL ***s 0h *** TRIAL *** 0h *** TRIAL *** 8,0*** TRIAL *** C:\*** TRIAL ***les\Realtek\Audio\HDA\DTSU2PAuSrv64.exe "C:*** TRIAL ***iles\Realtek\Audio\HDA\DTSU2PAuSrv64.exe"
3124*** TRIAL *** isa*** TRIAL ***ice.exe *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** 32-*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** 202*** TRIAL ***:17:03 (lundi 18 juillet 2022) 0d *** TRIAL ***s 0h *** TRIAL *** 0h *** TRIAL *** 3,8*** TRIAL *** C:\*** TRIAL ***les (x86)\Intel\Intel(R) Security Assist\isaHelperService.exe "C:*** TRIAL ***iles (x86)\Intel\Intel(R) Security Assist\isaHelperService.exe"
3144*** TRIAL *** svc*** TRIAL *** 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pro*** TRIAL ***e pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® 64-*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** 202*** TRIAL ***:21:41 (lundi 18 juillet 2022) 0d *** TRIAL ***s 0h *** TRIAL *** 0h *** TRIAL *** 5,9*** TRIAL *** C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe -k LocalServiceNetworkRestricted -p -s lmhosts
*** TRIAL *** Run*** TRIAL ***.exe 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Run*** TRIAL ***r / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System 64-*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** 202*** TRIAL ***:17:07 (lundi 18 juillet 2022) 0d *** TRIAL ***s 0h *** TRIAL *** 0h *** TRIAL *** 21,*** TRIAL *** C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\RuntimeBroker.exe C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\RuntimeBroker.exe -Embedding
*** TRIAL *** svc*** TRIAL *** 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pro*** TRIAL ***e pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® 64-*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** 202*** TRIAL ***:17:03 (lundi 18 juillet 2022) 0d *** TRIAL ***s 0h *** TRIAL *** 0h *** TRIAL *** 23,*** TRIAL *** C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe -k netsvcs -p -s Winmgmt
3228 svchost.exe 10.0.19041.546 Processus hôte pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® 64-bit 728 3 8 2022-07-18 14:19:04 (lundi 18 juillet 2022) 0d 00h 07m 31s 0h 00m 00s 0h 00m 00s 11,673,600 C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe C:\WINDOWS\System32\svchost.exe -k LocalSystemNetworkRestricted -p -s StorSvc
3312*** TRIAL *** svc*** TRIAL *** 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pro*** TRIAL ***e pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® 64-*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** 202*** TRIAL ***:17:03 (lundi 18 juillet 2022) 0d *** TRIAL ***s 0h *** TRIAL *** 0h *** TRIAL *** 5,9*** TRIAL *** C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe -k LocalSystemNetworkRestricted -p -s TrkWks
*** TRIAL *** svc*** TRIAL *** 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pro*** TRIAL ***e pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® 64-*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** 202*** TRIAL ***:17:03 (lundi 18 juillet 2022) 0d *** TRIAL ***s 0h *** TRIAL *** 0h *** TRIAL *** 21,*** TRIAL *** C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe -k netsvcs -p -s WpnService
3328 svchost.exe 10.0.19041.546 Processus hôte pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® 64-bit 728 6 8 2022-07-18 14:17:03 (lundi 18 juillet 2022) 0d 00h 09m 32s 0h 00m 00s 0h 00m 00s 9,474,048 C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe C:\WINDOWS\system32\svchost.exe -k netsvcs -p -s LanmanServer
3392*** TRIAL *** MsM*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** 243*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL ***
3404 svchost.exe 10.0.19041.546 Processus hôte pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® 64-bit 728 3 8 2022-07-18 14:20:53 (lundi 18 juillet 2022) 0d 00h 05m 42s 0h 00m 00s 0h 00m 00s 9,007,104 C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe C:\WINDOWS\system32\svchost.exe -k netsvcs -p -s Appinfo
3416*** TRIAL *** svc*** TRIAL *** 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pro*** TRIAL ***e pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® 64-*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** 10,*** TRIAL *** C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe *** TRIAL ***
3512 svchost.exe 10.0.19041.546 Processus hôte pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® 64-bit 728 3 8 2022-07-18 14:17:03 (lundi 18 juillet 2022) 0d 00h 09m 32s 0h 00m 00s 0h 00m 00s 5,668,864 C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe C:\WINDOWS\System32\svchost.exe -k LocalService -p -s WdiServiceHost
*** TRIAL *** svc*** TRIAL *** 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pro*** TRIAL ***e pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® 64-*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** 202*** TRIAL ***:17:03 (lundi 18 juillet 2022) 0d *** TRIAL ***s 0h *** TRIAL *** 0h *** TRIAL *** 11,*** TRIAL *** C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe -k NetSvcs -p -s iphlpsvc
3848*** TRIAL *** Sky*** TRIAL ***ndHost.exe 8.5*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** 64-*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** 202*** TRIAL ***:17:06 (lundi 18 juillet 2022) 0d *** TRIAL ***s 0h *** TRIAL *** 0h *** TRIAL *** 3,3*** TRIAL *** C:\*** TRIAL ***les\WindowsApps\Microsoft.SkypeApp_14.53.77.0_x64__kzf8qxf38zg5c\SkypeBackgroundHost.exe "C:*** TRIAL ***iles\WindowsApps\Microsoft.SkypeApp_14.53.77.0_x64__kzf8qxf38zg5c\SkypeBackgroundHost.exe" -ServerName:SkypeBackgroundHost
3988*** TRIAL *** svc*** TRIAL *** 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pro*** TRIAL ***e pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® 64-*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** 202*** TRIAL ***:17:04 (lundi 18 juillet 2022) 0d *** TRIAL ***s 0h *** TRIAL *** 0h *** TRIAL *** 17,*** TRIAL *** C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe -k UnistackSvcGroup -s CDPUserSvc
*** TRIAL *** sih*** TRIAL *** 10.*** TRIAL ***6 She*** TRIAL ***ructure Host / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System 64-*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** 202*** TRIAL ***:17:04 (lundi 18 juillet 2022) 0d *** TRIAL ***s 0h *** TRIAL *** 0h *** TRIAL *** 34,*** TRIAL *** C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\sihost.exe sih*** TRIAL ***
4088 svchost.exe 10.0.19041.546 Processus hôte pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® 64-bit 728 27 8 12,505,088 C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe
*** TRIAL *** Sea*** TRIAL *** 10.*** TRIAL ***66 Sea*** TRIAL ***ation / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System 64-*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** 202*** TRIAL ***:24:15 (lundi 18 juillet 2022) 0d *** TRIAL ***s 0h *** TRIAL *** 0h *** TRIAL *** 283*** TRIAL *** C:\*** TRIAL ***stemApps\Microsoft.Windows.Search_cw5n1h2txyewy\SearchApp.exe "C:*** TRIAL ***ystemApps\Microsoft.Windows.Search_cw5n1h2txyewy\SearchApp.exe" -ServerName:ShellFeedsUI.AppX88fpyyrd21w8wqe62wzsjh5agex7tf1e.mca
4112*** TRIAL *** svc*** TRIAL *** 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pro*** TRIAL ***e pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® 64-*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** 202*** TRIAL ***:17:04 (lundi 18 juillet 2022) 0d *** TRIAL ***s 0h *** TRIAL *** 0h *** TRIAL *** 32,*** TRIAL *** C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe -k UnistackSvcGroup -s WpnUserService
4160 MicrosoftEdgeUpdate.exe Microsoft Edge Update 32-bit 1360 3 4 2022-07-18 14:17:04 (lundi 18 juillet 2022) 0d 00h 09m 31s 0h 00m 00s 0h 00m 00s 2,027,520 C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft\EdgeUpdate\MicrosoftEdgeUpdate.exe "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft\EdgeUpdate\MicrosoftEdgeUpdate.exe" /c
4168*** TRIAL *** tas*** TRIAL *** 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pro*** TRIAL ***e pour Tâches Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® 64-*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** 202*** TRIAL ***:17:04 (lundi 18 juillet 2022) 0d *** TRIAL ***s 0h *** TRIAL *** 0h *** TRIAL *** 16,*** TRIAL *** C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\taskhostw.exe tas*** TRIAL *** {222A245B-E637-4AE9-A93F-A59CA119A75E}
4256*** TRIAL *** RAV*** TRIAL *** 1.0*** TRIAL *** HD *** TRIAL ***ground Process 64-*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** 202*** TRIAL ***:17:18 (lundi 18 juillet 2022) 0d *** TRIAL ***s 0h *** TRIAL *** 0h *** TRIAL *** 14,*** TRIAL *** C:\*** TRIAL ***les\Realtek\Audio\HDA\RAVBg64.exe "C:*** TRIAL ***iles\Realtek\Audio\HDA\RAVBg64.exe" /DTSU2P
4280 SecurityHealthSystray.exe 10.0.19041.1 Windows Security notification icon / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System 64-bit 4696 3 8 2022-07-18 14:17:17 (lundi 18 juillet 2022) 0d 00h 09m 18s 0h 00m 00s 0h 00m 00s 9,654,272 C:\Windows\System32\SecurityHealthSystray.exe "C:\Windows\System32\SecurityHealthSystray.exe"
4324*** TRIAL *** svc*** TRIAL *** 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pro*** TRIAL ***e pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® 64-*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** 202*** TRIAL ***:17:04 (lundi 18 juillet 2022) 0d *** TRIAL ***s 0h *** TRIAL *** 0h *** TRIAL *** 8,2*** TRIAL *** C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe -k LocalSystemNetworkRestricted -p -s TabletInputService
4388*** TRIAL *** svc*** TRIAL *** 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pro*** TRIAL ***e pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® 64-*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** 202*** TRIAL ***:17:04 (lundi 18 juillet 2022) 0d *** TRIAL ***s 0h *** TRIAL *** 0h *** TRIAL *** 21,*** TRIAL *** C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe -k netsvcs -p -s TokenBroker
4424*** TRIAL *** ctf*** TRIAL *** 10.*** TRIAL *** Cha*** TRIAL ***/ Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® 64-*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** 202*** TRIAL ***:17:04 (lundi 18 juillet 2022) 0d *** TRIAL ***s 0h *** TRIAL *** 0h *** TRIAL *** 16,*** TRIAL *** C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\ctfmon.exe "ct*** TRIAL ***
4576*** TRIAL *** svc*** TRIAL *** 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pro*** TRIAL ***e pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® 64-*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** 202*** TRIAL ***:17:04 (lundi 18 juillet 2022) 0d *** TRIAL ***s 0h *** TRIAL *** 0h *** TRIAL *** 16,*** TRIAL *** C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe -k LocalService -p -s CDPSvc
4644*** TRIAL *** svc*** TRIAL *** 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pro*** TRIAL ***e pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® 64-*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** 202*** TRIAL ***:25:40 (lundi 18 juillet 2022) 0d *** TRIAL ***s 0h *** TRIAL *** 0h *** TRIAL *** 8,1*** TRIAL *** C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe -k swprv
4696 explorer.exe 10.0.19041.1266 Explorateur Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® 64-bit 4664 66 8 Thank you for installing SIW Trial Version 2022-07-18 14:17:04 (lundi 18 juillet 2022) 0d 00h 09m 31s 0h 00m 05s 0h 00m 03s 135,831,552 C:\Windows\explorer.exe C:\WINDOWS\Explorer.EXE
4820*** TRIAL *** svc*** TRIAL *** 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pro*** TRIAL ***e pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® 64-*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** 202*** TRIAL ***:17:05 (lundi 18 juillet 2022) 0d *** TRIAL ***s 0h *** TRIAL *** 0h *** TRIAL *** 17,*** TRIAL *** C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe -k ClipboardSvcGroup -p -s cbdhsvc
4920 svchost.exe 10.0.19041.546 Processus hôte pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® 64-bit 728 10 8 2022-07-18 14:17:18 (lundi 18 juillet 2022) 0d 00h 09m 17s 0h 00m 00s 0h 00m 00s 15,982,592 C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe C:\WINDOWS\system32\svchost.exe -k LocalSystemNetworkRestricted -p -s PcaSvc
4964*** TRIAL *** mse*** TRIAL *** 92.*** TRIAL *** Mic*** TRIAL ***e 64-*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** 202*** TRIAL ***:25:25 (lundi 18 juillet 2022) 0d *** TRIAL ***s 0h *** TRIAL *** 0h *** TRIAL *** 18,*** TRIAL *** C:\*** TRIAL ***les (x86)\Microsoft\Edge\Application\msedge.exe "C:*** TRIAL ***iles (x86)\Microsoft\Edge\Application\msedge.exe" --type=utility --utility-sub-type=storage.mojom.StorageService --field-trial-handle=2100,17654263877333115262,6362316107471784554,131072 --lang=fr --service-sandbox-type=utility --mojo-platform-channel-handle=2884 /prefetch:8
*** TRIAL *** Nis*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** 9,4*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL ***
5232*** TRIAL *** Sta*** TRIAL ***rienceHost.exe *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** 64-*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** Dém*** TRIAL *** 202*** TRIAL ***:17:05 (lundi 18 juillet 2022) 0d *** TRIAL ***s 0h *** TRIAL *** 0h *** TRIAL *** 66,*** TRIAL *** C:\*** TRIAL ***stemApps\Microsoft.Windows.StartMenuExperienceHost_cw5n1h2txyewy\StartMenuExperienceHost.exe "C:*** TRIAL ***ystemApps\Microsoft.Windows.StartMenuExperienceHost_cw5n1h2txyewy\StartMenuExperienceHost.exe" -ServerName:App.AppXywbrabmsek0gm3tkwpr5kwzbs55tkqay.mca
5396*** TRIAL *** Run*** TRIAL ***.exe 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Run*** TRIAL ***r / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System 64-*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** 202*** TRIAL ***:17:06 (lundi 18 juillet 2022) 0d *** TRIAL ***s 0h *** TRIAL *** 0h *** TRIAL *** 27,*** TRIAL *** C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\RuntimeBroker.exe C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\RuntimeBroker.exe -Embedding
5440*** TRIAL *** svc*** TRIAL *** 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pro*** TRIAL ***e pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® 64-*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** 202*** TRIAL ***:17:54 (lundi 18 juillet 2022) 0d *** TRIAL ***s 0h *** TRIAL *** 0h *** TRIAL *** 22,*** TRIAL *** C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe -k netsvcs -p
5444 ApplicationFrameHost.exe 10.0.19041.746 Application Frame Host / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System 64-bit 948 7 8 Paramètres 2022-07-18 14:18:23 (lundi 18 juillet 2022) 0d 00h 08m 12s 0h 00m 00s 0h 00m 00s 31,416,320 C:\Windows\System32\ApplicationFrameHost.exe C:\WINDOWS\system32\ApplicationFrameHost.exe -Embedding
*** TRIAL *** Win*** TRIAL ***exe 119*** TRIAL ***0 Sto*** TRIAL ***ws Store 64-*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** Mic*** TRIAL ***re 202*** TRIAL ***:18:23 (lundi 18 juillet 2022) 0d *** TRIAL ***s 0h *** TRIAL *** 0h *** TRIAL *** 10,*** TRIAL *** C:\*** TRIAL ***les\WindowsApps\Microsoft.WindowsStore_11910.1002.5.0_x64__8wekyb3d8bbwe\WinStore.App.exe "C:*** TRIAL ***iles\WindowsApps\Microsoft.WindowsStore_11910.1002.5.0_x64__8wekyb3d8bbwe\WinStore.App.exe" -ServerName:App.AppXc75wvwned5vhz4xyxxecvgdjhdkgsdza.mca
*** TRIAL *** LMS*** TRIAL *** 11.*** TRIAL *** Int*** TRIAL ***l Management Service / Intel(R) Management and Security Application Local Management Service 32-*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** 202*** TRIAL ***:19:04 (lundi 18 juillet 2022) 0d *** TRIAL ***s 0h *** TRIAL *** 0h *** TRIAL *** 13,*** TRIAL *** C:\*** TRIAL ***les (x86)\Intel\Intel(R) Management Engine Components\LMS\LMS.exe "C:*** TRIAL ***iles (x86)\Intel\Intel(R) Management Engine Components\LMS\LMS.exe"
5512*** TRIAL *** svc*** TRIAL *** 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pro*** TRIAL ***e pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® 64-*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** 202*** TRIAL ***:17:06 (lundi 18 juillet 2022) 0d *** TRIAL ***s 0h *** TRIAL *** 0h *** TRIAL *** 21,*** TRIAL *** C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe -k LocalService -p -s LicenseManager
5596*** TRIAL *** Sea*** TRIAL *** 10.*** TRIAL ***66 Sea*** TRIAL ***ation / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System 64-*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** Rec*** TRIAL *** 202*** TRIAL ***:17:06 (lundi 18 juillet 2022) 0d *** TRIAL ***s 0h *** TRIAL *** 0h *** TRIAL *** 113*** TRIAL *** C:\*** TRIAL ***stemApps\Microsoft.Windows.Search_cw5n1h2txyewy\SearchApp.exe "C:*** TRIAL ***ystemApps\Microsoft.Windows.Search_cw5n1h2txyewy\SearchApp.exe" -ServerName:CortanaUI.AppX8z9r6jm96hw4bsbneegw0kyxx296wr9t.mca
5684*** TRIAL *** Sea*** TRIAL ***.exe 7.0*** TRIAL ***1 Ind*** TRIAL ***osoft Windows Search / Windows® Search 64-*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** 202*** TRIAL ***:17:06 (lundi 18 juillet 2022) 0d *** TRIAL ***s 0h *** TRIAL *** 0h *** TRIAL *** 27,*** TRIAL *** C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\SearchIndexer.exe C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\SearchIndexer.exe /Embedding
5696*** TRIAL *** svc*** TRIAL *** 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pro*** TRIAL ***e pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® 64-*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** 202*** TRIAL ***:17:06 (lundi 18 juillet 2022) 0d *** TRIAL ***s 0h *** TRIAL *** 0h *** TRIAL *** 50,*** TRIAL *** C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe -k netsvcs -p -s wuauserv
5880*** TRIAL *** Run*** TRIAL ***.exe 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Run*** TRIAL ***r / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System 64-*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** 202*** TRIAL ***:17:06 (lundi 18 juillet 2022) 0d *** TRIAL ***s 0h *** TRIAL *** 0h *** TRIAL *** 30,*** TRIAL *** C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\RuntimeBroker.exe C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\RuntimeBroker.exe -Embedding
*** TRIAL *** svc*** TRIAL *** 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pro*** TRIAL ***e pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® 64-*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** 202*** TRIAL ***:17:13 (lundi 18 juillet 2022) 0d *** TRIAL ***s 0h *** TRIAL *** 0h *** TRIAL *** 22,*** TRIAL *** C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe -k netsvcs -p -s UsoSvc
5936*** TRIAL *** Rtk*** TRIAL *** 1.0*** TRIAL *** Ges*** TRIAL ***audio HD Realtek 64-*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** 202*** TRIAL ***:17:17 (lundi 18 juillet 2022) 0d *** TRIAL ***s 0h *** TRIAL *** 0h *** TRIAL *** 14,*** TRIAL *** C:\*** TRIAL ***les\Realtek\Audio\HDA\RtkNGUI64.exe "C:*** TRIAL ***iles\Realtek\Audio\HDA\RtkNGUI64.exe" -s
6004*** TRIAL *** Sgr*** TRIAL ***e 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Ser*** TRIAL ***r du moniteur d'exécution System Guard / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® 64-*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** 8,0*** TRIAL *** C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\SgrmBroker.exe *** TRIAL ***
*** TRIAL *** svc*** TRIAL *** 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pro*** TRIAL ***e pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® 64-*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** 202*** TRIAL ***:17:06 (lundi 18 juillet 2022) 0d *** TRIAL ***s 0h *** TRIAL *** 0h *** TRIAL *** 11,*** TRIAL *** C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe -k appmodel -p -s camsvc
6404*** TRIAL *** Sky*** TRIAL *** 8.5*** TRIAL *** Sky*** TRIAL ***crosoft Skype 64-*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** 202*** TRIAL ***:21:45 (lundi 18 juillet 2022) 0d *** TRIAL ***s 0h *** TRIAL *** 0h *** TRIAL *** 25,*** TRIAL *** C:\*** TRIAL ***les\WindowsApps\Microsoft.SkypeApp_14.53.77.0_x64__kzf8qxf38zg5c\SkypeApp.exe "C:*** TRIAL ***iles\WindowsApps\Microsoft.SkypeApp_14.53.77.0_x64__kzf8qxf38zg5c\SkypeApp.exe" -ServerName:App.AppXffn3yxqvgawq9fpmnhy90fr3y01d1t5b.mca
6412 svchost.exe 10.0.19041.546 Processus hôte pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® 64-bit 728 14 8 19,476,480 C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe
6476 VSSVC.exe 10.0.19041.746 Service de cliché instantané de volumes Microsoft® / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® 64-bit 728 5 8 2022-07-18 14:25:40 (lundi 18 juillet 2022) 0d 00h 00m 56s 0h 00m 00s 0h 00m 00s 8,855,552 C:\Windows\System32\VSSVC.exe C:\WINDOWS\system32\vssvc.exe
*** TRIAL *** WUD*** TRIAL *** 10.*** TRIAL *** Win*** TRIAL ***r Foundation - Processus hôte de l infrastructure de pilotes en mode utilisateur / Système d'exploitation Microsoft® Windows® 64-*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** 202*** TRIAL ***:20:47 (lundi 18 juillet 2022) 0d *** TRIAL ***s 0h *** TRIAL *** 0h *** TRIAL *** 9,1*** TRIAL *** C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\WUDFHost.exe "C:*** TRIAL ***ystem32\WUDFHost.exe" -HostGUID:{193a1820-d9ac-4997-8c55-be817523f6aa} -IoEventPortName:\UMDFCommunicationPorts\WUDF\HostProcess-dc2f0ce9-b77b-474e-97f5-913951e6015f -SystemEventPortName:\UMDFCommunicationPorts\WUDF\HostProcess-3d7b7c5a-6582-425f-8798-a50c83409b88 -IoCancelEventPortName:\UMDFCommunicationPorts\WUDF\HostProcess-e1ab96d5-5716-4e0a-bbfc-318e2acacbd0 -NonStateChangingEventPortName:\UMDFCommunicationPorts\WUDF\HostProcess-448d8341-8f88-47f3-8bd8-78b8af7652b5 -LifetimeId:7cf70698-a607-4a94-807d-202cff3bf284 -DeviceGroupId:WpdFsGroup -HostArg:0
*** TRIAL *** Sec*** TRIAL ***hService.exe 4.1*** TRIAL ***84 Win*** TRIAL ***ity Health Service / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System 64-*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** 15,*** TRIAL *** C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\SecurityHealthService.exe *** TRIAL ***
6564*** TRIAL *** mse*** TRIAL *** 92.*** TRIAL *** Mic*** TRIAL ***e 64-*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** 202*** TRIAL ***:25:25 (lundi 18 juillet 2022) 0d *** TRIAL ***s 0h *** TRIAL *** 0h *** TRIAL *** 50,*** TRIAL *** C:\*** TRIAL ***les (x86)\Microsoft\Edge\Application\msedge.exe "C:*** TRIAL ***iles (x86)\Microsoft\Edge\Application\msedge.exe" --type=gpu-process --field-trial-handle=2100,17654263877333115262,6362316107471784554,131072 --gpu-preferences=UAAAAAAAAADgAAAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAABgAAAAAAAwAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHgAAAAAAAAAeAAAAAAAAAAoAAAABAAAACAAAAAAAAAAKAAAAAAAAAAwAAAAAAAAADgAAAAAAAAAEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAADQAAABAAAAAAAAAAAQAAAA0AAAAQAAAAAAAAAAQAAAANAAAAEAAAAAAAAAAHAAAADQAAAAgAAAAAAAAACAAAAAAAAAA= --mojo-platform-channel-handle=2112 /prefetch:2
6632*** TRIAL *** ide*** TRIAL ***er.exe 92.*** TRIAL *** PWA*** TRIAL ***Proxy Host / Microsoft Edge 64-*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** 202*** TRIAL ***:25:28 (lundi 18 juillet 2022) 0d *** TRIAL ***s 0h *** TRIAL *** 0h *** TRIAL *** 28,*** TRIAL *** C:\*** TRIAL ***les (x86)\Microsoft\Edge\Application\92.0.902.67\identity_helper.exe "C:*** TRIAL ***iles (x86)\Microsoft\Edge\Application\92.0.902.67\identity_helper.exe" --type=utility --utility-sub-type=winrt_app_id.mojom.WinrtAppIdService --field-trial-handle=2100,17654263877333115262,6362316107471784554,131072 --lang=fr --service-sandbox-type=none --mojo-platform-channel-handle=5824 /prefetch:8
6660*** TRIAL *** svc*** TRIAL *** 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pro*** TRIAL ***e pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® 64-*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** 202*** TRIAL ***:19:04 (lundi 18 juillet 2022) 0d *** TRIAL ***s 0h *** TRIAL *** 0h *** TRIAL *** 12,*** TRIAL *** C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe -k UnistackSvcGroup
6708*** TRIAL *** She*** TRIAL ***ceHost.exe 10.*** TRIAL ***51 Win*** TRIAL *** Experience Host / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System 64-*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** Nou*** TRIAL ***fication 202*** TRIAL ***:17:08 (lundi 18 juillet 2022) 0d *** TRIAL ***s 0h *** TRIAL *** 0h *** TRIAL *** 47,*** TRIAL *** C:\*** TRIAL ***stemApps\ShellExperienceHost_cw5n1h2txyewy\ShellExperienceHost.exe "C:*** TRIAL ***ystemApps\ShellExperienceHost_cw5n1h2txyewy\ShellExperienceHost.exe" -ServerName:App.AppXtk181tbxbce2qsex02s8tw7hfxa9xb3t.mca
*** TRIAL *** aud*** TRIAL *** 10.*** TRIAL ***66 Iso*** TRIAL ***phique de périphérique audio Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® 64-*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** 202*** TRIAL ***:17:09 (lundi 18 juillet 2022) 0d *** TRIAL ***s 0h *** TRIAL *** 0h *** TRIAL *** 15,*** TRIAL *** C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\audiodg.exe C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\AUDIODG.EXE 0x580
*** TRIAL *** Run*** TRIAL ***.exe 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Run*** TRIAL ***r / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System 64-*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** 202*** TRIAL ***:17:09 (lundi 18 juillet 2022) 0d *** TRIAL ***s 0h *** TRIAL *** 0h *** TRIAL *** 17,*** TRIAL *** C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\RuntimeBroker.exe C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\RuntimeBroker.exe -Embedding
*** TRIAL *** jhi*** TRIAL ***xe 11.*** TRIAL *** Int*** TRIAL ***mic Application Loader Host Interface 32-*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** 202*** TRIAL ***:19:03 (lundi 18 juillet 2022) 0d *** TRIAL ***s 0h *** TRIAL *** 0h *** TRIAL *** 7,1*** TRIAL *** C:\*** TRIAL ***les (x86)\Intel\Intel(R) Management Engine Components\DAL\jhi_service.exe "C:*** TRIAL ***iles (x86)\Intel\Intel(R) Management Engine Components\DAL\jhi_service.exe"
7216*** TRIAL *** mse*** TRIAL *** 92.*** TRIAL *** Mic*** TRIAL ***e 64-*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** 202*** TRIAL ***:25:30 (lundi 18 juillet 2022) 0d *** TRIAL ***s 0h *** TRIAL *** 0h *** TRIAL *** 28,*** TRIAL *** C:\*** TRIAL ***les (x86)\Microsoft\Edge\Application\msedge.exe "C:*** TRIAL ***iles (x86)\Microsoft\Edge\Application\msedge.exe" --type=renderer --field-trial-handle=2100,17654263877333115262,6362316107471784554,131072 --disable-gpu-compositing --lang=fr --disable-client-side-phishing-detection --device-scale-factor=1 --num-raster-threads=2 --enable-main-frame-before-activation --renderer-client-id=15 --no-v8-untrusted-code-mitigations --mojo-platform-channel-handle=3388 /prefetch:1
7224*** TRIAL *** svc*** TRIAL *** 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pro*** TRIAL ***e pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® 64-*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** 202*** TRIAL ***:21:51 (lundi 18 juillet 2022) 0d *** TRIAL ***s 0h *** TRIAL *** 0h *** TRIAL *** 14,*** TRIAL *** C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe -k smphost
7720*** TRIAL *** Wmi*** TRIAL *** 10.*** TRIAL ***6 WMI*** TRIAL ***Host / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System 64-*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** 202*** TRIAL ***:25:25 (lundi 18 juillet 2022) 0d *** TRIAL ***s 0h *** TRIAL *** 0h *** TRIAL *** 34,*** TRIAL *** C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\wbem\WmiPrvSE.exe C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\wbem\wmiprvse.exe
7816*** TRIAL *** Sea*** TRIAL ***ost.exe 7.0*** TRIAL ***1 Mic*** TRIAL ***dows Search Filter Host / Windows® Search 64-*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** 202*** TRIAL ***:25:19 (lundi 18 juillet 2022) 0d *** TRIAL ***s 0h *** TRIAL *** 0h *** TRIAL *** 7,4*** TRIAL *** C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\SearchFilterHost.exe "C:*** TRIAL ***ystem32\SearchFilterHost.exe" 0 816 820 828 8192 824 796
*** TRIAL *** svc*** TRIAL *** 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pro*** TRIAL ***e pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® 64-*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** 202*** TRIAL ***:22:01 (lundi 18 juillet 2022) 0d *** TRIAL ***s 0h *** TRIAL *** 0h *** TRIAL *** 12,*** TRIAL *** C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe -k WbioSvcGroup -s WbioSrvc
8116 msedge.exe 92.0.902.67 Microsoft Edge 64-bit 1208 18 4 2022-07-18 14:25:30 (lundi 18 juillet 2022) 0d 00h 01m 06s 0h 00m 00s 0h 00m 02s 137,629,696 C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft\Edge\Application\msedge.exe "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft\Edge\Application\msedge.exe" --type=renderer --field-trial-handle=2100,17654263877333115262,6362316107471784554,131072 --disable-gpu-compositing --lang=fr --disable-client-side-phishing-detection --instant-process --device-scale-factor=1 --num-raster-threads=2 --enable-main-frame-before-activation --renderer-client-id=16 --no-v8-untrusted-code-mitigations --mojo-platform-channel-handle=5892 /prefetch:1
8336*** TRIAL *** mse*** TRIAL *** 92.*** TRIAL *** Mic*** TRIAL ***e 64-*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** 202*** TRIAL ***:25:25 (lundi 18 juillet 2022) 0d *** TRIAL ***s 0h *** TRIAL *** 0h *** TRIAL *** 32,*** TRIAL *** C:\*** TRIAL ***les (x86)\Microsoft\Edge\Application\msedge.exe "C:*** TRIAL ***iles (x86)\Microsoft\Edge\Application\msedge.exe" --type=utility --utility-sub-type=network.mojom.NetworkService --field-trial-handle=2100,17654263877333115262,6362316107471784554,131072 --lang=fr --service-sandbox-type=none --mojo-platform-channel-handle=2196 /prefetch:3
*** TRIAL *** mse*** TRIAL *** 92.*** TRIAL *** Mic*** TRIAL ***e 64-*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** 202*** TRIAL ***:25:26 (lundi 18 juillet 2022) 0d *** TRIAL ***s 0h *** TRIAL *** 0h *** TRIAL *** 46,*** TRIAL *** C:\*** TRIAL ***les (x86)\Microsoft\Edge\Application\msedge.exe "C:*** TRIAL ***iles (x86)\Microsoft\Edge\Application\msedge.exe" --type=renderer --field-trial-handle=2100,17654263877333115262,6362316107471784554,131072 --disable-gpu-compositing --lang=fr --disable-client-side-phishing-detection --device-scale-factor=1 --num-raster-threads=2 --enable-main-frame-before-activation --renderer-client-id=9 --no-v8-untrusted-code-mitigations --mojo-platform-channel-handle=5252 /prefetch:1
8472*** TRIAL *** mse*** TRIAL *** 92.*** TRIAL *** Mic*** TRIAL ***e 64-*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** 202*** TRIAL ***:25:29 (lundi 18 juillet 2022) 0d *** TRIAL ***s 0h *** TRIAL *** 0h *** TRIAL *** 21,*** TRIAL *** C:\*** TRIAL ***les (x86)\Microsoft\Edge\Application\msedge.exe "C:*** TRIAL ***iles (x86)\Microsoft\Edge\Application\msedge.exe" --type=utility --utility-sub-type=entity_extraction_service.mojom.Extractor --field-trial-handle=2100,17654263877333115262,6362316107471784554,131072 --lang=fr --service-sandbox-type=entity_extraction --mojo-platform-channel-handle=5608 /prefetch:8
8908*** TRIAL *** siw*** TRIAL *** 12.*** TRIAL *** SIW*** TRIAL ***ystem Information for Windows 64-*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** SIW*** TRIAL ***2 64-bit v12.3.0521i © Gabriel Topala - fonctionnant sur \\DESKTOP-SMVPLE4 202*** TRIAL ***:25:23 (lundi 18 juillet 2022) 0d *** TRIAL ***s 0h *** TRIAL *** 0h *** TRIAL *** 112*** TRIAL *** C:\*** TRIAL ***les\SIW Trial\siw64.exe "C:*** TRIAL ***iles\SIW Trial\siw64.exe" /ignorecmdlineerr

---------- [Services NT] ---------------------------------------
Nom Description Version Type Statut Type de démarrage Chemin Description du fichier Compagnie Nom du service de démarrage
AarSvc*** TRIAL *** Age*** TRIAL ***ion Runtime 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pro*** TRIAL ***tagé; Service aux utilisateurs Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe Pro*** TRIAL ***e pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration NT *** TRIAL ***LocalService
AJR*** TRIAL *** Ser*** TRIAL ***uteur AllJoyn 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pro*** TRIAL ***tagé Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe Pro*** TRIAL ***e pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration NT *** TRIAL ***LocalService
*** TRIAL *** Ser*** TRIAL *** passerelle de la couche Application 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pro*** TRIAL ***sonnel Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\alg.exe Ser*** TRIAL *** passerelle de la couche Application / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration NT *** TRIAL ***LocalService
App*** TRIAL *** Ide*** TRIAL *** application 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pro*** TRIAL ***tagé Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe Pro*** TRIAL ***e pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration NT *** TRIAL ***LocalService
App*** TRIAL *** Inf*** TRIAL ***d application 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pro*** TRIAL ***sonnel; Processus partagé Dém*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe Pro*** TRIAL ***e pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration Loc*** TRIAL ***
AppMgmt*** TRIAL *** Ges*** TRIAL ***lications 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pro*** TRIAL ***tagé Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe Pro*** TRIAL ***e pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration Loc*** TRIAL ***
AppReadiness*** TRIAL *** Pré*** TRIAL ***es applications 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pro*** TRIAL ***tagé Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe Pro*** TRIAL ***e pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration Loc*** TRIAL ***
AppVClient*** TRIAL *** Mic*** TRIAL ***-V Client 10.*** TRIAL ***81 Pro*** TRIAL ***sonnel Arr*** TRIAL *** Dés*** TRIAL *** C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\AppVClient.exe Mic*** TRIAL ***lication Virtualization Client Service / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Mic*** TRIAL ***poration Loc*** TRIAL ***
AppXSvc Service de déploiement AppX (AppXSVC) 10.0.19041.546 Processus personnel; Processus partagé Démarrage Demande de démarrage C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe Processus hôte pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Microsoft Corporation LocalSystem
AssignedAccessManagerSvc*** TRIAL *** Ser*** TRIAL ***nedAccessManager 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pro*** TRIAL ***tagé Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe Pro*** TRIAL ***e pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration Loc*** TRIAL ***
AudioEndpointBuilder*** TRIAL *** Gén*** TRIAL *** points de terminaison du service Audio Windows 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pro*** TRIAL ***sonnel; Processus partagé Dém*** TRIAL *** Dém*** TRIAL ***omatique C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe Pro*** TRIAL ***e pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration Loc*** TRIAL ***
Audiosrv Audio Windows 10.0.19041.546 Processus personnel Démarrage Démarrage automatique C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe Processus hôte pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Microsoft Corporation NT AUTHORITY\LocalService
aut*** TRIAL *** Heu*** TRIAL ***ire 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pro*** TRIAL ***sonnel Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe Pro*** TRIAL ***e pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration NT *** TRIAL ***LocalService
AxI*** TRIAL *** Pro*** TRIAL ***nstallation ActiveX (AxInstSV) 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pro*** TRIAL ***tagé Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe Pro*** TRIAL ***e pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration Loc*** TRIAL ***
BcastDVRUserService Service utilisateur de diffusion et GameDVR 10.0.19041.546 Processus partagé; Service aux utilisateurs Arrêté Demande de démarrage C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe Processus hôte pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Microsoft Corporation LocalSystem
BDESVC*** TRIAL *** Ser*** TRIAL ***iffrement de lecteur BitLocker 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pro*** TRIAL ***tagé Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe Pro*** TRIAL ***e pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration loc*** TRIAL ***
BFE*** TRIAL *** Mot*** TRIAL ***trage de base 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pro*** TRIAL ***tagé Dém*** TRIAL *** Dém*** TRIAL ***omatique C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe Pro*** TRIAL ***e pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration NT *** TRIAL ***LocalService
BITS*** TRIAL *** Ser*** TRIAL ***ansfert intelligent en arrière-plan 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pro*** TRIAL ***sonnel; Processus partagé Dém*** TRIAL *** Dém*** TRIAL ***omatique C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe Pro*** TRIAL ***e pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration Loc*** TRIAL ***
BluetoothUserService*** TRIAL *** Ser*** TRIAL ***pport des utilisateurs du Bluetooth 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pro*** TRIAL ***tagé; Service aux utilisateurs Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe Pro*** TRIAL ***e pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration *** TRIAL ***
Bro*** TRIAL ***ructure Ser*** TRIAL ***rastructure des tâches en arrière-plan 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pro*** TRIAL ***tagé Dém*** TRIAL *** Dém*** TRIAL ***omatique C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe Pro*** TRIAL ***e pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration Loc*** TRIAL ***
Browser*** TRIAL *** Exp*** TRIAL *** ordinateurs 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pro*** TRIAL ***tagé Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe Pro*** TRIAL ***e pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration Loc*** TRIAL ***
BTAGService*** TRIAL *** Ser*** TRIAL ***sserelle audio Bluetooth 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pro*** TRIAL ***tagé Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe Pro*** TRIAL ***e pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration NT *** TRIAL ***LocalService
BthAvctpSvc Service AVCTP 10.0.19041.546 Processus partagé Arrêté Demande de démarrage C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe Processus hôte pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Microsoft Corporation NT AUTHORITY\LocalService
bthserv*** TRIAL *** Ser*** TRIAL ***ise en charge Bluetooth 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pro*** TRIAL ***tagé Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe Pro*** TRIAL ***e pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration NT *** TRIAL ***LocalService
camsvc Service Gestionnaire d accès aux fonctionnalités 10.0.19041.546 Processus personnel; Processus partagé Démarrage Demande de démarrage C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe Processus hôte pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Microsoft Corporation LocalSystem
Cap*** TRIAL ***e Cap*** TRIAL ***e 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pro*** TRIAL ***tagé; Service aux utilisateurs Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe Pro*** TRIAL ***e pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration NT *** TRIAL ***LocalService
cbdhsvc Service utilisateur du Presse-papiers 10.0.19041.546 Processus partagé; Service aux utilisateurs Arrêté Demande de démarrage C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe Processus hôte pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Microsoft Corporation LocalSystem
CDPSvc Service de plateforme des appareils connectés 10.0.19041.546 Processus personnel; Processus partagé Démarrage Démarrage automatique C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe Processus hôte pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Microsoft Corporation NT AUTHORITY\LocalService
CDP*** TRIAL *** Ser*** TRIAL ***utilisateur de plateforme d appareils connectés 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pro*** TRIAL ***tagé; Service aux utilisateurs Arr*** TRIAL *** Dém*** TRIAL ***omatique C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe Pro*** TRIAL ***e pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration Loc*** TRIAL ***
CertPropSvc*** TRIAL *** Pro*** TRIAL ***u certificat 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pro*** TRIAL ***tagé Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe Pro*** TRIAL ***e pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration Loc*** TRIAL ***
Cli*** TRIAL *** Ser*** TRIAL ***cences de client (ClipSVC) 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pro*** TRIAL ***sonnel; Processus partagé Dém*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe Pro*** TRIAL ***e pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration Loc*** TRIAL ***
COMSysApp Application système COM+ 10.0.19041.546 Processus personnel Arrêté Demande de démarrage C:\Windows\System32\dllhost.exe COM Surrogate / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Microsoft Corporation LocalSystem
ConsentUxUserSvc*** TRIAL *** Con*** TRIAL *** 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pro*** TRIAL ***tagé; Service aux utilisateurs Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe Pro*** TRIAL ***e pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration Loc*** TRIAL ***
CoreMessagingRegistrar CoreMessaging 10.0.19041.546 Processus partagé Démarrage Démarrage automatique C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe Processus hôte pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Microsoft Corporation NT AUTHORITY\LocalService
CredentialEnrollmentManagerUserSvc CredentialEnrollmentManagerUserSvc 10.0.19041.1202 Processus personnel; Service aux utilisateurs Arrêté Demande de démarrage C:\Windows\System32\CredentialEnrollmentManager.exe Gestionnaire d inscription des informations d identification / Système d'exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Microsoft Corporation
CryptSvc*** TRIAL *** Ser*** TRIAL ***hiffrement 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pro*** TRIAL ***sonnel; Processus partagé Dém*** TRIAL *** Dém*** TRIAL ***omatique C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe Pro*** TRIAL ***e pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration NT *** TRIAL ***NetworkService
CscService*** TRIAL *** Fic*** TRIAL *** connexion 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pro*** TRIAL ***tagé Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe Pro*** TRIAL ***e pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration Loc*** TRIAL ***
DcomLaunch*** TRIAL *** Lan*** TRIAL ***ocessus serveur DCOM 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pro*** TRIAL ***tagé Dém*** TRIAL *** Dém*** TRIAL ***omatique C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe Pro*** TRIAL ***e pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration Loc*** TRIAL ***
defragsvc Optimiser les lecteurs 10.0.19041.546 Processus personnel Arrêté Demande de démarrage C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe Processus hôte pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Microsoft Corporation localSystem
DeviceAssociationBrokerSvc DeviceAssociationBroker 10.0.19041.546 Processus partagé; Service aux utilisateurs Arrêté Demande de démarrage C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe Processus hôte pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Microsoft Corporation LocalSystem
Dev*** TRIAL ***tionService Ser*** TRIAL ***ociation de périphérique 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pro*** TRIAL ***tagé Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe Pro*** TRIAL ***e pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration Loc*** TRIAL ***
Dev*** TRIAL *** Ser*** TRIAL ***tallation de périphérique 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pro*** TRIAL ***tagé Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe Pro*** TRIAL ***e pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration Loc*** TRIAL ***
DevicePickerUserSvc*** TRIAL *** Dev*** TRIAL *** 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pro*** TRIAL ***tagé; Service aux utilisateurs Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe Pro*** TRIAL ***e pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration Loc*** TRIAL ***
DevicesFlowUserSvc Flux d appareils 10.0.19041.546 Processus partagé; Service aux utilisateurs Arrêté Demande de démarrage C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe Processus hôte pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Microsoft Corporation LocalSystem
DevQueryBroker Service Broker de découverte en arrière-plan DevQuery 10.0.19041.546 Processus partagé Arrêté Demande de démarrage C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe Processus hôte pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Microsoft Corporation LocalSystem
Dhcp*** TRIAL *** Cli*** TRIAL *** 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pro*** TRIAL ***sonnel; Processus partagé Dém*** TRIAL *** Dém*** TRIAL ***omatique C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe Pro*** TRIAL ***e pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration NT *** TRIAL ***LocalService
diagnosticshub.standardcollector.service*** TRIAL *** Ser*** TRIAL ***cteur standard du concentrateur de diagnostic Microsoft (R) 11.*** TRIAL ***8 Pro*** TRIAL ***sonnel Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\DiagSvcs\DiagnosticsHub.StandardCollector.Service.exe Mic*** TRIAL *** Diagnostics Hub Standard Collector / Internet Explorer Mic*** TRIAL ***poration Loc*** TRIAL ***
diagsvc*** TRIAL *** Dia*** TRIAL ***ecution Service 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pro*** TRIAL ***tagé Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe Pro*** TRIAL ***e pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration Loc*** TRIAL ***
DiagTrack Expériences des utilisateurs connectés et télémétrie 10.0.19041.546 Processus personnel Démarrage Démarrage automatique C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe Processus hôte pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Microsoft Corporation LocalSystem
DialogBlockingService*** TRIAL *** Dia*** TRIAL ***gService 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pro*** TRIAL ***tagé Arr*** TRIAL *** Dés*** TRIAL *** C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe Pro*** TRIAL ***e pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration Loc*** TRIAL ***
DispBrokerDesktopSvc Service de stratégie d'affichage 10.0.19041.546 Processus personnel; Processus partagé Démarrage Démarrage automatique C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe Processus hôte pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Microsoft Corporation NT AUTHORITY\LocalService
DisplayEnhancementService*** TRIAL *** Ser*** TRIAL ***lioration de l'affichage 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pro*** TRIAL ***tagé Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe Pro*** TRIAL ***e pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration Loc*** TRIAL ***
DmEnrollmentSvc*** TRIAL *** Ser*** TRIAL ***cription de la gestion des périphériques 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pro*** TRIAL ***sonnel Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe Pro*** TRIAL ***e pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration Loc*** TRIAL ***
dmwappushservice*** TRIAL *** Ser*** TRIAL ***utage de messages Push du protocole WAP (Wireless Application Protocol) de gestion des appareils 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pro*** TRIAL ***tagé Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe Pro*** TRIAL ***e pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration Loc*** TRIAL ***
Dnscache*** TRIAL *** Cli*** TRIAL *** 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pro*** TRIAL ***sonnel; Processus partagé Dém*** TRIAL *** Dém*** TRIAL ***omatique C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe Pro*** TRIAL ***e pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration NT *** TRIAL ***NetworkService
DoSvc*** TRIAL *** Opt*** TRIAL ***de livraison 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pro*** TRIAL ***sonnel; Processus partagé Dém*** TRIAL *** Dém*** TRIAL ***omatique C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe Pro*** TRIAL ***e pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration NT *** TRIAL ***NetworkService
dot*** TRIAL *** Con*** TRIAL *** automatique de réseau câblé 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pro*** TRIAL ***tagé Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe Pro*** TRIAL ***e pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration loc*** TRIAL ***
*** TRIAL *** Ser*** TRIAL ***ratégie de diagnostic 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pro*** TRIAL ***sonnel; Processus partagé Dém*** TRIAL *** Dém*** TRIAL ***omatique C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe Pro*** TRIAL ***e pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration NT *** TRIAL ***LocalService
Dsm*** TRIAL *** Ges*** TRIAL ***d installation de périphérique 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pro*** TRIAL ***sonnel; Processus partagé Dém*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe Pro*** TRIAL ***e pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration Loc*** TRIAL ***
DsSvc*** TRIAL *** Ser*** TRIAL ***rtage des données 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pro*** TRIAL ***tagé Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe Pro*** TRIAL ***e pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration Loc*** TRIAL ***
DTSAudioSvc DTSAudioSvc Processus personnel Démarrage Démarrage automatique C:\Program Files\Realtek\Audio\HDA\DTSU2PAuSrv64.exe DTS Audio Service / DTS Post Processing APO DTS, Inc LocalSystem
Dus*** TRIAL *** Con*** TRIAL ***des données 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pro*** TRIAL ***sonnel Dém*** TRIAL *** Dém*** TRIAL ***omatique C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe Pro*** TRIAL ***e pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration NT *** TRIAL ***LocalService
Eap*** TRIAL *** Pro*** TRIAL *** (Extensible Authentication Protocol) 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pro*** TRIAL ***tagé Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe Pro*** TRIAL ***e pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration loc*** TRIAL ***
edg*** TRIAL *** Mic*** TRIAL ***e Update Service (edgeupdate) 1.3*** TRIAL *** Pro*** TRIAL ***sonnel Arr*** TRIAL *** Dém*** TRIAL ***omatique C:\*** TRIAL ***les (x86)\Microsoft\EdgeUpdate\MicrosoftEdgeUpdate.exe Mic*** TRIAL ***e Update Mic*** TRIAL ***poration Loc*** TRIAL ***
edg*** TRIAL *** Mic*** TRIAL ***e Update Service (edgeupdatem) 1.3*** TRIAL *** Pro*** TRIAL ***sonnel Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***les (x86)\Microsoft\EdgeUpdate\MicrosoftEdgeUpdate.exe Mic*** TRIAL ***e Update Mic*** TRIAL ***poration Loc*** TRIAL ***
EFS Système de fichiers EFS (Encrypting File System) 10.0.19041.1266 Processus partagé Arrêté Demande de démarrage C:\Windows\System32\lsass.exe Local Security Authority Process / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Microsoft Corporation LocalSystem
embeddedmode*** TRIAL *** Mod*** TRIAL ***é 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pro*** TRIAL ***tagé Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe Pro*** TRIAL ***e pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration Loc*** TRIAL ***
EntAppSvc Service de gestion des applications d'entreprise 10.0.19041.546 Processus partagé Arrêté Demande de démarrage C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe Processus hôte pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Microsoft Corporation LocalSystem
Eve*** TRIAL *** Jou*** TRIAL ***nements Windows 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pro*** TRIAL ***sonnel; Processus partagé Dém*** TRIAL *** Dém*** TRIAL ***omatique C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe Pro*** TRIAL ***e pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration NT *** TRIAL ***LocalService
Eve*** TRIAL *** Sys*** TRIAL ***nement COM+ 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pro*** TRIAL ***sonnel; Processus partagé Dém*** TRIAL *** Dém*** TRIAL ***omatique C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe Pro*** TRIAL ***e pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration NT *** TRIAL ***LocalService
Fax*** TRIAL *** Tél*** TRIAL *** 10.*** TRIAL ***4 Pro*** TRIAL ***sonnel Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\FXSSVC.exe Fax*** TRIAL *** Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Mic*** TRIAL ***poration NT *** TRIAL ***NetworkService
fdPHost*** TRIAL *** Hôt*** TRIAL ***isseur de découverte de fonctions 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pro*** TRIAL ***tagé Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe Pro*** TRIAL ***e pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration NT *** TRIAL ***LocalService
FDR*** TRIAL *** Pub*** TRIAL ***es ressources de découverte de fonctions 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pro*** TRIAL ***tagé Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe Pro*** TRIAL ***e pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration NT *** TRIAL ***LocalService
fhsvc Service d historique des fichiers 10.0.19041.546 Processus partagé Arrêté Demande de démarrage C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe Processus hôte pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Microsoft Corporation LocalSystem
Fon*** TRIAL *** Ser*** TRIAL ***che de police Windows 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pro*** TRIAL ***sonnel; Processus partagé Dém*** TRIAL *** Dém*** TRIAL ***omatique C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe Pro*** TRIAL ***e pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration NT *** TRIAL ***LocalService
FrameServer*** TRIAL *** Ser*** TRIAL ***ame de la Caméra Windows 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pro*** TRIAL ***tagé Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe Pro*** TRIAL ***e pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration Loc*** TRIAL ***
Goo*** TRIAL ***levationService Goo*** TRIAL *** Elevation Service (GoogleChromeElevationService) 103*** TRIAL ***4 Pro*** TRIAL ***sonnel Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***les (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\103.0.5060.114\elevation_service.exe Goo*** TRIAL *** Goo*** TRIAL *** Loc*** TRIAL ***
gpsvc*** TRIAL *** Cli*** TRIAL ***atégie de groupe 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pro*** TRIAL ***sonnel; Processus partagé Dém*** TRIAL *** Dém*** TRIAL ***omatique C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe Pro*** TRIAL ***e pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration Loc*** TRIAL ***
GraphicsPerfSvc*** TRIAL *** Gra*** TRIAL ***vc 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pro*** TRIAL ***tagé Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe Pro*** TRIAL ***e pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration Loc*** TRIAL ***
gupdate*** TRIAL *** Ser*** TRIAL ***e Update (gupdate) 1.3*** TRIAL *** Pro*** TRIAL ***sonnel Arr*** TRIAL *** Dém*** TRIAL ***omatique C:\*** TRIAL ***les (x86)\Google\Update\GoogleUpdate.exe Pro*** TRIAL ***nstallation de Google / Google Update Goo*** TRIAL *** Loc*** TRIAL ***
gupdatem*** TRIAL *** Ser*** TRIAL ***e Update (gupdatem) 1.3*** TRIAL *** Pro*** TRIAL ***sonnel Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***les (x86)\Google\Update\GoogleUpdate.exe Pro*** TRIAL ***nstallation de Google / Google Update Goo*** TRIAL *** Loc*** TRIAL ***
hidserv Service du périphérique d interface utilisateur 10.0.19041.546 Processus personnel; Processus partagé Démarrage Demande de démarrage C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe Processus hôte pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Microsoft Corporation LocalSystem
HvH*** TRIAL *** Ser*** TRIAL ***e HV 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pro*** TRIAL ***tagé Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe Pro*** TRIAL ***e pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration Loc*** TRIAL ***
icssvc Service Point d'accès sans fil mobile Windows 10.0.19041.546 Processus partagé Arrêté Demande de démarrage C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe Processus hôte pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Microsoft Corporation NT Authority\LocalService
IKE*** TRIAL *** Mod*** TRIAL ***nération de clés IKE et AuthIP 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pro*** TRIAL ***tagé Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe Pro*** TRIAL ***e pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration Loc*** TRIAL ***
Ins*** TRIAL ***e Ins*** TRIAL ***du service Microsoft Store 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pro*** TRIAL ***sonnel Dém*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe Pro*** TRIAL ***e pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration Loc*** TRIAL ***
Int*** TRIAL ***bility Licensing Service TCP IP Interface Int*** TRIAL ***bility Licensing Service TCP IP Interface 1.4*** TRIAL *** Pro*** TRIAL ***sonnel Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***les\Intel\iCLS Client\SocketHeciServer.exe Int*** TRIAL ***bility Licensing Service TCP IP Interface Int*** TRIAL ***oration Loc*** TRIAL ***
Intel(R) PROSet Monitoring Service*** TRIAL *** Int*** TRIAL ***et Monitoring Service 20.*** TRIAL *** Pro*** TRIAL ***sonnel Dém*** TRIAL *** Dém*** TRIAL ***omatique C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\IPROSetMonitor.exe Int*** TRIAL *** Monitoring Service Int*** TRIAL ***tion Loc*** TRIAL ***
Intel(R) Security Assist*** TRIAL *** Int*** TRIAL ***rity Assist 1.0*** TRIAL *** Pro*** TRIAL ***sonnel Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***les (x86)\Intel\Intel(R) Security Assist\isa.exe Int*** TRIAL ***rity Assist Int*** TRIAL ***tion Loc*** TRIAL ***
iphlpsvc Assistance IP 10.0.19041.546 Processus personnel; Processus partagé Démarrage Démarrage automatique C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe Processus hôte pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Microsoft Corporation LocalSystem
IpxlatCfgSvc*** TRIAL *** Ser*** TRIAL ***nfiguration de conversion IP 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pro*** TRIAL ***tagé Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe Pro*** TRIAL ***e pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration Loc*** TRIAL ***
isaHelperSvc*** TRIAL *** Int*** TRIAL ***rity Assist Helper *** TRIAL *** Pro*** TRIAL ***sonnel Dém*** TRIAL *** Dém*** TRIAL ***omatique C:\*** TRIAL ***les (x86)\Intel\Intel(R) Security Assist\isaHelperService.exe *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** Loc*** TRIAL ***
jhi_service*** TRIAL *** Int*** TRIAL ***mic Application Loader Host Interface Service 11.*** TRIAL *** Pro*** TRIAL ***sonnel Dém*** TRIAL *** Dém*** TRIAL ***omatique C:\*** TRIAL ***les (x86)\Intel\Intel(R) Management Engine Components\DAL\jhi_service.exe Int*** TRIAL ***mic Application Loader Host Interface Int*** TRIAL ***tion Loc*** TRIAL ***
KeyIso*** TRIAL *** Iso*** TRIAL ***clé CNG 10.*** TRIAL ***66 Pro*** TRIAL ***tagé Dém*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\lsass.exe Loc*** TRIAL ***y Authority Process / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Mic*** TRIAL ***poration Loc*** TRIAL ***
*** TRIAL *** Ser*** TRIAL *** pour Distributed Transaction Coordinator 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pro*** TRIAL ***tagé Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe Pro*** TRIAL ***e pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration NT *** TRIAL ***NetworkService
LanmanServer Serveur 10.0.19041.546 Processus personnel; Processus partagé Démarrage Démarrage automatique C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe Processus hôte pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Microsoft Corporation LocalSystem
LanmanWorkstation*** TRIAL *** Sta*** TRIAL ***avail 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pro*** TRIAL ***sonnel; Processus partagé Dém*** TRIAL *** Dém*** TRIAL ***omatique C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe Pro*** TRIAL ***e pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration NT *** TRIAL ***NetworkService
lfsvc*** TRIAL *** Ser*** TRIAL ***olocalisation 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pro*** TRIAL ***tagé Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe Pro*** TRIAL ***e pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration Loc*** TRIAL ***
LicenseManager*** TRIAL *** Ser*** TRIAL ***onnaire de licences Windows 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pro*** TRIAL ***sonnel; Processus partagé Dém*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe Pro*** TRIAL ***e pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration NT *** TRIAL ***LocalService
lltdsvc Mappage de découverte de topologie de la couche de liaison 10.0.19041.546 Processus partagé Arrêté Demande de démarrage C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe Processus hôte pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Microsoft Corporation NT AUTHORITY\LocalService
lmh*** TRIAL *** Ass*** TRIAL ***tBIOS sur TCP/IP 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pro*** TRIAL ***sonnel; Processus partagé Dém*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe Pro*** TRIAL ***e pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration NT *** TRIAL ***LocalService
LMS*** TRIAL *** Int*** TRIAL ***gement and Security Application Local Management Service 11.*** TRIAL *** Pro*** TRIAL ***sonnel Dém*** TRIAL *** Dém*** TRIAL ***omatique C:\*** TRIAL ***les (x86)\Intel\Intel(R) Management Engine Components\LMS\LMS.exe Int*** TRIAL ***l Management Service / Intel(R) Management and Security Application Local Management Service Int*** TRIAL ***tion Loc*** TRIAL ***
LSM*** TRIAL *** Ges*** TRIAL ***de session locale 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pro*** TRIAL ***sonnel; Processus partagé Dém*** TRIAL *** Dém*** TRIAL ***omatique C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe Pro*** TRIAL ***e pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration Loc*** TRIAL ***
Lxp*** TRIAL *** Ser*** TRIAL ***érience linguistique 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pro*** TRIAL ***tagé Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe Pro*** TRIAL ***e pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration Loc*** TRIAL ***
MapsBroker*** TRIAL *** Ges*** TRIAL ***des cartes téléchargées 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pro*** TRIAL ***sonnel Arr*** TRIAL *** Dém*** TRIAL ***omatique C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe Pro*** TRIAL ***e pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration NT *** TRIAL ***NetworkService
MessagingService MessagingService 10.0.19041.546 Processus partagé; Service aux utilisateurs Arrêté Demande de démarrage C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe Processus hôte pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Microsoft Corporation LocalSystem
MicrosoftEdgeElevationService*** TRIAL *** Mic*** TRIAL ***e Elevation Service (MicrosoftEdgeElevationService) 92.*** TRIAL *** Pro*** TRIAL ***sonnel Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***les (x86)\Microsoft\Edge\Application\92.0.902.67\elevation_service.exe Mic*** TRIAL ***e Mic*** TRIAL ***poration Loc*** TRIAL ***
Mix*** TRIAL ***penXRSvc Win*** TRIAL *** Reality OpenXR Service 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pro*** TRIAL ***tagé Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe Pro*** TRIAL ***e pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration Loc*** TRIAL ***
mpssvc*** TRIAL *** Par*** TRIAL ***ows Defender 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pro*** TRIAL ***tagé Dém*** TRIAL *** Dém*** TRIAL ***omatique C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe Pro*** TRIAL ***e pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration NT *** TRIAL ***LocalService
*** TRIAL *** Coo*** TRIAL ***de transactions distribuées 200*** TRIAL ***.16384 Pro*** TRIAL ***sonnel Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\msdtc.exe Ser*** TRIAL ***soft Distributed Transaction Coordinator / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Mic*** TRIAL ***poration NT *** TRIAL ***NetworkService
MSiSCSI*** TRIAL *** Ser*** TRIAL ***ateur iSCSI de Microsoft 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pro*** TRIAL ***tagé Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe Pro*** TRIAL ***e pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration Loc*** TRIAL ***
msi*** TRIAL *** Win*** TRIAL ***ller 5.0*** TRIAL *** Pro*** TRIAL ***sonnel Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\msiexec.exe Ins*** TRIAL ***Windows® / Windows Installer - Unicode Mic*** TRIAL ***poration Loc*** TRIAL ***
MsKeyboardFilter*** TRIAL *** Fil*** TRIAL ***r Microsoft 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pro*** TRIAL ***tagé Arr*** TRIAL *** Dés*** TRIAL *** C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe Pro*** TRIAL ***e pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration Loc*** TRIAL ***
NaturalAuthentication*** TRIAL *** Aut*** TRIAL ***ion naturelle 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pro*** TRIAL ***tagé Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe Pro*** TRIAL ***e pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration Loc*** TRIAL ***
NcaSvc Assistant Connectivité réseau 10.0.19041.546 Processus partagé Arrêté Demande de démarrage C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe Processus hôte pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Microsoft Corporation LocalSystem
NcbService Service Broker pour les connexions réseau 10.0.19041.546 Processus personnel; Processus partagé Démarrage Demande de démarrage C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe Processus hôte pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Microsoft Corporation LocalSystem
NcdAutoSetup*** TRIAL *** Con*** TRIAL *** automatique des périphériques connectés au réseau 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pro*** TRIAL ***tagé Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe Pro*** TRIAL ***e pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration NT *** TRIAL ***LocalService
Net*** TRIAL *** Net*** TRIAL *** 10.*** TRIAL ***66 Pro*** TRIAL ***tagé Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\lsass.exe Loc*** TRIAL ***y Authority Process / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Mic*** TRIAL ***poration Loc*** TRIAL ***
Net*** TRIAL *** Con*** TRIAL ***seau 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pro*** TRIAL ***tagé Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe Pro*** TRIAL ***e pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration Loc*** TRIAL ***
net*** TRIAL *** Ser*** TRIAL *** des réseaux 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pro*** TRIAL ***sonnel; Processus partagé Dém*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe Pro*** TRIAL ***e pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration NT *** TRIAL ***LocalService
NetSetupSvc*** TRIAL *** Ser*** TRIAL ***guration du réseau 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pro*** TRIAL ***sonnel; Processus partagé Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe Pro*** TRIAL ***e pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration Loc*** TRIAL ***
Net*** TRIAL ***ring Ser*** TRIAL ***rtage de ports Net.Tcp 4.8*** TRIAL *** Pro*** TRIAL ***tagé Arr*** TRIAL *** Dés*** TRIAL *** C:\*** TRIAL ***crosoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\SMSvcHost.exe SMS*** TRIAL *** / Microsoft® .NET Framework Mic*** TRIAL ***poration NT *** TRIAL ***LocalService
Ngc*** TRIAL *** Con*** TRIAL ***rosoft Passport 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pro*** TRIAL ***tagé Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe Pro*** TRIAL ***e pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration NT *** TRIAL ***LocalService
NgcSvc*** TRIAL *** Mic*** TRIAL ***sport 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pro*** TRIAL ***sonnel; Processus partagé Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe Pro*** TRIAL ***e pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration Loc*** TRIAL ***
NlaSvc*** TRIAL *** Con*** TRIAL ***des emplacements réseau 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pro*** TRIAL ***sonnel; Processus partagé Dém*** TRIAL *** Dém*** TRIAL ***omatique C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe Pro*** TRIAL ***e pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration NT *** TRIAL ***NetworkService
nsi*** TRIAL *** Ser*** TRIAL ***face du magasin réseau 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pro*** TRIAL ***sonnel; Processus partagé Dém*** TRIAL *** Dém*** TRIAL ***omatique C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe Pro*** TRIAL ***e pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration NT *** TRIAL ***LocalService
One*** TRIAL *** Hôt*** TRIAL ***ronisation 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pro*** TRIAL ***tagé; Service aux utilisateurs Arr*** TRIAL *** Dém*** TRIAL ***omatique C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe Pro*** TRIAL ***e pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration *** TRIAL ***
p2pimsvc*** TRIAL *** Ges*** TRIAL ***d identité réseau homologue 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pro*** TRIAL ***tagé Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe Pro*** TRIAL ***e pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration NT *** TRIAL ***LocalService
p2p*** TRIAL *** Gro*** TRIAL *** mise en réseau de pairs 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pro*** TRIAL ***tagé Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe Pro*** TRIAL ***e pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration NT *** TRIAL ***LocalService
PcaSvc*** TRIAL *** Ser*** TRIAL ***Assistant Compatibilité des programmes 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pro*** TRIAL ***sonnel; Processus partagé Dém*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe Pro*** TRIAL ***e pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration Loc*** TRIAL ***
PeerDistSvc*** TRIAL *** Bra*** TRIAL *** 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pro*** TRIAL ***tagé Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe Pro*** TRIAL ***e pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration NT *** TRIAL ***NetworkService
perceptionsimulation*** TRIAL *** Ser*** TRIAL ***mulation de perception Windows 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pro*** TRIAL ***sonnel Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\PerceptionSimulation\PerceptionSimulationService.exe Ser*** TRIAL ***mulation de perception Windows / Système d'exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration Loc*** TRIAL ***
PerfHost Hôte de DLL de compteur de performance 10.0.19041.1 Processus personnel Arrêté Demande de démarrage C:\Windows\SysWOW64\perfhost.exe Hôte de DLL de compteur de performance / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Microsoft Corporation NT AUTHORITY\LocalService
PhoneSvc*** TRIAL *** Ser*** TRIAL ***honique 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pro*** TRIAL ***tagé Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe Pro*** TRIAL ***e pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration NT *** TRIAL ***LocalService
PimIndexMaintenanceSvc Données de contacts 10.0.19041.546 Processus partagé; Service aux utilisateurs Arrêté Demande de démarrage C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe Processus hôte pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Microsoft Corporation LocalSystem
pla*** TRIAL *** Jou*** TRIAL ***ertes de performance 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pro*** TRIAL ***tagé Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe Pro*** TRIAL ***e pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration NT *** TRIAL ***LocalService
PlugPlay*** TRIAL *** Plu*** TRIAL *** 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pro*** TRIAL ***tagé Dém*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe Pro*** TRIAL ***e pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration Loc*** TRIAL ***
PNR*** TRIAL *** Ser*** TRIAL ***blication des noms d ordinateurs PNRP 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pro*** TRIAL ***tagé Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe Pro*** TRIAL ***e pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration NT *** TRIAL ***LocalService
PNRPsvc*** TRIAL *** Pro*** TRIAL ***P 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pro*** TRIAL ***tagé Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe Pro*** TRIAL ***e pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration NT *** TRIAL ***LocalService
PolicyAgent Agent de stratégie IPsec 10.0.19041.546 Processus partagé Arrêté Demande de démarrage C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe Processus hôte pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Microsoft Corporation NT Authority\NetworkService
Power*** TRIAL *** Ali*** TRIAL *** 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pro*** TRIAL ***tagé Dém*** TRIAL *** Dém*** TRIAL ***omatique C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe Pro*** TRIAL ***e pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration Loc*** TRIAL ***
PrintNotify Extensions et notifications des imprimantes 10.0.19041.546 Processus partagé; Interactive Arrêté Demande de démarrage C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe Processus hôte pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Microsoft Corporation LocalSystem
PrintWorkflowUserSvc*** TRIAL *** Pri*** TRIAL *** 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pro*** TRIAL ***tagé; Service aux utilisateurs Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe Pro*** TRIAL ***e pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration Loc*** TRIAL ***
ProfSvc Service de profil utilisateur 10.0.19041.546 Processus personnel; Processus partagé Démarrage Démarrage automatique C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe Processus hôte pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Microsoft Corporation LocalSystem
Pus*** TRIAL *** Ser*** TRIAL ***oInstall de Windows 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pro*** TRIAL ***sonnel; Processus partagé Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe Pro*** TRIAL ***e pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration Loc*** TRIAL ***
*** TRIAL *** Exp*** TRIAL ***dio-vidéo haute qualité Windows 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pro*** TRIAL ***tagé Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe Pro*** TRIAL ***e pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration NT *** TRIAL ***LocalService
RasAuto*** TRIAL *** Ges*** TRIAL ***des connexions automatiques d accès à distance 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pro*** TRIAL ***tagé Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe Pro*** TRIAL ***e pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration loc*** TRIAL ***
Ras*** TRIAL *** Ges*** TRIAL ***des connexions d accès à distance 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pro*** TRIAL ***tagé Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe Pro*** TRIAL ***e pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration loc*** TRIAL ***
RemoteAccess*** TRIAL *** Rou*** TRIAL ***cès distant 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pro*** TRIAL ***tagé Arr*** TRIAL *** Dés*** TRIAL *** C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe Pro*** TRIAL ***e pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration loc*** TRIAL ***
RemoteRegistry*** TRIAL *** Reg*** TRIAL ***stance 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pro*** TRIAL ***tagé Arr*** TRIAL *** Dés*** TRIAL *** C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe Pro*** TRIAL ***e pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration NT *** TRIAL ***LocalService
RetailDemo*** TRIAL *** Ser*** TRIAL ***mo du magasin 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pro*** TRIAL ***tagé Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe Pro*** TRIAL ***e pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration Loc*** TRIAL ***
RmSvc*** TRIAL *** Ser*** TRIAL ***stion radio 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pro*** TRIAL ***sonnel; Processus partagé Dém*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe Pro*** TRIAL ***e pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration NT *** TRIAL ***LocalService
Rpc*** TRIAL *** Map*** TRIAL ***int de terminaison RPC 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pro*** TRIAL ***tagé Dém*** TRIAL *** Dém*** TRIAL ***omatique C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe Pro*** TRIAL ***e pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration NT *** TRIAL ***NetworkService
Rpc*** TRIAL *** Loc*** TRIAL ***d appels de procédure distante (RPC) 10.*** TRIAL *** Pro*** TRIAL ***sonnel Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\Locator.exe Loc*** TRIAL ***d appels de procédure distante / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration NT *** TRIAL ***NetworkService
RpcSs*** TRIAL *** App*** TRIAL ***édure distante (RPC) 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pro*** TRIAL ***tagé Dém*** TRIAL *** Dém*** TRIAL ***omatique C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe Pro*** TRIAL ***e pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration NT *** TRIAL ***NetworkService
*** TRIAL *** Ges*** TRIAL ***de comptes de sécurité 10.*** TRIAL ***66 Pro*** TRIAL ***tagé Dém*** TRIAL *** Dém*** TRIAL ***omatique C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\lsass.exe Loc*** TRIAL ***y Authority Process / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Mic*** TRIAL ***poration Loc*** TRIAL ***
SCardSvr Carte à puce 10.0.19041.546 Processus partagé Arrêté Demande de démarrage C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe Processus hôte pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Microsoft Corporation NT AUTHORITY\LocalService
ScD*** TRIAL *** Ser*** TRIAL ***mération de périphériques de carte à puce 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pro*** TRIAL ***tagé Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe Pro*** TRIAL ***e pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration Loc*** TRIAL ***
Schedule*** TRIAL *** Pla*** TRIAL *** de tâches 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pro*** TRIAL ***sonnel; Processus partagé Dém*** TRIAL *** Dém*** TRIAL ***omatique C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe Pro*** TRIAL ***e pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration Loc*** TRIAL ***
SCPolicySvc*** TRIAL *** Str*** TRIAL ***retrait de la carte à puce 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pro*** TRIAL ***tagé Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe Pro*** TRIAL ***e pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration Loc*** TRIAL ***
SDRSVC*** TRIAL *** Sau*** TRIAL ***ndows 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pro*** TRIAL ***sonnel Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe Pro*** TRIAL ***e pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration loc*** TRIAL ***
sec*** TRIAL *** Ouv*** TRIAL ***session secondaire 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pro*** TRIAL ***tagé Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe Pro*** TRIAL ***e pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration Loc*** TRIAL ***
SecurityHealthService Service Sécurité Windows 4.18.1907.16384 Processus personnel Démarrage Demande de démarrage C:\Windows\System32\SecurityHealthService.exe Windows Security Health Service / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Microsoft Corporation LocalSystem
SEMgrSvc*** TRIAL *** Ges*** TRIAL *** des paiements et des éléments sécurisés NFC 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pro*** TRIAL ***sonnel Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe Pro*** TRIAL ***e pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration NT *** TRIAL ***LocalService
*** TRIAL *** Ser*** TRIAL ***tification d événements système 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pro*** TRIAL ***sonnel; Processus partagé Dém*** TRIAL *** Dém*** TRIAL ***omatique C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe Pro*** TRIAL ***e pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration Loc*** TRIAL ***
*** TRIAL *** Ser*** TRIAL ***ction avancée contre les menaces Windows Defender 10.*** TRIAL ***.1288 Pro*** TRIAL ***sonnel Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***les\Windows Defender Advanced Threat Protection\MsSense.exe Exé*** TRIAL *** service Protection avancée contre les menaces Windows Defender / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration Loc*** TRIAL ***
Sen*** TRIAL ***vice Ser*** TRIAL ***es de capteur 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pro*** TRIAL ***sonnel Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\SensorDataService.exe Ser*** TRIAL ***es de capteur / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration Loc*** TRIAL ***
SensorService Service de capteur 10.0.19041.546 Processus partagé Arrêté Demande de démarrage C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe Processus hôte pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Microsoft Corporation LocalSystem
Sen*** TRIAL *** Ser*** TRIAL ***rveillance des capteurs 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pro*** TRIAL ***tagé Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe Pro*** TRIAL ***e pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration NT *** TRIAL ***LocalService
Ses*** TRIAL *** Con*** TRIAL *** des services Bureau à distance 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pro*** TRIAL ***tagé Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe Pro*** TRIAL ***e pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration loc*** TRIAL ***
SgrmBroker*** TRIAL *** Ser*** TRIAL ***r du moniteur d'exécution System Guard 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pro*** TRIAL ***sonnel Dém*** TRIAL *** Dém*** TRIAL ***omatique C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\SgrmBroker.exe Ser*** TRIAL ***r du moniteur d'exécution System Guard / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration Loc*** TRIAL ***
Sha*** TRIAL *** Par*** TRIAL ***nnexion Internet (ICS) 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pro*** TRIAL ***tagé Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe Pro*** TRIAL ***e pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration Loc*** TRIAL ***
SharedRealitySvc*** TRIAL *** Ser*** TRIAL ***nnées spatiales 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pro*** TRIAL ***tagé Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe Pro*** TRIAL ***e pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration NT *** TRIAL ***LocalService
ShellHWDetection Détection matériel noyau 10.0.19041.546 Processus personnel; Processus partagé Démarrage Démarrage automatique C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe Processus hôte pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Microsoft Corporation LocalSystem
shpamsvc*** TRIAL *** Sha*** TRIAL ***ount Manager 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pro*** TRIAL ***tagé Arr*** TRIAL *** Dés*** TRIAL *** C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe Pro*** TRIAL ***e pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration Loc*** TRIAL ***
smp*** TRIAL *** SMP*** TRIAL ***ce de stockages Microsoft 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pro*** TRIAL ***sonnel Dém*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe Pro*** TRIAL ***e pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration NT *** TRIAL ***NetworkService
Sms*** TRIAL *** Ser*** TRIAL ***ur SMS Microsoft Windows. 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pro*** TRIAL ***tagé Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe Pro*** TRIAL ***e pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration NT *** TRIAL ***LocalService
SNMPTRAP*** TRIAL *** Int*** TRIAL ***SNMP 10.*** TRIAL *** Pro*** TRIAL ***sonnel Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\snmptrap.exe Int*** TRIAL ***SNMP / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration NT *** TRIAL ***LocalService
spe*** TRIAL *** Ser*** TRIAL ***rception Windows 10.*** TRIAL ***51 Pro*** TRIAL ***sonnel Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\Spectrum.exe Ser*** TRIAL ***rception Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration NT *** TRIAL ***LocalService
Spooler*** TRIAL *** Spo*** TRIAL ***pression 10.*** TRIAL ***88 Pro*** TRIAL ***sonnel; Interactive Dém*** TRIAL *** Dém*** TRIAL ***omatique C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\spoolsv.exe App*** TRIAL ***ous-système spouleur / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration Loc*** TRIAL ***
sppsvc*** TRIAL *** Pro*** TRIAL ***gicielle 10.*** TRIAL ***66 Pro*** TRIAL ***sonnel Arr*** TRIAL *** Dém*** TRIAL ***omatique C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\sppsvc.exe Ser*** TRIAL *** plateforme de protection logicielle Microsoft / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration NT *** TRIAL ***NetworkService
SSDPSRV*** TRIAL *** Déc*** TRIAL ***DP 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pro*** TRIAL ***sonnel; Processus partagé Dém*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe Pro*** TRIAL ***e pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration NT *** TRIAL ***LocalService
ssh-agent*** TRIAL *** Ope*** TRIAL ***ntication Agent 8.1*** TRIAL *** Pro*** TRIAL ***sonnel Arr*** TRIAL *** Dés*** TRIAL *** C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\OpenSSH\ssh-agent.exe Ope*** TRIAL ***indows *** TRIAL *** Loc*** TRIAL ***
SstpSvc Service SSTP (Secure Socket Tunneling Protocol) 10.0.19041.546 Processus partagé Arrêté Demande de démarrage C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe Processus hôte pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Microsoft Corporation NT Authority\LocalService
StateRepository*** TRIAL *** Ser*** TRIAL *** Repository (StateRepository) 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pro*** TRIAL ***sonnel; Processus partagé Dém*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe Pro*** TRIAL ***e pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration Loc*** TRIAL ***
stisvc*** TRIAL *** Acq*** TRIAL *** image Windows (WIA) 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pro*** TRIAL ***sonnel Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe Pro*** TRIAL ***e pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration NT *** TRIAL ***LocalService
Sto*** TRIAL *** Ser*** TRIAL ***ockage 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pro*** TRIAL ***sonnel; Processus partagé Dém*** TRIAL *** Dém*** TRIAL ***omatique C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe Pro*** TRIAL ***e pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration Loc*** TRIAL ***
svsvc Vérificateur de points 10.0.19041.546 Processus partagé Arrêté Demande de démarrage C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe Processus hôte pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Microsoft Corporation LocalSystem
*** TRIAL *** Fou*** TRIAL ***e cliché instantané de logiciel Microsoft 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pro*** TRIAL ***sonnel Dém*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe Pro*** TRIAL ***e pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration Loc*** TRIAL ***
SysMain*** TRIAL *** Sys*** TRIAL *** 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pro*** TRIAL ***sonnel; Processus partagé Dém*** TRIAL *** Dém*** TRIAL ***omatique C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe Pro*** TRIAL ***e pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration Loc*** TRIAL ***
Sys*** TRIAL ***roker Ser*** TRIAL ***r des événements système 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pro*** TRIAL ***tagé Dém*** TRIAL *** Dém*** TRIAL ***omatique C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe Pro*** TRIAL ***e pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration Loc*** TRIAL ***
Tab*** TRIAL ***rvice Ser*** TRIAL ***avier tactile et du volet d écriture manuscrite 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pro*** TRIAL ***sonnel; Processus partagé Dém*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe Pro*** TRIAL ***e pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration Loc*** TRIAL ***
TapiSrv Téléphonie 10.0.19041.546 Processus partagé Arrêté Demande de démarrage C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe Processus hôte pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Microsoft Corporation NT AUTHORITY\NetworkService
TermService*** TRIAL *** Ser*** TRIAL ***au à distance 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pro*** TRIAL ***tagé Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe Pro*** TRIAL ***e pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration NT *** TRIAL ***NetworkService
Themes*** TRIAL *** Thè*** TRIAL *** 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pro*** TRIAL ***sonnel; Processus partagé Dém*** TRIAL *** Dém*** TRIAL ***omatique C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe Pro*** TRIAL ***e pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration Loc*** TRIAL ***
TieringEngineService*** TRIAL *** Ges*** TRIAL ***iveaux de stockage 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pro*** TRIAL ***sonnel Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\TieringEngineService.exe Ges*** TRIAL ***iveaux de stockage / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration loc*** TRIAL ***
Tim*** TRIAL *** Ser*** TRIAL ***r pour les événements horaires 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pro*** TRIAL ***sonnel; Processus partagé Dém*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe Pro*** TRIAL ***e pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration NT *** TRIAL ***LocalService
Tok*** TRIAL *** Ges*** TRIAL ***de comptes web 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pro*** TRIAL ***sonnel; Processus partagé Dém*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe Pro*** TRIAL ***e pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration Loc*** TRIAL ***
TrkWks*** TRIAL *** Cli*** TRIAL ***vi de lien distribué 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pro*** TRIAL ***sonnel; Processus partagé Dém*** TRIAL *** Dém*** TRIAL ***omatique C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe Pro*** TRIAL ***e pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration Loc*** TRIAL ***
TroubleshootingSvc*** TRIAL *** Ser*** TRIAL ***solution des problèmes recommandé 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pro*** TRIAL ***tagé Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe Pro*** TRIAL ***e pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration Loc*** TRIAL ***
TrustedInstaller*** TRIAL *** Pro*** TRIAL ***nstallation pour les modules Windows 10.*** TRIAL ***02 Pro*** TRIAL ***sonnel Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***rvicing\TrustedInstaller.exe Pro*** TRIAL ***nstallation pour les modules Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration loc*** TRIAL ***
tza*** TRIAL *** Pro*** TRIAL ***mise à jour automatique du fuseau horaire 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pro*** TRIAL ***tagé Arr*** TRIAL *** Dés*** TRIAL *** C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe Pro*** TRIAL ***e pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration NT *** TRIAL ***LocalService
UdkUserSvc*** TRIAL *** Ser*** TRIAL ***sateur du kit de développement sans station d accueil 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pro*** TRIAL ***tagé; Service aux utilisateurs Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe Pro*** TRIAL ***e pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration *** TRIAL ***
Uev*** TRIAL ***ce Ser*** TRIAL ***Experience Virtualization 10.*** TRIAL ***88 Pro*** TRIAL ***sonnel Arr*** TRIAL *** Dés*** TRIAL *** C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\AgentService.exe EXE*** TRIAL ***ice / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration Loc*** TRIAL ***
UmR*** TRIAL *** Red*** TRIAL ***e port du mode utilisateur des services Bureau à distance 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pro*** TRIAL ***tagé Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe Pro*** TRIAL ***e pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration loc*** TRIAL ***
UnistoreSvc*** TRIAL *** Sto*** TRIAL ***données utilisateur 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pro*** TRIAL ***tagé; Service aux utilisateurs Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe Pro*** TRIAL ***e pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration Loc*** TRIAL ***
upnphost Hôte de périphérique UPnP 10.0.19041.546 Processus partagé Arrêté Demande de démarrage C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe Processus hôte pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Microsoft Corporation NT AUTHORITY\LocalService
UserDataSvc Accès aux données utilisateur 10.0.19041.546 Processus partagé; Service aux utilisateurs Arrêté Demande de démarrage C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe Processus hôte pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Microsoft Corporation LocalSystem
UserManager*** TRIAL *** Ges*** TRIAL ***des utilisateurs 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pro*** TRIAL ***sonnel; Processus partagé Dém*** TRIAL *** Dém*** TRIAL ***omatique C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe Pro*** TRIAL ***e pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration Loc*** TRIAL ***
Uso*** TRIAL *** Met*** TRIAL *** le service Orchestrator 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pro*** TRIAL ***sonnel; Processus partagé Dém*** TRIAL *** Dém*** TRIAL ***omatique C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe Pro*** TRIAL ***e pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration Loc*** TRIAL ***
VacSvc*** TRIAL *** Ser*** TRIAL ***mposition audio volumétrique 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pro*** TRIAL ***sonnel Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe Pro*** TRIAL ***e pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration NT *** TRIAL ***LocalService
VaultSvc*** TRIAL *** Ges*** TRIAL ***d informations d identification 10.*** TRIAL ***66 Pro*** TRIAL ***tagé Dém*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\lsass.exe Loc*** TRIAL ***y Authority Process / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Mic*** TRIAL ***poration Loc*** TRIAL ***
vds*** TRIAL *** Dis*** TRIAL ***l 10.*** TRIAL ***02 Pro*** TRIAL ***sonnel Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\vds.exe Ser*** TRIAL ***sque virtuel / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration Loc*** TRIAL ***
vmicguestinterface*** TRIAL *** Int*** TRIAL ***services d invité Hyper-V 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pro*** TRIAL ***tagé Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe Pro*** TRIAL ***e pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration Loc*** TRIAL ***
vmicheartbeat*** TRIAL *** Ser*** TRIAL ***tion Microsoft Hyper-V 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pro*** TRIAL ***tagé Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe Pro*** TRIAL ***e pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration Loc*** TRIAL ***
vmickvpexchange*** TRIAL *** Ser*** TRIAL ***ge de données Microsoft Hyper-V 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pro*** TRIAL ***tagé Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe Pro*** TRIAL ***e pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration Loc*** TRIAL ***
vmicrdv*** TRIAL *** Ser*** TRIAL ***rtualisation Bureau à distance Hyper-V 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pro*** TRIAL ***tagé Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe Pro*** TRIAL ***e pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration Loc*** TRIAL ***
vmicshutdown*** TRIAL *** Ser*** TRIAL *** de l invité Microsoft Hyper-V 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pro*** TRIAL ***tagé Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe Pro*** TRIAL ***e pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration Loc*** TRIAL ***
vmictimesync*** TRIAL *** Ser*** TRIAL ***ronisation date/heure Microsoft Hyper-V 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pro*** TRIAL ***tagé Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe Pro*** TRIAL ***e pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration NT *** TRIAL ***LocalService
vmi*** TRIAL *** Ser*** TRIAL ***-V PowerShell Direct 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pro*** TRIAL ***tagé Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe Pro*** TRIAL ***e pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration Loc*** TRIAL ***
vmi*** TRIAL *** Req*** TRIAL ***rvice VSS Microsoft Hyper-V 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pro*** TRIAL ***tagé Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe Pro*** TRIAL ***e pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration Loc*** TRIAL ***
VSS*** TRIAL *** Cli*** TRIAL ***tané des volumes 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pro*** TRIAL ***sonnel Dém*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\VSSVC.exe Ser*** TRIAL ***iché instantané de volumes Microsoft® / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration Loc*** TRIAL ***
W32Time*** TRIAL *** Tem*** TRIAL *** 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pro*** TRIAL ***tagé Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe Pro*** TRIAL ***e pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration NT *** TRIAL ***LocalService
WaaSMedicSvc*** TRIAL *** Ser*** TRIAL *** de Windows Update 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pro*** TRIAL ***sonnel; Processus partagé Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe Pro*** TRIAL ***e pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration Loc*** TRIAL ***
WalletService*** TRIAL *** Wal*** TRIAL *** 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pro*** TRIAL ***tagé Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe Pro*** TRIAL ***e pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration Loc*** TRIAL ***
WarpJITSvc*** TRIAL *** War*** TRIAL *** 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pro*** TRIAL ***sonnel Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe Pro*** TRIAL ***e pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration NT *** TRIAL ***LocalService
wbe*** TRIAL *** Ser*** TRIAL ***teur de sauvegarde en mode bloc 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pro*** TRIAL ***sonnel Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\wbengine.exe Exé*** TRIAL *** service de moteur de sauvegarde en mode bloc Microsoft® / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration loc*** TRIAL ***
WbioSrvc*** TRIAL *** Ser*** TRIAL ***ométrie Windows 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pro*** TRIAL ***sonnel; Processus partagé Dém*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe Pro*** TRIAL ***e pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration Loc*** TRIAL ***
Wcmsvc*** TRIAL *** Ges*** TRIAL ***des connexions Windows 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pro*** TRIAL ***sonnel Dém*** TRIAL *** Dém*** TRIAL ***omatique C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe Pro*** TRIAL ***e pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration NT *** TRIAL ***LocalService
wcncsvc*** TRIAL *** Win*** TRIAL ***ct Now - Registre de configuration 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pro*** TRIAL ***tagé Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe Pro*** TRIAL ***e pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration NT *** TRIAL ***LocalService
WdiServiceHost*** TRIAL *** Ser*** TRIAL ***WDIServiceHost 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pro*** TRIAL ***sonnel; Processus partagé Dém*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe Pro*** TRIAL ***e pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration NT *** TRIAL ***LocalService
Wdi*** TRIAL *** Hôt*** TRIAL ***de diagnostics 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pro*** TRIAL ***sonnel; Processus partagé Dém*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe Pro*** TRIAL ***e pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration Loc*** TRIAL ***
WdNisSvc*** TRIAL *** Ser*** TRIAL ***pection réseau de l antivirus Microsoft Defender 4.1*** TRIAL *** Pro*** TRIAL ***sonnel Dém*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***les\Windows Defender\NisSrv.exe Mic*** TRIAL ***work Realtime Inspection Service / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Mic*** TRIAL ***poration NT *** TRIAL ***LocalService
WebClient*** TRIAL *** Web*** TRIAL *** 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pro*** TRIAL ***tagé Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe Pro*** TRIAL ***e pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration NT *** TRIAL ***LocalService
Wecsvc*** TRIAL *** Col*** TRIAL ***événements de Windows 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pro*** TRIAL ***tagé Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe Pro*** TRIAL ***e pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration NT *** TRIAL ***NetworkService
WEPHOSTSVC*** TRIAL *** Ser*** TRIAL ***du fournisseur de chiffrement Windows 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pro*** TRIAL ***tagé Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe Pro*** TRIAL ***e pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration NT *** TRIAL ***LocalService
wercplsupport*** TRIAL *** Pri*** TRIAL ***ge du Panneau de configuration Rapports de problèmes 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pro*** TRIAL ***tagé Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe Pro*** TRIAL ***e pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration loc*** TRIAL ***
WerSvc Service de rapport d erreurs Windows 10.0.19041.546 Processus personnel Arrêté Demande de démarrage C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe Processus hôte pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Microsoft Corporation localSystem
WFDSConMgrSvc*** TRIAL *** Ser*** TRIAL *** Direct Service de gestionnaire de connexions 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pro*** TRIAL ***tagé Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe Pro*** TRIAL ***e pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration NT *** TRIAL ***LocalService
WiaRpc*** TRIAL *** Évé*** TRIAL ***acquisition d images fixes 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pro*** TRIAL ***tagé Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe Pro*** TRIAL ***e pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration Loc*** TRIAL ***
Win*** TRIAL *** Ser*** TRIAL ***irus Microsoft Defender 4.1*** TRIAL *** Pro*** TRIAL ***sonnel Dém*** TRIAL *** Dém*** TRIAL ***omatique C:\*** TRIAL ***les\Windows Defender\MsMpEng.exe Ant*** TRIAL ***ervice Executable / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Mic*** TRIAL ***poration Loc*** TRIAL ***
WinHttpAutoProxySvc*** TRIAL *** Ser*** TRIAL ***couverte automatique de Proxy Web pour les services HTTP Windows 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pro*** TRIAL ***sonnel; Processus partagé Dém*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe Pro*** TRIAL ***e pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration NT *** TRIAL ***LocalService
Winmgmt Infrastructure de gestion Windows 10.0.19041.546 Processus personnel; Processus partagé Démarrage Démarrage automatique C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe Processus hôte pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Microsoft Corporation localSystem
WinRM*** TRIAL *** Ges*** TRIAL ***tance de Windows (Gestion WSM) 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pro*** TRIAL ***tagé Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe Pro*** TRIAL ***e pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration NT *** TRIAL ***NetworkService
*** TRIAL *** Ser*** TRIAL ***ws Insider 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pro*** TRIAL ***sonnel; Processus partagé Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe Pro*** TRIAL ***e pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration Loc*** TRIAL ***
WlanSvc*** TRIAL *** Ser*** TRIAL ***nfiguration automatique WLAN 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pro*** TRIAL ***sonnel Dém*** TRIAL *** Dém*** TRIAL ***omatique C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe Pro*** TRIAL ***e pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration Loc*** TRIAL ***
wlidsvc*** TRIAL *** Ass*** TRIAL ***nexion avec un compte Microsoft 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pro*** TRIAL ***sonnel; Processus partagé Dém*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe Pro*** TRIAL ***e pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration Loc*** TRIAL ***
wlpasvc*** TRIAL *** Ser*** TRIAL ***Assistant de profil local 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pro*** TRIAL ***tagé Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe Pro*** TRIAL ***e pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration NT *** TRIAL ***LocalService
WManSvc*** TRIAL *** Ser*** TRIAL ***stion de Windows 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pro*** TRIAL ***tagé Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe Pro*** TRIAL ***e pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration Loc*** TRIAL ***
wmiApSrv*** TRIAL *** Car*** TRIAL ***ormance WMI 10.*** TRIAL ***81 Pro*** TRIAL ***sonnel Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\wbem\WmiApSrv.exe Ada*** TRIAL ***verse de performance WMI / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration loc*** TRIAL ***
WMPNetworkSvc*** TRIAL *** Ser*** TRIAL ***ge réseau du Lecteur Windows Media 12.*** TRIAL ***6 Pro*** TRIAL ***sonnel Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***les\Windows Media Player\wmpnetwk.exe Ser*** TRIAL ***ge réseau du Lecteur Windows Media / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration NT *** TRIAL ***NetworkService
wor*** TRIAL ***c Dos*** TRIAL ***ravail 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pro*** TRIAL ***tagé Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe Pro*** TRIAL ***e pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration NT *** TRIAL ***LocalService
WpcMonSvc Contrôle parental 10.0.19041.546 Processus personnel Arrêté Demande de démarrage C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe Processus hôte pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Microsoft Corporation LocalSystem
WPDBusEnum Service Énumérateur d appareil mobile 10.0.19041.546 Processus personnel; Processus partagé Arrêté Demande de démarrage C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe Processus hôte pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Microsoft Corporation LocalSystem
Wpn*** TRIAL *** Ser*** TRIAL ***stème de notifications Push Windows 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pro*** TRIAL ***sonnel; Processus partagé Dém*** TRIAL *** Dém*** TRIAL ***omatique C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe Pro*** TRIAL ***e pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration Loc*** TRIAL ***
WpnUserService Service utilisateur de notifications Push Windows 10.0.19041.546 Processus partagé; Service aux utilisateurs Arrêté Démarrage automatique C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe Processus hôte pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Microsoft Corporation LocalSystem
wscsvc*** TRIAL *** Cen*** TRIAL ***urité 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pro*** TRIAL ***sonnel; Processus partagé Dém*** TRIAL *** Dém*** TRIAL ***omatique C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe Pro*** TRIAL ***e pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration NT *** TRIAL ***LocalService
WSearch Windows Search 7.0.19041.1151 Processus personnel Démarrage Démarrage automatique C:\Windows\System32\SearchIndexer.exe Indexeur Microsoft Windows Search / Windows® Search Microsoft Corporation LocalSystem
wuauserv*** TRIAL *** Win*** TRIAL ***e 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pro*** TRIAL ***sonnel; Processus partagé Dém*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe Pro*** TRIAL ***e pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration Loc*** TRIAL ***
WwanSvc Service de configuration automatique WWAN 10.0.19041.546 Processus partagé Arrêté Demande de démarrage C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe Processus hôte pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Microsoft Corporation localSystem
XblAuthManager Gestionnaire d'authentification Xbox Live 10.0.19041.546 Processus partagé Arrêté Demande de démarrage C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe Processus hôte pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Microsoft Corporation LocalSystem
Xbl*** TRIAL *** Jeu*** TRIAL ***é sur Xbox Live 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pro*** TRIAL ***tagé Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe Pro*** TRIAL ***e pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration Loc*** TRIAL ***
Xbo*** TRIAL *** Xbo*** TRIAL ***y Management Service 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pro*** TRIAL ***tagé Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe Pro*** TRIAL ***e pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration Loc*** TRIAL ***
XboxNetApiSvc Service de mise en réseau Xbox Live 10.0.19041.546 Processus partagé Arrêté Demande de démarrage C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe Processus hôte pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Microsoft Corporation LocalSystem
AarSvc_4249f*** TRIAL *** Age*** TRIAL ***ion Runtime_4249f 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pro*** TRIAL ***tagé; Service aux utilisateurs Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe Pro*** TRIAL ***e pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration *** TRIAL ***
BcastDVRUserService_4249f Service utilisateur de diffusion et GameDVR_4249f 10.0.19041.546 Processus partagé; Service aux utilisateurs Arrêté Demande de démarrage C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe Processus hôte pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Microsoft Corporation
BluetoothUserService_4249f*** TRIAL *** Ser*** TRIAL ***pport des utilisateurs du Bluetooth_4249f 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pro*** TRIAL ***tagé; Service aux utilisateurs Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe Pro*** TRIAL ***e pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration *** TRIAL ***
Cap*** TRIAL ***e_4249f Cap*** TRIAL ***e_4249f 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pro*** TRIAL ***tagé; Service aux utilisateurs Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe Pro*** TRIAL ***e pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration *** TRIAL ***
cbdhsvc_4249f Service utilisateur du Presse-papiers_4249f 10.0.19041.546 Processus personnel; Processus partagé; Service aux utilisateurs Démarrage Demande de démarrage C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe Processus hôte pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Microsoft Corporation
CDPUserSvc_4249f Service pour utilisateur de plateforme d appareils connectés_4249f 10.0.19041.546 Processus personnel; Processus partagé; Service aux utilisateurs Démarrage Démarrage automatique C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe Processus hôte pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Microsoft Corporation
ConsentUxUserSvc_4249f*** TRIAL *** Con*** TRIAL ***9f 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pro*** TRIAL ***tagé; Service aux utilisateurs Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe Pro*** TRIAL ***e pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration *** TRIAL ***
CredentialEnrollmentManagerUserSvc_4249f*** TRIAL *** Cre*** TRIAL ***ollmentManagerUserSvc_4249f 10.*** TRIAL ***02 Pro*** TRIAL ***sonnel; Service aux utilisateurs Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\CredentialEnrollmentManager.exe Ges*** TRIAL ***d inscription des informations d identification / Système d'exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration *** TRIAL ***
DeviceAssociationBrokerSvc_4249f DeviceAssociationBroker_4249f 10.0.19041.546 Processus partagé; Service aux utilisateurs Arrêté Demande de démarrage C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe Processus hôte pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Microsoft Corporation
Dev*** TRIAL ***serSvc_4249f Dev*** TRIAL ***4249f 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pro*** TRIAL ***tagé; Service aux utilisateurs Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe Pro*** TRIAL ***e pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration *** TRIAL ***
DevicesFlowUserSvc_4249f*** TRIAL *** Flu*** TRIAL ***ils_4249f 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pro*** TRIAL ***tagé; Service aux utilisateurs Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe Pro*** TRIAL ***e pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration *** TRIAL ***
MessagingService_4249f*** TRIAL *** Mes*** TRIAL ***ice_4249f 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pro*** TRIAL ***tagé; Service aux utilisateurs Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe Pro*** TRIAL ***e pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration *** TRIAL ***
OneSyncSvc_4249f*** TRIAL *** Hôt*** TRIAL ***ronisation_4249f 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pro*** TRIAL ***tagé; Service aux utilisateurs Dém*** TRIAL *** Dém*** TRIAL ***omatique C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe Pro*** TRIAL ***e pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration *** TRIAL ***
Pim*** TRIAL ***enanceSvc_4249f Don*** TRIAL ***ntacts_4249f 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pro*** TRIAL ***tagé; Service aux utilisateurs Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe Pro*** TRIAL ***e pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration *** TRIAL ***
PrintWorkflowUserSvc_4249f PrintWorkflow_4249f 10.0.19041.546 Processus partagé; Service aux utilisateurs Arrêté Demande de démarrage C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe Processus hôte pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Microsoft Corporation
UdkUserSvc_4249f*** TRIAL *** Ser*** TRIAL ***sateur du kit de développement sans station d accueil_4249f 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pro*** TRIAL ***tagé; Service aux utilisateurs Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe Pro*** TRIAL ***e pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration *** TRIAL ***
UnistoreSvc_4249f*** TRIAL *** Sto*** TRIAL ***données utilisateur_4249f 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pro*** TRIAL ***tagé; Service aux utilisateurs Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe Pro*** TRIAL ***e pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration *** TRIAL ***
UserDataSvc_4249f Accès aux données utilisateur_4249f 10.0.19041.546 Processus partagé; Service aux utilisateurs Arrêté Demande de démarrage C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe Processus hôte pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Microsoft Corporation
Wpn*** TRIAL ***e_4249f Ser*** TRIAL ***sateur de notifications Push Windows_4249f 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pro*** TRIAL ***sonnel; Processus partagé; Service aux utilisateurs Dém*** TRIAL *** Dém*** TRIAL ***omatique C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\svchost.exe Pro*** TRIAL ***e pour les services Windows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration *** TRIAL ***

---------- [Pilotes] -------------------------------------------
Nom Description Version Type Statut Type de démarrage Chemin Description du fichier Compagnie
1394ohci*** TRIAL *** Con*** TRIAL ***hôte compatible OHCI 1394 10.*** TRIAL *** Pil*** TRIAL *** Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\1394ohci.sys 139*** TRIAL ***Driver / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Mic*** TRIAL ***poration
3ware 3ware Pilote Noyau Arrêté Demande de démarrage C:\Windows\System32\drivers\3ware.sys LSI 3ware SCSI Storport Driver / LSI 3ware RAID Controller LSI
ACPI*** TRIAL *** Pil*** TRIAL ***icrosoft 10.*** TRIAL ***4 Pil*** TRIAL *** Dém*** TRIAL *** Dém*** TRIAL ***boot C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\acpi.sys Pil*** TRIAL ***our NT / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration
AcpiDev*** TRIAL *** Pil*** TRIAL ***reils ACPI 10.*** TRIAL *** Pil*** TRIAL *** Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\AcpiDev.sys ACP*** TRIAL ***Driver / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Mic*** TRIAL ***poration
acpiex*** TRIAL *** Mic*** TRIAL ***IEx Driver 10.*** TRIAL *** Pil*** TRIAL *** Dém*** TRIAL *** Dém*** TRIAL ***boot C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\acpiex.sys ACP*** TRIAL *** / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Mic*** TRIAL ***poration
acpipagr Pilote d agrégation de processeurs ACPI 10.0.19041.1 Pilote Noyau Démarrage Demande de démarrage C:\Windows\System32\drivers\acpipagr.sys ACPI Processor Aggregator Device Driver / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Microsoft Corporation
Acp*** TRIAL *** Jau*** TRIAL ***ntation ACPI 10.*** TRIAL *** Pil*** TRIAL *** Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\acpipmi.sys ACP*** TRIAL ***tering Driver / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Mic*** TRIAL ***poration
acp*** TRIAL *** Pil*** TRIAL ***me de sortie de veille ACPI 10.*** TRIAL *** Pil*** TRIAL *** Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\acpitime.sys ACP*** TRIAL ***rm / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Mic*** TRIAL ***poration
Acx*** TRIAL *** Acx*** TRIAL *** 10.*** TRIAL *** Pil*** TRIAL *** Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\Acx01000.sys Aud*** TRIAL ***ass Extension / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Mic*** TRIAL ***poration
ADP80XX*** TRIAL *** ADP*** TRIAL *** 1.3*** TRIAL *** Pil*** TRIAL *** Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\adp80xx.sys PMC*** TRIAL ***orport Driver For SPC8x6G SAS/SATA controller / PMC-Sierra HBA Controller PMC*** TRIAL ***
AFD*** TRIAL *** Pil*** TRIAL ***ction connexe pour Winsock 10.*** TRIAL ***66 Pil*** TRIAL *** Dém*** TRIAL *** Dém*** TRIAL ***tème C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\afd.sys Pil*** TRIAL ***ction connexe pour WinSock / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration
afunix*** TRIAL *** afu*** TRIAL *** 10.*** TRIAL ***10 Pil*** TRIAL *** Dém*** TRIAL *** Dém*** TRIAL ***tème C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\afunix.sys AF_*** TRIAL ***t provider / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Mic*** TRIAL ***poration
ahcache*** TRIAL *** App*** TRIAL ***ompatibility Cache 10.*** TRIAL ***8 Pil*** TRIAL *** Dém*** TRIAL *** Dém*** TRIAL ***tème C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\ahcache.sys App*** TRIAL ***ompatibility Cache / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Mic*** TRIAL ***poration
amdgpio2*** TRIAL *** Pil*** TRIAL ***vice Client AMD GPIO 2.2*** TRIAL *** Pil*** TRIAL *** Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\amdgpio2.sys AMD*** TRIAL ***roller Driver Adv*** TRIAL ***o Devices, Inc
amdi2c*** TRIAL *** Ser*** TRIAL ***ntrôleur AMD I2C 1.2*** TRIAL *** Pil*** TRIAL *** Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\amdi2c.sys AMD*** TRIAL ***oller Driver Adv*** TRIAL ***o Devices, Inc
AmdK8*** TRIAL *** Pil*** TRIAL ***cesseur AMD K8 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pil*** TRIAL *** Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\amdk8.sys Pro*** TRIAL ***ice Driver / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Mic*** TRIAL ***poration
AmdPPM*** TRIAL *** Pil*** TRIAL ***cesseur AMD 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pil*** TRIAL *** Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\amdppm.sys Pro*** TRIAL ***ice Driver / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Mic*** TRIAL ***poration
amdsata amdsata Pilote Noyau Arrêté Demande de démarrage C:\Windows\System32\drivers\amdsata.sys AHCI 1.3 Device Driver Advanced Micro Devices
amdsbs*** TRIAL *** amd*** TRIAL *** 3.7*** TRIAL *** Pil*** TRIAL *** Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\amdsbs.sys AMD*** TRIAL ***y AHCI Compatible Controller Driver for Windows - AMD64 platform / AMD Technology AHCI Compatible Controller AMD*** TRIAL ***ies Inc.
amdxata*** TRIAL *** amd*** TRIAL *** 1.1*** TRIAL *** Pil*** TRIAL *** Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\amdxata.sys Sto*** TRIAL ***r Driver Adv*** TRIAL ***o Devices
AppID*** TRIAL *** Pil*** TRIAL *** 10.*** TRIAL ***02 Pil*** TRIAL *** Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\appid.sys App*** TRIAL ***/ Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Mic*** TRIAL ***poration
applockerfltr*** TRIAL *** Pil*** TRIAL ***tre Smartlocker 10.*** TRIAL ***02 Pil*** TRIAL *** Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\applockerfltr.sys App*** TRIAL ***ter / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Mic*** TRIAL ***poration
AppvStrm*** TRIAL *** App*** TRIAL *** 10.*** TRIAL ***81 Pil*** TRIAL ***hier système Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\AppVStrm.sys Mic*** TRIAL ***lication Virtualization Streaming Driver / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Mic*** TRIAL ***poration
AppvVemgr*** TRIAL *** App*** TRIAL *** 10.*** TRIAL ***81 Pil*** TRIAL ***hier système Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\AppvVemgr.sys Mic*** TRIAL ***lication Virtualization VE Manager Driver / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Mic*** TRIAL ***poration
App*** TRIAL *** App*** TRIAL *** 10.*** TRIAL ***81 Pil*** TRIAL ***hier système Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\AppvVfs.sys Mic*** TRIAL ***lication Virtualization VFS Filter Driver / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Mic*** TRIAL ***poration
arcsas*** TRIAL *** Pil*** TRIAL ***rt Storport Adaptec SAS/SATA-II RAID 7.5*** TRIAL *** Pil*** TRIAL *** Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\arcsas.sys Ada*** TRIAL ***AID WS03 Driver / Adaptec RAID Controller PMC*** TRIAL ***nc.
AsIO AsIO Pilote Noyau Démarrage Démarrage système SysWow64\drivers\AsIO.sys
asmthub3*** TRIAL *** ASM*** TRIAL ***Hub Service 1.1*** TRIAL *** Pil*** TRIAL *** Dém*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\asmthub3.sys ASM*** TRIAL ***Hub Driver / ASMedia USB 3.1 Host Drivers ASM*** TRIAL ***ology Inc
asmtxhci*** TRIAL *** ASM*** TRIAL ***Service 1.1*** TRIAL *** Pil*** TRIAL *** Dém*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\asmtxhci.sys ASM*** TRIAL ***Host Controller Driver / ASMedia USB 3.1 Host Drivers ASM*** TRIAL ***ology Inc
AsyncMac Pilote de média asynchrone RAS 10.0.19041.1 Pilote Noyau Arrêté Demande de démarrage C:\Windows\System32\drivers\asyncmac.sys MS Remote Access serial network driver / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Microsoft Corporation
atapi*** TRIAL *** Can*** TRIAL *** 10.*** TRIAL ***88 Pil*** TRIAL *** Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\atapi.sys ATA*** TRIAL ***iport Driver / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Mic*** TRIAL ***poration
b06bdrv*** TRIAL *** Car*** TRIAL ***QLogic VBD 7.1*** TRIAL *** Pil*** TRIAL *** Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\bxvbda.sys QLo*** TRIAL ***t Ethernet VBD / QLogic Gigabit Ethernet QLo*** TRIAL ***ation
bam Background Activity Moderator Driver 10.0.19041.1 Pilote Noyau Démarrage Démarrage système C:\Windows\System32\drivers\bam.sys BAM Kernel Driver / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Microsoft Corporation
Bas*** TRIAL *** Bas*** TRIAL *** 10.*** TRIAL ***8 Pil*** TRIAL *** Dém*** TRIAL *** Dém*** TRIAL ***tème C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\DriverStore\FileRepository\basicdisplay.inf_amd64_65ab9a260dbf7467\BasicDisplay.sys Mic*** TRIAL ***ic Display Driver / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Mic*** TRIAL ***poration
BasicRender*** TRIAL *** Bas*** TRIAL *** 10.*** TRIAL ***8 Pil*** TRIAL *** Dém*** TRIAL *** Dém*** TRIAL ***tème C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\DriverStore\FileRepository\basicrender.inf_amd64_df49c4daa6251397\BasicRender.sys Mic*** TRIAL ***ic Render Driver / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Mic*** TRIAL ***poration
bcmfn2*** TRIAL *** bcm*** TRIAL ***e 6.3*** TRIAL ***6 Pil*** TRIAL *** Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\bcmfn2.sys BCM*** TRIAL ***2 Device Driver / Windows (R) Win 7 DDK driver Win*** TRIAL ***in 7 DDK provider
Beep Beep Pilote Noyau Démarrage Démarrage système
bin*** TRIAL *** Win*** TRIAL ***Filter Driver 10.*** TRIAL ***88 Pil*** TRIAL ***hier système Dém*** TRIAL *** Dém*** TRIAL ***omatique C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\bindflt.sys Win*** TRIAL ***Filter Driver / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Mic*** TRIAL ***poration
bow*** TRIAL *** Nav*** TRIAL *** 10.*** TRIAL ***10 Pil*** TRIAL ***hier système Dém*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\bowser.sys NT *** TRIAL ***r Datagram Receiver Driver / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Mic*** TRIAL ***poration
BthA2dp*** TRIAL *** Mic*** TRIAL ***etooth A2dp driver 10.*** TRIAL *** Pil*** TRIAL *** Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\BthA2dp.sys Blu*** TRIAL ***P Driver / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Mic*** TRIAL ***poration
BthEnum*** TRIAL *** Ser*** TRIAL ***mérateur Bluetooth 10.*** TRIAL ***02 Pil*** TRIAL *** Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\bthenum.sys Ext*** TRIAL ***bus Bluetooth / Système d'exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration
Bth*** TRIAL *** Pil*** TRIAL ***fil main libre du Microsoft Bluetooth 10.*** TRIAL *** Pil*** TRIAL *** Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\BthHfEnum.sys Blu*** TRIAL ***ds-Free Audio and Call Control HID Enumerator / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Mic*** TRIAL ***poration
BthLEEnum Pilote Bluetooth Low Energy 10.0.19041.488 Pilote Noyau Arrêté Demande de démarrage C:\Windows\System32\drivers\Microsoft.Bluetooth.Legacy.LEEnumerator.sys Legacy Bluetooth LE Bus Enumerator / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Microsoft Corporation
BthMini Pilote radio Bluetooth 10.0.19041.1202 Pilote Noyau Arrêté Demande de démarrage C:\Windows\System32\drivers\BthMini.SYS Bluetooth Transport Extensibility Miniport Driver / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Microsoft Corporation
BTHMODEM Pilote de communications modem Bluetooth 10.0.19041.1 Pilote Noyau Arrêté Demande de démarrage C:\Windows\System32\drivers\bthmodem.sys Bluetooth Communications Driver / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Microsoft Corporation
BTHPORT Pilote de port Bluetooth 10.0.19041.1202 Pilote Noyau Arrêté Demande de démarrage C:\Windows\System32\drivers\bthport.sys Pilote de bus Bluetooth / Système d'exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Microsoft Corporation
BTHUSB*** TRIAL *** Pil*** TRIAL ***dio Bluetooth 10.*** TRIAL ***02 Pil*** TRIAL *** Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\BTHUSB.SYS Pil*** TRIAL ***iport Bluetooth / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration
btt*** TRIAL *** Fil*** TRIAL ***oft Hyper-V VHDPMEM BTT 10.*** TRIAL *** Pil*** TRIAL *** Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\bttflt.sys VHD*** TRIAL ***r Driver / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Mic*** TRIAL ***poration
buttonconverter Service pour appareils Portable Device Control 10.0.19041.1 Pilote Noyau Arrêté Demande de démarrage C:\Windows\System32\drivers\buttonconverter.sys Button Converter Driver / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Microsoft Corporation
CAD*** TRIAL *** Cha*** TRIAL ***ation Driver 10.*** TRIAL *** Pil*** TRIAL *** Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\CAD.sys Cha*** TRIAL ***tion Driver / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Mic*** TRIAL ***poration
*** TRIAL *** CD/*** TRIAL ***ystem Reader 10.*** TRIAL *** Pil*** TRIAL ***hier système Arr*** TRIAL *** Dés*** TRIAL *** C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\cdfs.sys CD-*** TRIAL ***ystem Driver / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Mic*** TRIAL ***poration
cdrom*** TRIAL *** Pil*** TRIAL ***ROM 10.*** TRIAL ***66 Pil*** TRIAL *** Dém*** TRIAL *** Dém*** TRIAL ***tème C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\cdrom.sys SCS*** TRIAL ***river / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Mic*** TRIAL ***poration
cht4iscsi cht4iscsi Pilote Noyau Arrêté Demande de démarrage C:\Windows\System32\drivers\cht4sx64.sys Chelsio iSCSI VMiniport Driver / Chelsio Communications iSCSI Controller Chelsio Communications
cht*** TRIAL *** Pil*** TRIAL *** virtuel Chelsio 6.1*** TRIAL *** Pil*** TRIAL *** Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\cht4vx64.sys Vir*** TRIAL ***river for Chelsio ® T5/T6 Chipset / Chelsio Communications Unified Network I/O Controller Che*** TRIAL ***nications
*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** Pil*** TRIAL ***hier système Dém*** TRIAL *** Dém*** TRIAL ***tème *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL ***
circlass*** TRIAL *** Pér*** TRIAL *** IR grand public 10.*** TRIAL *** Pil*** TRIAL *** Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\circlass.sys Con*** TRIAL ***lass Driver for eHome / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Mic*** TRIAL ***poration
CldFlt Windows Cloud Files Filter Driver 10.0.19041.1288 Pilote du fichier système Démarrage Démarrage automatique C:\Windows\System32\drivers\cldflt.sys Cloud Files Mini Filter Driver / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Microsoft Corporation
CLFS*** TRIAL *** Com*** TRIAL ***LFS) 10.*** TRIAL ***88 Pil*** TRIAL *** Dém*** TRIAL *** Dém*** TRIAL ***boot C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\clfs.sys Com*** TRIAL ***le System Driver / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Mic*** TRIAL ***poration
CmB*** TRIAL *** Pil*** TRIAL ***atterie à méthode de contrôle ACPI Microsoft 10.*** TRIAL *** Pil*** TRIAL *** Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\CmBatt.sys Con*** TRIAL ***d Battery Driver / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Mic*** TRIAL ***poration
CNG CNG 10.0.19041.1202 Pilote Noyau Démarrage Démarrage du boot C:\Windows\System32\drivers\cng.sys Kernel Cryptography, Next Generation / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Microsoft Corporation
cnghwassist CNG Hardware Assist algorithm provider 10.0.19041.1 Pilote Noyau Arrêté Désactivé C:\Windows\System32\drivers\cnghwassist.sys CNG Hardware Assist algorithm provider / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Microsoft Corporation
CompositeBus*** TRIAL *** Pil*** TRIAL ***numérateur de bus composite 10.*** TRIAL *** Pil*** TRIAL *** Dém*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\DriverStore\FileRepository\compositebus.inf_amd64_7500cffa210c6946\CompositeBus.sys Mul*** TRIAL ***rt Composite Bus Enumerator / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Mic*** TRIAL ***poration
condrv*** TRIAL *** Con*** TRIAL ***r 10.*** TRIAL ***10 Pil*** TRIAL *** Dém*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\condrv.sys Con*** TRIAL ***r / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Mic*** TRIAL ***poration
CSC*** TRIAL *** Pil*** TRIAL ***rs hors connexion 10.*** TRIAL ***02 Pil*** TRIAL *** Dém*** TRIAL *** Dém*** TRIAL ***tème C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\csc.sys Win*** TRIAL ***t Side Caching Driver / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Mic*** TRIAL ***poration
dam*** TRIAL *** Des*** TRIAL ***ity Moderator Driver 10.*** TRIAL ***52 Pil*** TRIAL *** Arr*** TRIAL *** Dém*** TRIAL ***tème C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\dam.sys DAM*** TRIAL ***iver / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Mic*** TRIAL ***poration
Dfsc*** TRIAL *** Pil*** TRIAL ***ent de l espace de noms DFS 10.*** TRIAL ***4 Pil*** TRIAL ***hier système Dém*** TRIAL *** Dém*** TRIAL ***tème C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\dfsc.sys DFS*** TRIAL *** Client Driver / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Mic*** TRIAL ***poration
disk Pilote de disque 10.0.19041.789 Pilote Noyau Démarrage Démarrage du boot C:\Windows\System32\drivers\disk.sys PnP Disk Driver / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Microsoft Corporation
dmvsc dmvsc 10.0.19041.1 Pilote Noyau Arrêté Demande de démarrage C:\Windows\System32\drivers\dmvsc.sys Mémoire dynamique / Système d'exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Microsoft Corporation
drm*** TRIAL *** Pil*** TRIAL *** approuvés par Microsoft 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pil*** TRIAL *** Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\drmkaud.sys Mic*** TRIAL ***sted Audio Drivers / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Mic*** TRIAL ***poration
DXGKrnl*** TRIAL *** LDD*** TRIAL *** Subsystem 10.*** TRIAL ***88 Pil*** TRIAL *** Dém*** TRIAL *** Dém*** TRIAL ***tème C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\dxgkrnl.sys Dir*** TRIAL ***ics Kernel / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Mic*** TRIAL ***poration
e1i*** TRIAL *** Int*** TRIAL ***1000 PCI Express Network Connection Driver I 12.*** TRIAL *** Pil*** TRIAL *** Dém*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\e1i65x64.sys Int*** TRIAL ***bit Adapter NDIS 6.x driver / Intel(R) Gigabit Adapter Int*** TRIAL ***tion
ebdrv*** TRIAL *** Car*** TRIAL ***10 Gigabit Ethernet VBD 7.1*** TRIAL *** Pil*** TRIAL *** Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\evbda.sys QLo*** TRIAL ***E VBD / QLogic 10 GigE QLo*** TRIAL ***ation
EhStorClass*** TRIAL *** Enh*** TRIAL ***age Filter Driver 10.*** TRIAL ***4 Pil*** TRIAL *** Arr*** TRIAL *** Dém*** TRIAL ***boot C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\EhStorClass.sys Enh*** TRIAL ***age Class driver for IEEE 1667 devices / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Mic*** TRIAL ***poration
EhStorTcgDrv Pilote Microsoft pour dispositif de stockage prenant en charge les protocoles IEEE 1667 et TCG 10.0.19041.1 Pilote Noyau Arrêté Demande de démarrage C:\Windows\System32\drivers\EhStorTcgDrv.sys Microsoft driver for storage devices supporting IEEE 1667 and TCG protocols / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Microsoft Corporation
ErrDev*** TRIAL *** Mic*** TRIAL ***dware Error Device Driver 10.*** TRIAL *** Pil*** TRIAL *** Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\errdev.sys Err*** TRIAL ***Driver / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Mic*** TRIAL ***poration
exfat*** TRIAL *** exF*** TRIAL ***stem Driver *** TRIAL *** Pil*** TRIAL ***hier système Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL ***
fas*** TRIAL *** FAT*** TRIAL ***ile System Driver *** TRIAL *** Pil*** TRIAL ***hier système Dém*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL ***
fdc*** TRIAL *** Pil*** TRIAL ***trôleur de lecteur de disquettes 10.*** TRIAL *** Pil*** TRIAL *** Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\fdc.sys Flo*** TRIAL ***ontroller Driver / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Mic*** TRIAL ***poration
FileCrypt*** TRIAL *** Fil*** TRIAL *** 10.*** TRIAL *** Pil*** TRIAL ***hier système Dém*** TRIAL *** Dém*** TRIAL ***tème C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\filecrypt.sys Win*** TRIAL ***oxing and encryption filter / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Mic*** TRIAL ***poration
Fil*** TRIAL *** Fil*** TRIAL ***ion FS MiniFilter 10.*** TRIAL *** Pil*** TRIAL ***hier système Dém*** TRIAL *** Dém*** TRIAL ***boot C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\fileinfo.sys Fil*** TRIAL ***er Driver / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Mic*** TRIAL ***poration
Filetrace*** TRIAL *** Fil*** TRIAL *** 10.*** TRIAL *** Pil*** TRIAL ***hier système Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\filetrace.sys Fil*** TRIAL ***lter Driver / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Mic*** TRIAL ***poration
flpydisk*** TRIAL *** Pil*** TRIAL ***teur de disquettes 10.*** TRIAL *** Pil*** TRIAL *** Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\flpydisk.sys Flo*** TRIAL *** / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Mic*** TRIAL ***poration
FltMgr FltMgr 10.0.19041.1151 Pilote du fichier système Démarrage Démarrage du boot C:\Windows\System32\drivers\fltMgr.sys Gestionnaire de filtres de système de fichiers Microsoft / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Microsoft Corporation
FsD*** TRIAL *** Fil*** TRIAL ***ependency Minifilter 10.*** TRIAL ***8 Pil*** TRIAL ***hier système Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\fsdepends.sys Fil*** TRIAL ***ependency Manager Mini Filter Driver / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Mic*** TRIAL ***poration
fvevol*** TRIAL *** Pil*** TRIAL ***tre de chiffrement de lecteur BitLocker 10.*** TRIAL ***52 Pil*** TRIAL *** Dém*** TRIAL *** Dém*** TRIAL ***boot C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\fvevol.sys Bit*** TRIAL ***ve Encryption Driver / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Mic*** TRIAL ***poration
gencounter*** TRIAL *** Com*** TRIAL ***énération Microsoft Hyper-V 10.*** TRIAL *** Pil*** TRIAL *** Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\vmgencounter.sys Vir*** TRIAL ***ne Generation Counter / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Mic*** TRIAL ***poration
gen*** TRIAL *** Cla*** TRIAL ***ction USB générique 10.*** TRIAL *** Pil*** TRIAL *** Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\DriverStore\FileRepository\genericusbfn.inf_amd64_53931f0ae21d6d2c\genericusbfn.sys Gen*** TRIAL ***unction Class Driver / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Mic*** TRIAL ***poration
GPIOClx0101*** TRIAL *** Mic*** TRIAL ***O Class Extension Driver 10.*** TRIAL ***8 Pil*** TRIAL *** Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\msgpioclx.sys GPI*** TRIAL ***tension Driver / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Mic*** TRIAL ***poration
GpuEnergyDrv*** TRIAL *** GPU*** TRIAL ***iver 10.*** TRIAL *** Pil*** TRIAL *** Dém*** TRIAL *** Dém*** TRIAL ***tème C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\gpuenergydrv.sys GPU*** TRIAL ***rnel Driver / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Mic*** TRIAL ***poration
HdAudAddService*** TRIAL *** Pil*** TRIAL ***ction UAA 1.1 Microsoft pour le service High Definition Audio 10.*** TRIAL ***4 Pil*** TRIAL *** Dém*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\HdAudio.sys Hig*** TRIAL ***on Audio Function Driver / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Mic*** TRIAL ***poration
HDAudBus*** TRIAL *** Pil*** TRIAL *** UAA Microsoft pour High Definition Audio 10.*** TRIAL ***81 Pil*** TRIAL *** Dém*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\hdaudbus.sys Hig*** TRIAL ***on Audio Bus Driver / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Mic*** TRIAL ***poration
Hid*** TRIAL *** Pil*** TRIAL ***terie d onduleur HID 10.*** TRIAL *** Pil*** TRIAL *** Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\hidbatt.sys Hid*** TRIAL ***river / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Mic*** TRIAL ***poration
Hid*** TRIAL *** Min*** TRIAL ***Microsoft Bluetooth 10.*** TRIAL ***3 Pil*** TRIAL *** Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\hidbth.sys Pil*** TRIAL ***iport Bluetooth pour les périphériques HID / Système d'exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration
hidi2c*** TRIAL *** Pil*** TRIAL ***iport I2C HID Microsoft 10.*** TRIAL *** Pil*** TRIAL *** Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\hidi2c.sys I2C*** TRIAL ***ort Driver / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Mic*** TRIAL ***poration
hidinterrupt Pilote global pour les boutons HID implémentés avec des interruptions 10.0.19041.1 Pilote Noyau Arrêté Demande de démarrage C:\Windows\System32\drivers\hidinterrupt.sys HID Button over Interrupt Driver / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Microsoft Corporation
*** TRIAL *** Pil*** TRIAL ***frarouge Microsoft 10.*** TRIAL *** Pil*** TRIAL *** Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\hidir.sys Inf*** TRIAL ***port Driver for Input Devices / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Mic*** TRIAL ***poration
hidspi*** TRIAL *** Pil*** TRIAL ***iport HID Microsoft SPI 10.*** TRIAL *** Pil*** TRIAL *** Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\hidspi.sys SPI*** TRIAL ***ort Driver / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Mic*** TRIAL ***poration
HidUsb*** TRIAL *** Pil*** TRIAL ***sse HID Microsoft 10.*** TRIAL ***8 Pil*** TRIAL *** Dém*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\hidusb.sys USB*** TRIAL ***Driver for Input Devices / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Mic*** TRIAL ***poration
HpSAMD HpSAMD Pilote Noyau Arrêté Demande de démarrage C:\Windows\System32\drivers\HpSAMD.sys Smart Array SAS/SATA Controller Media Driver Hewlett-Packard Company
HTTP HTTP 10.0.19041.1288 Pilote Noyau Démarrage Demande de démarrage C:\Windows\System32\drivers\http.sys HTTP Pile du protocole / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Microsoft Corporation
hvcrash hvcrash 10.0.19041.1 Pilote Noyau Arrêté Désactivé C:\Windows\System32\drivers\hvcrash.sys Hyper-V Crashdump / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Microsoft Corporation
hvs*** TRIAL *** Hyp*** TRIAL ***rtual Machine Support Driver 10.*** TRIAL ***02 Pil*** TRIAL *** Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\hvservice.sys Hyp*** TRIAL ***ot Driver / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Mic*** TRIAL ***poration
HwNClx0101 Microsoft Hardware Notifications Class Extension Driver 10.0.19041.1 Pilote Noyau Arrêté Demande de démarrage C:\Windows\System32\drivers\mshwnclx.sys Hardware Notification Class Extension Driver / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Microsoft Corporation
hwpolicy*** TRIAL *** Har*** TRIAL ***cy Driver 10.*** TRIAL ***3 Pil*** TRIAL *** Arr*** TRIAL *** Dém*** TRIAL ***boot C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\hwpolicy.sys Har*** TRIAL ***cy Driver / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Mic*** TRIAL ***poration
hyperkbd*** TRIAL *** hyp*** TRIAL *** 10.*** TRIAL *** Pil*** TRIAL *** Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\hyperkbd.sys Mic*** TRIAL ***us Synthetic Keyboard Driver / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Mic*** TRIAL ***poration
HyperVideo*** TRIAL *** Hyp*** TRIAL *** 10.*** TRIAL *** Pil*** TRIAL *** Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\HyperVideo.sys Mic*** TRIAL ***us Video Device Miniport Driver / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Mic*** TRIAL ***poration
i8042prt*** TRIAL *** Pil*** TRIAL ***lavier i8042 et souris sur port PS/2 10.*** TRIAL *** Pil*** TRIAL *** Dém*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\i8042prt.sys Pil*** TRIAL ***t i8042 / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration
iagpio Pilote de contrôleur GPIO d E/S série Intel Pilote Noyau Arrêté Demande de démarrage C:\Windows\System32\drivers\iagpio.sys Intel(R) Serial IO GPIO Controller Driver Intel(R) Corporation
iai2c*** TRIAL *** Con*** TRIAL ***te I2C d E/S série Intel(R) 1.1*** TRIAL *** Pil*** TRIAL *** Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\iai2c.sys Int*** TRIAL ***al IO I2C Driver Int*** TRIAL ***oration
iaLPSS2i_GPIO2 Pilote de contrôleur GPIO d E/S série Intel(R) v2 30.100.1816.3 Pilote Noyau Arrêté Demande de démarrage C:\Windows\System32\drivers\iaLPSS2i_GPIO2.sys Intel(R) Serial IO GPIO Driver v2 / Intel(R) Serial IO Driver Intel Corporation
iaLPSS2i_GPIO2_BXT_P Pilote GPIO d E/S série Intel(R) v2 30.100.1816.1 Pilote Noyau Arrêté Demande de démarrage C:\Windows\System32\drivers\iaLPSS2i_GPIO2_BXT_P.sys Intel(R) Serial IO GPIO Driver v2 / Intel(R) Serial IO Driver Intel Corporation
iaL*** TRIAL ***2_CNL Pil*** TRIAL *** E/S série Intel(R) v2 30.*** TRIAL *** Pil*** TRIAL *** Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\iaLPSS2i_GPIO2_CNL.sys Int*** TRIAL ***al IO GPIO Driver v2 / Intel(R) Serial IO Driver Int*** TRIAL ***tion
iaLPSS2i_GPIO2_GLK Pilote GPIO d E/S série Intel(R) v2 30.100.1820.1 Pilote Noyau Arrêté Demande de démarrage C:\Windows\System32\drivers\iaLPSS2i_GPIO2_GLK.sys Intel(R) Serial IO GPIO Driver v2 / Intel(R) Serial IO Driver Intel Corporation
iaLPSS2i_I2C*** TRIAL *** Pil*** TRIAL *** d E/S série Intel(R) 30.*** TRIAL *** Pil*** TRIAL *** Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\iaLPSS2i_I2C.sys Int*** TRIAL ***al IO I2C Driver v2 / Intel(R) Serial IO Driver Int*** TRIAL ***tion
iaLPSS2i_I2C_BXT_P*** TRIAL *** Pil*** TRIAL ***E/S série Intel(R) v2 30.*** TRIAL *** Pil*** TRIAL *** Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\iaLPSS2i_I2C_BXT_P.sys Int*** TRIAL ***al IO I2C Driver v2 / Intel(R) Serial IO Driver Int*** TRIAL ***tion
iaL*** TRIAL ***CNL Pil*** TRIAL ***E/S série Intel(R) v2 30.*** TRIAL *** Pil*** TRIAL *** Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\iaLPSS2i_I2C_CNL.sys Int*** TRIAL ***al IO I2C Driver v2 / Intel(R) Serial IO Driver Int*** TRIAL ***tion
iaLPSS2i_I2C_GLK*** TRIAL *** Pil*** TRIAL ***E/S série Intel(R) v2 30.*** TRIAL *** Pil*** TRIAL *** Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\iaLPSS2i_I2C_GLK.sys Int*** TRIAL ***al IO I2C Driver v2 / Intel(R) Serial IO Driver Int*** TRIAL ***tion
iaLPSSi_GPIO*** TRIAL *** Pil*** TRIAL ***trôleur GPIO d E/S série Intel(R) 1.1*** TRIAL *** Pil*** TRIAL *** Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\iaLPSSi_GPIO.sys Int*** TRIAL ***al IO GPIO Controller Driver / Intel(R) Serial IO Driver Int*** TRIAL ***tion
iaLPSSi_I2C*** TRIAL *** Pil*** TRIAL ***trôleur I2C d E/S série Intel(R) 1.1*** TRIAL *** Pil*** TRIAL *** Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\iaLPSSi_I2C.sys Int*** TRIAL ***al IO I2C Controller Driver / Intel(R) Serial IO Driver Int*** TRIAL ***tion
iaStorA*** TRIAL *** iaS*** TRIAL *** 14.*** TRIAL *** Pil*** TRIAL *** Dém*** TRIAL *** Dém*** TRIAL ***boot C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\iaStorA.sys Int*** TRIAL ***d Storage Technology driver - x64 / Intel(R) Rapid Storage Technology driver Int*** TRIAL ***tion
iaStorAVC*** TRIAL *** Con*** TRIAL ***ID SATA de circuit microprogrammé Intel 15.*** TRIAL *** Pil*** TRIAL *** Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\iaStorAVC.sys Int*** TRIAL ***d Storage Technology driver (inbox) - x64 / Intel(R) Rapid Storage Technology driver (inbox) Int*** TRIAL ***tion
iaS*** TRIAL *** iaS*** TRIAL *** 5.6*** TRIAL *** Pil*** TRIAL *** Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\iaStorE.sys Int*** TRIAL ***torage Technology Enterprisedriver - x64 / Intel Rapid Storage Technology Enterprisedriver Int*** TRIAL ***tion
iaStorF*** TRIAL *** iaS*** TRIAL *** 5.6*** TRIAL *** Pil*** TRIAL *** Dém*** TRIAL *** Dém*** TRIAL ***boot C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\iaStorF.sys Int*** TRIAL ***torage Technology EnterpriseFilter driver - x64 / Intel Rapid Storage Technology EnterpriseFilter driver Int*** TRIAL ***tion
iaStorV*** TRIAL *** Con*** TRIAL ***ID Intel Windows 7 8.6*** TRIAL *** Pil*** TRIAL *** Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\iaStorV.sys Int*** TRIAL ***Storage Manager driver - x64 / Intel Matrix Storage Manager driver Int*** TRIAL ***tion
ibbus Bus/AL Mellanox InfiniBand (pilote de filtre) 5.50.14695.0 Pilote Noyau Arrêté Demande de démarrage C:\Windows\System32\drivers\ibbus.sys InfiniBand Fabric Bus Driver / OpenFabrics Windows Mellanox
Ind*** TRIAL *** Pil*** TRIAL ***e noyau pour affichages indirects 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pil*** TRIAL *** Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\IndirectKmd.sys Ind*** TRIAL ***lays kernel-mode filter driver / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Mic*** TRIAL ***poration
Int*** TRIAL ***ervice Ser*** TRIAL ***ealtek HD Audio (WDM) 6.0*** TRIAL *** Pil*** TRIAL *** Dém*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\RTKVHD64.sys Rea*** TRIAL ***gh Definition Audio Function Driver Rea*** TRIAL ***onductor Corp.
intelide intelide 10.0.19041.1288 Pilote Noyau Arrêté Demande de démarrage C:\Windows\System32\drivers\intelide.sys Intel PCI IDE Driver / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Microsoft Corporation
intelpep*** TRIAL *** Pil*** TRIAL ***g-in du moteur d alimentation Intel(R) 10.*** TRIAL ***66 Pil*** TRIAL *** Dém*** TRIAL *** Dém*** TRIAL ***boot C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\intelpep.sys Int*** TRIAL ***ngine Plugin / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Mic*** TRIAL ***poration
intelpmax Pilote du gestionnaire de forte alimentation des appareils dynamiques Intel(R) 10.0.19041.1 Pilote Noyau Arrêté Demande de démarrage C:\Windows\System32\drivers\intelpmax.sys Intel Power Limit Driver / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Microsoft Corporation
intelppm Pilote de processeur Intel 10.0.19041.546 Pilote Noyau Démarrage Demande de démarrage C:\Windows\System32\drivers\intelppm.sys Processor Device Driver / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Microsoft Corporation
ior*** TRIAL *** Pil*** TRIAL ***tre du taux d E/S du disque 10.*** TRIAL ***52 Pil*** TRIAL *** Dém*** TRIAL *** Dém*** TRIAL ***boot C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\iorate.sys Fil*** TRIAL ***trôle de taux d E/S / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration
IpF*** TRIAL ***r Pil*** TRIAL ***tre de trafic IP 10.*** TRIAL ***4 Pil*** TRIAL *** Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\ipfltdrv.sys IP *** TRIAL ***VER / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Mic*** TRIAL ***poration
IPM*** TRIAL *** IPM*** TRIAL *** 10.*** TRIAL ***52 Pil*** TRIAL *** Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\IPMIDrv.sys PIL*** TRIAL ***I / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration
IPNAT IP Network Address Translator 10.0.19041.1 Pilote Noyau Arrêté Demande de démarrage C:\Windows\System32\drivers\ipnat.sys IP Network Address Translator / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Microsoft Corporation
IPT*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** 10.*** TRIAL *** Pil*** TRIAL *** Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\ipt.sys IPT*** TRIAL ***Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Mic*** TRIAL ***poration
isa*** TRIAL *** isa*** TRIAL *** 10.*** TRIAL ***02 Pil*** TRIAL *** Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\isapnp.sys Pil*** TRIAL *** PNP ISA / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration
iScsiPrt*** TRIAL *** Pil*** TRIAL ***ort 10.*** TRIAL ***51 Pil*** TRIAL *** Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\msiscsi.sys Mic*** TRIAL ***SI Initiator Driver / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Mic*** TRIAL ***poration
ItSas35i ItSas35i Pilote Noyau Arrêté Demande de démarrage C:\Windows\System32\drivers\ItSas35i.sys Avago SAS Gen3.5 Driver (StorPort) / Windows (R) Win 7 DDK driver Avago Technologies
kbdclass*** TRIAL *** Pil*** TRIAL ***classe Clavier 10.*** TRIAL *** Pil*** TRIAL *** Dém*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\kbdclass.sys Pil*** TRIAL ***classe Clavier / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration
kbdhid Pilote HID de clavier 10.0.19041.1 Pilote Noyau Démarrage Demande de démarrage C:\Windows\System32\drivers\kbdhid.sys Pilote de filtre clavier HID / Système d'exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Microsoft Corporation
kbldfltr*** TRIAL *** kbl*** TRIAL *** 10.*** TRIAL ***4 Pil*** TRIAL *** Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\kbldfltr.sys Key*** TRIAL ***down Subsystem / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Mic*** TRIAL ***poration
kdnic Miniport réseau de débogage du noyau Microsoft (NDIS 6.20) Pilote Noyau Démarrage Demande de démarrage C:\Windows\System32\drivers\kdnic.sys Microsoft Kernel Debugger Network Miniport / Microsoft Kernel Debugger Network Adapter (NDIS 6.20 Miniport) Microsoft Corporation
KSecDD*** TRIAL *** KSe*** TRIAL *** 10.*** TRIAL ***66 Pil*** TRIAL *** Dém*** TRIAL *** Dém*** TRIAL ***boot C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\ksecdd.sys Ker*** TRIAL ***ty Support Provider Interface / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Mic*** TRIAL ***poration
KSecPkg KSecPkg 10.0.19041.1288 Pilote Noyau Démarrage Démarrage du boot C:\Windows\System32\drivers\ksecpkg.sys Kernel Security Support Provider Interface Packages / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Microsoft Corporation
kst*** TRIAL *** Ker*** TRIAL ***ing Thunks 10.*** TRIAL *** Pil*** TRIAL *** Dém*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\ksthunk.sys Ker*** TRIAL ***ing WOW Thunk Service / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Mic*** TRIAL ***poration
LEqdUsb*** TRIAL *** Log*** TRIAL ***oint Unifying KMDF USB Filter 6.0*** TRIAL *** Pil*** TRIAL *** Dém*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\LEqdUsb.sys Log*** TRIAL ***d USB Driver. / Logitech SetPoint(TM) Log*** TRIAL ***.
llt*** TRIAL *** Pil*** TRIAL *** mappage de découverte de topologie de la couche de liaison 10.*** TRIAL *** Pil*** TRIAL *** Dém*** TRIAL *** Dém*** TRIAL ***omatique C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\lltdio.sys Lin*** TRIAL ***pology Mapper I/O Driver / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Mic*** TRIAL ***poration
LSI*** TRIAL *** LSI*** TRIAL *** 1.3*** TRIAL *** Pil*** TRIAL *** Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\lsi_sas.sys LSI*** TRIAL ***T SAS Driver (StorPort) LSI*** TRIAL ***on
LSI_SAS2i*** TRIAL *** LSI*** TRIAL *** 2.0*** TRIAL *** Pil*** TRIAL *** Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\lsi_sas2i.sys LSI*** TRIAL ***Driver (StorPort) / Windows (R) Win 7 DDK driver LSI*** TRIAL ***on
LSI_SAS3i*** TRIAL *** LSI*** TRIAL *** 2.5*** TRIAL *** Pil*** TRIAL *** Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\lsi_sas3i.sys Ava*** TRIAL ***3 Driver (StorPort) / Windows (R) Win 7 DDK driver Ava*** TRIAL ***ogies
LSI_SSS*** TRIAL *** LSI*** TRIAL *** 2.1*** TRIAL *** Pil*** TRIAL *** Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\lsi_sss.sys LSI*** TRIAL ***Flash Driver (StorPort) LSI*** TRIAL ***on
luafv Virtualisation de fichier UAC 10.0.19041.867 Pilote du fichier système Démarrage Démarrage automatique C:\Windows\System32\drivers\luafv.sys Pilote de filtre de virtualisation de fichier LUA / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Microsoft Corporation
mausbhost*** TRIAL *** Pil*** TRIAL ***trôleur d hôte de bus MA-USB 10.*** TRIAL *** Pil*** TRIAL *** Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\mausbhost.sys MA-*** TRIAL ***ontroller Driver / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Mic*** TRIAL ***poration
mau*** TRIAL *** Pil*** TRIAL ***tre IP MA-USB 10.*** TRIAL *** Pil*** TRIAL *** Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\mausbip.sys MA-*** TRIAL ***ver / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Mic*** TRIAL ***poration
MbbCx*** TRIAL *** MBB*** TRIAL ***dapter Class Extension 10.*** TRIAL ***81 Pil*** TRIAL *** Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\MbbCx.sys Win*** TRIAL ***e Broadband Class Extension / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Mic*** TRIAL ***poration
meg*** TRIAL *** meg*** TRIAL *** 6.7*** TRIAL *** Pil*** TRIAL *** Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\megasas.sys MEG*** TRIAL ***Controller Driver for Windows Ava*** TRIAL ***ogies
meg*** TRIAL *** meg*** TRIAL *** 6.7*** TRIAL *** Pil*** TRIAL *** Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\MegaSas2i.sys MEG*** TRIAL ***Controller Driver for Windows Ava*** TRIAL ***ogies
megasas35i megasas35i 7.710.10.0 Pilote Noyau Arrêté Demande de démarrage C:\Windows\System32\drivers\megasas35i.sys MEGASAS RAID Controller Driver for Windows Avago Technologies
megasr*** TRIAL *** meg*** TRIAL *** 15.*** TRIAL *** Pil*** TRIAL *** Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\megasr.sys LSI*** TRIAL ***Software RAID Driver / MegaRAID Software RAID LSI*** TRIAL ***on, Inc.
MEI*** TRIAL *** Int*** TRIAL ***gement Engine Interface 181*** TRIAL ***1 Pil*** TRIAL *** Dém*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\TeeDriverW8x64.sys Int*** TRIAL ***gement Engine Interface Int*** TRIAL ***tion
Mic*** TRIAL ***etooth_AvrcpTransport Pil*** TRIAL ***nsport Microsoft Bluetooth Avrcp 10.*** TRIAL *** Pil*** TRIAL *** Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\Microsoft.Bluetooth.AvrcpTransport.sys Pil*** TRIAL ***nsport Microsoft Bluetooth Avrcp / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration
mlx4_bus Énumérateur de bus Mellanox ConnectX 5.50.14695.0 Pilote Noyau Arrêté Demande de démarrage C:\Windows\System32\drivers\mlx4_bus.sys MLX4 Bus Driver / OpenFabrics Windows Mellanox
*** TRIAL *** Mul*** TRIAL ***ass Scheduler 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pil*** TRIAL *** Dém*** TRIAL *** Dém*** TRIAL ***omatique C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\mmcss.sys MMC*** TRIAL ***/ Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Mic*** TRIAL ***poration
Modem*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pil*** TRIAL *** Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\modem.sys Pil*** TRIAL ***iphérique modem / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration
monitor Service Pilote de fonction de classe Moniteur Microsoft 10.0.19041.1151 Pilote Noyau Démarrage Demande de démarrage C:\Windows\System32\drivers\monitor.sys Monitor Driver / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Microsoft Corporation
mou*** TRIAL *** Pil*** TRIAL ***classe Souris 10.*** TRIAL *** Pil*** TRIAL *** Dém*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\mouclass.sys Pil*** TRIAL ***classe Souris / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration
mouhid*** TRIAL *** Pil*** TRIAL *** souris 10.*** TRIAL *** Pil*** TRIAL *** Dém*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\mouhid.sys Pil*** TRIAL ***tre souris HID / Système d'exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration
mountmgr Gestionnaire des points de montage 10.0.19041.1 Pilote Noyau Démarrage Démarrage du boot C:\Windows\System32\drivers\mountmgr.sys Gestionnaire des points de montage / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Microsoft Corporation
MpK*** TRIAL *** MpK*** TRIAL *** 1.1*** TRIAL *** Pil*** TRIAL *** Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***a\Microsoft\Windows Defender\Definition Updates\{F347155F-C421-4831-9B42-3D2AAEC2C79A}\MpKslDrv.sys KSL*** TRIAL ***oft Malware Protection Mic*** TRIAL ***poration
MpK*** TRIAL *** MpK*** TRIAL *** 1.1*** TRIAL *** Pil*** TRIAL *** Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***a\Microsoft\Windows Defender\Definition Updates\{F347155F-C421-4831-9B42-3D2AAEC2C79A}\MpKslDrv.sys KSL*** TRIAL ***oft Malware Protection Mic*** TRIAL ***poration
MpKsl9726a0cc MpKsl9726a0cc 1.1.19400.2 Pilote Noyau Arrêté Demande de démarrage C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows Defender\Definition Updates\{F347155F-C421-4831-9B42-3D2AAEC2C79A}\MpKslDrv.sys KSLD / Microsoft Malware Protection Microsoft Corporation
mpsdrv Windows Defender Firewall Authorization Driver 10.0.19041.1 Pilote Noyau Démarrage Demande de démarrage C:\Windows\System32\drivers\mpsdrv.sys Microsoft Protection Service Driver / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Microsoft Corporation
MRxDAV*** TRIAL *** Pil*** TRIAL ***irecteur client WebDav 10.*** TRIAL ***66 Pil*** TRIAL ***hier système Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\mrxdav.sys Win*** TRIAL ***bDav Minirdr / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Mic*** TRIAL ***poration
mrxsmb*** TRIAL *** Wra*** TRIAL ***teur de mini-redirecteur SMB 10.*** TRIAL ***02 Pil*** TRIAL ***hier système Dém*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\mrxsmb.sys Min*** TRIAL ***indows NT / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration
mrxsmb10*** TRIAL *** Min*** TRIAL ***eur SMB 1.x 10.*** TRIAL ***8 Pil*** TRIAL ***hier système Dém*** TRIAL *** Dém*** TRIAL ***omatique C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\mrxsmb10.sys Lon*** TRIAL ***Downlevel SubRdr / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Mic*** TRIAL ***poration
mrxsmb20*** TRIAL *** Min*** TRIAL ***eur SMB 2.0 10.*** TRIAL ***37 Pil*** TRIAL ***hier système Dém*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\mrxsmb20.sys Lon*** TRIAL ***2.0 Redirector / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Mic*** TRIAL ***poration
MsBridge Pont MAC Microsoft 10.0.19041.1 Pilote Noyau Arrêté Demande de démarrage C:\Windows\System32\drivers\bridge.sys MAC Bridge Driver / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Microsoft Corporation
Msfs Msfs Pilote du fichier système Démarrage Démarrage système
msg*** TRIAL *** Pil*** TRIAL *** pour les boutons, DockMode et l indicateur de portable/tablette 10.*** TRIAL *** Pil*** TRIAL *** Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\msgpiowin32.sys GPI*** TRIAL ***river / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Mic*** TRIAL ***poration
mshidkmdf Pass-through HID to KMDF Filter Driver 10.0.19041.1 Pilote Noyau Arrêté Demande de démarrage C:\Windows\System32\drivers\mshidkmdf.sys Pass-through HID to KMDF Filter Driver / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Microsoft Corporation
mshidumdf*** TRIAL *** HID*** TRIAL ***directement au pilote UMDF 10.*** TRIAL *** Pil*** TRIAL *** Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\mshidumdf.sys Pil*** TRIAL *** pour interface HID-UMDF / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration
msisadrv*** TRIAL *** msi*** TRIAL *** 10.*** TRIAL ***02 Pil*** TRIAL *** Dém*** TRIAL *** Dém*** TRIAL ***boot C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\msisadrv.sys ISA*** TRIAL ***Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Mic*** TRIAL ***poration
MSKSSRV*** TRIAL *** Pro*** TRIAL ***ice de répartition Microsoft 10.*** TRIAL ***0 Pil*** TRIAL *** Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\mskssrv.sys MS *** TRIAL ***/ Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Mic*** TRIAL ***poration
MsLldp Protocole LLDP (Link Layer Discovery Protocol) Microsoft 10.0.19041.1 Pilote Noyau Démarrage Démarrage automatique C:\Windows\System32\drivers\mslldp.sys Pilote de protocole LLDP (Link Layer Discovery Protocol) Microsoft / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Microsoft Corporation
MSP*** TRIAL *** Pro*** TRIAL ***ge de répartition Microsoft 10.*** TRIAL *** Pil*** TRIAL *** Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\mspclock.sys MS *** TRIAL ***k / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Mic*** TRIAL ***poration
MSPQM Proxy de gestion de qualité de répartition Microsoft 10.0.19041.1 Pilote Noyau Arrêté Demande de démarrage C:\Windows\System32\drivers\mspqm.sys MS Proxy Quality Manager / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Microsoft Corporation
MsQuic*** TRIAL *** MsQ*** TRIAL *** 10.*** TRIAL ***8 Pil*** TRIAL *** Dém*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\msquic.sys Win*** TRIAL ***Driver / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Mic*** TRIAL ***poration
MsRPC*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** Pil*** TRIAL *** Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL ***
MsS*** TRIAL *** Min*** TRIAL *** composant Événements de sécurité de Microsoft 10.*** TRIAL ***02 Pil*** TRIAL *** Dém*** TRIAL *** Dém*** TRIAL ***boot C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\mssecflt.sys Pil*** TRIAL ***tre de système de fichiers du composant Événements de sécurité de Microsoft / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration
mssmbios Microsoft System Management BIOS Driver 10.0.19041.1 Pilote Noyau Démarrage Démarrage système C:\Windows\System32\drivers\mssmbios.sys System Management BIOS Driver / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Microsoft Corporation
MSTEE*** TRIAL *** Con*** TRIAL *** en T/site-à-site de répartition Microsoft 10.*** TRIAL *** Pil*** TRIAL *** Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\mstee.sys WDM*** TRIAL ***nication Transform Filter / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Mic*** TRIAL ***poration
MTConfig*** TRIAL *** Mic*** TRIAL ***ut Configuration Driver 10.*** TRIAL *** Pil*** TRIAL *** Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\MTConfig.sys Pil*** TRIAL ***ltipoint Microsoft / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration
*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** 10.*** TRIAL ***4 Pil*** TRIAL ***hier système Dém*** TRIAL *** Dém*** TRIAL ***boot C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\mup.sys Pil*** TRIAL ***rnisseur UNC multiples / Système d'exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration
mvumis*** TRIAL *** mvu*** TRIAL *** 1.0*** TRIAL *** Pil*** TRIAL *** Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\mvumis.sys Mar*** TRIAL *** Controller Driver / Marvell Flash Controller Mar*** TRIAL ***onductor, Inc.
NAL Nal Service Pilote Noyau Arrêté Demande de démarrage C:\Windows\System32\drivers\iqvw64e.sys Intel(R) Network Adapter Diagnostic Driver / Intel(R) iQVW64.SYS Intel Corporation
NativeWifiP*** TRIAL *** Fil*** TRIAL ***WiFi 10.*** TRIAL ***02 Pil*** TRIAL *** Dém*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\nwifi.sys Pil*** TRIAL ***iport WiFi natif / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration
ndfltr*** TRIAL *** Ser*** TRIAL ***rkDirect 5.5*** TRIAL *** Pil*** TRIAL *** Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\ndfltr.sys Net*** TRIAL *** Support Filter Driver / OpenFabrics Windows Mel*** TRIAL ***
NDIS*** TRIAL *** Pil*** TRIAL ***e NDIS 10.*** TRIAL ***51 Pil*** TRIAL *** Dém*** TRIAL *** Dém*** TRIAL ***boot C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\ndis.sys NDI*** TRIAL *** Driver Interface Specification) / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration
NdisCap*** TRIAL *** Cap*** TRIAL ***Microsoft 10.*** TRIAL *** Pil*** TRIAL *** Dém*** TRIAL *** Dém*** TRIAL ***tème C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\ndiscap.sys Mic*** TRIAL ***S Packet Capture Filter Driver / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Mic*** TRIAL ***poration
NdisImPlatform*** TRIAL *** Pro*** TRIAL ***multiplexage de carte réseau Microsoft 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pil*** TRIAL *** Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\NdisImPlatform.sys Mic*** TRIAL ***work Adapter Multiplexor / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Mic*** TRIAL ***poration
NdisTapi*** TRIAL *** Pil*** TRIAL ***DIS d accès à distance 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pil*** TRIAL *** Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\ndistapi.sys NDI*** TRIAL ***ection wrapper driver / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Mic*** TRIAL ***poration
Ndi*** TRIAL *** NDI*** TRIAL *** I/O Protocol 10.*** TRIAL *** Pil*** TRIAL *** Dém*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\ndisuio.sys Pil*** TRIAL ***du mode utilisateur NDIS / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration
Ndi*** TRIAL ***s Énu*** TRIAL ***e cartes réseau virtuelles Microsoft 10.*** TRIAL *** Pil*** TRIAL *** Dém*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\NdisVirtualBus.sys Énu*** TRIAL ***e cartes réseau virtuelles Microsoft / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration
NdisWan*** TRIAL *** Pil*** TRIAL *** étendu NDIS d accès à distance 10.*** TRIAL ***51 Pil*** TRIAL *** Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\ndiswan.sys MS *** TRIAL ***g Driver (Strong Encryption) / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Mic*** TRIAL ***poration
ndi*** TRIAL *** Pil*** TRIAL *** étendu NDIS HÉRITÉ d accès à distance 10.*** TRIAL ***51 Pil*** TRIAL *** Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\ndiswan.sys MS *** TRIAL ***g Driver (Strong Encryption) / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Mic*** TRIAL ***poration
NDKPing*** TRIAL *** NDK*** TRIAL ***r 10.*** TRIAL *** Pil*** TRIAL *** Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\NDKPing.sys RDM*** TRIAL ***river / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Mic*** TRIAL ***poration
ndproxy NDIS Proxy Driver 10.0.19041.546 Pilote Noyau Arrêté Demande de démarrage C:\Windows\System32\drivers\ndproxy.sys NDIS Proxy / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Microsoft Corporation
Ndu*** TRIAL *** Win*** TRIAL ***rk Data Usage Monitoring Driver 10.*** TRIAL *** Pil*** TRIAL *** Dém*** TRIAL *** Dém*** TRIAL ***omatique C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\Ndu.sys Win*** TRIAL ***rk Data Usage Monitoring Driver / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Mic*** TRIAL ***poration
NetAdapterCx Network Adapter Wdf Class Extension Library 10.0.19041.1202 Pilote Noyau Arrêté Demande de démarrage C:\Windows\System32\drivers\NetAdapterCx.sys Network Adapter Class Extension for WDF / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Microsoft Corporation
NetBIOS*** TRIAL *** Net*** TRIAL ***face 10.*** TRIAL *** Pil*** TRIAL ***hier système Dém*** TRIAL *** Dém*** TRIAL ***tème C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\netbios.sys Net*** TRIAL ***face driver / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Mic*** TRIAL ***poration
NetBT NetBT 10.0.19041.572 Pilote Noyau Démarrage Démarrage système C:\Windows\System32\drivers\netbt.sys MBT Transport driver / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Microsoft Corporation
net*** TRIAL *** net*** TRIAL *** 10.*** TRIAL ***8 Pil*** TRIAL *** Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\netvsc.sys Min*** TRIAL *** virtuel / Système d'exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration
Npfs Npfs Pilote du fichier système Démarrage Démarrage système
npsvctrig*** TRIAL *** Nam*** TRIAL ***rvice trigger provider 10.*** TRIAL *** Pil*** TRIAL *** Dém*** TRIAL *** Dém*** TRIAL ***tème C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\npsvctrig.sys Nam*** TRIAL ***rvice triggers / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Mic*** TRIAL ***poration
nsiproxy NSI Proxy Service Driver 10.0.19041.546 Pilote Noyau Démarrage Démarrage système C:\Windows\System32\drivers\nsiproxy.sys NSI Proxy / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Microsoft Corporation
Ntfs*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** Pil*** TRIAL ***hier système Dém*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL ***
*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** Pil*** TRIAL *** Dém*** TRIAL *** Dém*** TRIAL ***tème *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL ***
nvdimm Pilote de périphérique NVDIMM Microsoft 10.0.19041.1 Pilote Noyau Arrêté Demande de démarrage C:\Windows\System32\drivers\nvdimm.sys Pilote de périphérique NVDIMM / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Microsoft Corporation
nvraid*** TRIAL *** nvr*** TRIAL *** 10.*** TRIAL *** Pil*** TRIAL *** Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\nvraid.sys NVI*** TRIAL ***e(TM) RAID Driver / NVIDIA nForce(TM) RAID Driver NVI*** TRIAL ***ation
nvstor nvstor Pilote Noyau Arrêté Demande de démarrage C:\Windows\System32\drivers\nvstor.sys NVIDIA® nForce(TM) Sata Performance Driver / NVIDIA nForce(TM) SATA Driver NVIDIA Corporation
Parport*** TRIAL *** Pil*** TRIAL ***t parallèle 10.*** TRIAL *** Pil*** TRIAL *** Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\parport.sys Pil*** TRIAL ***t parallèle / Système d'exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration
partmgr*** TRIAL *** Ges*** TRIAL ***de partitions 10.*** TRIAL ***10 Pil*** TRIAL *** Dém*** TRIAL *** Dém*** TRIAL ***boot C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\partmgr.sys Par*** TRIAL ***ver / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Mic*** TRIAL ***poration
pci Pilote de bus PCI 10.0.19041.1202 Pilote Noyau Démarrage Démarrage du boot C:\Windows\System32\drivers\pci.sys Énumérateur Plug-and-Play PCI pour NT / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Microsoft Corporation
pciide*** TRIAL *** pci*** TRIAL *** 10.*** TRIAL ***88 Pil*** TRIAL *** Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\pciide.sys Gen*** TRIAL ***DE Bus Driver / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Mic*** TRIAL ***poration
pcmcia*** TRIAL *** pcm*** TRIAL *** 10.*** TRIAL *** Pil*** TRIAL *** Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\pcmcia.sys Pil*** TRIAL *** PCMCIA / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration
pcw*** TRIAL *** Per*** TRIAL ***ounters for Windows Driver 10.*** TRIAL *** Pil*** TRIAL *** Dém*** TRIAL *** Dém*** TRIAL ***boot C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\pcw.sys Per*** TRIAL ***ounters for Windows Driver / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Mic*** TRIAL ***poration
pdc*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** 10.*** TRIAL ***52 Pil*** TRIAL *** Dém*** TRIAL *** Dém*** TRIAL ***boot C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\pdc.sys Pow*** TRIAL ***ncy Coordinator Driver / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Mic*** TRIAL ***poration
PEAUTH*** TRIAL *** PEA*** TRIAL *** 10.*** TRIAL ***66 Pil*** TRIAL *** Dém*** TRIAL *** Dém*** TRIAL ***omatique C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\PEAuth.sys Pro*** TRIAL ***ironment Authentication and Authorization Export Driver / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Mic*** TRIAL ***poration
percsas2i*** TRIAL *** per*** TRIAL *** 6.8*** TRIAL *** Pil*** TRIAL *** Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\percsas2i.sys MEG*** TRIAL ***Controller Driver for Windows Ava*** TRIAL ***ogies
percsas3i*** TRIAL *** per*** TRIAL *** 6.6*** TRIAL *** Pil*** TRIAL *** Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\percsas3i.sys MEG*** TRIAL ***Controller Driver for Windows Ava*** TRIAL ***ogies
PktMon Packet Monitor Driver 10.0.19041.928 Pilote Noyau Arrêté Demande de démarrage C:\Windows\System32\drivers\PktMon.sys Pilote du moniteur de paquets / Système d'exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Microsoft Corporation
pmem*** TRIAL *** Pil*** TRIAL ***que de mémoire persistante Microsoft 10.*** TRIAL *** Pil*** TRIAL *** Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\pmem.sys Pil*** TRIAL ***oire persistante / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration
PNPMEM Pilote de module mémoire Microsoft 10.0.19041.1 Pilote Noyau Arrêté Demande de démarrage C:\Windows\System32\drivers\pnpmem.sys Pilote mémoire Plug and Play / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Microsoft Corporation
portcfg*** TRIAL *** por*** TRIAL *** 10.*** TRIAL *** Pil*** TRIAL *** Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\portcfg.sys Por*** TRIAL ***lass Configuration Filter Driver / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Mic*** TRIAL ***poration
Ppt*** TRIAL *** Min*** TRIAL ***au étendu (PPTP) 10.*** TRIAL ***8 Pil*** TRIAL *** Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\raspptp.sys Pee*** TRIAL ***Tunneling Protocol / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Mic*** TRIAL ***poration
Pro*** TRIAL *** Pil*** TRIAL ***seur 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pil*** TRIAL *** Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\processr.sys Pro*** TRIAL ***ice Driver / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Mic*** TRIAL ***poration
Psched*** TRIAL *** Pla*** TRIAL *** de paquets QoS 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pil*** TRIAL *** Dém*** TRIAL *** Dém*** TRIAL ***tème C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\pacer.sys Pla*** TRIAL *** de paquets QoS / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration
QWAVEdrv*** TRIAL *** Pil*** TRIAL *** 10.*** TRIAL *** Pil*** TRIAL *** Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\qwavedrv.sys Pil*** TRIAL ***port de Microsoft Quality Windows Audio Video Experience (qWave) / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration
Ramdisk*** TRIAL *** Win*** TRIAL ***isk Driver 10.*** TRIAL *** Pil*** TRIAL *** Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\ramdisk.sys RAM*** TRIAL ***er / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Mic*** TRIAL ***poration
Ras*** TRIAL *** Rem*** TRIAL *** Auto Connection Driver 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pil*** TRIAL *** Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\rasacd.sys RAS*** TRIAL *** Connection Driver / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Mic*** TRIAL ***poration
RasAgileVpn*** TRIAL *** Min*** TRIAL ***(IKEv2) 10.*** TRIAL ***4 Pil*** TRIAL *** Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\agilevpn.sys Ges*** TRIAL ***d'appels RAS Agile Vpn Miniport / Système d'exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration
Rasl2tp Miniport réseau étendu (L2TP) 10.0.19041.488 Pilote Noyau Arrêté Demande de démarrage C:\Windows\System32\drivers\rasl2tp.sys RAS L2TP mini-port/call-manager driver / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Microsoft Corporation
RasPppoe*** TRIAL *** Pil*** TRIAL ***d accès à distance 10.*** TRIAL *** Pil*** TRIAL *** Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\raspppoe.sys RAS*** TRIAL ***i-port/call-manager driver / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Mic*** TRIAL ***poration
RasSstp Miniport WAN (SSTP) 10.0.19041.488 Pilote Noyau Arrêté Demande de démarrage C:\Windows\System32\drivers\rassstp.sys RAS SSTP Miniport Call Manager / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Microsoft Corporation
rdbss Sous-système de mise en mémoire tampon redirigée 10.0.19041.1237 Pilote du fichier système Démarrage Démarrage système C:\Windows\System32\drivers\rdbss.sys Pilote du sous-système de mise en mémoire tampon de lecteur redirigé / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Microsoft Corporation
rdpbus*** TRIAL *** Pil*** TRIAL *** redirecteur de périphérique du Bureau à distance 10.*** TRIAL *** Pil*** TRIAL *** Dém*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\rdpbus.sys Mic*** TRIAL *** Bus Device driver / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Mic*** TRIAL ***poration
RDPDR*** TRIAL *** Pil*** TRIAL ***irecteur de périphérique du Bureau à distance 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pil*** TRIAL *** Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\rdpdr.sys Red*** TRIAL ***e périphérique de Microsoft RDP / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration
RdpVideoMiniport Remote Desktop Video Miniport Driver 10.0.19041.928 Pilote Noyau Arrêté Demande de démarrage C:\Windows\System32\drivers\rdpvideominiport.sys Microsoft RDP Video Miniport driver / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Microsoft Corporation
rdy*** TRIAL *** Rea*** TRIAL *** 10.*** TRIAL *** Pil*** TRIAL *** Dém*** TRIAL *** Dém*** TRIAL ***boot C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\rdyboost.sys Rea*** TRIAL ***iver / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Mic*** TRIAL ***poration
*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** Pil*** TRIAL ***hier système Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL ***
ReF*** TRIAL *** ReF*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** Pil*** TRIAL ***hier système Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL ***
RFCOMM Bluetooth Device (RFCOMM Protocol TDI) 10.0.19041.1 Pilote Noyau Arrêté Demande de démarrage C:\Windows\System32\drivers\rfcomm.sys Bluetooth RFCOMM Driver / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Microsoft Corporation
rhproxy*** TRIAL *** Pil*** TRIAL ***xy du hub de ressources 10.*** TRIAL *** Pil*** TRIAL *** Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\rhproxy.sys Res*** TRIAL ***roxy Driver / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Mic*** TRIAL ***poration
rspndr Répondeur de découverte de la topologie de la couche de liaison 10.0.19041.1 Pilote Noyau Démarrage Démarrage automatique C:\Windows\System32\drivers\rspndr.sys Link-Layer Topology Responder Driver for NDIS 6 / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Microsoft Corporation
s3cap*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** 10.*** TRIAL *** Pil*** TRIAL *** Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\vms3cap.sys Mic*** TRIAL ***Emulated Device Cap Driver / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Mic*** TRIAL ***poration
sbp2port Pilote de bus de transport/protocole SBP-2 10.0.19041.1288 Pilote Noyau Arrêté Demande de démarrage C:\Windows\System32\drivers\sbp2port.sys SBP-2 Protocol Driver / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Microsoft Corporation
scfilter Pilote de filtre de classe PnP de carte à puce 10.0.19041.844 Pilote Noyau Arrêté Demande de démarrage C:\Windows\System32\drivers\scfilter.sys Pilote de filtre de lecteur de carte à puce Microsoft / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Microsoft Corporation
scmbus*** TRIAL *** Pil*** TRIAL *** de mémoire de classe stockage Microsoft 10.*** TRIAL *** Pil*** TRIAL *** Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\scmbus.sys Pil*** TRIAL *** de mémoire de classe stockage / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration
sdbus sdbus 10.0.19041.906 Pilote Noyau Arrêté Demande de démarrage C:\Windows\System32\drivers\sdbus.sys Pilote du bus numérique sécurisé (SD) / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Microsoft Corporation
SDFRd Réflecteur SDF 10.0.19041.1 Pilote Noyau Arrêté Demande de démarrage C:\Windows\System32\drivers\SDFRd.sys SDF Reflector / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Microsoft Corporation
sdstor*** TRIAL *** Pil*** TRIAL ***t de stockage numérique sécurisé (SD) 10.*** TRIAL ***88 Pil*** TRIAL *** Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\sdstor.sys Pil*** TRIAL ***sse de stockage SD / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration
*** TRIAL *** Ser*** TRIAL ***upport Library 10.*** TRIAL *** Pil*** TRIAL *** Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\SerCx.sys Ser*** TRIAL ***Extension / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Mic*** TRIAL ***poration
SerCx2*** TRIAL *** Ser*** TRIAL ***upport Library 10.*** TRIAL *** Pil*** TRIAL *** Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\SerCx2.sys Ser*** TRIAL ***Extension V2 / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Mic*** TRIAL ***poration
Serenum*** TRIAL *** Pil*** TRIAL ***tre Serenum 10.*** TRIAL *** Pil*** TRIAL *** Dém*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\serenum.sys Ser*** TRIAL ***numerator / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Mic*** TRIAL ***poration
Serial*** TRIAL *** Pil*** TRIAL ***t série 10.*** TRIAL *** Pil*** TRIAL *** Dém*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\serial.sys Pil*** TRIAL ***iphérique série / Système d'exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration
ser*** TRIAL *** Pil*** TRIAL ***ouris sur port série 10.*** TRIAL *** Pil*** TRIAL *** Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\sermouse.sys Pil*** TRIAL ***tre souris série / Système d'exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration
sfl*** TRIAL *** Lec*** TRIAL ***squettes haute densité 10.*** TRIAL *** Pil*** TRIAL *** Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\sfloppy.sys SCS*** TRIAL ***river / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Mic*** TRIAL ***poration
SgrmAgent System Guard Runtime Monitor Agent 10.0.19041.1 Pilote Noyau Démarrage Démarrage du boot C:\Windows\System32\drivers\SgrmAgent.sys System Guard Runtime Monitor Agent Driver / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Microsoft Corporation
SiSRaid2*** TRIAL *** SiS*** TRIAL *** 5.1*** TRIAL *** Pil*** TRIAL *** Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\sisraid2.sys SiS*** TRIAL *** Miniport Driver / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Sil*** TRIAL ***rated Systems Corp.
SiSRaid4*** TRIAL *** SiS*** TRIAL *** 5.1*** TRIAL *** Pil*** TRIAL *** Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\sisraid4.sys SiS*** TRIAL ***-Miniport Driver / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Sil*** TRIAL ***rated Systems
SmartSAMD SmartSAMD Pilote Noyau Arrêté Demande de démarrage C:\Windows\System32\drivers\SmartSAMD.sys Storport Miniport Driver for SmartRAID/SmartHBA Controllers / SmartRAID, SmartHBA PQI Storport Driver Microsemi Corportation
smbdirect*** TRIAL *** smb*** TRIAL *** 10.*** TRIAL *** Pil*** TRIAL ***hier système Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\smbdirect.sys Pil*** TRIAL *** SMB Direct / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration
Smb*** TRIAL *** Smb*** TRIAL *** 19.*** TRIAL *** Pil*** TRIAL *** Dém*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\Smb_driver_Intel.sys Syn*** TRIAL ***us Driver Syn*** TRIAL ***orporated
spa*** TRIAL *** Spa*** TRIAL *** 10.*** TRIAL *** Pil*** TRIAL *** Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\spaceparser.sys Sto*** TRIAL ***s Parser / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Mic*** TRIAL ***poration
spa*** TRIAL *** Pil*** TRIAL ***paces de stockage 10.*** TRIAL ***88 Pil*** TRIAL *** Dém*** TRIAL *** Dém*** TRIAL ***boot C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\spaceport.sys Sto*** TRIAL ***s Driver / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Mic*** TRIAL ***poration
SpatialGraphFilter*** TRIAL *** Hol*** TRIAL ***patial Graph Filter 10.*** TRIAL *** Pil*** TRIAL *** Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\SpatialGraphFilter.sys Hol*** TRIAL ***patial Graph Filter / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Mic*** TRIAL ***poration
SpbCx*** TRIAL *** Sim*** TRIAL ***eral Bus Support Library 10.*** TRIAL *** Pil*** TRIAL *** Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\SpbCx.sys SPB*** TRIAL ***ension / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Mic*** TRIAL ***poration
srv*** TRIAL *** Pil*** TRIAL ***veur SMB 1.xxx 10.*** TRIAL ***02 Pil*** TRIAL ***hier système Dém*** TRIAL *** Dém*** TRIAL ***omatique C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\srv.sys Ser*** TRIAL *** / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Mic*** TRIAL ***poration
srv2*** TRIAL *** Pil*** TRIAL ***veur SMB 2.xxx 10.*** TRIAL ***02 Pil*** TRIAL ***hier système Dém*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\srv2.sys Pil*** TRIAL ***veur SMB 2.0 / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration
srvnet*** TRIAL *** srv*** TRIAL *** 10.*** TRIAL ***52 Pil*** TRIAL ***hier système Dém*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\srvnet.sys Ser*** TRIAL ***k driver / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Mic*** TRIAL ***poration
stexstor*** TRIAL *** ste*** TRIAL *** 5.1*** TRIAL *** Pil*** TRIAL *** Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\stexstor.sys Pro*** TRIAL ***Trak EX Series Driver for Windows x64 / Promise® SuperTrak EX Series Pro*** TRIAL ***ology, Inc.
storahci Lecteur AHCI SATA Microsoft standard 10.0.19041.1288 Pilote Noyau Arrêté Demande de démarrage C:\Windows\System32\drivers\storahci.sys MS AHCI Storport Miniport Driver / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Microsoft Corporation
sto*** TRIAL *** Acc*** TRIAL ***de stockage Microsoft Hyper-V 10.*** TRIAL ***4 Pil*** TRIAL *** Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\vmstorfl.sys Pil*** TRIAL ***tre de stockage virtuel / Système d'exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration
sto*** TRIAL *** Pil*** TRIAL ***press standard de Microsoft 10.*** TRIAL ***66 Pil*** TRIAL *** Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\stornvme.sys Mic*** TRIAL *** Express Storport Miniport Driver / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Mic*** TRIAL ***poration
storqosflt Pilote de filtre de qualité de service de stockage 10.0.19041.1 Pilote du fichier système Démarrage Démarrage automatique C:\Windows\System32\drivers\storqosflt.sys Filtre de qualité de service de stockage / Système d'exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Microsoft Corporation
storufs*** TRIAL *** Pil*** TRIAL ***sal Flash Storage (UFS) Microsoft 10.*** TRIAL ***81 Pil*** TRIAL *** Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\storufs.sys MS *** TRIAL ***rt Miniport Driver / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Mic*** TRIAL ***poration
storvsc*** TRIAL *** sto*** TRIAL *** 10.*** TRIAL *** Pil*** TRIAL *** Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\storvsc.sys Sto*** TRIAL ***river / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Mic*** TRIAL ***poration
swenum*** TRIAL *** Pil*** TRIAL *** logiciel 10.*** TRIAL *** Pil*** TRIAL *** Dém*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\DriverStore\FileRepository\swenum.inf_amd64_16a14542b63c02af\swenum.sys Plu*** TRIAL *** Software Device Enumerator / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Mic*** TRIAL ***poration
Synth3dVsc*** TRIAL *** Syn*** TRIAL *** 10.*** TRIAL ***8 Pil*** TRIAL *** Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\Synth3dVsc.sys Mic*** TRIAL ***oteFX Synth3D Video VSC / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Mic*** TRIAL ***poration
*** TRIAL *** Pil*** TRIAL ***rotocole TCP/IP 10.*** TRIAL ***88 Pil*** TRIAL *** Dém*** TRIAL *** Dém*** TRIAL ***boot C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\tcpip.sys Pil*** TRIAL *** / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration
Tcpip6*** TRIAL *** @to*** TRIAL ***0;Microsoft IPv6 Protocol Driver 10.*** TRIAL ***88 Pil*** TRIAL *** Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\tcpip.sys Pil*** TRIAL *** / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration
tcpipreg*** TRIAL *** TCP*** TRIAL ***ry Compatibility 10.*** TRIAL *** Pil*** TRIAL *** Dém*** TRIAL *** Dém*** TRIAL ***omatique C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\tcpipreg.sys TCP*** TRIAL ***ry Compatibility Driver / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Mic*** TRIAL ***poration
tdx*** TRIAL *** Pil*** TRIAL ***se en charge TDI héritée NetIO 10.*** TRIAL ***37 Pil*** TRIAL *** Dém*** TRIAL *** Dém*** TRIAL ***tème C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\tdx.sys TDI*** TRIAL ***on Driver / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Mic*** TRIAL ***poration
Tel*** TRIAL *** Ser*** TRIAL ***lémétrie Intel(R) 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pil*** TRIAL *** Dém*** TRIAL *** Dém*** TRIAL ***boot C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\IntelTA.sys Int*** TRIAL ***ry Driver / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Mic*** TRIAL ***poration
terminpt Pilote d entrée du Bureau à distance Microsoft 10.0.19041.1 Pilote Noyau Arrêté Demande de démarrage C:\Windows\System32\drivers\terminpt.sys Terminal Server Input Driver / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Microsoft Corporation
TPM*** TRIAL *** Mod*** TRIAL ***teforme sécurisée (TPM) 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pil*** TRIAL *** Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\tpm.sys Pil*** TRIAL ***iphérique TPM / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration
TsUsbFlt*** TRIAL *** Pil*** TRIAL ***tre pour classe de concentrateur USB du Bureau à distance 10.*** TRIAL *** Pil*** TRIAL *** Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\TsUsbFlt.sys Pil*** TRIAL ***tre pour concentrateur USB du Bureau à distance / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration
TsU*** TRIAL *** Pér*** TRIAL ***USB générique du Bureau à distance 10.*** TRIAL ***51 Pil*** TRIAL *** Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\TsUsbGD.sys Rem*** TRIAL ***p Generic USB Driver / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Mic*** TRIAL ***poration
tsu*** TRIAL *** Rem*** TRIAL ***p USB Hub 10.*** TRIAL ***23 Pil*** TRIAL *** Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\tsusbhub.sys Con*** TRIAL *** USB du Bureau à distance / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration
tun*** TRIAL *** Pil*** TRIAL ***tateur miniport de tunnel Microsoft 10.*** TRIAL *** Pil*** TRIAL *** Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\tunnel.sys Pil*** TRIAL ***rface de tunnel Microsoft / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration
UAS*** TRIAL *** Pil*** TRIAL ***SB Attached SCSI) 10.*** TRIAL ***23 Pil*** TRIAL *** Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\uaspstor.sys Mic*** TRIAL ***p Driver / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Mic*** TRIAL ***poration
UcmCx0101*** TRIAL *** USB*** TRIAL *** Manager KMDF Class Extension 10.*** TRIAL ***66 Pil*** TRIAL *** Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\UcmCx.sys USB*** TRIAL *** Manager KMDF Class Extension / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Mic*** TRIAL ***poration
UcmTcpciCx0101 UCM-TCPCI KMDF Class Extension 10.0.19041.1 Pilote Noyau Arrêté Demande de démarrage C:\Windows\System32\drivers\UcmTcpciCx.sys UCM-TCPCI KMDF Class Extension / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Microsoft Corporation
UcmUcsiAcpiClient Client ACPI UCM-UCSI 10.0.19041.1 Pilote Noyau Arrêté Demande de démarrage C:\Windows\System32\drivers\UcmUcsiAcpiClient.sys UCM-UCSI ACPI Client Driver / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Microsoft Corporation
UcmUcsiCx0101*** TRIAL *** UCM*** TRIAL *** Class Extension 10.*** TRIAL ***8 Pil*** TRIAL *** Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\UcmUcsiCx.sys UCM*** TRIAL *** Class Extension / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Mic*** TRIAL ***poration
Ucx01000*** TRIAL *** USB*** TRIAL ***ort Library 10.*** TRIAL *** Pil*** TRIAL *** Dém*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\Ucx01000.sys USB*** TRIAL ***r Extension / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Mic*** TRIAL ***poration
UdeCx*** TRIAL *** USB*** TRIAL ***ulation Support Library 10.*** TRIAL *** Pil*** TRIAL *** Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\Udecx.sys "ud*** TRIAL ***" / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Mic*** TRIAL ***poration
udfs*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** 10.*** TRIAL *** Pil*** TRIAL ***hier système Arr*** TRIAL *** Dés*** TRIAL *** C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\udfs.sys UDF*** TRIAL ***em Driver / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Mic*** TRIAL ***poration
*** TRIAL *** Pil*** TRIAL ***icrosoft 10.*** TRIAL *** Pil*** TRIAL *** Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\DriverStore\FileRepository\uefi.inf_amd64_c1628ffa62c8e54c\uefi.sys UEF*** TRIAL ***or NT / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Mic*** TRIAL ***poration
Uev*** TRIAL ***r Uev*** TRIAL ***r 10.*** TRIAL ***81 Pil*** TRIAL ***hier système Arr*** TRIAL *** Dés*** TRIAL *** C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\UevAgentDriver.sys Mic*** TRIAL ***r Experience Virtualization Agent Driver / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Mic*** TRIAL ***poration
Ufx01000*** TRIAL *** USB*** TRIAL ***Class Extension 10.*** TRIAL ***81 Pil*** TRIAL *** Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\ufx01000.sys USB*** TRIAL ***Driver Class Extension / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Mic*** TRIAL ***poration
UfxChipidea Contrôleur Chipidea USB 10.0.19041.1 Pilote Noyau Arrêté Demande de démarrage C:\Windows\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\ufxchipidea.inf_amd64_1c78775fffab6a0a\UfxChipidea.sys UFX Chipidea Client Driver / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Microsoft Corporation
ufxsynopsys*** TRIAL *** Con*** TRIAL ***nopsys USB 10.*** TRIAL ***2 Pil*** TRIAL *** Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\ufxsynopsys.sys UFX*** TRIAL ***Client Driver / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Mic*** TRIAL ***poration
*** TRIAL *** Pil*** TRIAL ***érateur UMBus 10.*** TRIAL *** Pil*** TRIAL *** Dém*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\DriverStore\FileRepository\umbus.inf_amd64_b78a9c5b6fd62c27\umbus.sys Use*** TRIAL *** Enumerator / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Mic*** TRIAL ***poration
UmP*** TRIAL *** Pil*** TRIAL ***oft UMPass 10.*** TRIAL *** Pil*** TRIAL *** Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\umpass.sys Gen*** TRIAL ***through driver / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Mic*** TRIAL ***poration
UrsChipidea Pilote de commutateur de rôle Chipidea USB 10.0.19041.1 Pilote Noyau Arrêté Demande de démarrage C:\Windows\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\urschipidea.inf_amd64_78ad1c14e33df968\urschipidea.sys USB Role-Switch Driver for Chipidea Core / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Microsoft Corporation
UrsCx01000*** TRIAL *** USB*** TRIAL ***ch Support Library 10.*** TRIAL *** Pil*** TRIAL *** Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\urscx01000.sys USB*** TRIAL ***ch Class Extension / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Mic*** TRIAL ***poration
Urs*** TRIAL *** Pil*** TRIAL ***mutateur de rôle Synopsys USB 10.*** TRIAL *** Pil*** TRIAL *** Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\DriverStore\FileRepository\urssynopsys.inf_amd64_057fa37902020500\urssynopsys.sys USB*** TRIAL ***ch Driver for Synopsys Core / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Mic*** TRIAL ***poration
usb*** TRIAL *** Pil*** TRIAL ***dio (WDM) 10.*** TRIAL ***02 Pil*** TRIAL *** Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\USBAUDIO.sys USB*** TRIAL ***ss Driver / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Mic*** TRIAL ***poration
usbaudio2*** TRIAL *** Ser*** TRIAL ***udio 2.0 10.*** TRIAL *** Pil*** TRIAL *** Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\usbaudio2.sys Mic*** TRIAL *** Audio Class 2.0 Driver / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Mic*** TRIAL ***poration
usbccgp Microsoft USB Generic Parent Driver 10.0.19041.488 Pilote Noyau Démarrage Demande de démarrage C:\Windows\System32\drivers\usbccgp.sys USB Common Class Generic Parent Driver / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Microsoft Corporation
usbcir*** TRIAL *** Réc*** TRIAL ***rarouge eHome (USBCIR) 10.*** TRIAL *** Pil*** TRIAL *** Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\usbcir.sys USB*** TRIAL ***IR Driver for eHome / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Mic*** TRIAL ***poration
usb*** TRIAL *** Pil*** TRIAL ***rt de contrôleur d'hôte amélioré Microsoft USB 2.0 10.*** TRIAL *** Pil*** TRIAL *** Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\usbehci.sys EHC*** TRIAL ***iport Driver / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Mic*** TRIAL ***poration
usbhub Pilote de concentrateur standard USB Microsoft 10.0.19041.1 Pilote Noyau Arrêté Demande de démarrage C:\Windows\System32\drivers\usbhub.sys Pilote de concentrateur USB par défaut / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Microsoft Corporation
USBHUB3*** TRIAL *** Con*** TRIAL *** SuperSpeed 10.*** TRIAL ***02 Pil*** TRIAL *** Dém*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\USBHUB3.SYS Pil*** TRIAL ***centrateur USB3 / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration
usbohci*** TRIAL *** Pil*** TRIAL ***rt de contrôleur hôte ouvert USB Microsoft 10.*** TRIAL *** Pil*** TRIAL *** Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\usbohci.sys OHC*** TRIAL ***port Driver / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Mic*** TRIAL ***poration
usb*** TRIAL *** Cla*** TRIAL ***imantes USB Microsoft 10.*** TRIAL ***51 Pil*** TRIAL *** Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\usbprint.sys USB*** TRIAL ***river / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Mic*** TRIAL ***poration
usb*** TRIAL *** Pil*** TRIAL ***USB Microsoft 10.*** TRIAL ***02 Pil*** TRIAL *** Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\usbser.sys USB*** TRIAL ***iver / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Mic*** TRIAL ***poration
USBSTOR Pilote de stockage de masse USB 10.0.19041.1288 Pilote Noyau Démarrage Demande de démarrage C:\Windows\System32\drivers\USBSTOR.SYS Pilote de classe de stockage de masse USB / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Microsoft Corporation
usbuhci Pilote miniport de contrôleur hôte universel USB Microsoft 10.0.19041.1 Pilote Noyau Arrêté Demande de démarrage C:\Windows\System32\drivers\usbuhci.sys UHCI USB Miniport Driver / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Microsoft Corporation
USB*** TRIAL *** Con*** TRIAL ***hôte compatible xHCI USB 10.*** TRIAL ***66 Pil*** TRIAL *** Dém*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\USBXHCI.SYS Pil*** TRIAL ***SB / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration
vdr*** TRIAL *** Énu*** TRIAL ***e lecteur virtuel Microsoft 10.*** TRIAL *** Pil*** TRIAL *** Dém*** TRIAL *** Dém*** TRIAL ***boot C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\vdrvroot.sys Vir*** TRIAL *** Root Enumerator / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Mic*** TRIAL ***poration
VerifierExt*** TRIAL *** Ext*** TRIAL ***vérificateur de pilotes 10.*** TRIAL *** Pil*** TRIAL *** Arr*** TRIAL *** Dés*** TRIAL *** C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\VerifierExt.sys Ext*** TRIAL ***vérificateur de pilotes / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration
*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** 10.*** TRIAL ***66 Pil*** TRIAL *** Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\vhdmp.sys VHD*** TRIAL ***Driver / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Mic*** TRIAL ***poration
vhf Pilote d'infrastructure HID virtuelle (VHF) 10.0.19041.1 Pilote Noyau Arrêté Demande de démarrage C:\Windows\System32\drivers\vhf.sys Virtual HID Framework (VHF) Driver / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Microsoft Corporation
Vid Vid 10.0.19041.1266 Pilote Noyau Démarrage Démarrage système C:\Windows\System32\drivers\Vid.sys Microsoft Hyper-V Virtualization Infrastructure Driver / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Microsoft Corporation
VirtualRender*** TRIAL *** Vir*** TRIAL *** 10.*** TRIAL *** Pil*** TRIAL *** Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\DriverStore\FileRepository\vrd.inf_amd64_81fbd405ff2470fc\vrd.sys Mic*** TRIAL ***tual Render Driver / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Mic*** TRIAL ***poration
vmbus*** TRIAL *** Bus*** TRIAL *** 10.*** TRIAL ***10 Pil*** TRIAL *** Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\vmbus.sys Pil*** TRIAL *** de bus VMBus sous Microsoft Hyper-V / Système d'exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration
VMB*** TRIAL *** VMB*** TRIAL *** 10.*** TRIAL *** Pil*** TRIAL *** Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\VMBusHID.sys Mic*** TRIAL ***us HID Miniport / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Mic*** TRIAL ***poration
vmgid Pilote d infrastructure invité Microsoft Hyper-V 10.0.19041.1 Pilote Noyau Arrêté Demande de démarrage C:\Windows\System32\drivers\vmgid.sys Virtual Machine Guest Infrastructure Driver / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Microsoft Corporation
volmgr Pilote du gestionnaire de volumes 10.0.19041.928 Pilote Noyau Démarrage Démarrage du boot C:\Windows\System32\drivers\volmgr.sys Pilote du gestionnaire de volumes / Système d'exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Microsoft Corporation
volmgrx Gestionnaire de volumes dynamiques 10.0.19041.1 Pilote Noyau Démarrage Démarrage du boot C:\Windows\System32\drivers\volmgrx.sys Pilote d extension du gestionnaire de volumes / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Microsoft Corporation
volsnap*** TRIAL *** Pil*** TRIAL ***ché instantané du volume 10.*** TRIAL ***8 Pil*** TRIAL *** Dém*** TRIAL *** Dém*** TRIAL ***boot C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\volsnap.sys Pil*** TRIAL ***ché instantané du volume / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration
volume Pilote de volume 10.0.19041.1 Pilote Noyau Démarrage Démarrage du boot C:\Windows\System32\drivers\volume.sys Volume driver / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Microsoft Corporation
vpci*** TRIAL *** Bus*** TRIAL ***el Microsoft Hyper-V 10.*** TRIAL *** Pil*** TRIAL *** Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\vpci.sys Vir*** TRIAL ***us / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Mic*** TRIAL ***poration
vsmraid*** TRIAL *** vsm*** TRIAL *** 7.0*** TRIAL *** Pil*** TRIAL *** Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\vsmraid.sys VIA*** TRIAL ***ER FOR AMD-X86-64 / VIA RAID driver VIA*** TRIAL ***ies Inc.,Ltd
VSTXRAID Pilote Windows du contrôleur RAID de stockage VIA StorX 8.0.9200.8110 Pilote Noyau Arrêté Demande de démarrage C:\Windows\System32\drivers\VSTXRAID.SYS VIA StorX RAID Controller Driver VIA Corporation
vwifibus Virtual Wireless Bus Driver 10.0.19041.1 Pilote Noyau Arrêté Demande de démarrage C:\Windows\System32\drivers\vwifibus.sys Virtual Wireless Bus Driver / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Microsoft Corporation
vwififlt*** TRIAL *** Vir*** TRIAL ***Filter Driver 10.*** TRIAL ***02 Pil*** TRIAL *** Dém*** TRIAL *** Dém*** TRIAL ***tème C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\vwififlt.sys Vir*** TRIAL ***Filter Driver / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Mic*** TRIAL ***poration
WacomPen*** TRIAL *** Pil*** TRIAL ***lette Wacom à stylet série 10.*** TRIAL *** Pil*** TRIAL *** Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\wacompen.sys Pil*** TRIAL ***lette Wacom à stylet série / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration
wan*** TRIAL *** Pil*** TRIAL *** d accès à distance 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pil*** TRIAL *** Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\wanarp.sys MS *** TRIAL ***ess and Routing ARP Driver / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Mic*** TRIAL ***poration
wanarpv6*** TRIAL *** Pil*** TRIAL ***v6 d accès à distance 10.*** TRIAL ***6 Pil*** TRIAL *** Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\wanarp.sys MS *** TRIAL ***ess and Routing ARP Driver / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Mic*** TRIAL ***poration
wcifs*** TRIAL *** Win*** TRIAL ***iner Isolation 10.*** TRIAL ***10 Pil*** TRIAL ***hier système Dém*** TRIAL *** Dém*** TRIAL ***omatique C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\wcifs.sys Win*** TRIAL ***iner Isolation FS Filter Driver / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Mic*** TRIAL ***poration
*** TRIAL *** Win*** TRIAL ***iner Name Virtualization 10.*** TRIAL ***4 Pil*** TRIAL ***hier système Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\wcnfs.sys Win*** TRIAL ***iner Name Virtualization FS Filter Driver / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Mic*** TRIAL ***poration
WdBoot*** TRIAL *** Pil*** TRIAL ***arrage de l antivirus Microsoft Defender 4.1*** TRIAL *** Pil*** TRIAL *** Arr*** TRIAL *** Dém*** TRIAL ***boot C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\WdBoot.sys Mic*** TRIAL ***imalware boot driver / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Mic*** TRIAL ***poration
Wdf*** TRIAL *** Ser*** TRIAL ***structure de pilote en mode noyau 1.3*** TRIAL ***51 Pil*** TRIAL *** Dém*** TRIAL *** Dém*** TRIAL ***boot C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\Wdf01000.sys Run*** TRIAL ***infrastructure de pilotes en mode noyau / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration
WdFilter Pilote du mini-filtre de l antivirus Microsoft Defender 4.18.1909.6 Pilote du fichier système Démarrage Démarrage du boot C:\Windows\System32\drivers\WdFilter.sys Microsoft antimalware file system filter driver / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Microsoft Corporation
wdiwifi*** TRIAL *** WDI*** TRIAL ***amework 10.*** TRIAL ***02 Pil*** TRIAL *** Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\WdiWiFi.sys WDI*** TRIAL ***amework Driver / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Mic*** TRIAL ***poration
WdmCompanionFilter WdmCompanionFilter 10.0.19041.1 Pilote Noyau Arrêté Demande de démarrage C:\Windows\System32\drivers\WdmCompanionFilter.sys WDM Companion Filter / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Microsoft Corporation
WdNisDrv Pilote du système NIS de l antivirus Microsoft Defender 4.18.1909.6 Pilote Noyau Démarrage Demande de démarrage C:\Windows\System32\drivers\WdNisDrv.sys Windows Defender Network Stream Filter / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Microsoft Corporation
WFPLWFS Plateforme de filtrage Microsoft Windows 10.0.19041.1266 Pilote Noyau Démarrage Démarrage du boot C:\Windows\System32\drivers\wfplwfs.sys WFP NDIS 6.30 Lightweight Filter Driver / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Microsoft Corporation
WIM*** TRIAL *** WIM*** TRIAL *** 10.*** TRIAL ***02 Pil*** TRIAL ***hier système Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\wimmount.sys Wim*** TRIAL ***em Driver / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Mic*** TRIAL ***poration
WindowsTrustedRT*** TRIAL *** Win*** TRIAL ***ed Execution Environment Class Extension 10.*** TRIAL *** Pil*** TRIAL *** Dém*** TRIAL *** Dém*** TRIAL ***boot C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\WindowsTrustedRT.sys Win*** TRIAL ***ed Runtime Interface Driver / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Mic*** TRIAL ***poration
WindowsTrustedRTProxy*** TRIAL *** Ser*** TRIAL ***isé d'exécution approuvée Microsoft Windows 10.*** TRIAL *** Pil*** TRIAL *** Dém*** TRIAL *** Dém*** TRIAL ***boot C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\WindowsTrustedRTProxy.sys Win*** TRIAL ***ed Runtime Service Proxy Driver / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Mic*** TRIAL ***poration
WinMad*** TRIAL *** Ser*** TRIAL ***d 5.5*** TRIAL *** Pil*** TRIAL *** Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\winmad.sys Ker*** TRIAL *** / OpenFabrics Windows Mel*** TRIAL ***
WinNat*** TRIAL *** Pil*** TRIAL ***ndows 10.*** TRIAL ***88 Pil*** TRIAL *** Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\winnat.sys Pil*** TRIAL ***ndows / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration
WinRing0_1_2_0*** TRIAL *** Win*** TRIAL ***0 1.2*** TRIAL *** Pil*** TRIAL *** Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***W\AppData\Local\Temp\tmpF1D3.tmp Win*** TRIAL *** Ope*** TRIAL ***g
WIN*** TRIAL *** Pil*** TRIAL *** 10.*** TRIAL *** Pil*** TRIAL *** Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\winusb.sys Win*** TRIAL ***B Class Driver / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Mic*** TRIAL ***poration
WinVerbs Service WinVerbs 5.50.14695.0 Pilote Noyau Arrêté Demande de démarrage C:\Windows\System32\drivers\winverbs.sys Kernel WinVerbs / OpenFabrics Windows Mellanox
WmiAcpi Microsoft Windows Management Interface for ACPI 10.0.19041.1 Pilote Noyau Démarrage Demande de démarrage C:\Windows\System32\drivers\wmiacpi.sys Windows Management Interface for ACPI / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Microsoft Corporation
*** TRIAL *** Win*** TRIAL ***ay File System Filter Driver *** TRIAL *** Pil*** TRIAL ***hier système Dém*** TRIAL *** Dém*** TRIAL ***boot *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL ***
WpdUpFltr*** TRIAL *** WPD*** TRIAL ***ss Filter Driver 10.*** TRIAL *** Pil*** TRIAL *** Dém*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\WpdUpFltr.sys Win*** TRIAL ***ble Device Upper Class Filter Driver / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Mic*** TRIAL ***poration
ws2*** TRIAL *** Pil*** TRIAL ***nsock 10.*** TRIAL *** Pil*** TRIAL *** Arr*** TRIAL *** Dés*** TRIAL *** C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\ws2ifsl.sys Cou*** TRIAL ***nsock2 / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration
WudfPf User Mode Driver Frameworks Platform Driver 10.0.19041.1 Pilote Noyau Arrêté Demande de démarrage C:\Windows\System32\drivers\WUDFPf.sys Windows Driver Foundation - User-mode Driver Framework Platform Driver / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Microsoft Corporation
WUDFRd*** TRIAL *** Win*** TRIAL ***r Foundation - User-mode Driver Framework Reflector 10.*** TRIAL *** Pil*** TRIAL *** Dém*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\WUDFRd.sys Win*** TRIAL ***r Foundation - User-mode Driver Framework Reflector / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Mic*** TRIAL ***poration
WUD*** TRIAL *** Pil*** TRIAL ***tème de fichiers WPD 10.*** TRIAL *** Pil*** TRIAL *** Dém*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\WUDFRd.sys Win*** TRIAL ***r Foundation - User-mode Driver Framework Reflector / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Mic*** TRIAL ***poration
xboxgip*** TRIAL *** Pil*** TRIAL ***tocole d'entrée de jeu Xbox 10.*** TRIAL ***4 Pil*** TRIAL *** Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\xboxgip.sys Gam*** TRIAL ***otocol Driver / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Mic*** TRIAL ***poration
xinputhid*** TRIAL *** Pil*** TRIAL ***tre XINPUT HID 10.*** TRIAL ***4 Pil*** TRIAL *** Arr*** TRIAL *** Dem*** TRIAL ***marrage C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\drivers\xinputhid.sys XIN*** TRIAL *** driver for HID / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Mic*** TRIAL ***poration
cpuz154 cpuz154 Pilote Noyau Démarrage Demande de démarrage C:\Windows\Temp\cpuz154\cpuz154_x64.sys CPUID Driver / CPUID service CPUID

---------- [Autorun] -------------------------------------------
Propriétés Valeur
SecurityHealth Windows Security notification icon / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Pro*** TRIAL *** C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\SecurityHealthSystray.exe
Loc*** TRIAL *** HKL*** TRIAL ***\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run
Ver*** TRIAL *** 10.*** TRIAL ***
Statut Démarrage
RTH*** TRIAL *** Ges*** TRIAL ***audio HD Realtek
Pro*** TRIAL *** C:\*** TRIAL ***les\Realtek\Audio\HDA\RtkNGUI64.exe
Loc*** TRIAL *** HKL*** TRIAL ***\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run
Ver*** TRIAL *** 1.0*** TRIAL ***
Sta*** TRIAL *** Dém*** TRIAL ***
RtH*** TRIAL *** HD *** TRIAL ***ground Process
Pro*** TRIAL *** C:\*** TRIAL ***les\Realtek\Audio\HDA\RAVBg64.exe
Localisation HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run
Statut Démarrage
Logitech Download Assistant
Programme C:\Windows\system32\rundll32.exe C:\Windows\System32\LogiLDA.dll,LogiFetch
Loc*** TRIAL *** HKL*** TRIAL ***\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run
Ver*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL ***
WebCheckWebCrawler Contrôleur de site Web / Internet Explorer
Programme C:\Windows\System32\webcheck.dll
Localisation HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Shell Extensions\Approved
Ver*** TRIAL *** 11.*** TRIAL ***
EPP Extension Microsoft Security Client Shell / Système d'exploitation Microsoft® Windows®
Pro*** TRIAL *** C:\*** TRIAL ***les\Windows Defender\shellext.dll
Loc*** TRIAL *** HKL*** TRIAL ***\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Shell Extensions\Approved
Version 4.18.1907.16384
Sta*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL ***
Win*** TRIAL ***ct Preview Handler Mic*** TRIAL *** Contacts DLL / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Programme C:\Program Files\Common Files\System\wab32.dll
Loc*** TRIAL *** HKL*** TRIAL ***\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Shell Extensions\Approved
Ver*** TRIAL *** 10.*** TRIAL ***10
Shell extensions for Windows Script Host Microsoft ® Shell Extension for Windows Script Host / Microsoft ® Windows Script Host
Programme C:\Windows\System32\wshext.dll
Loc*** TRIAL *** HKL*** TRIAL ***\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Shell Extensions\Approved
Version 5.812.10240.16384
Microsoft Windows Mail Html Preview Handler Microsoft Internet Messaging API Resources / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Programme C:\Windows\System32\inetcomm.dll
Loc*** TRIAL *** HKL*** TRIAL ***\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Shell Extensions\Approved
Version 10.0.19041.928
DLNA Namespace Extension DLNA Namespace DLL / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows®
Programme C:\Windows\System32\dlnashext.dll
Localisation HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Shell Extensions\Approved
Version 10.0.19041.1266
Mic*** TRIAL ***era Raw Property Store Mic*** TRIAL ***era Codec Pack / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Programme C:\Windows\System32\WindowsCodecsRaw.dll
Localisation HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Shell Extensions\Approved
Version 10.0.19041.1165
Sta*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL ***
Win*** TRIAL ***extension Win*** TRIAL ***extension / WinRAR
Pro*** TRIAL *** C:\*** TRIAL ***les\WinRAR\RarExt.dll
Loc*** TRIAL *** HKL*** TRIAL ***\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Shell Extensions\Approved
WebCheckWebCrawler Contrôleur de site Web / Internet Explorer
Programme C:\Windows\SysWOW64\webcheck.dll
Loc*** TRIAL *** HKL*** TRIAL ***\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Shell Extensions\Approved
Version 11.0.19041.1
Sta*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL ***
She*** TRIAL ***ons for Windows Script Host Mic*** TRIAL ***hell Extension for Windows Script Host / Microsoft ® Windows Script Host
Pro*** TRIAL *** C:\*** TRIAL ***sWOW64\wshext.dll
Loc*** TRIAL *** HKL*** TRIAL ***\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Shell Extensions\Approved
Ver*** TRIAL *** 5.8*** TRIAL ***6384
Mic*** TRIAL ***dows Mail Html Preview Handler Mic*** TRIAL ***ernet Messaging API Resources / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Pro*** TRIAL *** C:\*** TRIAL ***sWOW64\inetcomm.dll
Loc*** TRIAL *** HKL*** TRIAL ***\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Shell Extensions\Approved
Version 10.0.19041.928
DLNA Namespace Extension DLNA Namespace DLL / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Pro*** TRIAL *** C:\*** TRIAL ***sWOW64\dlnashext.dll
Localisation HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Shell Extensions\Approved
Version 10.0.19041.1266
Sta*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL ***
Microsoft Camera Raw Property Store Microsoft Camera Codec Pack / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Programme C:\Windows\SysWOW64\WindowsCodecsRaw.dll
Loc*** TRIAL *** HKL*** TRIAL ***\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Shell Extensions\Approved
Version 10.0.19041.1165
Sta*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL ***

---------- [Codecs audio et vidéo] -----------------------------
Nom Type Description Fabricant Version Chemin et fichier Taille
bdaplgin Vidéo Microsoft BDA Device Control Plug-in for MPEG2 based networks. / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Microsoft Corporation 10.0.19041.1 C:\Windows\System32\bdaplgin.ax 100864
bdaplgin Vidéo Microsoft BDA Device Control Plug-in for MPEG2 based networks. / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Microsoft Corporation 10.0.19041.1 C:\Windows\SysWOW64\bdaplgin.ax 76288
cca*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** Clo*** TRIAL ***ns Analysis Filter Mic*** TRIAL ***poration 10.*** TRIAL *** C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\cca.dll *** TRIAL ***
*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** Clo*** TRIAL ***ns Analysis Filter Mic*** TRIAL ***poration 10.*** TRIAL *** C:\*** TRIAL ***sWOW64\cca.dll *** TRIAL ***
evr Vidéo Enhanced Video Renderer Microsoft Corporation 10.0.19041.546 C:\Windows\System32\evr.dll 773712
*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** Enh*** TRIAL ***o Renderer Mic*** TRIAL ***poration 10.*** TRIAL ***6 C:\*** TRIAL ***sWOW64\evr.dll 578*** TRIAL ***
g711codc*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** Int*** TRIAL ***DEC / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Mic*** TRIAL ***poration 10.*** TRIAL *** C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\g711codc.ax *** TRIAL ***
g71*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** Int*** TRIAL ***DEC / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Mic*** TRIAL ***poration 10.*** TRIAL *** C:\*** TRIAL ***sWOW64\g711codc.ax *** TRIAL ***
iac25_32*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** Ind*** TRIAL ***software Int*** TRIAL ***tion 2.0*** TRIAL *** C:\*** TRIAL ***sWOW64\iac25_32.ax 197*** TRIAL ***
iccvid Vidéo Codec Cinepak® / Cinepak pour Windows 32 Radius Inc. C:\Windows\SysWOW64\iccvid.dll 84992
imaadp32 Audio Codec IMA ADPCM pour MSACM / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Microsoft Corporation 10.0.19041.1 C:\Windows\System32\imaadp32.acm 37440
ir41_32 IR41_32 WRAPPER DLL / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Microsoft Corporation 10.0.19041.1 C:\Windows\SysWOW64\ir41_32.ax 9216
ivfsrc*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** Int*** TRIAL ***video IVF - filtre source 5.10 Int*** TRIAL ***tion 5.1*** TRIAL *** C:\*** TRIAL ***sWOW64\ivfsrc.ax 146*** TRIAL ***
iyuv_32*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** Cod*** TRIAL ***UV Intel Indeo(R) / Système d'exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration 10.*** TRIAL *** C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\iyuv_32.dll *** TRIAL ***
iyuv_32*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** Cod*** TRIAL ***UV Intel Indeo(R) / Système d'exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration 10.*** TRIAL *** C:\*** TRIAL ***sWOW64\iyuv_32.dll *** TRIAL ***
ksp*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** WDM*** TRIAL *** ActiveMovie Proxy / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Mic*** TRIAL ***poration 10.*** TRIAL ***6 C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\ksproxy.ax 304*** TRIAL ***
ksproxy WDM Streaming ActiveMovie Proxy / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Microsoft Corporation 10.0.19041.746 C:\Windows\SysWOW64\ksproxy.ax 234496
kst*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** Tun*** TRIAL *** flux WDM / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration 10.*** TRIAL *** C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\kstvtune.ax 104*** TRIAL ***
kstvtune WDM Streaming TvTuner / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Microsoft Corporation 10.0.19041.1 C:\Windows\SysWOW64\kstvtune.ax 89600
Ksw*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** Cap*** TRIAL *** du flux WDM / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration 10.*** TRIAL *** C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\Kswdmcap.ax 141*** TRIAL ***
Kswdmcap*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** WDM*** TRIAL *** Video Capture / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Mic*** TRIAL ***poration 10.*** TRIAL *** C:\*** TRIAL ***sWOW64\Kswdmcap.ax 116*** TRIAL ***
ksx*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** WDM*** TRIAL *** Crossbar / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Mic*** TRIAL ***poration 10.*** TRIAL *** C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\ksxbar.ax *** TRIAL ***
ksxbar*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** WDM*** TRIAL *** Crossbar / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Mic*** TRIAL ***poration 10.*** TRIAL *** C:\*** TRIAL ***sWOW64\ksxbar.ax *** TRIAL ***
l3codeca*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** Fra*** TRIAL ***S MPEG Layer-3 Codec Fra*** TRIAL ***stitut Integrierte Schaltungen IIS 1.9*** TRIAL *** C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\l3codeca.acm *** TRIAL ***
l3codeca*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** Fra*** TRIAL ***S MPEG Layer-3 Codec Fra*** TRIAL ***stitut Integrierte Schaltungen IIS 1.9*** TRIAL *** C:\*** TRIAL ***sWOW64\l3codeca.acm *** TRIAL ***
midimap*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** Mic*** TRIAL ***I Mapper / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Mic*** TRIAL ***poration 10.*** TRIAL ***8 C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\midimap.dll *** TRIAL ***
Mpe*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** MPE*** TRIAL ***ns and Tables Mic*** TRIAL ***poration 10.*** TRIAL *** C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\Mpeg2Data.ax 103*** TRIAL ***
Mpeg2Data*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** MPE*** TRIAL ***ns and Tables Mic*** TRIAL ***poration 10.*** TRIAL *** C:\*** TRIAL ***sWOW64\Mpeg2Data.ax *** TRIAL ***
mpg2splt*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** AC3*** TRIAL ***lter Mic*** TRIAL ***poration 10.*** TRIAL ***9 C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\mpg2splt.ax 266*** TRIAL ***
mpg2splt*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** AC3*** TRIAL ***lter Mic*** TRIAL ***poration 10.*** TRIAL ***9 C:\*** TRIAL ***sWOW64\mpg2splt.ax 204*** TRIAL ***
MSAC3ENC*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** Mic*** TRIAL *** Encoder Mic*** TRIAL ***poration 10.*** TRIAL *** C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\MSAC3ENC.DLL 243*** TRIAL ***
MSA*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** Mic*** TRIAL *** Encoder Mic*** TRIAL ***poration 10.*** TRIAL *** C:\*** TRIAL ***sWOW64\MSAC3ENC.DLL 200*** TRIAL ***
msacm32*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** Mic*** TRIAL ***nd Mapper / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Mic*** TRIAL ***poration 10.*** TRIAL ***8 C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\msacm32.drv *** TRIAL ***
msa*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** Cod*** TRIAL ***ft ADPCM pour MSACM / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration 10.*** TRIAL *** C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\msadp32.acm *** TRIAL ***
MSDvbNP Vidéo Microsoft Network Provider for MPEG2 based networks. / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Microsoft Corporation 10.0.19041.1 C:\Windows\System32\MSDvbNP.ax 79872
MSDvbNP*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** Mic*** TRIAL ***work Provider for MPEG2 based networks. / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Mic*** TRIAL ***poration 10.*** TRIAL *** C:\*** TRIAL ***sWOW64\MSDvbNP.ax *** TRIAL ***
msg711 Audio CODEC A-Law et u-Law pour MSACM Microsoft CCITT G.711 / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Microsoft Corporation 10.0.19041.1 C:\Windows\System32\msg711.acm 25824
msgsm32*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** Cod*** TRIAL ***icrosoft GSM 6.10 pour MSACM / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration 10.*** TRIAL *** C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\msgsm32.acm *** TRIAL ***
msmpeg2adec Audio Microsoft DTV-DVD Audio Decoder Microsoft Corporation 10.0.19041.1 C:\Windows\System32\msmpeg2adec.dll 1068144
msmpeg2adec Audio Microsoft DTV-DVD Audio Decoder Microsoft Corporation 10.0.19041.1 C:\Windows\SysWOW64\msmpeg2adec.dll 860488
MSMPEG2ENC*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** Mic*** TRIAL ***G-2 Video Encoder Mic*** TRIAL ***poration 10.*** TRIAL *** C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\MSMPEG2ENC.DLL 944*** TRIAL ***
MSMPEG2ENC Vidéo Microsoft MPEG-2 Video Encoder Microsoft Corporation 10.0.19041.1 C:\Windows\SysWOW64\MSMPEG2ENC.DLL 801792
msmpeg2vdec*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** Mic*** TRIAL ***-DVD Video Decoder Mic*** TRIAL ***poration 10.*** TRIAL ***88 C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\msmpeg2vdec.dll 252*** TRIAL ***
msmpeg2vdec*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** Mic*** TRIAL ***-DVD Video Decoder Mic*** TRIAL ***poration 10.*** TRIAL ***88 C:\*** TRIAL ***sWOW64\msmpeg2vdec.dll 234*** TRIAL ***
MSNP*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** Mic*** TRIAL ***work Provider for MPEG2 based networks. / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Mic*** TRIAL ***poration 10.*** TRIAL *** C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\MSNP.ax 260*** TRIAL ***
MSNP*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** Mic*** TRIAL ***work Provider for MPEG2 based networks. / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Mic*** TRIAL ***poration 10.*** TRIAL *** C:\*** TRIAL ***sWOW64\MSNP.ax 213*** TRIAL ***
msrle32 Vidéo Microsoft RLE Compressor / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Microsoft Corporation 10.0.19041.1 C:\Windows\System32\msrle32.dll 18432
msrle32 Vidéo Microsoft RLE Compressor / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Microsoft Corporation 10.0.19041.1 C:\Windows\SysWOW64\msrle32.dll 14848
msvidc32*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** Com*** TRIAL ***icrosoft Vidéo 1 / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration 10.*** TRIAL *** C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\msvidc32.dll *** TRIAL ***
msvidc32*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** Com*** TRIAL ***icrosoft Vidéo 1 / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration 10.*** TRIAL *** C:\*** TRIAL ***sWOW64\msvidc32.dll *** TRIAL ***
msyuv*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** Mic*** TRIAL ***Y Video Decompressor / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Mic*** TRIAL ***poration 10.*** TRIAL *** C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\msyuv.dll *** TRIAL ***
msyuv Vidéo Microsoft UYVY Video Decompressor / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Microsoft Corporation 10.0.19041.1 C:\Windows\SysWOW64\msyuv.dll 23552
psisrndr*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** BDA*** TRIAL ***nsport Information Filter Mic*** TRIAL ***poration 10.*** TRIAL *** C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\psisrndr.ax *** TRIAL ***
psisrndr Vidéo BDA MPEG2 Transport Information Filter Microsoft Corporation 10.0.19041.1 C:\Windows\SysWOW64\psisrndr.ax 80384
qasf*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** WM *** TRIAL *** Mic*** TRIAL ***poration 12.*** TRIAL *** C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\qasf.dll 157*** TRIAL ***
qasf*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** WM *** TRIAL *** Mic*** TRIAL ***poration 12.*** TRIAL *** C:\*** TRIAL ***sWOW64\qasf.dll 127*** TRIAL ***
qcap*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** Fil*** TRIAL *** Mic*** TRIAL ***poration 10.*** TRIAL *** C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\qcap.dll 199*** TRIAL ***
qcap*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** Fil*** TRIAL *** Mic*** TRIAL ***poration 10.*** TRIAL *** C:\*** TRIAL ***sWOW64\qcap.dll 211*** TRIAL ***
*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** DV *** TRIAL *** Mic*** TRIAL ***poration 10.*** TRIAL *** C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\qdv.dll 252*** TRIAL ***
qdv Vidéo DV Muxer Microsoft Corporation 10.0.19041.1 C:\Windows\SysWOW64\qdv.dll 291328
*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** DVD*** TRIAL *** Mic*** TRIAL ***poration 10.*** TRIAL ***6 C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\qdvd.dll 398*** TRIAL ***
qdvd Line 21 Decoder Microsoft Corporation 10.0.19041.746 C:\Windows\SysWOW64\qdvd.dll 550400
*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** Sam*** TRIAL *** Mic*** TRIAL ***poration 10.*** TRIAL ***6 C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\qedit.dll 667*** TRIAL ***
qedit SampleGrabber Microsoft Corporation 10.0.19041.746 C:\Windows\SysWOW64\qedit.dll 557056
quartz*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** Col*** TRIAL ***onverter Mic*** TRIAL ***poration 10.*** TRIAL ***6 C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\quartz.dll 168*** TRIAL ***
quartz Audio Color Space Converter Microsoft Corporation 10.0.19041.746 C:\Windows\SysWOW64\quartz.dll 1470976
sbe*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** SBE*** TRIAL ***Profile Mic*** TRIAL ***poration 10.*** TRIAL *** C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\sbe.dll 964*** TRIAL ***
*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** SBE*** TRIAL ***Profile Mic*** TRIAL ***poration 10.*** TRIAL *** C:\*** TRIAL ***sWOW64\sbe.dll 720*** TRIAL ***
tsbyuv*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** Tos*** TRIAL *** Codec / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Mic*** TRIAL ***poration 10.*** TRIAL *** C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\tsbyuv.dll *** TRIAL ***
tsbyuv*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** Tos*** TRIAL *** Codec / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Mic*** TRIAL ***poration 10.*** TRIAL *** C:\*** TRIAL ***sWOW64\tsbyuv.dll *** TRIAL ***
VBICodec VBI Codec Microsoft Corporation 10.0.19041.746 C:\Windows\System32\VBICodec.ax 170496
VBICodec VBI Codec Microsoft Corporation 10.0.19041.746 C:\Windows\SysWOW64\VBICodec.ax 135168
vbisurf*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** VBI*** TRIAL ***llocator Mic*** TRIAL ***poration 10.*** TRIAL *** C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\vbisurf.ax *** TRIAL ***
vbisurf*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** VBI*** TRIAL ***llocator Filter / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Mic*** TRIAL ***poration 10.*** TRIAL *** C:\*** TRIAL ***sWOW64\vbisurf.ax *** TRIAL ***
vid*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** Vid*** TRIAL *** Interface Server / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Mic*** TRIAL ***poration 10.*** TRIAL *** C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\vidcap.ax *** TRIAL ***
vid*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** Vid*** TRIAL *** Interface Server / Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Mic*** TRIAL ***poration 10.*** TRIAL *** C:\*** TRIAL ***sWOW64\vidcap.ax *** TRIAL ***
wdm*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** Pil*** TRIAL ***tème audio Winmm / Système d exploitation Microsoft® Windows® Mic*** TRIAL ***poration 10.*** TRIAL *** C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\wdmaud.drv 259*** TRIAL ***
WSTPager*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** VPS*** TRIAL *** Mic*** TRIAL ***poration 10.*** TRIAL *** C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\WSTPager.ax *** TRIAL ***
WST*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** VPS*** TRIAL *** Mic*** TRIAL ***poration 10.*** TRIAL *** C:\*** TRIAL ***sWOW64\WSTPager.ax *** TRIAL ***

---------- [MMC Snap-Ins] --------------------------------------
Propriétés Valeur
Authorization Manager C:\Windows\System32\azman.msc
GUID {1F5EEC01-1214-4D94-80C5-4BDCD2014DDD}
Description Gestionnaire d autorisations
Nom du fichier C:\Windows\System32\azroleui.dll
Aut*** TRIAL *** Manager (x86) C:\*** TRIAL ***sWOW64\azman.msc
GUID {1F5EEC01-1214-4D94-80C5-4BDCD2014DDD}
Description Gestionnaire d autorisations
Nom*** TRIAL ***r C:\*** TRIAL ***sWOW64\azroleui.dll
Cer*** TRIAL ***- Local Computer C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\certlm.msc
GUID {53D6AB1D-2488-11D1-A28C-00C04FB94F17}
Des*** TRIAL *** Com*** TRIAL ***iciel enfichable Certificats
Nom*** TRIAL ***r C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\certmgr.dll
Cer*** TRIAL ***- Local Computer (x86) C:\*** TRIAL ***sWOW64\certlm.msc
GUID {53D6AB1D-2488-11D1-A28C-00C04FB94F17}
Description Certificates snap-in
Nom*** TRIAL ***r C:\*** TRIAL ***sWOW64\certmgr.dll
Cer*** TRIAL ***- Current User C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\certmgr.msc
*** TRIAL *** {53*** TRIAL ***8-11D1-A28C-00C04FB94F17}
Description Composant logiciel enfichable Certificats
Nom du fichier C:\Windows\System32\certmgr.dll
Certificates - Current User (x86) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\certmgr.msc
GUID {53D6AB1D-2488-11D1-A28C-00C04FB94F17}
Description Certificates snap-in
Nom*** TRIAL ***r C:\*** TRIAL ***sWOW64\certmgr.dll
Com*** TRIAL ***vices C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\comexp.msc
GUID {C9BC92DF-5B9A-11D1-8F00-00C04FC2C17B}
Des*** TRIAL *** COM*** TRIAL *** MMC Snapin
Nom*** TRIAL ***r C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\comsnap.dll
Com*** TRIAL ***vices (x86) C:\*** TRIAL ***sWOW64\comexp.msc
GUID {C9BC92DF-5B9A-11D1-8F00-00C04FC2C17B}
Des*** TRIAL *** COM*** TRIAL *** MMC Snapin
Nom du fichier C:\Windows\SysWOW64\comsnap.dll
Com*** TRIAL ***gement C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\compmgmt.msc
GUID {58221C67-EA27-11CF-ADCF-00AA00A80033}
Description Gestion de l ordinateur
Nom du fichier C:\Windows\System32\mycomput.dll
Com*** TRIAL ***gement (x86) C:\*** TRIAL ***sWOW64\compmgmt.msc
GUID {58221C67-EA27-11CF-ADCF-00AA00A80033}
Description Gestion de l ordinateur
Nom*** TRIAL ***r C:\*** TRIAL ***sWOW64\mycomput.dll
Device Manager C:\Windows\System32\devmgmt.msc
*** TRIAL *** {74*** TRIAL ***6-11D0-ABEF-0020AF6B0B7A}
Description Composant logiciel enfichable MMC Gestionnaire de périphériques
Nom du fichier C:\Windows\System32\devmgr.dll
Device Manager (x86) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\devmgmt.msc
GUID {74246BFC-4C96-11D0-ABEF-0020AF6B0B7A}
Des*** TRIAL *** Dev*** TRIAL ***r MMC Snapin
Nom*** TRIAL ***r C:\*** TRIAL ***sWOW64\devmgr.dll
Loc*** TRIAL ***r Policy C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\DevModeRunAsUserConfig.msc
*** TRIAL *** {8F*** TRIAL ***1-11D1-A7D3-0000F87571E3}
Description GPEdit
Nom*** TRIAL ***r C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\gpedit.dll
Disk Management C:\Windows\System32\diskmgmt.msc
GUID {DBFCA500-8C31-11D0-AA2C-00A0C92749A3}
Description Disk Management Snap-in Support Library
Nom du fichier C:\Windows\System32\dmdskmgr.dll
Disk Management (x86) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\diskmgmt.msc
GUID {DBFCA500-8C31-11D0-AA2C-00A0C92749A3}
Des*** TRIAL *** Dis*** TRIAL ***nt Snap-in Support Library
Nom du fichier C:\Windows\SysWOW64\dmdskmgr.dll
Eve*** TRIAL *** C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\eventvwr.msc
*** TRIAL *** FX:*** TRIAL ***fe9c-4363-be05-7a4cbb7cb510}
Des*** TRIAL *** Dis*** TRIAL ***toring and troubleshooting messages from windows and other programs.
Nom du fichier C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\assembly\GAC_MSIL\EventViewer\v4.0_10.0.0.0__31bf3856ad364e35\EventViewer.dll
Eve*** TRIAL ***(x86) C:\*** TRIAL ***sWOW64\eventvwr.msc
*** TRIAL *** FX:*** TRIAL ***fe9c-4363-be05-7a4cbb7cb510}
Description Displays monitoring and troubleshooting messages from windows and other programs.
Nom du fichier C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\assembly\GAC_MSIL\EventViewer\v4.0_10.0.0.0__31bf3856ad364e35\EventViewer.dll
Sha*** TRIAL ***s C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\fsmgmt.msc
GUID {58221C65-EA27-11CF-ADCF-00AA00A80033}
Description Services et dossiers partagés
Nom du fichier C:\Windows\System32\filemgmt.dll
Sha*** TRIAL ***s (x86) C:\*** TRIAL ***sWOW64\fsmgmt.msc
GUID {58221C65-EA27-11CF-ADCF-00AA00A80033}
Description Services and Shared Folders
Nom*** TRIAL ***r C:\*** TRIAL ***sWOW64\filemgmt.dll
Loc*** TRIAL ***olicy Editor C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\gpedit.msc
*** TRIAL *** {8F*** TRIAL ***1-11D1-A7D3-0000F87571E3}
Description GPEdit
Nom du fichier C:\Windows\System32\gpedit.dll
Local Group Policy Editor (x86) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\gpedit.msc
*** TRIAL *** {8F*** TRIAL ***1-11D1-A7D3-0000F87571E3}
Des*** TRIAL *** GPE*** TRIAL ***
Nom*** TRIAL ***r C:\*** TRIAL ***sWOW64\gpedit.dll
Loc*** TRIAL ***nd Groups (Local) C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\lusrmgr.msc
GUID {5D6179C8-17EC-11D1-9AA9-00C04FD8FE93}
Description Composant MMC Utilisateurs et groupes locaux
Nom du fichier C:\Windows\System32\localsec.dll
Local Users and Groups (Local) (x86) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\lusrmgr.msc
*** TRIAL *** {5D*** TRIAL ***C-11D1-9AA9-00C04FD8FE93}
Description Composant MMC Utilisateurs et groupes locaux
Nom*** TRIAL ***r C:\*** TRIAL ***sWOW64\localsec.dll
Per*** TRIAL ***onitor C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\perfmon.msc
*** TRIAL *** {74*** TRIAL ***6-11D1-8D99-00A0C913CAD4}
Description Analyseur de performances
Nom du fichier C:\Windows\System32\wdc.dll
Performance Monitor (x86) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\perfmon.msc
GUID {7478EF61-8C46-11D1-8D99-00A0C913CAD4}
Des*** TRIAL *** Per*** TRIAL ***onitor
Nom du fichier C:\Windows\SysWOW64\wdc.dll
Print Management C:\Windows\System32\printmanagement.msc
*** TRIAL *** {D0*** TRIAL ***7-4673-B43A-0E9BBBE99F11}
Des*** TRIAL *** pmc*** TRIAL ***
Nom*** TRIAL ***r C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\pmcsnap.dll
Resultant Set of Policy C:\Windows\System32\rsop.msc
GUID {6DC3804B-7212-458D-ADB0-9A07E2AE1FA2}
Description GPEdit
Nom du fichier C:\Windows\System32\gpedit.dll
Res*** TRIAL *** of Policy (x86) C:\*** TRIAL ***sWOW64\rsop.msc
*** TRIAL *** {6D*** TRIAL ***2-458D-ADB0-9A07E2AE1FA2}
Description GPEdit
Nom du fichier C:\Windows\SysWOW64\gpedit.dll
Local Security Policy C:\Windows\System32\secpol.msc
*** TRIAL *** {8F*** TRIAL ***1-11D1-A7D3-0000F87571E3}
Des*** TRIAL *** GPE*** TRIAL ***
Nom*** TRIAL ***r C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\gpedit.dll
Ser*** TRIAL *** C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\services.msc
GUID {C96401CC-0E17-11D3-885B-00C04F72C717}
Des*** TRIAL *** DLL*** TRIAL ***nnaire de nSud MMC
Nom*** TRIAL ***r C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\mmcndmgr.dll
Services (x86) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\services.msc
GUID {C96401CC-0E17-11D3-885B-00C04F72C717}
Des*** TRIAL *** DLL*** TRIAL ***nnaire de nSud MMC
Nom*** TRIAL ***r C:\*** TRIAL ***sWOW64\mmcndmgr.dll
Tas*** TRIAL ***r C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\taskschd.msc
GUID FX:{c7b8fb06-bfe1-4c2e-9217-7a69a95bbac4}
Des*** TRIAL *** Tas*** TRIAL ***r
Nom du fichier C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\assembly\GAC_MSIL\TaskScheduler\v4.0_10.0.0.0__31bf3856ad364e35\TaskScheduler.dll
Tas*** TRIAL ***r (x86) C:\*** TRIAL ***sWOW64\taskschd.msc
*** TRIAL *** FX:*** TRIAL ***bfe1-4c2e-9217-7a69a95bbac4}
Des*** TRIAL *** Tas*** TRIAL ***r
Nom du fichier C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\assembly\GAC_MSIL\TaskScheduler\v4.0_10.0.0.0__31bf3856ad364e35\TaskScheduler.dll
Trusted Platform Module (TPM) Management on Local Computer C:\Windows\System32\tpm.msc
*** TRIAL *** FX:*** TRIAL ***e69e-4e17-8bd1-1b87b97099da}
Des*** TRIAL *** The*** TRIAL ***latform Module (TPM) Management snap-in allows you to configure and manage the TPM security hardware.
Nom*** TRIAL ***r C:\*** TRIAL ***crosoft.NET\assembly\GAC_MSIL\Microsoft.Tpm\v4.0_10.0.0.0__31bf3856ad364e35\Microsoft.Tpm.dll
Tru*** TRIAL ***orm Module (TPM) Management on Local Computer (x86) C:\*** TRIAL ***sWOW64\tpm.msc
GUID FX:{7d3830aa-e69e-4e17-8bd1-1b87b97099da}
Description The Trusted Platform Module (TPM) Management snap-in allows you to configure and manage the TPM security hardware.
Nom*** TRIAL ***r C:\*** TRIAL ***crosoft.NET\assembly\GAC_MSIL\Microsoft.Tpm\v4.0_10.0.0.0__31bf3856ad364e35\Microsoft.Tpm.dll
Win*** TRIAL ***der Firewall with Advanced Security C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\WF.msc
*** TRIAL *** FX:*** TRIAL ***fe9c-4368-be02-7a4cbb7cbe11}
Description Configure policies that provide enhanced network security for Windows computers.
Nom*** TRIAL ***r C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\AuthFWSnapin.dll
Windows Defender Firewall with Advanced Security (x86) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\WF.msc
GUID FX:{b05566ac-fe9c-4368-be02-7a4cbb7cbe11}
Description Configure policies that provide enhanced network security for Windows computers.
Nom*** TRIAL ***r C:\*** TRIAL ***sWOW64\AuthFWSnapin.dll
WMI*** TRIAL ***Local) C:\*** TRIAL ***stem32\WmiMgmt.msc
GUID {5C659257-E236-11D2-8899-00104B2AFB46}
Description Contrôle WMI
Nom du fichier C:\Windows\System32\wbem\wbemcntl.dll

---------- [Sommaire système] ----------------------------------
Propriétés Valeur
Fabricant Non disponible
Fam*** TRIAL *** Non*** TRIAL ***e
Nom du produit Non disponible
Mod*** TRIAL *** Non*** TRIAL ***e
Ver*** TRIAL *** Non*** TRIAL ***e
ID du périphérique C2BF345A-5C89-4C1F-A6B9-08D6FBBF793F
Id *** TRIAL *** 003*** TRIAL ***3934-AA389
Num*** TRIAL ***ie Non*** TRIAL ***e
Balise d'inventaire Non disponible
Nom*** TRIAL *** Non*** TRIAL ***e
TPM Not Found
État de démarrage sécurisé Inconnu
Nom*** TRIAL ***nateur DES*** TRIAL ***E4
Des*** TRIAL ***e l'ordinateur *** TRIAL ***
Chassis Bureau
Typ*** TRIAL ***me PC Bur*** TRIAL ***
Type de machine AT/AT COMPATIBLE
Typ*** TRIAL ***are *** TRIAL ***
Int*** TRIAL ***R) supporté *** TRIAL ***
Ide*** TRIAL ***u matériel informatique 0F0*** TRIAL ***-5548-A95B-A9BD26E16207
UUID A67C26C0-5631-11BD-BD70-3497F689C6E3
Machine GUID {9B64B0E2-296D-432A-B957-FF66B23BC204}
Inf*** TRIAL ***CPU
Informations CPU #1 Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-6600K CPU @ 3.50GHz
Estimation du système Windows
Note CPU 8,10 (Calcul par seconde)
Note mémoire 8,10 (Opérations mémoire par seconde)
Note graphique 3,90 (Performance ordinateur de bureau pour Windows Aéro)
Note D3D 9,90 (Performance pour le 3D professsionnel et le graphisme jeux)
Not*** TRIAL *** 8,1*** TRIAL *** transfert du disque)
Index de l'expérience Widows 3,90 (Note de base)
Esp*** TRIAL ***
Dis*** TRIAL *** 181*** TRIAL ***ponible, 222,54 Go Total, 181,30 Go Libre.
Dis*** TRIAL *** Non*** TRIAL ***e
Disque E: 11,78 Go disponible, 14,76 Go Total, 11,78 Go Libre.
Mém*** TRIAL ***
Mémoire 8192 Mo Installé, 8131,12 Mo Total, 5829,48 Mo Libres
Cha*** TRIAL ***e *** TRIAL ***
Mémoire virtuelle 10051,12 Mo Total, 7911,56 Mo Libres
Nom du fichier
Fic*** TRIAL ***ge géré automatique *** TRIAL ***
Nom*** TRIAL ***r d'échange \??*** TRIAL ***le.sys
Taille du fichier d'échange 1920 Mo
En *** TRIAL *** 0 O*** TRIAL ***
Maximum utilisé 1000 Ko
Sto*** TRIAL ***rvé
Sta*** TRIAL *** Dés*** TRIAL ***
Cache système
Taille minimale du cache de fichiers Limite désactivée
Taille maximale du cache de fichiers Limite désactivée
Int*** TRIAL ***la fréquence système. 15 *** TRIAL ***des

---------- [Carte mère] ----------------------------------------
Propriétés Valeur
Fab*** TRIAL *** ASU*** TRIAL ***TER INC.
Modèle Z170-A
Version Rev 1.xx
Num*** TRIAL ***ie 160*** TRIAL ***61
Zone nord (North Bridge) Intel Skylake Révision 07
Zone sud (South Bridge) Intel Z170 Révision 31
Inf*** TRIAL ***CPU
*** TRIAL *** Int*** TRIAL ***(TM) i5-6600K CPU @ 3.50GHz
Soc*** TRIAL *** Soc*** TRIAL ***GA
Vit*** TRIAL ***ale du CPU 350*** TRIAL ***
Résumé mémoire Rapporté par le Bios
Type de mémoire DDR4
Mémoire installée 8192 Mo
Total Memory 8131,12 Mo
Can*** TRIAL *** Sin*** TRIAL ***
Cap*** TRIAL ***mum *** TRIAL ***
Emplacement mémoire 4
Cor*** TRIAL ***erreurs *** TRIAL ***
Slots systèmes
VL-*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL ***
*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL ***
PCM*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL ***
ExpressCard 0
*** TRIAL *** Not*** TRIAL ***

---------- [BIOS] ----------------------------------------------
Propriétés Valeur
Pro*** TRIAL *** Bios
Vendeur du Bios American Megatrends Inc.
Numéro de série
Version du Bios 3802
Type de firmware BIOS
Ver*** TRIAL ***logiciel (Firmware) Inc*** TRIAL ***
Date du Bios 2018-03-15 (jeudi 15 mars 2018)
Taille du Bios Inconnu
Seg*** TRIAL ***marrage du BIOS 0xf*** TRIAL ***
Ver*** TRIAL ***os *** TRIAL ***
Version DMI 3.0
Sup*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL ***
Supporte MCA. Non
Sup*** TRIAL ***. *** TRIAL ***
Supporte PCI Oui
Supporte les cartes PCMCIA. Non
Supporte le plug and play Non
Sup*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL ***
Bio*** TRIAL ***le (flash). *** TRIAL ***
Permet de masquer le Bios. Oui
Sup*** TRIAL ***ESA. *** TRIAL ***
Le *** TRIAL ***CD est disponible. *** TRIAL ***
Supporte le boot sur CD Oui
Sup*** TRIAL ***élection de boot. *** TRIAL ***
La *** TRIAL ***s est sur support. *** TRIAL ***
Sup*** TRIAL ***oot depuis une carte PCMCIA. *** TRIAL ***
Supporte les spécifications pour pilote amélioré de disque. Oui
Sup*** TRIAL ***13 pour les floppy japonnais NEC 9800 1.2M (3.5-inch, 1024-octets les secteurs, 360rpm) *** TRIAL ***
Sup*** TRIAL ***13 pour les floppy japonnais Toshiba 1.2M (3.5-inch, 360rpm) *** TRIAL ***
Supporte les services floppy INT 13 5.25-inch/360K Non
Sup*** TRIAL ***services floppy INT 13 5.25-inch/1.2M *** TRIAL ***
Sup*** TRIAL ***services floppy INT 13 3.5-inch/720K *** TRIAL ***
Sup*** TRIAL ***services floppy INT 13 3.5-inch/2.88M *** TRIAL ***
Sup*** TRIAL ***pression-écran INT 05 *** TRIAL ***
Supporte les services clavier INT 09 and 8042 Oui
Sup*** TRIAL ***services serie INT 14 *** TRIAL ***
Sup*** TRIAL ***services d'impression INT 17 *** TRIAL ***
Sup*** TRIAL ***services vidéo INT 10 CGA/Mono. *** TRIAL ***
NEC PC-98 Non
Supporte l'ACPI Oui
Sup*** TRIAL ***ersion antérieure de l'USB (1.1) *** TRIAL ***
Supporte l'AGP Non
Supporte le démarrage sur un appareil I20 Non
Sup*** TRIAL ***émarrage sur LS-120 *** TRIAL ***
Sup*** TRIAL ***émarrage sur un lecteur ZIP ATAPI *** TRIAL ***
Sup*** TRIAL ***émarrage sur un périphérique IEEE 1394 *** TRIAL ***
Bat*** TRIAL ***t supportée *** TRIAL ***
Spé*** TRIAL *** de boot du BIOS supporté *** TRIAL ***
Fon*** TRIAL ***oot pour le service réseau initié par clef supporté *** TRIAL ***
Dis*** TRIAL ***à contenu ciblé activée *** TRIAL ***
UEF*** TRIAL ***ation supported *** TRIAL ***
SMB*** TRIAL ***describes a virtual machine *** TRIAL ***
*** TRIAL ***
*** TRIAL ***
*** TRIAL ***
*** TRIAL ***
*** TRIAL ***
*** TRIAL ***
*** TRIAL ***
*** TRIAL ***

---------- [Informations CPU] ----------------------------------
Propriétés Valeur
Nom*** TRIAL ***kets *** TRIAL ***
Nom*** TRIAL ***aux *** TRIAL ***
Nom*** TRIAL ***cesseurs logiques *** TRIAL ***
Informations CPU #1
Nom*** TRIAL *** Int*** TRIAL ***(TM) i5-6600K CPU @ 3.50GHz
Ven*** TRIAL *** Gen*** TRIAL ***
Description Intel64 Family 6 Model 94 Stepping 3
Nom de code du CPU Skylake (Core i5)
Num*** TRIAL ***cle Non*** TRIAL ***e
Num*** TRIAL ***ie Non*** TRIAL ***e
Bal*** TRIAL ***ntaire Non*** TRIAL ***e
Fam*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL ***
Modèle E
Version 3
Extended Family 6
Ext*** TRIAL ***l *** TRIAL ***
Rév*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL ***
Mic*** TRIAL *** MU0*** TRIAL ***
Mic*** TRIAL ***ision *** TRIAL ***
Nombre de bits 64
*** TRIAL *** CX1*** TRIAL ***; DS_CPL; DTS; DTS64; EPT; EST; ET64; F16C; FMA3; FPU
Nom*** TRIAL ***teforme Soc*** TRIAL ***GA
Soc*** TRIAL ***ation LGA*** TRIAL ***
Max*** TRIAL *** 95,*** TRIAL ***
Tec*** TRIAL *** x64*** TRIAL ***
Tension du coeur processeur 0,384 V
Fréquence d'origine 3500 MHz
Fréquence système original 100 MHz
Multiplicateur original 35,0
Hor*** TRIAL *** 350*** TRIAL ***
Horloge système 100.0 MHz
Vitesse Maximale du CPU 3504 MHz
FSB Non disponible
Pac*** TRIAL ***rature 39 *** TRIAL ***)
Num*** TRIAL ***esets *** TRIAL ***
Nom*** TRIAL ***urs par processeur *** TRIAL ***
Noy*** TRIAL ***
Noyau #2
Noy*** TRIAL ***
Noyau #4
Num*** TRIAL ***eads *** TRIAL ***
Hybrid CPU Architecture Non
Turbo Boost Activé
Tec*** TRIAL ***irtuelle Non*** TRIAL ***
SLAT Supporté
Hyp*** TRIAL ***ng Sup*** TRIAL ***
*** TRIAL ***
Données cache L1 4 x 32 KBytes, 8-way set associative, 64-byte line size
Instructions cache L1 4 x 32 KBytes, 8-way set associative, 64-byte line size
Cache L2 4 x 256 KBytes, 4-way set associative, 64-byte line size
Cache L3 6144 KBytes, 12-way set associative, 64-byte line size

---------- [Mémoire] -------------------------------------------
Propriétés Valeur
Rés*** TRIAL ***e Rap*** TRIAL ***le Bios
Type de mémoire DDR4
Mém*** TRIAL ***llée 819*** TRIAL ***
Tot*** TRIAL *** 813*** TRIAL ***
Can*** TRIAL *** Sin*** TRIAL ***
Capacité maximum 64 Go
Emp*** TRIAL ***émoire *** TRIAL ***
Cor*** TRIAL ***erreurs *** TRIAL ***
Timing mémoire
Dispositif de localisation ChannelA-DIMM2
Typ*** TRIAL ***re Syn*** TRIAL ***DR4 [DDR4-2666]
Fabricant JUHOR
Modèle JHD3200U1908JG
Numéro de série 33782611
Ver*** TRIAL ***logiciel (Firmware) Inc*** TRIAL ***
Capacité 8192 Mo
Lar*** TRIAL ***onnées du bus 64 *** TRIAL ***
Vit*** TRIAL ***gurée 266*** TRIAL *** x 1333.3 MHz)
Vitesse 2400.0 MHz (2 x 1200.0 MHz)
Ten*** TRIAL ***gurée 1.2*** TRIAL ***
Tension minimale Inconnu
Ten*** TRIAL ***ale Inc*** TRIAL ***
Dat*** TRIAL ***cation 202*** TRIAL *** 32
Fac*** TRIAL ***rme *** TRIAL ***
Balise d'inventaire 9876543210
Loc*** TRIAL ***de la banque BAN*** TRIAL ***
Sup*** TRIAL ***AMP Inc*** TRIAL ***
Sup*** TRIAL ***XMP Oui*** TRIAL ***2.0)
Supporte SPD EPP Inconnu
Profils JEDEC
Fré*** TRIAL ***pportées 700*** TRIAL ***Hz;900 MHz;1000 MHz;1066 MHz;1133 MHz;1233 MHz;1300 MHz;1333 MHz;1600 MHz

---------- [Capteurs] ------------------------------------------
Capteurs Valeur Min Max
DES*** TRIAL ***E4
*** TRIAL *** 5,0*** TRIAL *** 5,0*** TRIAL *** 5,0*** TRIAL ***
+3.3V 3,360 V 3,360 V 3,360 V
*** TRIAL *** 12,*** TRIAL *** 12,*** TRIAL *** 12,*** TRIAL ***
VIN3 1,232 V 1,232 V 1,232 V
*** TRIAL *** 2,2*** TRIAL *** 2,2*** TRIAL *** 2,2*** TRIAL ***
*** TRIAL *** 0,3*** TRIAL *** 0,3*** TRIAL *** 0,3*** TRIAL ***
Tem*** TRIAL ***
Mainboard 32 °C (89 °F) 32 °C (89 °F) 32 °C (89 °F)
Informations CPU 40 °C (104 °F) 40 °C (104 °F) 40 °C (104 °F)
TMP*** TRIAL *** 32 *** TRIAL ***) 32 *** TRIAL ***) 32 *** TRIAL ***)
TMP*** TRIAL *** 38 *** TRIAL ***F) 38 *** TRIAL ***F) 38 *** TRIAL ***F)
TMPIN5 44 °C (111 °F) 44 °C (111 °F) 44 °C (111 °F)
TMPIN6 14 °C (57 °F) 14 °C (57 °F) 14 °C (57 °F)
Informations CPU 871 RPM 871 RPM 871 RPM
Uti*** TRIAL ***
Sys*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL ***
Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-6600K CPU @ 3.50GHz
Ten*** TRIAL ***
IA *** TRIAL *** 0,0*** TRIAL *** 0,0*** TRIAL *** 0,0*** TRIAL ***
GT *** TRIAL *** 0,0*** TRIAL *** 0,0*** TRIAL *** 0,0*** TRIAL ***
LLC/Ring Offset 0,000 V 0,000 V 0,000 V
Sys*** TRIAL ***Offset 0,0*** TRIAL *** 0,0*** TRIAL *** 0,0*** TRIAL ***
VID*** TRIAL *** 1,2*** TRIAL *** 1,2*** TRIAL *** 1,2*** TRIAL ***
VID #0 1,330 V 0,792 V 1,330 V
VID #1 0,809 V 0,809 V 1,324 V
VID #2 1,304 V 0,793 V 1,331 V
VID*** TRIAL *** 0,8*** TRIAL *** 0,8*** TRIAL *** 1,3*** TRIAL ***
Tem*** TRIAL ***
Paquet 36 °C (96 °F) 35 °C (95 °F) 56 °C (132 °F)
Cor*** TRIAL *** 50 *** TRIAL ***F) 49 *** TRIAL ***F) 50 *** TRIAL ***F)
Cor*** TRIAL *** 34 *** TRIAL ***) 33 *** TRIAL ***) 56 *** TRIAL ***F)
Cor*** TRIAL *** 34 *** TRIAL ***) 32 *** TRIAL ***) 54 *** TRIAL ***F)
Core #2 35 °C (95 °F) 33 °C (91 °F) 56 °C (132 °F)
Cor*** TRIAL *** 34 *** TRIAL ***) 33 *** TRIAL ***) 50 *** TRIAL ***F)
Pui*** TRIAL ***
Paquet 13,68 W 13,28 W 36,55 W
IA Cores 2,69 W 2,28 W 25,50 W
DRAM 0,34 W 0,30 W 0,61 W
Cor*** TRIAL *** 430*** TRIAL *** 430*** TRIAL *** 430*** TRIAL ***
Core #1 4294 MHz 4294 MHz 4294 MHz
Core #2 4300 MHz 4300 MHz 4300 MHz
Core #3 4300 MHz 4300 MHz 4300 MHz
Uti*** TRIAL ***
Pro*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL ***
CPU*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL ***
CPU*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL ***
CPU*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL ***
CPU*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL ***
KIN*** TRIAL ***0S37240G
Tem*** TRIAL ***
Ass*** TRIAL *** 29 *** TRIAL ***) 29 *** TRIAL ***) 30 *** TRIAL ***)
Uti*** TRIAL ***
Spa*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL ***
Act*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL ***
Space (e:) 20 % 20 % 20 %
Activity 0 % 0 % 0 %

---------- [Périphériques] -------------------------------------
Propriétés Valeur
App*** TRIAL ***iles
Cartes graphiques
Car*** TRIAL ***e base Microsoft
Car*** TRIAL ***
Int*** TRIAL ***rnet Connection (2) I219-V
Mic*** TRIAL ***nel Debug Network Adapter
Cla*** TRIAL ***ard PS/2
Pér*** TRIAL ***clavier PIH
Clichés instantanés de volume de stockage
Cliché instantané de volume générique
Con*** TRIAL ***udio, vidéo et jeu
Périphérique audio haute définition
Rea*** TRIAL ***Definition Audio
Con*** TRIAL ***e bus USB
ASMedia USB3.1 eXtensible Host Controller
Contrôleur hôte Intel(R) USB 3.0 eXtensible - 1.0 (Microsoft)
Dispositif de stockage de masse USB
Hub*** TRIAL ***e (USB 3.0)
Log*** TRIAL ***load Assistant
USB Root Hub
Contrôleurs de stockage
Con*** TRIAL ***s espaces de stockage Microsoft
Int*** TRIAL ***Series/C230 Chipset Family SATA AHCI Controller
Ent*** TRIAL ***rties audio
Rea*** TRIAL ***al Output (Realtek High Definition Audio)
Rea*** TRIAL ***al Output(Optical) (Realtek High Definition Audio)
Fil*** TRIAL ***te à l impression :
*** TRIAL ***
File d attente d impression racine
Microsoft Print to PDF
Microsoft XPS Document Writer
One*** TRIAL ***
Lecteurs de disque
KIN*** TRIAL ***0S37240G
USB*** TRIAL ***USB Device
Mon*** TRIAL ***
Moniteur non Plug-and-Play générique
PC ACPI avec processeur x64
Por*** TRIAL *** LPT)
Port de communication (COM1)
Int*** TRIAL ***(TM) i5-6600K CPU @ 3.50GHz
Int*** TRIAL ***(TM) i5-6600K CPU @ 3.50GHz
Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-6600K CPU @ 3.50GHz
Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-6600K CPU @ 3.50GHz
Périphériques d'interface utilisateur
Con*** TRIAL ***stème HID
Log*** TRIAL ***ying USB receiver
Logitech USB Input Device
Pér*** TRIAL ***de contrôle consommateur conforme aux Périphériques d'interface utilisateur (HID)
Pér*** TRIAL ***d entrée USB
Pér*** TRIAL ***fournisseur HID
Pér*** TRIAL *** logiciels
Microsoft Radio Device Enumeration Bus
Synthé. de table de sons Microsoft GS
Pér*** TRIAL *** système
Agrégation de processeurs ACPI
Bouton d'alimentation ACPI
Bouton de fonctionnalité définie ACPI
Bouton veille ACPI
Bus redirecteur de périphérique du Bureau à distance
Compteur d'événement de haute précision
Con*** TRIAL ***interruptions programmable
Contrôleur High Definition Audio
Con*** TRIAL ***gh Definition Audio
Cop*** TRIAL ***arithmétique
Ges*** TRIAL ***de volumes
Hor*** TRIAL ***me
Hor*** TRIAL ***me CMOS/en temps réel
Int*** TRIAL ***Series/C230 Series Chipset Family LPC Controller (Z170) - A145
Intel(R) 100 Series/C230 Series Chipset Family PCI Express Root Port #1 - A110
Intel(R) 100 Series/C230 Series Chipset Family PCI Express Root Port #3 - A112
Intel(R) 100 Series/C230 Series Chipset Family PCI Express Root Port #9 - A118
Int*** TRIAL ***Series/C230 Series Chipset Family PCI Root Port #17 - A167
Intel(R) 100 Series/C230 Series Chipset Family PMC - A121
Int*** TRIAL ***gement Engine Interface
Intel(R) Xeon(R) E3 - 1200/1500 v5/6th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) PCIe Controller (x16) - 1901
Interface de gestion Microsoft Windows pour ACPI
Int*** TRIAL ***gestion Microsoft Windows pour ACPI
Int*** TRIAL ***gestion Microsoft Windows pour ACPI
Microsoft System Management BIOS Driver
Pilote de rendu de base Microsoft
Pilote d affichage de base Microsoft
Pil*** TRIAL ***astructure de virtualisation Microsoft Hyper-V
Plug-in du moteur d alimentation Intel(R)
Pont PCI vers PCI
Pon*** TRIAL ***ur hôte standard PCI
Périphérique d'ancienne génération
Racine complexe PCI Express
Ressources de la carte mère
Res*** TRIAL *** la carte mère
Ressources de la carte mère
Res*** TRIAL *** la carte mère
Ressources de la carte mère
Res*** TRIAL *** la carte mère
Res*** TRIAL *** la carte mère
Res*** TRIAL *** la carte mère
Res*** TRIAL *** la carte mère
Synaptics SMBus Driver
Sys*** TRIAL ***tible ACPI Microsoft
Énumérateur de bus composite
Énu*** TRIAL ***e bus racine UMBus
Énumérateur de cartes réseau virtuelles NDIS
Énumérateur de lecteur virtuel Microsoft
Énu*** TRIAL ***e périphérique logiciel Plug-and-Play
Souris et autres périphériques de pointage
Sou*** TRIAL ***
Volumes de stockage
Vol*** TRIAL ***
Vol*** TRIAL ***

---------- [PCI] -----------------------------------------------
Propriétés Valeur
Xeo*** TRIAL ***v5/E3-1500 v5/6th Gen Core Processor Host Bridge/DRAM Registers
Vendeur Intel Corporation
Vendeur du sous-système périphérique ASUSTeK Computer Inc
Nom*** TRIAL ***ysteme périphérique Inc*** TRIAL ***
Nom de Windows PCI standard host CPU bridge
Nom*** TRIAL *** PCI*** TRIAL ***ridge
Type de bus PCI
Pro*** TRIAL ***
6th*** TRIAL ***Core Processor PCIe Controller (x16)
Ven*** TRIAL *** Int*** TRIAL ***tion
Ven*** TRIAL ***us-système périphérique ASU*** TRIAL ***ter Inc
Nom*** TRIAL ***ysteme périphérique Inc*** TRIAL ***
Nom de Windows Intel(R) Xeon(R) E3 - 1200/1500 v5/6th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) PCIe Controller (x16) - 1901
Nom de classe PCI to PCI Bridge
Typ*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL ***
Pro*** TRIAL ***
Sun*** TRIAL ***-H USB 3.0 XHCI Host Controller
Vendeur Intel Corporation
Ven*** TRIAL ***us-système périphérique ASU*** TRIAL ***ter Inc
Nom*** TRIAL ***ysteme périphérique Inc*** TRIAL ***
Nom*** TRIAL ***s USB*** TRIAL ***liant Host Controller
Nom*** TRIAL *** USB*** TRIAL ***)
Type de bus PCI
Pro*** TRIAL ***
100 Series/C230 Series Chipset Family MEI Controller #1
Ven*** TRIAL *** Int*** TRIAL ***tion
Ven*** TRIAL ***us-système périphérique ASU*** TRIAL ***ter Inc
Nom*** TRIAL ***ysteme périphérique Inc*** TRIAL ***
Nom*** TRIAL ***s Int*** TRIAL ***gement Engine Interface
Nom de classe Autre
Type de bus PCI
Pro*** TRIAL ***
Q17*** TRIAL ***0/H170/H110/Z170/CM236 Chipset SATA Controller [AHCI Mode]
Ven*** TRIAL *** Int*** TRIAL ***tion
Ven*** TRIAL ***us-système périphérique ASU*** TRIAL ***ter Inc
Nom du sous-systeme périphérique Inconnu
Nom*** TRIAL ***s Int*** TRIAL ***Series/C230 Chipset Family SATA AHCI Controller
Nom*** TRIAL *** Ser*** TRIAL ***HCI 1.0)
Typ*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL ***
100*** TRIAL ***30 Series Chipset Family PCI Express Root Port #17
Ven*** TRIAL *** Int*** TRIAL ***tion
Ven*** TRIAL ***us-système périphérique ASU*** TRIAL ***ter Inc
Nom*** TRIAL ***ysteme périphérique Inc*** TRIAL ***
Nom de Windows Intel(R) 100 Series/C230 Series Chipset Family PCI Root Port #17 - A167
Nom de classe PCI to PCI Bridge
Type de bus PCI-X
100*** TRIAL ***30 Series Chipset Family PCI Express Root Port #1
Vendeur Intel Corporation
Vendeur du sous-système périphérique ASUSTeK Computer Inc
Nom*** TRIAL ***ysteme périphérique Inc*** TRIAL ***
Nom*** TRIAL ***s Int*** TRIAL ***Series/C230 Series Chipset Family PCI Express Root Port #1 - A110
Nom de classe PCI to PCI Bridge
Typ*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL ***
Pro*** TRIAL ***
100*** TRIAL ***30 Series Chipset Family PCI Express Root Port #3
Vendeur Intel Corporation
Vendeur du sous-système périphérique ASUSTeK Computer Inc
Nom du sous-systeme périphérique Inconnu
Nom de Windows Intel(R) 100 Series/C230 Series Chipset Family PCI Express Root Port #3 - A112
Nom*** TRIAL *** PCI*** TRIAL ***idge
Type de bus PCI-X
Pro*** TRIAL ***
100*** TRIAL ***30 Series Chipset Family PCI Express Root Port #9
Ven*** TRIAL *** Int*** TRIAL ***tion
Vendeur du sous-système périphérique ASUSTeK Computer Inc
Nom*** TRIAL ***ysteme périphérique Inc*** TRIAL ***
Nom de Windows Intel(R) 100 Series/C230 Series Chipset Family PCI Express Root Port #9 - A118
Nom*** TRIAL *** PCI*** TRIAL ***idge
Typ*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL ***
Z17*** TRIAL ***LPC/eSPI Controller
Vendeur Intel Corporation
Ven*** TRIAL ***us-système périphérique ASU*** TRIAL ***ter Inc
Nom du sous-systeme périphérique Inconnu
Nom*** TRIAL ***s Int*** TRIAL ***Series/C230 Series Chipset Family LPC Controller (Z170) - A145
Nom de classe PCI to ISA Bridge
Type de bus PCI
100*** TRIAL ***30 Series Chipset Family Power Management Controller
Ven*** TRIAL *** Int*** TRIAL ***tion
Ven*** TRIAL ***us-système périphérique ASU*** TRIAL ***ter Inc
Nom du sous-systeme périphérique Inconnu
Nom*** TRIAL ***s Int*** TRIAL ***Series/C230 Series Chipset Family PMC - A121
Nom de classe Other Memory Device
Typ*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL ***
Pro*** TRIAL ***
100 Series/C230 Series Chipset Family HD Audio Controller
Vendeur Intel Corporation
Ven*** TRIAL ***us-système périphérique ASU*** TRIAL ***ter Inc
Nom*** TRIAL ***ysteme périphérique Inc*** TRIAL ***
Nom*** TRIAL ***s Hig*** TRIAL ***on Audio Controller
Nom*** TRIAL *** Hi-*** TRIAL *** Audio
Type de bus PCI
100 Series/C230 Series Chipset Family SMBus
Ven*** TRIAL *** Int*** TRIAL ***tion
Vendeur du sous-système périphérique ASUSTeK Computer Inc
Nom du sous-systeme périphérique Inconnu
Nom*** TRIAL ***s Syn*** TRIAL ***us Driver
Nom de classe SMBus Controller
Typ*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL ***
Pro*** TRIAL ***
Ethernet Connection (2) I219-V
Vendeur Intel Corporation
Ven*** TRIAL ***us-système périphérique ASU*** TRIAL ***ter Inc
Nom*** TRIAL ***ysteme périphérique Inc*** TRIAL ***
Nom de Windows Intel(R) Ethernet Connection (2) I219-V
Nom*** TRIAL *** Eth*** TRIAL ***
Typ*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL ***
Rob*** TRIAL ***deon HD 6330M]
Ven*** TRIAL *** Adv*** TRIAL ***o Devices, Inc. [AMD/ATI]
Vendeur du sous-système périphérique Tul Corporation / PowerColor
Nom*** TRIAL ***ysteme périphérique Ced*** TRIAL *** HD 5450]
Nom de Windows Microsoft Basic Display Adapter
Nom de classe VGA Controller
Typ*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL ***
Ced*** TRIAL ***dio [Radeon HD 5400/6300/7300 Series]
Ven*** TRIAL *** Adv*** TRIAL ***o Devices, Inc. [AMD/ATI]
Ven*** TRIAL ***us-système périphérique Tul*** TRIAL ***on / PowerColor
Nom*** TRIAL ***ysteme périphérique Inc*** TRIAL ***
Nom*** TRIAL ***s Hig*** TRIAL ***on Audio Controller
Nom*** TRIAL *** Hi-*** TRIAL *** Audio
Typ*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL ***
ASM1242 USB 3.1 XHCI Host Controller
Vendeur ASMedia Technology Inc.
Vendeur du sous-système périphérique ASUSTeK Computer Inc
Nom*** TRIAL ***ysteme périphérique Inc*** TRIAL ***
Nom de Windows ASMedia USB3.1 eXtensible Host Controller
Nom*** TRIAL *** USB*** TRIAL ***)
Typ*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL ***
Pro*** TRIAL ***
ASM*** TRIAL ***PCIe to PCI Bridge
Ven*** TRIAL *** ASM*** TRIAL ***ology Inc.
Vendeur du sous-système périphérique ASUSTeK Computer Inc
Nom*** TRIAL ***ysteme périphérique Inc*** TRIAL ***
Nom de Windows PCI-to-PCI Bridge
Nom*** TRIAL *** PCI*** TRIAL ***idge
Type de bus PCI-X

---------- [Slots systèmes] ------------------------------------
Propriétés Valeur
Con*** TRIAL ***stème 0
Nom PCIEX1_1
Type PCI Express
Lar*** TRIAL ***onnées du bus 1x *** TRIAL ***
Utilisation actuelle Disponible
Car*** TRIAL ***ues
Con*** TRIAL ***stème 1
Nom PCIEX16_1
*** TRIAL *** PCI*** TRIAL ***
Lar*** TRIAL ***onnées du bus 16x*** TRIAL ***
Uti*** TRIAL ***ctuelle En *** TRIAL ***
Car*** TRIAL ***ues
Connecteur système 2
*** TRIAL *** PCI*** TRIAL ***
*** TRIAL *** PCI*** TRIAL ***
Largeur des données du bus 1x or x1
Uti*** TRIAL ***ctuelle Dis*** TRIAL ***
Car*** TRIAL ***ues
Con*** TRIAL ***stème 3
Type PCI
Largeur des données du bus 32-bit
Utilisation actuelle Disponible
Connecteur système 4
Nom PCIEX16_2
*** TRIAL *** PCI*** TRIAL ***
Largeur des données du bus 16x or x16
Utilisation actuelle Disponible
Car*** TRIAL ***ues
Con*** TRIAL ***stème 5
*** TRIAL *** PCI*** TRIAL ***
*** TRIAL *** PCI*** TRIAL ***
Lar*** TRIAL ***onnées du bus 1x *** TRIAL ***
Uti*** TRIAL ***ctuelle Dis*** TRIAL ***
Con*** TRIAL ***stème 6
*** TRIAL *** PCI*** TRIAL ***
*** TRIAL *** PCI*** TRIAL ***
Largeur des données du bus 16x or x16
Utilisation actuelle Disponible
Car*** TRIAL ***ues

---------- [Adapteurs réseau] ----------------------------------
Propriétés Valeur
Ada*** TRIAL ***au 1
Mod*** TRIAL *** Int*** TRIAL ***rnet Connection (2) I219-V
Fabricant Intel Corporation
Description Intel(R) Ethernet Connection (2) I219-V
Nom*** TRIAL *** Int*** TRIAL ***tion Ethernet Connection (2) I219-V [ASUSTeK Computer Inc]
Étiquette Ethernet
Statut Connecté
Adr*** TRIAL *** 34:*** TRIAL ***6:E3
Type Wired 802.3
Vitesse 1 Gbps
Fournisseur de pilotes Microsoft
Version pilote
Date pilote 2018-06-12 (mardi 12 juin 2018)
Nom*** TRIAL ***e e1i*** TRIAL ***
Nom*** TRIAL ***t Int*** TRIAL ***rnet Connection (2) I219-V
Heu*** TRIAL ***ernière réinitialisation 202*** TRIAL ***:16:57 (lundi 18 juillet 2022)

---------- [Vidéo] ---------------------------------------------
Propriétés Valeur
Car*** TRIAL *** Car*** TRIAL ***e base Microsoft
Disponible Démarrage
Nom [SIW] Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD/ATI] Robson LE [Radeon HD 6330M] [Tul Corporation / PowerColor Cedar [Radeon HD 5450]]
Nom*** TRIAL *** Non*** TRIAL ***e
Pro*** TRIAL ***déo ATI*** TRIAL ***
Tec*** TRIAL *** Non*** TRIAL ***e
Type d'adaptateur DAC (C) 1988-2005, ATI Technologies
ID PCI 0x1002 / 0x68E5 - Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD/ATI] / Robson LE [Radeon HD 6330M]
ID *** TRIAL *** 0x1*** TRIAL ***50 - Tul Corporation / PowerColor / Cedar [Radeon HD 5450]
Mém*** TRIAL *** Non*** TRIAL ***e
Cha*** TRIAL ***s l'adapteur *** TRIAL ***
Date du Bios de l'adaptateur Non disponible
Description du mode vidéo 1024 x 768 x 4294967296 couleurs
Ver*** TRIAL ***e 10.*** TRIAL ***6
Pil*** TRIAL *** Non*** TRIAL ***e
Date pilote 2006-06-21 (mercredi 21 juin 2006)
Carte vidéo Microsoft Basic Display Adapter
Dis*** TRIAL *** Inc*** TRIAL ***
Nom*** TRIAL *** Non*** TRIAL ***e
Nom*** TRIAL *** Non*** TRIAL ***e
Processeur vidéo ATI ATOMBIOS
Tec*** TRIAL *** Non*** TRIAL ***e
Typ*** TRIAL ***teur DAC (C)*** TRIAL ***, ATI Technologies
ID *** TRIAL *** Non*** TRIAL ***e
ID Sous PCI Non disponible
Mémoire 0 Octets
Chaîne du Bios l'adapteur CEDAR
Dat*** TRIAL ***de l'adaptateur 201*** TRIAL ***ardi 27 novembre 2012)
Description du mode vidéo Non disponible
Ver*** TRIAL ***e 10.*** TRIAL ***8
Pilotes Non disponible
Dat*** TRIAL *** 200*** TRIAL ***ercredi 21 juin 2006)
Carte vidéo Microsoft Basic Render Driver
Disponible Inconnu
Nom*** TRIAL *** Mic*** TRIAL ***poration Basic Render Driver
Nom*** TRIAL *** Non*** TRIAL ***e
Pro*** TRIAL ***déo Non*** TRIAL ***e
Technologie Non disponible
Typ*** TRIAL ***teur DAC Non*** TRIAL ***e
ID PCI 0x1414 / 0x008C - Microsoft Corporation / Basic Render Driver
ID Sous PCI Non disponible
Dir*** TRIAL *** Fea*** TRIAL *** 12_1
Mémoire Non disponible
Cha*** TRIAL ***s l'adapteur Non*** TRIAL ***e
Dat*** TRIAL ***de l'adaptateur Non*** TRIAL ***e
Des*** TRIAL ***u mode vidéo Non*** TRIAL ***e
Ver*** TRIAL ***e Non*** TRIAL ***e
Pilotes Non disponible
Date pilote Non disponible
Pro*** TRIAL ***
Dir*** TRIAL *** Dir*** TRIAL ***
Fea*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL ***
Ver*** TRIAL ***chier 10.*** TRIAL ***
Agi*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL ***
Moniteur Moniteur non Plug-and-Play générique
Nom [SIW] Moniteur non Plug-and-Play générique
Modèle Inconnu
ID de l'écran Inconnu
Fab*** TRIAL *** (Ty*** TRIAL ***ns standard)
Date de fabrication Inconnu
Rés*** TRIAL ***urante 102*** TRIAL ***64 Hz - Aspect Ratio 4:3
Résolutions supportées
Pro*** TRIAL ***
Dis*** TRIAL ***affichage \\.*** TRIAL ***
Nom du périphérique Microsoft Basic Display Adapter
Clé*** TRIAL ***érique \Re*** TRIAL ***hine\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Video\{9195984D-0448-11ED-9BFB-806E6F6E6963}\0000
Mod*** TRIAL ***
Mon*** TRIAL *** \\.*** TRIAL ***Monitor0

---------- [Dispositifs sonores] -------------------------------
Propriétés Valeur
Rea*** TRIAL ***Definition Audio
Nom Realtek High Definition Audio
Fab*** TRIAL *** Rea*** TRIAL ***
ID *** TRIAL ***rique HDA*** TRIAL ***01&VEN_10EC&DEV_0892&SUBSYS_10438698&REV_1003\4&1A86E4FD&0&0001
ID *** TRIAL ***rique PNP HDA*** TRIAL ***01&VEN_10EC&DEV_0892&SUBSYS_10438698&REV_1003\4&1A86E4FD&0&0001
Date d'installation Non disponible
Pro*** TRIAL ***
Pér*** TRIAL ***audio haute définition
Nom Périphérique audio haute définition
Fabricant Microsoft
ID *** TRIAL ***rique HDA*** TRIAL ***01&VEN_1002&DEV_AA01&SUBSYS_00AA0100&REV_1002\5&2DF4A4E1&0&0001
ID *** TRIAL ***rique PNP HDA*** TRIAL ***01&VEN_1002&DEV_AA01&SUBSYS_00AA0100&REV_1002\5&2DF4A4E1&0&0001
Date d'installation Non disponible
Niv*** TRIAL ***ume principal *** TRIAL ***

---------- [Périphériques de stockage] -------------------------
Propriétés Valeur
Disque 0
Fab*** TRIAL *** Inc*** TRIAL ***
Mod*** TRIAL *** KIN*** TRIAL ***0S37240G
Tai*** TRIAL *** 240*** TRIAL ***
Ver*** TRIAL ***logiciel (Firmware) SBF*** TRIAL ***
Num*** TRIAL ***ie 500*** TRIAL ***88A
BIOS Device Name _SB_.PCI0.SAT0.PRT5._SB_.PCI0.SAT0.SPT5
Vitesse de rotation Dispositif d'état solide (SSD)
Fac*** TRIAL ***rme Non*** TRIAL ***e
Interface Serial ATA
Standard ACS-3 | ACS-3 Revision 4
Num*** TRIAL ***tors 468*** TRIAL ***
Format avancé supporté Non
Mode de transfert (Courant/Max) SATA-600 / SATA-600
Car*** TRIAL ***ues S.M*** TRIAL ***PM, 48bit LBA, NCQ, TRIM
APM Level 0x0080 [Activé]
L'h*** TRIAL *** 239*** TRIAL ***
L'hôte lit 252 Go
NAND écrit (1GiB) 206 Go
Com*** TRIAL ***ycle de puissance *** TRIAL ***
Com*** TRIAL ***emps de fonctionnement 17 *** TRIAL ***
Statut Bon
Dur*** TRIAL ***restante estimée *** TRIAL ***
Tem*** TRIAL *** 30 *** TRIAL ***
Let*** TRIAL ***lecteur *** TRIAL ***
Profondeur de la file d'attente 32
Amo*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL ***
Cac*** TRIAL ***(Lecture/Écriture) Oui*** TRIAL ***
SMA*** TRIAL ***é *** TRIAL ***
Pro*** TRIAL ***
Disque 1
Fab*** TRIAL *** Inc*** TRIAL ***
Modèle USB DISK 3.0 USB Device
Tai*** TRIAL *** 15,*** TRIAL ***
Version Micrologiciel (Firmware) PMAP
Num*** TRIAL ***ie *** TRIAL ***
Vitesse de rotation Non disponible
Facteur de forme Non disponible
Sta*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL ***
For*** TRIAL *** supporté Non*** TRIAL ***e
Com*** TRIAL ***ycle de puissance Inc*** TRIAL ***
Comptage du temps de fonctionnement Inconnu
Sta*** TRIAL *** Inc*** TRIAL ***
Let*** TRIAL ***lecteur *** TRIAL ***
Profondeur de la file d'attente 1
Amo*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL ***
Cap*** TRIAL *** Ran*** TRIAL ***; Supports Writing; SMART Notification; Supports Removable Media
Cache activé (Lecture/Écriture) Inconnu / Inconnu
SMA*** TRIAL ***é *** TRIAL ***
Par*** TRIAL ***
Graveur DVD 0
Fabricant LG Electronics
Mod*** TRIAL *** HL-*** TRIAL ***RAM GH40L SCSI CdRom Device
Tai*** TRIAL *** 0 O*** TRIAL ***
Version Micrologiciel (Firmware) LA01
Num*** TRIAL ***ie *** TRIAL ***
BIOS Device Name _SB_.PCI0.SAT0.PRT4._SB_.PCI0.SAT0.SPT4
Vit*** TRIAL ***tation Non*** TRIAL ***e
Fac*** TRIAL ***rme Non*** TRIAL ***e
Int*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL ***
Format avancé supporté Non disponible
Lettre(s) de lecteur D:
Profondeur de la file d'attente 1
Amo*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL ***
Cache activé (Lecture/Écriture) Inconnu / Inconnu
Formats de CD supporté CD-ROM, CD-R, CD-RW or CD+RW
For*** TRIAL ***D supporté DVD*** TRIAL ***RAM, DVD-R, DVD-RW, DVD-R DL, DVD+R, DVD+RW, DVD+R DL
For*** TRIAL ***u-ray supporté *** TRIAL ***
For*** TRIAL ***-DVD supporté *** TRIAL ***
Formats de MO supporté None
Cap*** TRIAL ***
SMA*** TRIAL ***é *** TRIAL ***

---------- [Disque logique] ------------------------------------
Propriétés Valeur
*** TRIAL ***
*** TRIAL *** Dis*** TRIAL ***
ID *** TRIAL ***rique \\?*** TRIAL ***be232f-0000-0000-0000-501f00000000}\
Loc*** TRIAL *** KIN*** TRIAL ***0S37240G (Disque #0 Partition #1)
Des*** TRIAL *** Non*** TRIAL ***e
Type de bus SATA
Taille totale 222,54 Go
Espace utilisé 41,24 Go
Esp*** TRIAL *** 181*** TRIAL ***
% L*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL ***
Chi*** TRIAL ***e lecteur BitLocker supporté *** TRIAL ***
Car*** TRIAL ***ues
*** TRIAL ***
Type Disque optique
ID du périphérique \\?\Volume{f38f96c0-fcf9-11ec-9bc8-806e6f6e6963}\
Description Non disponible
Typ*** TRIAL *** Non*** TRIAL ***e
Tai*** TRIAL *** Inc*** TRIAL ***
Esp*** TRIAL ***é Inc*** TRIAL ***
Espace libre Inconnu
% Libre Inconnu
Chi*** TRIAL ***e lecteur BitLocker supporté *** TRIAL ***
Car*** TRIAL ***ues
E:\*** TRIAL ***SK)
*** TRIAL *** Dis*** TRIAL ***le
ID du périphérique \\?\Volume{373bd210-fd05-11ec-9bd0-3497f689c6e3}\
Localisation (Disque #1 Partition #1)
Description Non disponible
Typ*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL ***
Taille totale 14,76 Go
Espace utilisé 3051,12 Mo
Espace libre 11,78 Go
% L*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL ***
Chi*** TRIAL ***e lecteur BitLocker supporté *** TRIAL ***
Car*** TRIAL ***ues

---------- [Pots] ----------------------------------------------
Propriétés Valeur
*** TRIAL ***
USB*** TRIAL ***
PS/*** TRIAL ***
USB*** TRIAL ***
USB*** TRIAL ***
*** TRIAL ***
SPD*** TRIAL ***
*** TRIAL ***
TB_*** TRIAL ***
USB*** TRIAL ***
USB*** TRIAL ***
SAT*** TRIAL ***
USB*** TRIAL ***
CPU*** TRIAL ***
OPT*** TRIAL ***
EXT*** TRIAL ***
CHA*** TRIAL ***
CHA*** TRIAL ***
CHA*** TRIAL ***
*** TRIAL *** Por*** TRIAL ***nication
Mod*** TRIAL ***é
USB1 Supporté
USB2 Supporté
*** TRIAL *** Sup*** TRIAL ***
USB Devices
USB*** TRIAL *** USB*** TRIAL ***PID_0100&ASMEDIAUSBD_HUB\5&1B46E37C&0&0
Hub USB racine (USB 3.0) USB\ROOT_HUB30\4&1148BC98&0&0
Lec*** TRIAL ***sque USB*** TRIAL ***VEN_&PROD_USB_DISK_3.0&REV_PMAP\070B750997DC0105&0
Dis*** TRIAL *** stockage de masse USB USB*** TRIAL ***PID_5500\070B750997DC0105
Logitech Download Assistant USB\VID_046D&PID_C52B\5&521A615&0&10
Logicool Unifying USB receiver USB\VID_046D&PID_C52B&MI_02\6&8169A14&0&0002
Pér*** TRIAL ***d entrée USB USB*** TRIAL ***PID_C52B&MI_01\6&8169A14&0&0001
Logitech USB Input Device USB\VID_046D&PID_C52B&MI_00\6&8169A14&0&0000
USB Controller
Contrôleur hôte Intel(R) USB 3.0 eXtensible - 1.0 (Microsoft) Contrôleur hôte Intel(R) USB 3.0 eXtensible - 1.0 (Microsoft)
ASMedia USB3.1 eXtensible Host Controller ASMedia USB3.1 eXtensible Host Controller
USB DISK 3.0 USB Device

---------- [Imprimantes] ---------------------------------------
Propriétés Valeur
Nom de l'imprimante OneNote
Att*** TRIAL *** Dir*** TRIAL ***onnecté à un ordinateur
Capacité Copies; Color
Formats papier supportés Lettre US (215,9 x 279,4 mm); A4
Port Microsoft.Office.OneNote_16001.12026.20112.0_x64__8wekyb3d8bbwe_microsoft.onenoteim_S-1-5-21-2563987521-3448634212-1241238892-1001
Imp*** TRIAL ***r défaut *** TRIAL ***
Imprimante partagée Non
Mic*** TRIAL *** Document Writer
Nom de l'imprimante Microsoft XPS Document Writer
Attributs Directement connecté à un ordinateur
Attributs Démarrer les travaux qui sont terminés en premier spool
Capacité Copies; Color; Collate
For*** TRIAL ***r supportés Let*** TRIAL ***5,9 x 279,4 mm); Petite lettre US; Tabloïd; Ledger US (431,8 x 279,4 mm)
For*** TRIAL ***r supportés Leg*** TRIAL ***atement US; Exécutif US (18,42 x 26,67 cm); A3
Formats papier supportés A4; Petit A4; A5; B4 (JIS)
Formats papier supportés B5 (JIS); Folio US (215,9 x 330,2 mm); Quarto US; 25,4 x 35,56 cm (10x14")
For*** TRIAL ***r supportés 27,*** TRIAL ***m (11x17"); Note US; Enveloppe US n° 9; Enveloppe US n° 10
Formats papier supportés Enveloppe US 11; Enveloppe US 12; Enveloppe US 14; Feuille US taille C
Formats papier supportés Feuille US taille D; Feuille US taille E; Enveloppe DL; Enveloppe C5
For*** TRIAL ***r supportés Env*** TRIAL *** Enveloppe C4; Enveloppe C6; Enveloppe C65
For*** TRIAL ***r supportés Env*** TRIAL *** Enveloppe B5; Enveloppe B6; Enveloppe
For*** TRIAL ***r supportés Env*** TRIAL ***Monarch; Enveloppe US 6" ¾; Plié std US; Std Plié allemand
For*** TRIAL ***r supportés Leg*** TRIAL ***lemand; B4 (ISO); Carte postale japonaise; 22,9 x 27,9 cm (9x11")
Formats papier supportés 25,4 x 27,9 cm (10x11"); 38,1 x 27,9 cm (15x11"); Invitation avec enveloppe; Lettre US extra
Formats papier supportés Légal US extra; A4 extra; Lettre US horizontale; A4 horizontal
For*** TRIAL ***r supportés Let*** TRIAL ***ra horizontale; Super A; Super B; Lettre Plus US
Formats papier supportés A4 Plus; A5 horizontal; B5 (JIS) horizontal; A3 extra
Formats papier supportés A5 extra; B5 (ISO) extra; A2; A3 horizontal
Formats papier supportés A3 extra horizontal; Carte postale double japonaise; A6; Enveloppe japonaise Kaku n° 2
For*** TRIAL ***r supportés Env*** TRIAL ***onaise Kaku n° 3; Enveloppe japonaise Chou n° 3; Enveloppe japonaise Chou n° 4; Lettre paysage
For*** TRIAL ***r supportés A3 *** TRIAL ***A4 paysage; A5 paysage; B4 (JIS) paysage
Formats papier supportés B5 (JIS) paysage; Carte postale japonaise paysage; C postale japonaise dbl paysage; A6 paysage
Formats papier supportés Env. Japon Kaku n° 2 paysage; Env. Japon Kaku n° 3 paysage; Env. Japon Chou n° 3 paysage; Env. Japon Chou n° 4 paysage
For*** TRIAL ***r supportés B6 *** TRIAL *** (JIS) paysage; 30,48 x 27,9 cm (12x11"); Enveloppe japonaise You n° 4
For*** TRIAL ***r supportés Env*** TRIAL ***e You n° 4 paysage; Enveloppe PRC n° 1; Enveloppe PRC n° 3; Enveloppe PRC n° 4
Formats papier supportés Enveloppe PRC n° 5; Enveloppe PRC n° 6; Enveloppe PRC n° 7; Enveloppe PRC n° 8
Formats papier supportés Enveloppe PRC n° 9; Enveloppe PRC n° 10; Enveloppe PRC n° 1 paysage; Enveloppe PRC n° 3 paysage
Formats papier supportés Enveloppe PRC n° 4 paysage; Enveloppe PRC n° 5 paysage; Enveloppe PRC n° 6 paysage; Enveloppe PRC n° 7 paysage
For*** TRIAL ***r supportés Env*** TRIAL *** n° 8 paysage; Enveloppe PRC n° 9 paysage; Taille définie par l utilisateur
Imp*** TRIAL ***r défaut *** TRIAL ***
Imp*** TRIAL ***rtagée *** TRIAL ***
Mic*** TRIAL ***nt to PDF
Nom*** TRIAL ***imante Mic*** TRIAL ***nt to PDF
Attributs Imprimante par défaut sur un ordinateur
Attributs Directement connecté à un ordinateur
Att*** TRIAL *** Dém*** TRIAL ***travaux qui sont terminés en premier spool
Capacité Copies; Color
For*** TRIAL ***r supportés Let*** TRIAL ***5,9 x 279,4 mm); Tabloïd; Legal US; Statement US
For*** TRIAL ***r supportés Exé*** TRIAL ***18,42 x 26,67 cm); A3; A4; A5
For*** TRIAL ***r supportés B4 *** TRIAL *** (JIS)
Imprimante par défaut Oui
Imprimante partagée Non
*** TRIAL ***
Nom de l'imprimante Fax
Att*** TRIAL *** Dir*** TRIAL ***onnecté à un ordinateur
Capacité Color; Duplex
Formats papier supportés Lettre US (215,9 x 279,4 mm); Petite lettre US; Legal US; Statement US
Formats papier supportés Exécutif US (18,42 x 26,67 cm); A4; Petit A4; A5
Formats papier supportés B5 (JIS); Folio US (215,9 x 330,2 mm); Quarto US; Note US
Formats papier supportés Enveloppe US n° 9; Enveloppe US n° 10; Enveloppe US 11; Enveloppe US 12
Formats papier supportés Enveloppe US 14; Enveloppe DL; Enveloppe C5; Enveloppe C6
For*** TRIAL ***r supportés Env*** TRIAL ***; Enveloppe B5; Enveloppe B6; Enveloppe
Formats papier supportés Enveloppe US Monarch; Enveloppe US 6" ¾; Std Plié allemand; Legal Plié allemand
Formats papier supportés Carte postale japonaise; Réservé48; Réservé49; Lettre US horizontale
Formats papier supportés A4 horizontal; Lettre Plus US; A4 Plus; A5 horizontal
For*** TRIAL ***r supportés B5 *** TRIAL ***zontal; A5 extra; B5 (ISO) extra; Carte postale double japonaise
For*** TRIAL ***r supportés A6;*** TRIAL ***e japonaise Kaku n° 3; Enveloppe japonaise Chou n° 3; Enveloppe japonaise Chou n° 4
Formats papier supportés A5 paysage; Carte postale japonaise paysage; C postale japonaise dbl paysage; A6 paysage
For*** TRIAL ***r supportés Env*** TRIAL ***ou n° 4 paysage; B6 (JIS); B6 (JIS) paysage; Enveloppe japonaise You n° 4
Formats papier supportés PRC 16K; PRC 32K; PRC 32K (grande taille); Enveloppe PRC n° 1
For*** TRIAL ***r supportés Env*** TRIAL *** n° 2; Enveloppe PRC n° 3; Enveloppe PRC n° 4; Enveloppe PRC n° 5
Formats papier supportés Enveloppe PRC n° 6; Enveloppe PRC n° 7; Enveloppe PRC n° 8; PRC 32K paysage
Formats papier supportés PRC 32K (grande taille) paysage; Enveloppe PRC n° 1 paysage; Enveloppe PRC n° 2 paysage; Enveloppe PRC n° 3 paysage
Formats papier supportés Enveloppe PRC n° 4 paysage
*** TRIAL *** SHR*** TRIAL ***
Imprimante par défaut Non
Imprimante partagée Non

---------- [Machine virtuelle] ---------------------------------
Propriétés Valeur
Vir*** TRIAL ***n Dés*** TRIAL ***
Statut Inconnu

---------- [Informations réseaux] ------------------------------
Propriétés Valeur
Rés*** TRIAL ***
Nom de l'ordinateur DESKTOP-SMVPLE4
Des*** TRIAL ***e l'ordinateur *** TRIAL ***
Nom du groupe de travail WORKGROUP
Con*** TRIAL ***serveur \\D*** TRIAL ***PLE4
IPv6 fe80::31f6:c4c8:8d70:a3b%7; 2a01:e0a:491:b830:a185:195f:f776:3cca; 2a01:e0a:491:b830:31f6:c4c8:8d70:a3b
Soc*** TRIAL ***ndows
Version du socket 2.2
Version supérieure 2.2
Description WinSock 2.0
Statut de système Running
Int*** TRIAL ***eau 1
Nom amical Ethernet
Mod*** TRIAL *** Int*** TRIAL ***rnet Connection (2) I219-V
Fab*** TRIAL *** Int*** TRIAL ***tion
Description Intel(R) Ethernet Connection (2) I219-V
*** TRIAL *** Wir*** TRIAL ***
Adresse MAC 34:97:F6:89:C6:E3
*** TRIAL *** 150*** TRIAL ***
Statut opérationnel Haut
TransmitLinkSpeed 1 Gbps
Rec*** TRIAL ***eed 1 G*** TRIAL ***
Adr*** TRIAL *** 192*** TRIAL ***[desktop-smvple4]
IPv*** TRIAL ***le par défaut 192*** TRIAL ***
IPv*** TRIAL ***orisé *** TRIAL ***
IPv*** TRIAL ***DNS 192*** TRIAL ***
WINS autorisé Non
IPv*** TRIAL ***de multidiffusion 224*** TRIAL ***l-systems.mcast.net]
Adresse IPV6 2a01:e0a:491:b830:31f6:c4c8:8d70:a3b
Adresse IPV6 2a01:e0a:491:b830:a185:195f:f776:3cca
Adresse IPV6 fe80::31f6:c4c8:8d70:a3b%7
Inf*** TRIAL *** if *** TRIAL *** subnet 7, admin 1, site 1, org 1, global 0
IPv*** TRIAL ***le par défaut fe8*** TRIAL ***ff:fe83:23c4%7
IPv*** TRIAL ***de multidiffusion ff0*** TRIAL ***
Pro*** TRIAL ***
TCP*** TRIAL ***[TCP/IPv6]
TCP*** TRIAL ***[UDP/IPv6]
Fou*** TRIAL ***e services RSVP TCPv6
Fournisseur de services RSVP TCP
Fou*** TRIAL ***e services RSVP UDPv6
Fou*** TRIAL ***e services RSVP UDP
Hyp*** TRIAL ***
MSAFD L2CAP [Bluetooth]
MSA*** TRIAL ***[Bluetooth]

---------- [Partages] ------------------------------------------
Propriétés Valeur
Nom de partage ADMIN$
*** TRIAL *** Par*** TRIAL ***chiers
Utilisateurs 0
Che*** TRIAL *** C:\*** TRIAL ***
Commentaires Administration à distance
Nom du volume \\?\Volume{7bbe232f-0000-0000-0000-501f00000000}\
Typ*** TRIAL ***nibilité Non*** TRIAL ***
Mod*** TRIAL ***en cache Man*** TRIAL ***
Séc*** TRIAL ***me SDS) O:S*** TRIAL ***;GA;;;BA)(A;;GA;;;BO)(A;;GA;;;IU)
Nom de partage C$
Type Partage de fichiers
Uti*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL ***
Chemin C:\
Com*** TRIAL *** Par*** TRIAL ***éfaut
Nom*** TRIAL *** \\?*** TRIAL ***be232f-0000-0000-0000-501f00000000}\
Typ*** TRIAL ***nibilité Non*** TRIAL ***
Mode de mise en cache Manuel
Sécurité (forme SDS) O:SYG:SYD:(A;;GA;;;BA)(A;;GA;;;BO)(A;;GA;;;IU)
Nom*** TRIAL ***e *** TRIAL ***
Type Communication interprocessus
Utilisateurs 0
Che*** TRIAL *** *** TRIAL ***
Commentaires IPC distant
Nom du volume
Typ*** TRIAL ***nibilité Non*** TRIAL ***
Mod*** TRIAL ***en cache Man*** TRIAL ***
Sécurité (forme SDS) O:SYG:SYD:(A;;GA;;;BA)(A;;GA;;;BO)(A;;GA;;;IU)

---------- [Connexions réseau] ---------------------------------
Propriétés Valeur
Aucune entrée trouvée !
Con*** TRIAL ***S
Aucune entrée trouvée !


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