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[b]############################## | UsbFix V 9.051 | [Research][/b]

User: Ilias (Administrator) # DESKTOP-PL25CTR
Updated 07/06/2017 by SOSVirus
Started at 17:52:27 | 11/06/2017

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[b]################## | System information |[/b]

CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-6500U CPU @ 2.50GHz
GC: Intel(R) HD Graphics 520
RAM -> [Total : 8060 Mo | Free : 2338 Mo]
Bios: American Megatrends Inc.
Boot: Normal boot

OS: Microsoft™ Windows 10 Pro (6.3.10586 64-Bit)
WB: Internet Explorer : 11.00.10586.0
WB: Microsoft Edge : 11.00.10586.916 (th2_release_sec.170427-1350)
WB: Google Chrome : 58.0.3029.110

[b]################## | Security Information |[/b]

AV: Avast Antivirus [Enabled |Updated]
AV: Windows Defender [[b](!) Disabled[/b] |Updated]
AS: Windows Defender [[b](!) Disabled[/b] |Updated]
AS: Avast Antivirus [Enabled |Updated]
FW: Windows Firewall [Enabled]
SC: Security Center [Enabled]
WU: Windows Update [Enabled]

[b]################## | Disk Information |[/b]

C:\ (%SystemDrive%) -> Fixed disk # 540 Gb (418 Gb free - 77%) [] # NTFS
F:\ -> Fixed disk # 391 Gb (368 Gb free - 94%) [] # NTFS
G:\ -> Removable disk # 4 Gb (1007 Mb free - 26%) [USB DISK] # FAT32

[b]################## | Startup |[/b]

F2 - HKLM\..\Winlogon : [Shell] explorer.exe
F2 - [x64] HKLM\..\Winlogon : [Shell] explorer.exe
F2 - [x64] HKLM\..\Winlogon : [Userinit] C:\Windows\system32\userinit.exe,
04 - HKCU\..\Run : [OneDrive] "C:\Users\Ilias\AppData\Local\Microsoft\OneDrive\OneDrive.exe" /background
04 - HKCU\..\Run : [IDMan] C:\Program Files (x86)\Internet Download Manager\IDMan.exe /onboot
04 - HKCU\..\Run : [SysinfY2X] C:\WINDOWS\system32\cmd.exe /c start wscript /e:VBScript.Encode %temp%\SysinfY2X.db
04 - HKCU\..\Run : [BlueStacks Agent] C:\Program Files (x86)\BlueStacks\HD-Agent.exe
04 - HKLM\..\Run : [IAM_Morocco Estoril ModemListener] C:\Program Files (x86)\My Connection\L850\BackgroundService\ModemListener.exe start
04 - HKLM\..\Run : [FileZilla Server Interface] "C:\Program Files (x86)\FileZilla Server\FileZilla Server Interface.exe"
04 - HKLM\..\Run : [SunJavaUpdateSched] "C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Java\Java Update\jusched.exe"
04 - [x64] HKLM\..\Run : [NvBackend] "C:\Program Files (x86)\NVIDIA Corporation\Update Core\NvBackend.exe"
04 - [x64] HKLM\..\Run : [AvastUI.exe] "C:\Program Files\AVAST Software\Avast\AvLaunch.exe" /gui
04 - HKU\S-1-5-19\..\Run : [OneDriveSetup] C:\Windows\SysWOW64\OneDriveSetup.exe /thfirstsetup
04 - HKU\S-1-5-20\..\Run : [OneDriveSetup] C:\Windows\SysWOW64\OneDriveSetup.exe /thfirstsetup
04 - HKU\S-1-5-21-1868205614-1468580389-1428847755-1001\..\Run : [OneDrive] "C:\Users\Ilias\AppData\Local\Microsoft\OneDrive\OneDrive.exe" /background
04 - HKU\S-1-5-21-1868205614-1468580389-1428847755-1001\..\Run : [IDMan] C:\Program Files (x86)\Internet Download Manager\IDMan.exe /onboot
04 - HKU\S-1-5-21-1868205614-1468580389-1428847755-1001\..\Run : [SysinfY2X] C:\WINDOWS\system32\cmd.exe /c start wscript /e:VBScript.Encode %temp%\SysinfY2X.db
04 - HKU\S-1-5-21-1868205614-1468580389-1428847755-1001\..\Run : [BlueStacks Agent] C:\Program Files (x86)\BlueStacks\HD-Agent.exe
04 - HKU\S-1-5-80-2872255330-672591203-888807865-2791174282-1554802921\..\Run : [OneDriveSetup] C:\Windows\SysWOW64\OneDriveSetup.exe /thfirstsetup
04 - HKU\S-1-5-80-2885764129-887777008-271615777-1616004480-2722851051\..\Run : [OneDriveSetup] C:\Windows\SysWOW64\OneDriveSetup.exe /thfirstsetup
04 - HKU\S-1-5-80-3642287774-1615985598-572449333-1370030010-3123895339\..\Run : [OneDriveSetup] C:\Windows\SysWOW64\OneDriveSetup.exe /thfirstsetup

[b]################## | Generic Research |[/b]

Found! C:\Users\Ilias\AppData\Local\Temp\SysinfY2X.db
Found! G:\CIMR.pdf.lnk
Found! G:\A Guide to Complex Variables.pdf.lnk
Found! G:\A Guide to Game Theory.pdf.lnk
Found! G:\A First Course in Probability 5th.pdf.lnk
Found! G:\A Gentle Introduction to the Art of Mathematics.pdf.lnk
Found! G:\A Gentlemen's Guide to Calculating Winning Bets.pdf.lnk
Found! G:\A History of Conic Sections and Quadric Surfaces.pdf.lnk
Found! G:\A History of Greek Mathematics, Vol1.pdf.lnk
Found! G:\A History of Greek Mathematics, Vol2.pdf.lnk
Found! G:\A History of Mathematical Notations Vol I.pdf.lnk
Found! G:\A History of Mathematics 2e, Boyer.pdf.lnk
Found! G:\A History of Pi, Beckmann.pdf.lnk
Found! G:\A History of the Logarithmic Slide Rule 1910.pdf.lnk
Found! G:\A History of the Mathematical Theory of Probability.pdf.lnk
Found! G:\A History of Vector Analysis.pdf.lnk
Found! G:\A Long Way From Euclid.pdf.lnk
Found! G:\A Mathematical History of the Golden Numbers.pdf.lnk
Found! G:\A Mathematical Nature Walk.pdf.lnk
Found! G:\A Mathematical Tapestry.pdf.lnk
Found! G:\A Mathematician Explains.pdf.lnk
Found! G:\A Mathematician Plays the Stock Market.pdf.lnk
Found! G:\A Mathematician Reads the Newspaper.pdf.lnk
Found! G:\A Number For Your Thoughts, Richards.pdf.lnk
Found! G:\A Passion for Mathematics, Pickover.pdf.lnk
Found! G:\A Primer of Quaternions - Illustrated.pdf.lnk
Found! G:\A Treatise On the Calculus of Finite Differences.pdf.lnk
Found! G:\Abel's Proof - Essay on the Sources and Meaning of Mathematical Unsolvability, Pesic.pdf.lnk
Found! G:\Advanced Calculus Demystified.pdf.lnk
Found! G:\Adventures in Group Theory - Rubiks Cube, Merlins Machine and Oher Toys.pdf.lnk
Found! G:\Adventures in Mathematics.pdf.lnk
Found! G:\Adventures Of Archibald Higgins - Heres looking at Euclid.pdf.lnk
Found! G:\Adventures with Impossible Figures.pdf.lnk
Found! G:\Aha Gotcha, Martin Gardner.pdf.lnk
Found! G:\Aha Insight, Martin Gardner.pdf.lnk
Found! G:\Aha Solutions.pdf.lnk
Found! G:\Alex's Adventures in Numberland.pdf.lnk
Found! G:\Algebraic Number Theory and Fermats Last Theorem.pdf.lnk
Found! G:\Alice in PuzzleLand, Smullyan.pdf.lnk
Found! G:\All You Ever Wanted to Know About Mathematics But were Afraid to Ask v1.pdf.lnk
Found! G:\All You Ever Wanted to Know About Mathematics But were Afraid to Ask v2.pdf.lnk
Found! G:\Amazing Math Projects You Can Build Yourself (gnv64).pdf.lnk
Found! G:\Amazing Math Projects You Can Build Yourself.pdf.lnk
Found! G:\Amusements in Mathematics, Dudeney.pdf.lnk
Found! G:\An Episodic History of Mathematics Mathematical Culture through Problem Solving, MAA.pdf.lnk
Found! G:\An Episodic History of Mathematics, Mathematical Culture Through Problem Solving.pdf.lnk
Found! G:\An Imaginary Tale - The Story of the Square Root of -1.pdf.lnk
Found! G:\An Introduction to Inequalities.pdf.lnk
Found! G:\An Introduction To Linear Algebra - Kuttler (2010).pdf.lnk
Found! G:\Ancient Mathematics.pdf.lnk
Found! G:\Ancient Puzzles.pdf.lnk
Found! G:\Ants, Bikes and Clocks, Briggs.pdf.lnk
Found! G:\Archimedes - What Did He Do Besides Cry Eureka, Stein, MAA.pdf.lnk
Found! G:\Archimede's Revenge.pdf.lnk
Found! G:\Archimedes to Hawking, Pickover.pdf.lnk
Found! G:\Archimedes.pdf.lnk
Found! G:\Areas and Logarithms.pdf.lnk
Found! G:\PAC Agence.doc.lnk
Found! G:\Amal ELLATIFI.doc.lnk
Found! G:\Are Universes Thicker Than Blackberries, Martin Gardner.pdf.lnk
Found! G:\C2003 CL Safi.xls.lnk
Found! G:\Art and Craft of Problem Solving 22nd, Paul Zeitz.pdf.lnk
Found! G:\Fondation Marocaine de l'Etudiant.pdf.lnk
Found! G:\Basic Techniques of Combinatorial Theory, Cohen.pdf.lnk
Found! G:\BetterExplained - A Calculus Analogy - Integrals as Multiplication.pdf.lnk
Found! G:\BetterExplained - A Friendly Chat About .999...=1.pdf.lnk
Found! G:\BetterExplained - A Visual Guide to Simple, Compund and Continuous Interest Rates.pdf.lnk
Found! G:\BetterExplained - A Visual Intuitive Guide to Complex Numbers.pdf.lnk
Found! G:\BetterExplained - An Intuitive Explanation of Baye's Theorem.pdf.lnk
Found! G:\BetterExplained - An Intuitive Guide To Exponential Functions & e.pdf.lnk
Found! G:\BetterExplained - Another Look at Prime Numbers.pdf.lnk
Found! G:\BetterExplained - Demystifying the Natural Logarithm.pdf.lnk
Found! G:\BetterExplained - Easy Permutations and Combinations.pdf.lnk
Found! G:\BetterExplained - Fun with Modular Arithmetic.pdf.lnk
Found! G:\BetterExplained - How to Analyze Data Using the Average.pdf.lnk
Found! G:\BetterExplained - How to Measure Any Distance with the Pythagorean Theorem.pdf.lnk
Found! G:\3,000 Solved Problems in Calculus.pdf.lnk
Found! G:\3.1416 and All That 2ed, Davis.pdf.lnk
Found! G:\100 Great Problems of Elementary Mathematics.pdf.lnk
Found! G:\BetterExplained - How to Understand Combinations Using Multiplication.pdf.lnk
Found! G:\BetterExplained - Intuitive Arithmetic with Complex Numbers.pdf.lnk
Found! G:\BetterExplained - Intuitive Guide to Angles, Degrees and Radians.pdf.lnk
Found! G:\BetterExplained - Intuitive Understanding Of Euler’s Formula.pdf.lnk
Found! G:\BetterExplained - Intuitive Understanding of Sine Waves.pdf.lnk
Found! G:\BetterExplained - Navigate a Grid Using Combinations and Permutations.pdf.lnk
Found! G:\BetterExplained - Rescaling the Pythagorean Theorem.pdf.lnk
Found! G:\BetterExplained - Rethinking Arithmetic - A Visual Guide.pdf.lnk
Found! G:\BetterExplained - Surprising Uses of the Pythagorean Theorem.pdf.lnk
Found! G:\BetterExplained - Understanding Exponents (Why does 0^0 = 1 ).pdf.lnk
Found! G:\BetterExplained - Understanding the Monty Hall Problem.pdf.lnk
Found! G:\BetterExplained - Understanding Why Complex Multiplication Works .pdf.lnk
Found! G:\BetterExplained - Why Do We Need Limits and Infinitesimals.pdf.lnk
Found! G:\Betting to Win.pdf.lnk
Found! G:\Beyond Geometry A New Mathematics of Space and Form The History of Mathematics .pdf.lnk
Found! G:\Beyond Reason Eight Great Problems That Reveal the Limits of Science.pdf.lnk
Found! G:\Bradley - Birth of Mathematics Ancient Times to 1300, Bradley.pdf.lnk
Found! G:\Bradley - Bradley - Mathmematics Frontiers 1950-Present, Bradley.pdf.lnk
Found! G:\Bradley - Modern Mathematics 1900-1950, Bradley.pdf.lnk
Found! G:\Bradley - The Age of Genius 1300-1800, Bradley.pdf.lnk
Found! G:\Bradley - The Foundations of Mathematics 1800-1900, Bradley.pdf.lnk
Found! G:\Brainteaser Physics.pdf.lnk
Found! G:\Breakthroughs in Mathematics, Wolff.pdf.lnk
Found! G:\Bridges to Infinity - The Human Side of Mathematics.pdf.lnk
Found! G:\Calculated Bets - Gambling Modeling.pdf.lnk
Found! G:\Calculator Puzzles, Tricks & Games.pdf.lnk
Found! G:\Calculator's Cuning - The Art of Quick Reckoning.pdf.lnk
Found! G:\Calculus - An Intuitive Approach, Morris Kline Solutions Manual.pdf.lnk
Found! G:\Calculus - Applications and Theory, Kuttler.pdf.lnk
Found! G:\Calculus - The Easy Way.pdf.lnk
Found! G:\Calculus 5th, James Stewart solution.pdf.lnk
Found! G:\Calculus 5th, James Stewart.pdf.lnk
Found! G:\Calculus 9th, Larson.pdf.lnk
Found! G:\Calculus Bible.pdf.lnk
Found! G:\Calculus Concepts and Contexts Edition 4.pdf.lnk
Found! G:\Calculus Deconstructed A Second Course in First Year Calculus.pdf.lnk
Found! G:\Calculus Demystified.pdf.lnk
Found! G:\Calculus Early Transcendentals 6E.pdf.lnk
Found! G:\Calculus for the Clueless - Calc.I - Bob Miller's.pdf.lnk
Found! G:\Calculus for the Clueless, Calc II - Bob Millers.pdf.lnk
Found! G:\Calculus For The Utterly Confused, Oman.pdf.lnk
Found! G:\Calculus Gems - Brief Lives and Memorable Mathematics.pdf.lnk
Found! G:\Calculus I, Marsden .pdf.lnk
Found! G:\Calculus I, Marsden Student Manual.pdf.lnk
Found! G:\Calculus Made Easy 1914 2008, Thompson.pdf.lnk
Found! G:\Calculus of Finite Differences, Jordan.pdf.lnk
Found! G:\Calculus of Finite Differences, Milne Thompson.pdf.lnk
Found! G:\Calculus With Complex Numbers, Read.pdf.lnk
Found! G:\Calculus Without Limits - Almost - Sparks - Self-Published (2005).pdf.lnk
Found! G:\Calculus Without Limits.pdf.lnk
Found! G:\Calculus Workbook For Dummies.pdf.lnk
Found! G:\Calibans Problem Book.pdf.lnk
Found! G:\Cardano - The Gambling Scholar.pdf.lnk
Found! G:\Cartoon Guide to Statistics.pdf.lnk
Found! G:\Challenging Critical Thinking Puzzles.pdf.lnk
Found! G:\Challenging Mathematical Problems with Elementary Solutions Vol 1.pdf.lnk
Found! G:\Challenging Mathematical Problems with Elementary Solutions Vol 2.pdf.lnk
Found! G:\Challenging Mathematical Teasers, Hunter.pdf.lnk
Found! G:\Challenging Problems in Algebra 2nd.pdf.lnk
Found! G:\Chance - The Life of Games and the Game of Life.pdf.lnk
Found! G:\Chance and Choice by Cardpack and Chessboard.pdf.lnk
Found! G:\Chance Luck and Statistics The Science of Change.pdf.lnk
Found! G:\Chance Rules - An Informal Guide to Probability, Risk and Statistics.pdf.lnk
Found! G:\Chance Rules.pdf.lnk
Found! G:\Chance, Luck and Statistics.pdf.lnk
Found! G:\Chances Are - Adventures in Probability.pdf.lnk
Found! G:\Chaos and Fractals, Pickover.pdf.lnk
Found! G:\Chaos In Numberland, John Barrow.pdf.lnk
Found! G:\Chases and Escapes, the Mathematics of Pursuit and Evasion.pdf.lnk
Found! G:\Chess Mysteries of the Arabian Nights, Smullyan.pdf.lnk
Found! G:\Circles - A Mathematical View.pdf.lnk
Found! G:\Codes Ciphers and Secret Writing, Martin Gardner.pdf.lnk
Found! G:\Codes Puzzles and Conspiracy.pdf.lnk
Found! G:\Collins Dictionary of Mathematics.pdf.lnk
Found! G:\Combinatorics - a Problem Oriented Approach.pdf.lnk
Found! G:\Complete Idiot's Guide - Gambling Like a Pro.pdf.lnk
Found! G:\Complex Numbers and Geometry.pdf.lnk
Found! G:\Complex numbers from A to...Z.pdf.lnk
Found! G:\Complex Numbers from A-Z.pdf.lnk
Found! G:\Complex Variables and the Laplace Transform for Engineers.pdf.lnk
Found! G:\Complex Variables, Polya-Latta.pdf.lnk
Found! G:\Conics, Dolciani.pdf.lnk
Found! G:\Conjecture and Proof, MAA.pdf.lnk
Found! G:\Conned Again, Watson.pdf.lnk
Found! G:\Continued Fractions.pdf.lnk
Found! G:\Counting on Frameworks, Math of Rigid Structures, Dolciani.pdf.lnk
Found! G:\Creative Puzzles of the World.pdf.lnk
Found! G:\Critical Thinking Puzzles.pdf.lnk
Found! G:\Curious and Interesting Numbers, Wells.pdf.lnk
Found! G:\Curious and Interesting Puzzles, Wells.pdf.lnk
Found! G:\Delightful Decimals and Perfect Percents, Games and Activities That Make Math Easy and Fun.pdf.lnk
Found! G:\Derivatives and Integrals Chart (basic).pdf.lnk
Found! G:\Descartes Secret Notebook.pdf.lnk
Found! G:\Did You Say Mathematics.pdf.lnk
Found! G:\Differential and Integral Equations, Collins.pdf.lnk
Found! G:\Differential Equations Demystified.pdf.lnk
Found! G:\Differential Equations Workbook for Dummies.pdf.lnk
Found! G:\Digital Dice - Computational Solutions to Practical Probability Problems, by P.J.Nahin, Princeton (2008).pdf.lnk
Found! G:\Digital Dice Computational Solutions To Practical Probability Problems.pdf.lnk
Found! G:\Diophantus and Diophantine Equations, MAA.pdf.lnk
Found! G:\Div, Grad, Curl and All That 3ed, Schey.pdf.lnk
Found! G:\Dr Crypton and His Problems Mind Benders From Science Digest.pdf.lnk
Found! G:\Dr. Ecco, Mathematical Detective.pdf.lnk
Found! G:\Dr. Euler's Fabulous Formula.pdf.lnk
Found! G:\Dr. Riemann's Zeros.pdf.lnk
Found! G:\Dude, Can't You Count.pdf.lnk
Found! G:\Duel At Dawn - Heroes, Martyrs, and the Rise of Modern Mathematics.pdf.lnk
Found! G:\Duelling Idiots and Other Probability Puzzlers, Nahin.pdf.lnk
Found! G:\e -The Story of a Number, Eli Maor.pdf.lnk
Found! G:\Easy as Pi - An Introduction to Higher Mathematics.pdf.lnk
Found! G:\Elementary Calculus An Infinitesimal Approach 2ed, Keisler.pdf.lnk
Found! G:\Elementary Mathematics from an Advanced Standpoint - Geometry, Klein.pdf.lnk
Found! G:\Elementary Number Theory 5th - Goddard-Rosen Solutions Manual.pdf.lnk
Found! G:\Elementary Number Theory 5th - Goddard-Rosen.pdf.lnk
Found! G:\Elementary Number Theory in Nine Chapters, 2e.pdf.lnk
Found! G:\Elementary Number Theory, 6th Burton.pdf.lnk
Found! G:\Elementary Textbook on the Calculus - Snyder.pdf.lnk
Found! G:\Encyclopedia of Mathematics.pdf.lnk
Found! G:\Energy, the Subtle Concept - The discovery of Feynman's blocks from Leibniz to Einstein.pdf.lnk
Found! G:\Engineering Mathematics 4th, Bird Solutions Manual.pdf.lnk
Found! G:\Engineering Mathematics 6e - Bird - Newnes (2010).pdf.lnk
Found! G:\Enjoyment of Mathematics, Rademacher-Toeplitz.pdf.lnk
Found! G:\Entertaining Mathematical Puzzles, Martin Gardner.pdf.lnk
Found! G:\Episodes from the Early History of Mathematics.pdf.lnk
Found! G:\Episodes in 19th and 20th Century Euclidean Geometry, Honsberger.pdf.lnk
Found! G:\Essays on Numbers and Figures.pdf.lnk
Found! G:\Euclid's Window.pdf.lnk
Found! G:\Euler The Master Of Us All, Dolciani.pdf.lnk
Found! G:\Euler's Gem The Polyhedron Formula and the Birth of Topology.pdf.lnk
Found! G:\Euler's Gem - The Polyhedron Formula and the Birth of Topology.pdf.lnk
Found! G:\Eureka, Lewis.pdf.lnk
Found! G:\Even You Can Learn Statistics.pdf.lnk
Found! G:\Bureau.lnk
Found! G:\Mes documents.lnk
Found! G:\System Volume Information.lnk
Found! G:\100 Great Problems Of Elementary Mathematics, Dorrie.pdf.lnk
Found! G:\101 Puzzles in Thought and Logic.pdf.lnk
Found! G:\101 Shortcuts in Math Anyone Can Do.pdf.lnk
Found! G:\102 Combinatorial Problems.pdf.lnk
Found! G:\103 Trigonometry Problems.pdf.lnk
Found! G:\desktop.ini.lnk
Found! G:\104 Number Theory Problems.pdf.lnk
Found! G:\150 Puzzles in Crypt-Arithmetic, Brooke.pdf.lnk
Found! G:\500 Math Challenges, Klamkin.pdf.lnk
Found! G:\536 Puzzles And Curious Problems, Dudeney.pdf.lnk
Found! G:\536 Puzzles and Curious Problems~tqw~_darksiderg.pdf.lnk
Found! G:\1000 Best Casino Gambling Secrets.pdf.lnk
Found! G:\1001 Math Problems Fast, Focused Practice that Improves Your Math Skills-Mantesh.pdf.lnk
Found! G:\5000 BC and Other Philosophical Fantasies, Smullyan.pdf.lnk
Found! G:\A Beautiful Math.pdf.lnk
Found! G:\A Beginners Guide to Graph Theory 2e - Wallis - Birkhauser (2007).pdf.lnk
Found! G:\A Collection of Diophantine Problems with Solutions 1888.pdf.lnk
Found! G:\A Concise Introduction to The Theory of Numbers.pdf.lnk
Found! G:\A Course in Combinatorics 2nd.pdf.lnk
Found! G:\A Cultural Paradox - Fun in Mathematics.pdf.lnk
Found! G:\A Die of Another Color, Martin Gardner.pdf.lnk
Found! G:\A Garden of Integrals, Dolciani.pdf.lnk
Found! HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run|SysinfY2X
Found! HKU\S-1-5-21-1868205614-1468580389-1428847755-1001\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run|SysinfY2X

[b]Analysed in 710.3 seconds[/b]

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