


Format du document : text/plain


Rapport de ZHPDiag v1.33.15 par Nicolas Coolman, Update du 25/12/2012
Run by DELL at 22/03/2017 22:43:21
State : Problème connexion internet
UAC : Deactivate by user

---\\ Web Browser
MSIE: Internet Explorer v9.11.9600.18537
GCIE: Google Chrome v56.0.2924.87 (Defaut)

---\\ Windows Product Information
~ Langage: Français
Windows 7 Ultimate Edition, 32-bit Service Pack 1 (Build 7601)
Windows Server License Manager Script : OK
~ Windows(R) 7, OEM_SLP channel
System Locked Preinstallation (OEM_SLP) : OK
Windows ID Activation : OK
~ Windows Partial Key : P4K27
Windows License : OK
~ Windows Remaining Initializations Number : 4
Software Protection Service (Protection logicielle) : OK
Windows Automatic Updates : OK
Windows Activation Technologies : OK

---\\ System Information
~ Processor: x86 Family 6 Model 15 Stepping 13, GenuineIntel
~ Operating System: 32 Bits
Boot mode: Normal (Normal boot)
Total RAM: 2010 MB (64% free)
System Restore: Activé (Enable)
System drive C: has 103 GB (68%) free of 149 GB

---\\ Logged in mode
~ Computer Name: DELL-PC
~ User Name: DELL
~ All Users Names: HomeGroupUser$, DELL, Administrateur,
~ Unselected Option: O45,O61,O62,O65,O66,O80,O82,O89
Logged in as Administrator

---\\ Environnement Variables
~ System Unit : C:\
~ %AppData% : C:\Users\DELL\AppData\Roaming\
~ %Desktop% : C:\Users\DELL\Desktop\
~ %Favorites% : C:\Users\DELL\Favorites\
~ %LocalAppData% : C:\Users\DELL\AppData\Local\
~ %StartMenu% : C:\Users\DELL\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\
~ %Windir% : C:\Windows\
~ %System% : C:\Windows\System32\

---\\ DOS/Devices
C:\ Hard drive, Flash drive, Thumb drive (Free 103 Go of 149 Go)

---\\ Security Center & Tools Informations
[HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Security Center\Svc] AntiSpywareOverride: OK
[HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Security Center\Svc] AntiVirusOverride: OK
[HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Security Center\Svc] FirewallOverride: OK
[HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\policies\system] EnableLUA: Modified
[HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced\Folder\Hidden\NOHIDDEN] CheckedValue: OK
[HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced\Folder\Hidden\SHOWALL] CheckedValue: OK
[HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Associations] Application: OK
[HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon] Shell: OK
[HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Windows] Load: OK
[HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\WindowsUpdate\Auto Update\Results\Install] LastSuccessTime : OK
~ Scan Security Center in 00mn 00s

---\\ Recherche particulière de fichiers génériques
[MD5.6DDCA324434FFA506CF7DC4E51DB7935] - (.Microsoft Corporation - Explorateur Windows.) (.29/08/2016 - 15:55:07.) -- C:\Windows\Explorer.exe [2972672]
[MD5.B5C5DCAD3899512020D135600129D665] - (.Microsoft Corporation - Application de démarrage de Windows.) (.14/07/2009 - 02:14:45.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Wininit.exe [96256]
[MD5.F4F5123B45BFCFD2F035280FDCB5BBBE] - (.Microsoft Corporation - Extensions Internet pour Win32.) (.12/11/2016 - 18:05:59.) -- C:\Windows\System32\wininet.dll [2444800]
[MD5.52449FD429D6053B78AE564DEF303870] - (.Microsoft Corporation - Application d’ouverture de session Windows.) (.17/07/2014 - 02:39:27.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Winlogon.exe [304128]
[MD5.E3AE23569749DE12D45BA3B489A036AE] - (.Microsoft Corporation - Bibliothèque de licences.) (.20/11/2010 - 13:21:24.) -- C:\Windows\System32\sppcomapi.dll [193536]
[MD5.93B49FA857F7036A4EFF32371F6E7391] - (.Microsoft Corporation - Ancillary Function Driver for WinSock.) (.13/10/2015 - 17:31:53.) -- C:\Windows\system32\Drivers\AFD.sys [338944]
[MD5.338C86357871C167A96AB976519BF59E] - (.Microsoft Corporation - ATAPI IDE Miniport Driver.) (.14/07/2009 - 02:26:15.) -- C:\Windows\system32\Drivers\atapi.sys [21584]
[MD5.77EA11B065E0A8AB902D78145CA51E10] - (.Microsoft Corporation - CD-ROM File System Driver.) (.14/07/2009 - 00:11:15.) -- C:\Windows\system32\Drivers\Cdfs.sys [70656]
[MD5.BE167ED0FDB9C1FA1133953C18D5A6C9] - (.Microsoft Corporation - SCSI CD-ROM Driver.) (.20/11/2010 - 09:38:10.) -- C:\Windows\system32\Drivers\Cdrom.sys [108544]
[MD5.EA9DBD76CE9254C77BAAB4339DD4C4FB] - (.Microsoft Corporation - DFS Namespace Client Driver.) (.08/09/2016 - 15:49:56.) -- C:\Windows\system32\Drivers\DfsC.sys [81408]
[MD5.9036377B8A6C15DC2EEC53E489D159B5] - (.Microsoft Corporation - High Definition Audio Bus Driver.) (.20/11/2010 - 10:59:29.) -- C:\Windows\system32\Drivers\HDAudBus.sys [108544]
[MD5.F151F0BDC47F4A28B1B20A0818EA36D6] - (.Microsoft Corporation - Pilote de port i8042.) (.14/07/2009 - 00:11:24.) -- C:\Windows\system32\Drivers\i8042prt.sys [80896]
[MD5.A5FA468D67ABCDAA36264E463A7BB0CD] - (.Microsoft Corporation - IP Network Address Translator.) (.14/07/2009 - 00:54:29.) -- C:\Windows\system32\Drivers\IpNat.sys [101888]
[MD5.6284D46BAA301BEDB9AB7FA7672B2410] - (.Microsoft Corporation - Windows NT SMB Minirdr.) (.05/01/2017 - 18:19:35.) -- C:\Windows\system32\Drivers\MRxSmb.sys [124416]
[MD5.A00996C9BFEF29A93B9F21DBE1DC502D] - (.Microsoft Corporation - MBT Transport driver.) (.11/05/2016 - 15:52:27.) -- C:\Windows\system32\Drivers\netBT.sys [188928]
[MD5.978E7A2E4BF4E8E70D0776EF0D9E97FB] - (.Microsoft Corporation - Pilote du système de fichiers NT.) (.11/01/2016 - 19:54:03.) -- C:\Windows\system32\Drivers\ntfs.sys [1212352]
[MD5.2EA877ED5DD9713C5AC74E8EA7348D14] - (.Microsoft Corporation - Pilote de port parallèle.) (.14/07/2009 - 00:45:35.) -- C:\Windows\system32\Drivers\Parport.sys [79360]
[MD5.D9F91EAFEC2815365CBE6D167E4E332A] - (.Microsoft Corporation - RAS L2TP mini-port/call-manager driver.) (.14/07/2009 - 00:54:34.) -- C:\Windows\system32\Drivers\Rasl2tp.sys [78848]
[MD5.B973FCFC50DC1434E1970A146F7E3885] - (.Microsoft Corporation - Microsoft RDP Device redirector.) (.20/11/2010 - 11:24:46.) -- C:\Windows\system32\Drivers\rdpdr.sys [133632]
[MD5.3E21C083B8A01CB70BA1F09303010FCE] - (.Microsoft Corporation - SMB Transport driver.) (.14/07/2009 - 00:53:41.) -- C:\Windows\system32\Drivers\smb.sys [71168]
[MD5.BB8817D0508DD5EA69C770C8DEF5AB67] - (.Microsoft Corporation - TDI Translation Driver.) (.13/10/2015 - 17:31:24.) -- C:\Windows\system32\Drivers\tdx.sys [74752]
[MD5.F497F67932C6FA693D7DE2780631CFE7] - (.Microsoft Corporation - Pilote de cliché instantané du volume.) (.20/11/2010 - 13:30:16.) -- C:\Windows\system32\Drivers\volsnap.sys [245632]
~ Scan Generic Processes in 00mn 00s

---\\ Etat des fichiers cachés (Caché/Total)
~ Mes images (My Pictures) : 2/19
~ Mes Favoris (My Favorites) : 1/47
~ Mes Documents (My Documents) : 1/225
~ Mon Bureau (My Desktop) : 1/101
~ Menu demarrer (Programs) : 1/27
~ Scan Hidden Files in 00mn 02s

---\\ Processus lancés
[MD5.7697B83C440CA941D469D04D01DD3F33] - (.Dell Inc. - QuickSet.) -- C:\Program Files\Dell\QuickSet\quickset.exe [2960032] [PID.1960]
[MD5.085F30DB0B38903940A4141E675BDC08] - (.Avira Operations GmbH & Co. KG - Avira system tray application.) -- C:\Program Files\Avira\AntiVir Desktop\avgnt.exe [703280] [PID.2024]
[MD5.6103B6E41E588551189862453879E098] - (.Alps Electric Co., Ltd. - Alps Pointing-device Driver.) -- C:\Program Files\DellTPad\Apoint.exe [505720] [PID.296]
[MD5.B70EFFF003D51A94FCC4C6C66F5E610F] - (.Alps Electric Co., Ltd. - ApMsgFwd.) -- C:\Program Files\DellTPad\ApMsgFwd.exe [57680] [PID.2528]
[MD5.7A42A8E161DC32C5A40C5813ED64DF03] - (.Alps Electric Co., Ltd. - Alps Pointing-device Driver.) -- C:\Program Files\DellTPad\HidFind.exe [54744] [PID.2608]
[MD5.DFC8186972EB21F75E5B532194AF4C3A] - (.Alps Electric Co., Ltd. - Alps Pointing-device Driver for Windows NT/.) -- C:\Program Files\DellTPad\Apntex.exe [54640] [PID.2616]
[MD5.B06ECBE832DCB8A15B6736E740A2C7B8] - (.Avira Operations GmbH & Co. KG - Avira.) -- C:\Program Files\Avira\Launcher\Avira.Systray.exe [309264] [PID.3488]
[MD5.F0239F150254B1F5CBFF2A8F5E4163FF] - (.Nicolas Coolman - ZHPDiag.) -- C:\Program Files\ZHPDiag\ZHPDiag.exe [3806208] [PID.2772]
~ Scan Processes Running in 00mn 00s

---\\ Google Chrome, Démarrage,Recherche,Extensions (G0,G1,G2)
C:\Users\DELL\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Preferences
~ Scan Google Browser in 00mn 00s

---\\ Mozilla Firefox, Plugins,Demarrage,Recherche,Extensions (P2,M0,M1,M2,M3)
M3 - MFPP: Plugins - [DELL] -- C:\Users\DELL\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\9l3hq0pt.default\searchplugins\wiseconvert-15-customized-web-search.xml
M0 - MFSP: prefs.js [DELL - 9l3hq0pt.default] http://www.buenosearch.com
M0 - MFSP: prefs.js [DELL - 9l3hq0pt.default] about:home"about:home);
M2 - MFEP: prefs.js [DELL - 9l3hq0pt.default\b06fdef7-671b-4f24-babf-0377d4c40832@3dc509f2-5b3a-49d6-8b54-6cad06855fa6.com] [] Pricora 1.1 v (.Corporate Inc.)
M2 - MFEP: prefs.js [DELL - 9l3hq0pt.default\extension21810@extension21810.com] [] Giant Savings Extension v (.215 Apps.)
M2 - MFEP: prefs.js [DELL - 9l3hq0pt.default\f80af4ec-42b9-429d-99b0-4078ec7cf864@44882d20-8865-4b13-b79e-ae8470d9a955.com] [] CinemaHDplus-V1.8 v (.ChannelHD.)
P2 - FPN: [HKLM] [@google.com/npPicasa3,version=3.0.0] - (.Google, Inc. - Picasa plugin.) -- C:\Program Files\Google\Picasa3\npPicasa3.dll
P2 - FPN: [HKLM] [@java.com/DTPlugin,version=10.9.2] - (.Oracle Corporation - NPRuntime Script Plug-in Library for Java(TM) Deploy.) -- C:\Windows\system32\npDeployJava1.dll
P2 - FPN: [HKLM] [@java.com/JavaPlugin] - (...) -- C:\Program Files\Java\jre7\bin\new_plugin\npjp2.dll (.not file.)
P2 - FPN: [HKLM] [@java.com/JavaPlugin,version=10.9.2] - (.Oracle Corporation - Next Generation Java Plug-in 10.9.2 for Mozilla browsers.) -- C:\Program Files\Java\jre7\bin\plugin2\npjp2.dll
P2 - FPN: [HKLM] [@Microsoft.com/NpCtrl,version=1.0] - (. Microsoft Corporation - 5.1.50901.0.) -- c:\Program Files\Microsoft Silverlight\5.1.50901.0\npctrl.dll
P2 - FPN: [HKLM] [@tools.Software.com/Software Update;version=3] - (...) -- C:\Program Files\Software\Update\\npSoftwareUpdate3.dll (.not file.)
P2 - FPN: [HKLM] [@tools.Software.com/Software Update;version=9] - (...) -- C:\Program Files\Software\Update\\npSoftwareUpdate3.dll (.not file.)
P2 - FPN: [HKLM] [@videolan.org/vlc,version=1.1.11] - (.the VideoLAN Team - Version 1.1.11, copyright 1996-2011 The VideoLAN Team
P2 - FPN: [HKCU] [@tools.google.com/Google Update;version=3] - (.Google Inc. - Google Update.) -- C:\Users\DELL\AppData\Local\Google\Update\\npGoogleUpdate3.dll
P2 - FPN: [HKCU] [@tools.google.com/Google Update;version=9] - (.Google Inc. - Google Update.) -- C:\Users\DELL\AppData\Local\Google\Update\\npGoogleUpdate3.dll
~ Scan Firefox Browser in 00mn 00s

---\\ Internet Explorer, Démarrage,Recherche,URLSearchHook, Phishing (R0,R1,R3,R4)
R0 - HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main,Start Page = http://www.google.com
R0 - HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main,Start Page = http://go.microsoft.com
R1 - HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main,Search Page = http://www.google.com
R1 - HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main,Extensions Off Page = about:noadd-ons
R1 - HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main,Security Risk Page = about:securityrisk

R1 - HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Search,SearchAssistant = http://www.google.com
R3 - URLSearchHook: (no name) - {CFBFAE00-17A6-11D0-99CB-00C04FD64497} . (.Google Inc. - Google Update.) (No version) -- (.not file.)
~ Scan IE Browser in 00mn 00s

---\\ Internet Explorer, Proxy Management (R5)
R5 - HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings,ProxyServer = no key
R5 - HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings,ProxyEnable = 0
R5 - HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings,MigrateProxy = 1
R5 - HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings,EnableHttp1_1 = 1
R5 - HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings,ProxyHttp1.1 = 1
R5 - HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings,AutoConfigProxy = wininet.dll
R5 - HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings,ProxyEnable = 0
R5 - HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings,EnableHttp1_1 = 1
R5 - HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings,ProxyHttp1.1 = 1
~ Scan Proxy management in 00mn 00s

---\\ Modification d'une valeur Ini (Changed inifile value, mapped to Registry) (F2)
F2 - REG:system.ini: USERINIT=C:\Windows\System32\Userinit.exe,
F2 - REG:system.ini: Shell=C:\Windows\explorer.exe
F2 - REG:system.ini: VMApplet=C:\Windows\System32\SystemPropertiesPerformance.exe
~ Scan Keys in 00mn 00s

---\\ Redirection du fichier Hosts (O1)
~ Le fichier hosts est sain (The hosts file is clean).
~ Scan Hosts File in 00mn 15s
~ Nombre de lignes (Lines number): 496300

---\\ Browser Helper Objects de navigateur (O2)
O2 - BHO: Spybot-S&D IE Protection - {53707962-6F74-2D53-2644-206D7942484F} . (.Safer-Networking Ltd. - Blocks URLs that could install spyware, mal.) -- C:\Program Files\Spybot - Search & Destroy 2\SDHelper.dll
O2 - BHO: Adblock IE - {667BEE43-20BD-4CE3-94AC-E63E04D4B191} . (.MGTEK - Adblock IE Addin.) -- C:\Program Files\MGTEK\Adblock IE\adblockie.dll
~ Scan BHO in 00mn 00s

---\\ Applications démarrées par registre & par dossier (O4)
O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [QuickSet] . (.Dell Inc. - QuickSet.) -- C:\Program Files\Dell\QuickSet\QuickSet.exe
O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [avgnt] . (.Avira Operations GmbH & Co. KG - Avira system tray application.) -- C:\Program Files\Avira\AntiVir Desktop\avgnt.exe
O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [Avira SystrayStartTrigger] . (.Avira Operations GmbH & Co. KG - Avira Connect.) -- C:\Program Files\Avira\Launcher\Avira.SystrayStartTrigger.exe
O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [Apoint] . (.Alps Electric Co., Ltd. - Alps Pointing-device Driver.) -- C:\Program Files\DellTPad\Apoint.exe
O4 - HKCU\..\Run: [Speech Recognition] . (.Microsoft Corporation - Reconnaissance vocale.) -- C:\Windows\Speech\Common\sapisvr.exe
O4 - HKUS\S-1-5-19\..\Run: [Sidebar] . (.Microsoft Corporation - Gadgets du Bureau Windows.) -- C:\Program Files\Windows Sidebar\Sidebar.exe
O4 - HKUS\S-1-5-20\..\Run: [Sidebar] . (.Microsoft Corporation - Gadgets du Bureau Windows.) -- C:\Program Files\Windows Sidebar\Sidebar.exe
O4 - HKUS\S-1-5-21-3290363562-2599634470-2307636891-1001\..\Run: [Speech Recognition] . (.Microsoft Corporation - Reconnaissance vocale.) -- C:\Windows\Speech\Common\sapisvr.exe
O4 - HKUS\S-1-5-19\..\RunOnce: [mctadmin] . (.Microsoft Corporation - MCTAdmin.) -- C:\Windows\System32\mctadmin.exe
O4 - HKUS\S-1-5-20\..\RunOnce: [mctadmin] . (.Microsoft Corporation - MCTAdmin.) -- C:\Windows\System32\mctadmin.exe
~ Scan Application in 00mn 00s

---\\ Autres liens utilisateurs (O4)
O4 - Global Startup: C:\Users\DELL\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Google Chrome.lnk . (.Google Inc..) -- C:\Users\DELL\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe
O4 - Global Startup: C:\Users\DELL\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Internet Explorer.lnk . (.Microsoft Corporation.) -- C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe
O4 - Global Startup: C:\Users\DELL\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Spotify.lnk . (.Spotify Ltd.) -- C:\Users\DELL\AppData\Roaming\Spotify\spotify.exe
O4 - Global Startup: C:\Users\DELL\Desktop\complete - Raccourci.lnk . (...) -- C:\Users\DELL\Documents\Soulseek Downloads\complete
O4 - Global Startup: C:\Users\DELL\Desktop\Live PC Help.lnk - Clé orpheline
O4 - Global Startup: C:\Users\DELL\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch\Babylon.lnk . (...) -- C:\Program Files\Babylon\Babylon-Pro\Babylon.exe (.not file.)
O4 - Global Startup: C:\Users\DELL\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch\Launch Internet Explorer Browser.lnk . (.Microsoft Corporation.) -- C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe
~ Scan Global Startup in 00mn 00s

---\\ Invisibilité de l'icône d'options IE dans le panneau de Configuration (O5)
O5 - control.ini: [HKLM\..\Control Panel] inetcpl.cpl=no
~ Scan IE Control Panel in 00mn 00s

---\\ Boutons situés sur la barre d'outils principale d'Internet Explorer (O9)
O9 - Extra button: Spybot - Search && Destroy Configuration - {DFB852A3-47F8-48C4-A200-58CAB36FD2A2} -- Clé orpheline
~ Scan IE Extra Buttons in 00mn 00s

---\\ Winsock hijacker (Layered Service Provider) (O10)
O10 - WLSP:\000000000001\Winsock LSP File . (.Microsoft Corporation - Network Location Awareness 2.) -- C:\Windows\system32\NLAapi.dll
O10 - WLSP:\000000000002\Winsock LSP File . (.Microsoft Corporation - Fournisseur Shim d’affectation de noms de messagerie.) -- C:\Windows\system32\napinsp.dll
O10 - WLSP:\000000000003\Winsock LSP File . (.Microsoft Corporation - Fournisseur d’espace de noms PNRP.) -- C:\Windows\system32\pnrpnsp.dll
O10 - WLSP:\000000000004\Winsock LSP File . (.Microsoft Corporation - Fournisseur d’espace de noms PNRP.) -- C:\Windows\system32\pnrpnsp.dll
O10 - WLSP:\000000000005\Winsock LSP File . (.Microsoft Corporation - Fournisseur de service Sockets 2.0 de Microsoft Windows.) -- C:\Windows\system32\mswsock.dll
O10 - WLSP:\000000000006\Winsock LSP File . (.Microsoft Corporation - LDAP RnR Provider DLL.) -- C:\Windows\system32\winrnr.dll
~ Scan Winsock in 00mn 00s

---\\ Site dans la Zone de confiance d'Internet Explorer (O15)
O15 - Trusted Zone: [HKCU\...\Domains] *.dell.com
O15 - Trusted Zone: [HKCU\...\Domains\www] *.dell.com
~ Scan IE Zone Confiance in 00mn 00s

---\\ Modification Domaine/Adresses DNS (O17)
O17 - HKLM\System\CCS\Services\Tcpip\..\{AF4855A6-DEC1-486E-ADAD-4E6498874C8A}: DhcpNameServer =
O17 - HKLM\System\CCS\Services\Tcpip\..\{CC9EE126-CE18-4641-A181-73BAE3BB17F7}: DhcpNameServer =
O17 - HKLM\System\CS1\Services\Tcpip\..\{AF4855A6-DEC1-486E-ADAD-4E6498874C8A}: DhcpNameServer =
O17 - HKLM\System\CS1\Services\Tcpip\..\{CC9EE126-CE18-4641-A181-73BAE3BB17F7}: DhcpNameServer =
O17 - HKLM\System\CS2\Services\Tcpip\..\{AF4855A6-DEC1-486E-ADAD-4E6498874C8A}: DhcpNameServer =
O17 - HKLM\System\CS2\Services\Tcpip\..\{CC9EE126-CE18-4641-A181-73BAE3BB17F7}: DhcpNameServer =
~ Scan Domain in 00mn 00s

---\\ Protocole additionnel (O18)
O18 - Handler: about - {3050F406-98B5-11CF-BB82-00AA00BDCE0B} . (.Microsoft Corporation - Visionneuse HTML Microsoft (R).) -- C:\Windows\System32\mshtml.dll
O18 - Handler: cdl - {3dd53d40-7b8b-11D0-b013-00aa0059ce02} . (.Microsoft Corporation - Extensions OLE32 pour Win32.) -- C:\Windows\system32\urlmon.dll
O18 - Handler: dvd - {12D51199-0DB5-46FE-A120-47A3D7D937CC} . (.Microsoft Corporation - Contrôle ActiveX pour le flux vidéo.) -- C:\Windows\System32\msvidctl.dll
O18 - Handler: file - {79eac9e7-baf9-11ce-8c82-00aa004ba90b} . (.Microsoft Corporation - Extensions OLE32 pour Win32.) -- C:\Windows\system32\urlmon.dll
O18 - Handler: ftp - {79eac9e3-baf9-11ce-8c82-00aa004ba90b} . (.Microsoft Corporation - Extensions OLE32 pour Win32.) -- C:\Windows\system32\urlmon.dll
O18 - Handler: http - {79eac9e2-baf9-11ce-8c82-00aa004ba90b} . (.Microsoft Corporation - Extensions OLE32 pour Win32.) -- C:\Windows\system32\urlmon.dll
O18 - Handler: https - {79eac9e5-baf9-11ce-8c82-00aa004ba90b} . (.Microsoft Corporation - Extensions OLE32 pour Win32.) -- C:\Windows\system32\urlmon.dll
O18 - Handler: its - {9D148291-B9C8-11D0-A4CC-0000F80149F6} . (.Microsoft Corporation - Microsoft® InfoTech Storage System Library.) -- C:\Windows\System32\itss.dll
O18 - Handler: javascript - {3050F3B2-98B5-11CF-BB82-00AA00BDCE0B} . (.Microsoft Corporation - Visionneuse HTML Microsoft (R).) -- C:\Windows\System32\mshtml.dll
O18 - Handler: local - {79eac9e7-baf9-11ce-8c82-00aa004ba90b} . (.Microsoft Corporation - Extensions OLE32 pour Win32.) -- C:\Windows\system32\urlmon.dll
O18 - Handler: mailto - {3050f3DA-98B5-11CF-BB82-00AA00BDCE0B} . (.Microsoft Corporation - Visionneuse HTML Microsoft (R).) -- C:\Windows\System32\mshtml.dll
O18 - Handler: mhtml - {05300401-BCBC-11d0-85E3-00C04FD85AB4} . (.Microsoft Corporation - Microsoft Internet Messaging API Resources.) -- C:\Windows\system32\inetcomm.dll
O18 - Handler: mk - {79eac9e6-baf9-11ce-8c82-00aa004ba90b} . (.Microsoft Corporation - Extensions OLE32 pour Win32.) -- C:\Windows\system32\urlmon.dll
O18 - Handler: ms-its - {9D148291-B9C8-11D0-A4CC-0000F80149F6} . (.Microsoft Corporation - Microsoft® InfoTech Storage System Library.) -- C:\Windows\System32\itss.dll
O18 - Handler: res - {3050F3BC-98B5-11CF-BB82-00AA00BDCE0B} . (.Microsoft Corporation - Visionneuse HTML Microsoft (R).) -- C:\Windows\System32\mshtml.dll
O18 - Handler: tv - {CBD30858-AF45-11D2-B6D6-00C04FBBDE6E} . (.Microsoft Corporation - Contrôle ActiveX pour le flux vidéo.) -- C:\Windows\System32\msvidctl.dll
O18 - Handler: vbscript - {3050F3B2-98B5-11CF-BB82-00AA00BDCE0B} . (.Microsoft Corporation - Visionneuse HTML Microsoft (R).) -- C:\Windows\System32\mshtml.dll
O18 - Filter: application/octet-stream - {1E66F26B-79EE-11D2-8710-00C04F79ED0D} . (.Microsoft Corporation - Microsoft .NET Runtime Execution Engine.) -- C:\Windows\System32\mscoree.dll
O18 - Filter: application/x-complus - {1E66F26B-79EE-11D2-8710-00C04F79ED0D} . (.Microsoft Corporation - Microsoft .NET Runtime Execution Engine.) -- C:\Windows\System32\mscoree.dll
O18 - Filter: application/x-msdownload - {1E66F26B-79EE-11D2-8710-00C04F79ED0D} . (.Microsoft Corporation - Microsoft .NET Runtime Execution Engine.) -- C:\Windows\System32\mscoree.dll
~ Scan Protocole Additionnel in 00mn 00s

---\\ Valeur de Registre AppInit_DLLs et sous-clés Winlogon Notify (autorun) (O20)
O20 - Winlogon Notify: igfxcui . (.Intel Corporation - igfxdev Module.) -- C:\Windows\System32\igfxdev.dll
O20 - Winlogon Notify: SDWinLogon . (...) -- SDWinLogon.dll
~ Scan Winlogon in 00mn 00s

---\\ Clé de Registre autorun ShellServiceObjectDelayLoad (SSO/SSODL) (O21)
O21 - SSODL: WebCheck - {E6FB5E20-DE35-11CF-9C87-00AA005127ED} - CLSID or File not found.
~ Scan SSODL in 00mn 00s

---\\ Liste des services NT non Microsoft et non désactivés (O23)
O23 - Service: Avira Planificateur (AntiVirSchedulerService) . (.Avira Operations GmbH & Co. KG - Antivirus Host Framework Service.) - C:\Program Files\Avira\AntiVir Desktop\sched.exe
O23 - Service: Avira Protection temps réel (AntiVirService) . (.Avira Operations GmbH & Co. KG - Antivirus Host Framework Service.) - C:\Program Files\Avira\AntiVir Desktop\avguard.exe
O23 - Service: Avira Service Host (Avira.ServiceHost) . (.Avira Operations GmbH & Co. KG - Avira Service Host.) - C:\Program Files\Avira\Launcher\Avira.ServiceHost.exe
O23 - Service: HOSTS Anti-PUPs (HOSTS Anti-PUPs) . (...) - C:\Program Files\Hosts_Anti_Adwares_PUPs\HOSTS_Anti-Adware.exe (.not file.)
O23 - Service: (MBAMScheduler) . (.Malwarebytes Corporation - Malwarebytes Anti-Malware.) - C:\Program Files\Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware\mbamscheduler.exe
O23 - Service: (MBAMService) . (.Malwarebytes Corporation - Malwarebytes Anti-Malware.) - C:\Program Files\Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware\mbamservice.exe
O23 - Service: Spybot-S&D 2 Scanner Service (SDScannerService) . (.Safer-Networking Ltd. - Spybot-S&D 2 Scanner Service.) - C:\Program Files\Spybot - Search & Destroy 2\SDFSSvc.exe
O23 - Service: Spybot-S&D 2 Updating Service (SDUpdateService) . (.Safer-Networking Ltd. - Spybot-S&D 2 Background update service.) - C:\Program Files\Spybot - Search & Destroy 2\SDUpdSvc.exe
O23 - Service: Spybot-S&D 2 Security Center Service (SDWSCService) . (.Safer-Networking Ltd. - Windows Security Center integration..) - C:\Program Files\Spybot - Search & Destroy 2\SDWSCSvc.exe
O23 - Service: WIN-srvGA (WIN-srvGA) . (...) - C:\Windows\system32\srvany.exe
~ Scan Services in 00mn 00s

---\\ Enumération Active Desktop & MHTML Editor (O24)
O24 - Default MHTML Editor: Last - .(...) - (.not file.)
~ Scan Desktop Component in 00mn 00s

---\\ BootExecute (O34)
O34 - HKLM BootExecute: (autocheck autochk *) - File not found
O34 - HKLM BootExecute: (sdnclean.exe) - File not found
~ Scan Keys in 00mn 00s

---\\ Tâches planifiées en automatique (O39)
[MD5.518545E8CBD79EBF42891A6066578118] [APT] [CCleanerSkipUAC] (.Piriform Ltd.) -- C:\Program Files\CCleaner\CCleaner.exe
[MD5.750446ED76A5D13E902174DDDDA1A62B] [APT] [GoogleUpdateTaskUserS-1-5-21-3290363562-2599634470-2307636891-1001Core] (.Google Inc..) -- C:\Users\DELL\AppData\Local\Google\Update\GoogleUpdate.exe
[MD5.750446ED76A5D13E902174DDDDA1A62B] [APT] [GoogleUpdateTaskUserS-1-5-21-3290363562-2599634470-2307636891-1001UA] (.Google Inc..) -- C:\Users\DELL\AppData\Local\Google\Update\GoogleUpdate.exe
[MD5.452DB84283EB2F043827AC95D62CE19C] [APT] [Check for updates] (.Safer-Networking Ltd..) -- C:\Program Files\Spybot - Search & Destroy 2\SDUpdate.exe
[MD5.36A82C214B46787385F3B0CD02ECAA88] [APT] [Refresh immunization] (.Safer-Networking Ltd..) -- C:\Program Files\Spybot - Search & Destroy 2\SDImmunize.exe
[MD5.E4A0900CF535888DDD85B10040CA3E34] [APT] [Scan the system] (.Safer-Networking Ltd..) -- C:\Program Files\Spybot - Search & Destroy 2\SDScan.exe
~ Scan Scheduled Task in 00mn 05s

---\\ Composants installés (ActiveSetup Installed Components) (O40)
O40 - ASIC: Microsoft Windows Media Player - >{22d6f312-b0f6-11d0-94ab-0080c74c7e95} . (.Microsoft Corporation - Ressources du Lecteur Windows Media.) -- C:\Windows\System32\wmploc.dll
O40 - ASIC: Java (Sun) - {08B0E5C0-4FCB-11CF-AAA5-00401C608500} . (...) -- c:\Program Files\Java\jre6\bin\regutils.dll
O40 - ASIC: Microsoft Windows Media Player 12.0 - {22d6f312-b0f6-11d0-94ab-0080c74c7e95} . (.Microsoft Corporation - Windows Media Player Extension.) -- C:\Windows\System32\wmpdxm.dll
O40 - ASIC: Themes Setup - {2C7339CF-2B09-4501-B3F3-F3508C9228ED} . (.Microsoft Corporation - API Windows Theme.) -- C:\Windows\System32\themeui.dll
O40 - ASIC: Internet Explorer - {2D46B6DC-2207-486B-B523-A557E6D54B47} . (.Microsoft Corporation - Interpréteur de commandes Windows.) -- C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe
O40 - ASIC: Microsoft Windows - {44BBA840-CC51-11CF-AAFA-00AA00B6015C} . (.Microsoft Corporation - Windows Mail.) -- C:\Program Files\Windows Mail\WinMail.exe
O40 - ASIC: Browsing Enhancements - {630b1da0-b465-11d1-9948-00c04f98bbc9} . (.Microsoft Corporation - Extension Shell dossier FTP Microsoft Internet Explorer..) -- C:\Windows\System32\msieftp.dll
O40 - ASIC: Enable TLS1.1 and 1.2 - {66C64F22-FC60-4E6C-A6B5-F0D580E680CE} . (.Microsoft Corporation - Utilitaire d'initialisation d'Internet Explorer par utilisateur.) -- C:\Windows\System32\ie4uinit.exe
O40 - ASIC: Microsoft Windows Media Player - {6BF52A52-394A-11d3-B153-00C04F79FAA6} . (.Microsoft Corporation - Ressources du Lecteur Windows Media.) -- C:\Windows\System32\wmploc.dll
O40 - ASIC: Disable SSL3 - {7D715857-A67C-4C2F-A929-038448584D63} . (.Microsoft Corporation - Utilitaire d'initialisation d'Internet Explorer par utilisateur.) -- C:\Windows\System32\ie4uinit.exe
O40 - ASIC: Windows Desktop Update - {89820200-ECBD-11cf-8B85-00AA005B4340} . (.Microsoft Corporation - DLL commune du shell Windows.) -- C:\Windows\System32\shell32.dll
O40 - ASIC: Web Platform Customizations - {89820200-ECBD-11cf-8B85-00AA005B4383} . (.Microsoft Corporation - Utilitaire d'initialisation d'Internet Explorer par utilisateur.) -- C:\Windows\System32\ie4uinit.exe
O40 - ASIC: (no name) - {89B4C1CD-B018-4511-B0A1-5476DBF70820} . (.Microsoft Corporation - Microsoft .NET IE SECURITY REGISTRATION.) -- C:\Windows\system32\mscories.dll
~ Scan Active Setup in 00mn 00s

---\\ Pilotes lancés au démarrage (O41)
O41 - Driver: C:\Windows\System32\drivers\afd.sys (AFD) . (.Microsoft Corporation - Ancillary Function Driver for WinSock.) - C:\Windows\system32\drivers\afd.sys
O41 - Driver: (avgtp) . (.AVG Technologies - Pas de description.) - C:\Windows\system32\drivers\avgtpx86.sys
O41 - Driver: (avipbb) . (.Avira Operations GmbH & Co. KG - Avira Driver for Security Enhancement.) - C:\Windows\System32\DRIVERS\avipbb.sys
O41 - Driver: (avkmgr) . (.Avira Operations GmbH & Co. KG - Avira Manager Driver.) - C:\Windows\System32\DRIVERS\avkmgr.sys
O41 - Driver: (blbdrive) . (.Microsoft Corporation - BLB Drive Driver.) - C:\Windows\System32\DRIVERS\blbdrive.sys
O41 - Driver: (cdrom) . (.Microsoft Corporation - SCSI CD-ROM Driver.) - C:\Windows\system32\drivers\cdrom.sys
O41 - Driver: C:\Windows\System32\cscsvc.dll (CSC) . (.Microsoft Corporation - Windows Client Side Caching Driver.) - C:\Windows\System32\drivers\csc.sys
O41 - Driver: C:\Windows\System32\drivers\dfsc.sys (DfsC) . (.Microsoft Corporation - DFS Namespace Client Driver.) - C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\dfsc.sys
O41 - Driver: C:\Windows\System32\drivers\discache.sys (discache) . (.Microsoft Corporation - System Indexer/Cache Driver.) - C:\Windows\System32\drivers\discache.sys
O41 - Driver: (mssmbios) . (.Microsoft Corporation - System Management BIOS Driver.) - C:\Windows\system32\drivers\mssmbios.sys
O41 - Driver: (NetBIOS) . (.Microsoft Corporation - NetBIOS interface driver.) - C:\Windows\System32\DRIVERS\netbios.sys
O41 - Driver: C:\Windows\System32\drivers\netbt.sys (NetBT) . (.Microsoft Corporation - MBT Transport driver.) - C:\Windows\System32\DRIVERS\netbt.sys
O41 - Driver: C:\Windows\System32\drivers\nsiproxy.sys (nsiproxy) . (.Microsoft Corporation - NSI Proxy.) - C:\Windows\System32\drivers\nsiproxy.sys
O41 - Driver: C:\Windows\System32\drivers\pacer.sys (Psched) . (.Microsoft Corporation - Planificateur de paquets QoS.) - C:\Windows\System32\DRIVERS\pacer.sys
O41 - Driver: C:\Windows\System32\wkssvc.dll (rdbss) . (.Microsoft Corporation - Pilote du sous-système de mise en mémoire t.) - C:\Windows\System32\DRIVERS\rdbss.sys
O41 - Driver: C:\Windows\System32\DRIVERS\RDPCDD.sys (RDPCDD) . (.Microsoft Corporation - RDP Miniport.) - C:\Windows\System32\DRIVERS\RDPCDD.sys
O41 - Driver: C:\Windows\System32\drivers\RDPENCDD.sys (RDPENCDD) . (.Microsoft Corporation - RDP Encoder Miniport.) - C:\Windows\System32\drivers\rdpencdd.sys
O41 - Driver: C:\Windows\System32\drivers\RdpRefMp.sys (RDPREFMP) . (.Microsoft Corporation - RDP Reflector Driver Miniport.) - C:\Windows\System32\drivers\rdprefmp.sys
O41 - Driver: (ssmdrv) . (.Avira GmbH - AVIRA SnapShot Driver.) - C:\Windows\System32\DRIVERS\ssmdrv.sys
O41 - Driver: C:\Windows\System32\tcpipcfg.dll (tdx) . (.Microsoft Corporation - TDI Translation Driver.) - C:\Windows\System32\DRIVERS\tdx.sys
O41 - Driver: (TermDD) . (.Microsoft Corporation - Remote Desktop Server Driver.) - C:\Windows\system32\drivers\termdd.sys
O41 - Driver: (VgaSave) . (.Microsoft Corporation - VGA/Super VGA Video Driver.) - C:\Windows\system32\drivers\vga.sys
O41 - Driver: (vwififlt) . (.Microsoft Corporation - Virtual WiFi Filter Driver.) - C:\Windows\System32\DRIVERS\vwififlt.sys
O41 - Driver: C:\Windows\System32\rascfg.dll (Wanarpv6) . (.Microsoft Corporation - MS Remote Access and Routing ARP Driver.) - C:\Windows\System32\DRIVERS\wanarp.sys
O41 - Driver: (WfpLwf) . (.Microsoft Corporation - WFP NDIS 6.20 Lightweight Filter Driver.) - C:\Windows\System32\DRIVERS\wfplwf.sys
~ Scan Drivers in 00mn 00s

---\\ Logiciels installés (O42)
O42 - Logiciel: Adobe AIR - (.Adobe Systems Incorporated.) [HKLM] -- Adobe AIR
O42 - Logiciel: Adobe Flash Player 24 ActiveX - (.Adobe Systems Incorporated.) [HKLM] -- Adobe Flash Player ActiveX
O42 - Logiciel: Audacity 2.1.0 - (.Audacity Team.) [HKLM] -- Audacity_is1
O42 - Logiciel: Avira Connect - (.Avira Operations GmbH & Co. KG.) [HKLM] -- {0b46d918-af4f-4612-8076-5c0ae67cb2aa}
O42 - Logiciel: Avira Connect - (.Avira Operations GmbH & Co. KG.) [HKLM] -- {BC5A9829-B67F-4E3A-83EE-0CDBDB6FBA1C}
O42 - Logiciel: Avira Free Antivirus - (.Avira.) [HKLM] -- Avira AntiVir Desktop
O42 - Logiciel: Botanicula - (.GOG.com.) [HKLM] -- 1207659024_is1
O42 - Logiciel: Dell Touchpad - (.ALPS ELECTRIC CO., LTD..) [HKLM] -- {9F72EF8B-AEC9-4CA5-B483-143980AFD6FD}
O42 - Logiciel: Google Chrome - (.Google Inc..) [HKCU] -- Google Chrome
O42 - Logiciel: Java 7 Update 9 - (.Oracle.) [HKLM] -- {26A24AE4-039D-4CA4-87B4-2F83217009FF}
O42 - Logiciel: JavaFX 2.1.1 - (.Oracle Corporation.) [HKLM] -- {1111706F-666A-4037-7777-211328764D10}
O42 - Logiciel: Microsoft .NET Framework 4.6.1 (FRA) - (.Microsoft Corporation.) [HKLM] -- {F09C0CBA-9C6C-3087-B160-C6DAAC61A6DE}
O42 - Logiciel: Microsoft .NET Framework 4.6.1 (Français) - (.Microsoft Corporation.) [HKLM] -- {92FB6C44-E685-45AD-9B20-CADF4CABA132} - 1036
O42 - Logiciel: Microsoft .NET Framework 4.6.1 - (.Microsoft Corporation.) [HKLM] -- {30500C7C-2206-3DC6-9792-96E95A04669D}
O42 - Logiciel: Microsoft .NET Framework 4.6.1 - (.Microsoft Corporation.) [HKLM] -- {92FB6C44-E685-45AD-9B20-CADF4CABA132} - 1033
O42 - Logiciel: Microsoft Antimalware Service FR-FR Language Pack - (.Microsoft Corporation.) [HKLM] -- {32E9C1A5-0FDA-4483-987D-DBABF9CC1DD8}
O42 - Logiciel: Microsoft Keyboard Layout Creator 1.4 - (.Microsoft Corp..) [HKLM] -- {99E66BC9-E4B6-485F-ABFC-31EFCE36DFDF}
O42 - Logiciel: Microsoft Security Client FR-FR Language Pack - (.Microsoft Corporation.) [HKLM] -- {50779A29-834E-4E36-BBEB-B7CABC67A825}
O42 - Logiciel: Microsoft Silverlight - (.Microsoft Corporation.) [HKLM] -- {89F4137D-6C26-4A84-BDB8-2E5A4BB71E00}
O42 - Logiciel: Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Redistributable - (.Microsoft Corporation.) [HKLM] -- {710f4c1c-cc18-4c49-8cbf-51240c89a1a2}
O42 - Logiciel: Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable - x86 9.0.30729.17 - (.Microsoft Corporation.) [HKLM] -- {9A25302D-30C0-39D9-BD6F-21E6EC160475}
O42 - Logiciel: Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable - x86 9.0.30729.6161 - (.Microsoft Corporation.) [HKLM] -- {9BE518E6-ECC6-35A9-88E4-87755C07200F}
O42 - Logiciel: Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 x86 Redistributable - 10.0.40219 - (.Microsoft Corporation.) [HKLM] -- {F0C3E5D1-1ADE-321E-8167-68EF0DE699A5}
O42 - Logiciel: OpenOffice.org 3.3 - (.OpenOffice.org.) [HKLM] -- {05653DE1-6567-40C6-B930-39D399B64369}
O42 - Logiciel: Picasa 3 - (.Google, Inc..) [HKLM] -- Picasa 3
O42 - Logiciel: QuickSet32 - (.Dell Inc..) [HKLM] -- {C4972073-2BFE-475D-8441-564EA97DA161}
O42 - Logiciel: Realtek USB 2.0 Card Reader - (.Realtek Semiconductor Corp..) [HKLM] -- {96AE7E41-E34E-47D0-AC07-1091A8127911}
O42 - Logiciel: SoulseekQt version 2017.2.20 - (.Soulseek LLC.) [HKLM] -- {8A4E1646-488C-4E5B-AC31-F784400E8D2D}_is1
O42 - Logiciel: Speccy - (.Piriform.) [HKLM] -- Speccy
O42 - Logiciel: Spotify - (.Spotify AB.) [HKCU] -- Spotify
O42 - Logiciel: Update for Microsoft .NET Framework 4.6.1 (KB3210136) - (.Microsoft Corporation.) [HKLM] -- {92FB6C44-E685-45AD-9B20-CADF4CABA132}.KB3210136
O42 - Logiciel: VLC media player 1.1.11 - (.VideoLAN.) [HKLM] -- VLC media player
O42 - Logiciel: WinRAR 4.00 (32-bit) - (.win.rar GmbH.) [HKLM] -- WinRAR archiver

---\\ HKCU & HKLM Software Keys
[HKCU\Software\Foxit Software]
[HKCU\Software\Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware]
[HKCU\Software\Safer Networking Limited]
[HKCU\Software\VB and VBA Program Settings]
[HKCU\Software\WinRAR SFX]
[HKLM\Software\ATI Technologies]
[HKLM\Software\Dell Computer Corporation]
[HKLM\Software\Foxit Software]
[HKLM\Software\JLC's Software]
[HKLM\Software\LogMeIn Rescue]
[HKLM\Software\Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware]
[HKLM\Software\Realtek Semiconductor Corp.]
[HKLM\Software\Safer Networking Limited]
~ Scan Softwares in 00mn 00s

---\\ Contenu des dossiers Programs/ProgramFiles/ProgramData/AppData (O43)
O43 - CFD: 29/06/2014 - 16:10:10 - [0,079] ----D C:\Program Files\Adobe
O43 - CFD: 12/03/2017 - 23:35:21 - [0,358] ----D C:\Program Files\adslTV
O43 - CFD: 17/03/2017 - 11:48:56 - [50,137] ----D C:\Program Files\Audacity
O43 - CFD: 22/06/2016 - 04:11:46 - [201,285] ----D C:\Program Files\AVAST Software
O43 - CFD: 19/04/2016 - 00:02:00 - [597,964] ----D C:\Program Files\Avira
O43 - CFD: 10/06/2013 - 21:50:18 - [5,583] ----D C:\Program Files\CCleaner
O43 - CFD: 16/03/2015 - 21:07:13 - [0] ----D C:\Program Files\Cisco
O43 - CFD: 26/12/2012 - 11:30:48 - [3,230] ----D C:\Program Files\ClickTray Calendar
O43 - CFD: 16/03/2015 - 23:29:01 - [145,342] ----D C:\Program Files\Common Files
O43 - CFD: 10/01/2013 - 17:10:53 - [4,731] ----D C:\Program Files\Dell
O43 - CFD: 07/03/2017 - 02:20:51 - [22,782] ----D C:\Program Files\DellTPad
O43 - CFD: 26/12/2012 - 09:04:43 - [79,371] ----D C:\Program Files\DVD Maker
O43 - CFD: 05/07/2012 - 15:32:04 - [0] R---D C:\Program Files\Fichiers communs
O43 - CFD: 18/04/2016 - 02:35:22 - [82,332] ----D C:\Program Files\Google
O43 - CFD: 21/04/2013 - 14:29:58 - [0] ----D C:\Program Files\GUM5A42.tmp
O43 - CFD: 01/03/2017 - 22:18:14 - [0] ----D C:\Program Files\GUM8E2B.tmp
O43 - CFD: 02/03/2013 - 09:50:29 - [0] ----D C:\Program Files\Hosts_Anti_Adwares_PUPs
O43 - CFD: 05/07/2012 - 17:12:55 - [4,577] ----D C:\Program Files\InstallShield Installation Information
O43 - CFD: 05/07/2012 - 16:48:13 - [3,754] ----D C:\Program Files\Intel
O43 - CFD: 03/03/2017 - 04:56:43 - [25,627] ----D C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer
O43 - CFD: 25/12/2012 - 11:37:44 - [121,164] ----D C:\Program Files\Java
O43 - CFD: 09/11/2013 - 18:44:59 - [0] ----D C:\Program Files\JLC's Software
O43 - CFD: 16/03/2015 - 21:00:56 - [12,180] ----D C:\Program Files\Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware
O43 - CFD: 02/03/2013 - 10:07:00 - [1,553] ----D C:\Program Files\MGTEK
O43 - CFD: 14/07/2009 - 10:01:21 - [140,966] ----D C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games
O43 - CFD: 25/12/2012 - 14:15:38 - [25,201] ----D C:\Program Files\Microsoft Keyboard Layout Creator 1.4
O43 - CFD: 03/03/2017 - 05:00:56 - [40,904] ----D C:\Program Files\Microsoft Silverlight
O43 - CFD: 09/07/2012 - 20:25:24 - [0,023] ----D C:\Program Files\Microsoft.NET
O43 - CFD: 09/11/2013 - 18:44:51 - [0] ----D C:\Program Files\Mozilla Sunbird
O43 - CFD: 14/07/2009 - 05:52:30 - [0,025] ----D C:\Program Files\MSBuild
O43 - CFD: 05/07/2012 - 16:44:49 - [351,650] ----D C:\Program Files\OpenOffice.org 3
O43 - CFD: 05/07/2012 - 17:36:46 - [33,205] ----D C:\Program Files\Oracle
O43 - CFD: 09/11/2013 - 18:45:34 - [0] ----D C:\Program Files\Rainlendar2
O43 - CFD: 05/07/2012 - 17:12:14 - [13,681] ----D C:\Program Files\Realtek
O43 - CFD: 14/07/2009 - 05:52:30 - [37,361] ----D C:\Program Files\Reference Assemblies
O43 - CFD: 05/03/2017 - 21:34:36 - [21,063] ----D C:\Program Files\SoulseekQt
O43 - CFD: 02/01/2013 - 16:11:50 - [6,972] ----D C:\Program Files\Speccy
O43 - CFD: 10/06/2013 - 21:50:00 - [152,202] ----D C:\Program Files\Spybot - Search & Destroy 2
O43 - CFD: 01/03/2017 - 21:21:15 - [0,554] ----D C:\Program Files\SUPERAntiSpyware
O43 - CFD: 01/03/2017 - 22:18:14 - [0,238] ----D C:\Program Files\TeamViewer
O43 - CFD: 14/07/2009 - 05:53:23 - [0] ----D C:\Program Files\Uninstall Information
O43 - CFD: 01/02/2013 - 17:28:12 - [78,475] ----D C:\Program Files\VideoLAN
O43 - CFD: 27/12/2012 - 14:06:31 - [0,300] ----D C:\Program Files\Vuze
O43 - CFD: 14/07/2013 - 12:35:53 - [2,909] ----D C:\Program Files\Windows Defender
O43 - CFD: 02/01/2013 - 16:11:50 - [5,895] ----D C:\Program Files\Windows Mail
O43 - CFD: 03/03/2017 - 04:56:43 - [6,298] ----D C:\Program Files\Windows Media Player
O43 - CFD: 05/07/2012 - 15:32:04 - [11,632] ----D C:\Program Files\Windows NT
O43 - CFD: 26/12/2012 - 09:04:42 - [4,213] ----D C:\Program Files\Windows Photo Viewer
O43 - CFD: 26/12/2012 - 09:04:43 - [0,181] ----D C:\Program Files\Windows Portable Devices
O43 - CFD: 26/12/2012 - 09:04:44 - [6,374] ----D C:\Program Files\Windows Sidebar
O43 - CFD: 05/07/2012 - 15:42:32 - [5,112] ----D C:\Program Files\WinRAR
O43 - CFD: 22/03/2017 - 22:43:32 - [47,606] ----D C:\Program Files\ZHPDiag
O43 - CFD: 13/07/2014 - 14:49:12 - [46,039] ----D C:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe AIR
O43 - CFD: 22/06/2016 - 04:05:42 - [0,004] ----D C:\Program Files\Common Files\AV
O43 - CFD: 10/01/2013 - 17:32:37 - [2,770] ----D C:\Program Files\Common Files\InstallShield
O43 - CFD: 07/11/2012 - 11:38:11 - [1,184] ----D C:\Program Files\Common Files\Java
O43 - CFD: 02/03/2013 - 10:07:00 - [0,206] ----D C:\Program Files\Common Files\MGTEK
O43 - CFD: 28/06/2014 - 16:55:03 - [46,170] ----D C:\Program Files\Common Files\microsoft shared
O43 - CFD: 14/07/2009 - 03:37:05 - [0,003] ----D C:\Program Files\Common Files\Services
O43 - CFD: 14/07/2009 - 03:37:05 - [39,200] ----D C:\Program Files\Common Files\SpeechEngines
O43 - CFD: 26/12/2012 - 09:04:40 - [9,767] ----D C:\Program Files\Common Files\System
O43 - CFD: 16/03/2015 - 20:44:49 - [0] ----D C:\ProgramData\2308189059
O43 - CFD: 29/06/2014 - 16:10:11 - [0,000] ----D C:\ProgramData\Adobe
O43 - CFD: 14/07/2009 - 05:53:55 - [0] --H-D C:\ProgramData\Application Data
O43 - CFD: 22/06/2016 - 04:11:47 - [24,559] ----D C:\ProgramData\AVAST Software
O43 - CFD: 01/03/2017 - 22:12:44 - [440,039] ----D C:\ProgramData\Avira
O43 - CFD: 05/07/2012 - 15:32:04 - [0] --H-D C:\ProgramData\Bureau
O43 - CFD: 07/03/2014 - 12:34:27 - [23,862] --H-D C:\ProgramData\CanonBJ
O43 - CFD: 27/12/2012 - 02:22:29 - [0,004] ----D C:\ProgramData\CheckPoint
O43 - CFD: 25/12/2012 - 19:56:26 - [0,000] ----D C:\ProgramData\Common Files
O43 - CFD: 10/01/2013 - 17:17:22 - [0,000] ----D C:\ProgramData\Dell
O43 - CFD: 14/07/2009 - 05:53:55 - [0] --H-D C:\ProgramData\Desktop
O43 - CFD: 14/07/2009 - 05:53:55 - [0] --H-D C:\ProgramData\Documents
O43 - CFD: 05/07/2012 - 15:32:04 - [0] --H-D C:\ProgramData\Favoris
O43 - CFD: 14/07/2009 - 05:53:55 - [0] --H-D C:\ProgramData\Favorites
O43 - CFD: 25/12/2012 - 17:17:03 - [19,432] ----D C:\ProgramData\Malwarebytes
O43 - CFD: 05/07/2012 - 15:32:04 - [0] --H-D C:\ProgramData\Menu Démarrer
O43 - CFD: 09/11/2013 - 18:44:07 - [137,435] ----D C:\ProgramData\MFAData
O43 - CFD: 02/03/2013 - 10:05:05 - [4,273] ----D C:\ProgramData\MGTEK
O43 - CFD: 19/04/2016 - 00:41:22 - [272,516] -S--D C:\ProgramData\Microsoft
O43 - CFD: 05/07/2012 - 15:32:04 - [0] --H-D C:\ProgramData\Modèles
O43 - CFD: 05/07/2012 - 15:42:55 - [0,001] ----D C:\ProgramData\Mozilla
O43 - CFD: 17/03/2017 - 12:38:41 - [5,131] ----D C:\ProgramData\Package Cache
O43 - CFD: 22/03/2017 - 18:53:32 - [0,476] ----D C:\ProgramData\RogueKiller
O43 - CFD: 01/03/2017 - 22:18:35 - [0,442] ----D C:\ProgramData\Spybot - Search & Destroy
O43 - CFD: 14/07/2009 - 05:53:55 - [0] --H-D C:\ProgramData\Start Menu
O43 - CFD: 05/07/2012 - 16:44:10 - [0,000] ----D C:\ProgramData\Sun
O43 - CFD: 22/06/2016 - 01:28:15 - [130,749] ----D C:\ProgramData\SUPERAntiSpyware.com
O43 - CFD: 10/01/2013 - 17:11:55 - [0] ----D C:\ProgramData\TEMP
O43 - CFD: 14/07/2009 - 05:53:55 - [0] --H-D C:\ProgramData\Templates
O43 - CFD: 29/06/2014 - 16:10:11 - [0,166] ----D C:\Users\DELL\AppData\Roaming\Adobe
O43 - CFD: 17/03/2017 - 11:53:35 - [0,017] ----D C:\Users\DELL\AppData\Roaming\Audacity
O43 - CFD: 22/06/2016 - 04:08:53 - [28,529] ----D C:\Users\DELL\AppData\Roaming\AVAST Software
O43 - CFD: 21/06/2016 - 23:25:11 - [0] ----D C:\Users\DELL\AppData\Roaming\Avira
O43 - CFD: 11/06/2013 - 13:19:34 - [3,726] ----D C:\Users\DELL\AppData\Roaming\Azureus
O43 - CFD: 11/06/2013 - 21:50:11 - [0] ----D C:\Users\DELL\AppData\Roaming\CheckPoint
O43 - CFD: 27/05/2013 - 18:17:37 - [0] ----D C:\Users\DELL\AppData\Roaming\Foxit Software
O43 - CFD: 27/12/2012 - 02:41:16 - [0,017] ----D C:\Users\DELL\AppData\Roaming\GlarySoft
O43 - CFD: 05/07/2012 - 15:32:38 - [0] ----D C:\Users\DELL\AppData\Roaming\Identities
O43 - CFD: 09/11/2013 - 18:44:59 - [0] ----D C:\Users\DELL\AppData\Roaming\JLC's Software
O43 - CFD: 09/07/2012 - 19:08:36 - [0,055] ----D C:\Users\DELL\AppData\Roaming\Macromedia
O43 - CFD: 25/12/2012 - 17:17:23 - [46,527] ----D C:\Users\DELL\AppData\Roaming\Malwarebytes
O43 - CFD: 14/07/2009 - 10:00:32 - [0] ----D C:\Users\DELL\AppData\Roaming\Media Center Programs
O43 - CFD: 18/04/2016 - 02:28:38 - [2,819] -S--D C:\Users\DELL\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft
O43 - CFD: 26/12/2012 - 11:21:20 - [14,945] ----D C:\Users\DELL\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla
O43 - CFD: 13/06/2013 - 18:33:19 - [1,457] ----D C:\Users\DELL\AppData\Roaming\OpenOffice.org
O43 - CFD: 10/01/2013 - 18:23:22 - [41,875] ----D C:\Users\DELL\AppData\Roaming\Spotify
O43 - CFD: 22/06/2016 - 01:28:30 - [0,029] ----D C:\Users\DELL\AppData\Roaming\SUPERAntiSpyware.com
O43 - CFD: 26/12/2012 - 11:21:24 - [0,004] ----D C:\Users\DELL\AppData\Roaming\Talkback
O43 - CFD: 22/06/2016 - 01:23:13 - [0,001] ----D C:\Users\DELL\AppData\Roaming\TeamViewer
O43 - CFD: 10/01/2013 - 17:32:26 - [17,640] ----D C:\Users\DELL\AppData\Roaming\TMP
O43 - CFD: 25/12/2012 - 20:02:28 - [0] ----D C:\Users\DELL\AppData\Roaming\TuneUp Software
O43 - CFD: 25/08/2013 - 17:55:54 - [0,698] ----D C:\Users\DELL\AppData\Roaming\vlc
O43 - CFD: 05/07/2012 - 17:11:49 - [1,180] ----D C:\Users\DELL\AppData\Roaming\WinRAR
O43 - CFD: 01/03/2017 - 21:44:38 - [0,005] ----D C:\Users\DELL\AppData\Local\Adobe
O43 - CFD: 05/07/2012 - 15:32:24 - [0] ----D C:\Users\DELL\AppData\Local\Application Data
O43 - CFD: 10/01/2013 - 18:39:38 - [1,364] ----D C:\Users\DELL\AppData\Local\Apps
O43 - CFD: 22/06/2016 - 04:16:27 - [0] ----D C:\Users\DELL\AppData\Local\CEF
O43 - CFD: 07/03/2017 - 02:20:14 - [0,003] ----D C:\Users\DELL\AppData\Local\Dell
O43 - CFD: 10/01/2013 - 18:40:31 - [0] ----D C:\Users\DELL\AppData\Local\Deployment
O43 - CFD: 04/03/2017 - 06:17:04 - [0] ----D C:\Users\DELL\AppData\Local\ElevatedDiagnostics
O43 - CFD: 22/06/2016 - 00:26:36 - [0] -SH-D C:\Users\DELL\AppData\Local\EmieBrowserModeList
O43 - CFD: 29/06/2014 - 17:45:45 - [0] -SH-D C:\Users\DELL\AppData\Local\EmieSiteList
O43 - CFD: 29/06/2014 - 17:45:45 - [0] -SH-D C:\Users\DELL\AppData\Local\EmieUserList
O43 - CFD: 01/03/2017 - 22:00:15 - [1122,716] ----D C:\Users\DELL\AppData\Local\Google
O43 - CFD: 22/06/2016 - 05:54:53 - [0,000] ----D C:\Users\DELL\AppData\Local\GWX
O43 - CFD: 05/07/2012 - 15:32:24 - [0] ----D C:\Users\DELL\AppData\Local\Historique
O43 - CFD: 01/02/2013 - 20:28:58 - [5,240] ----D C:\Users\DELL\AppData\Local\LogMeIn Rescue Applet
O43 - CFD: 09/07/2012 - 19:08:36 - [0] ----D C:\Users\DELL\AppData\Local\Macromedia
O43 - CFD: 25/12/2012 - 19:56:25 - [9,669] ----D C:\Users\DELL\AppData\Local\MFAData
O43 - CFD: 02/03/2013 - 10:07:05 - [1,330] ----D C:\Users\DELL\AppData\Local\MGTEK
O43 - CFD: 22/03/2017 - 19:33:36 - [175,553] ----D C:\Users\DELL\AppData\Local\Microsoft
O43 - CFD: 21/07/2014 - 16:06:32 - [0,005] ----D C:\Users\DELL\AppData\Local\Microsoft Games
O43 - CFD: 26/12/2012 - 11:21:20 - [64,793] ----D C:\Users\DELL\AppData\Local\Mozilla
O43 - CFD: 25/12/2012 - 14:16:17 - [0,858] ----D C:\Users\DELL\AppData\Local\MSKLC
O43 - CFD: 05/03/2013 - 15:44:15 - [0] ----D C:\Users\DELL\AppData\Local\Programs
O43 - CFD: 06/03/2017 - 00:49:26 - [0,059] ----D C:\Users\DELL\AppData\Local\SoulseekQt
O43 - CFD: 10/01/2013 - 18:23:22 - [188,402] ----D C:\Users\DELL\AppData\Local\Spotify
O43 - CFD: 30/01/2013 - 10:13:38 - [0,000] ----D C:\Users\DELL\AppData\Local\supeasyfr1
O43 - CFD: 24/05/2013 - 15:52:09 - [0,000] ----D C:\Users\DELL\AppData\Local\supt4pc_fr_37
O43 - CFD: 22/03/2017 - 22:43:05 - [19,607] ----D C:\Users\DELL\AppData\Local\Temp
O43 - CFD: 05/07/2012 - 15:32:24 - [0] ----D C:\Users\DELL\AppData\Local\Temporary Internet Files
O43 - CFD: 05/07/2012 - 15:32:25 - [0] ----D C:\Users\DELL\AppData\Local\VirtualStore
O43 - CFD: 14/07/2009 - 05:42:04 - [0,013] R---D C:\Users\DELL\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Accessories
O43 - CFD: 03/03/2017 - 05:04:06 - [0,000] R---D C:\Users\DELL\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Administrative Tools
O43 - CFD: 10/01/2013 - 18:40:22 - [0,000] ----D C:\Users\DELL\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Dell
O43 - CFD: 14/07/2009 - 05:37:42 - [0,001] R---D C:\Users\DELL\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Maintenance
O43 - CFD: 03/03/2017 - 05:04:06 - [0,000] R---D C:\Users\DELL\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup
O43 - CFD: 05/07/2012 - 15:42:32 - [0,003] ----D C:\Users\DELL\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\WinRAR
~ Scan Program Folder in 00mn 25s

---\\ Derniers fichiers modifiés ou crées sous Windows et System32 (O44)
O44 - LFC:[MD5.3BC8A2A5E1AF884333AE90F49AB8E9BD] - 22/03/2017 - 22:40:36 ---A- . (...) -- C:\Windows\setupact.log [2190]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.E129ACC15E1B095D46C6B5E10006A467] - 22/03/2017 - 22:40:35 -S-A- . (...) -- C:\Windows\bootstat.dat [67584]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.3724BDFE2E108BA4B5BB949672177176] - 22/03/2017 - 22:40:28 ---A- . (...) -- C:\Windows\PFRO.log [242154]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.7228DFAAFE4C2BC783D12C854D786137] - 22/03/2017 - 20:56:06 ---A- . (...) -- C:\Windows\System32\PerfStringBackup.INI [1669584]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.06E686AB8413DA602CC015D70F9B6F54] - 22/03/2017 - 20:56:06 ---A- . (...) -- C:\Windows\System32\perfc009.dat [122336]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.E8BE6C126C5551E78957420C68B7199C] - 22/03/2017 - 20:56:06 ---A- . (...) -- C:\Windows\System32\perfc00C.dat [150386]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.0E37833521660F04A56427F16751D0D0] - 22/03/2017 - 20:56:06 ---A- . (...) -- C:\Windows\System32\perfh009.dat [654464]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.C278AEA17D53FE3CDFAB4A9B5683AA2F] - 22/03/2017 - 20:56:06 ---A- . (...) -- C:\Windows\System32\perfh00C.dat [747894]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.427761CA0E7664C123CA0DA851AE85BC] - 22/03/2017 - 20:50:45 ---A- . (...) -- C:\AdwCleaner[R9].txt [1648]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.0C997B061E3C66BD9E927C1288EB1CC7] - 22/03/2017 - 18:56:05 ---A- . (...) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\TrueSight.sys [24688]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.F985875CD97990BBC0F8C73D764D2849] - 22/03/2017 - 17:42:09 ---A- . (...) -- C:\AdwCleaner[S5].txt [1801]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.C2892858660B4C4D80AE68CA1C4081B3] - 22/03/2017 - 17:41:36 ---A- . (...) -- C:\AdwCleaner[R8].txt [1736]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.02E2DFAD442EDC5C75A8B2298810B411] - 22/03/2017 - 17:40:56 ---A- . (...) -- C:\AdwCleaner[R7].txt [1676]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.F01F07F9E0866DF3817C7298AF141A13] - 17/03/2017 - 18:15:16 ---A- . (...) -- C:\Windows\WindowsUpdate.log [1891661]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.5040009461B273BF5B2FFCC7F9FC14FB] - 07/03/2017 - 02:21:59 ---A- . (...) -- C:\Windows\DPINST.LOG [4708]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.D41D8CD98F00B204E9800998ECF8427E] - 07/03/2017 - 02:20:57 --HA- . (...) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\Msft_Kernel_Apfiltr_01009.Wdf [0]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.476A6EFB2BB338D2854B3751367F8F71] - 07/03/2017 - 02:20:33 ---A- . (.Alps Electric Co., Ltd. - Alps Touch Pad Driver.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\Apfiltr.sys [305488]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.1FB5E46BC3803F7D7C23DE7AF5CEFAB4] - 07/03/2017 - 02:20:33 ---A- . (.Alps Electric Co., Ltd. - Vxdif.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Vxdif.dll [122104]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.125136040234E25341ED7F286AE5A311] - 03/03/2017 - 05:01:17 ---A- . (...) -- C:\Windows\System32\FNTCACHE.DAT [286240]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.596D1F332737FFC909E1C821A3238D28] - 02/03/2017 - 10:51:09 ---A- . (.Adobe Systems Incorporated - Windows NT OpenType/Type 1 Font Driver.) -- C:\Windows\System32\atmfd.dll [308456]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.73BDA490A7B9FE900AFEF093F572EB42] - 02/03/2017 - 10:51:06 ---A- . (.Adobe Systems - Windows NT OpenType/Type 1 API Library..) -- C:\Windows\System32\atmlib.dll [34304]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.7C0D7A78003B9FABBA1F5412CBD370E2] - 01/03/2017 - 21:44:31 ---A- . (.Adobe Systems Incorporated - Adobe Flash Player Control Panel Applet.) -- C:\Windows\System32\FlashPlayerApp.exe [802904]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.163BF2B50393DF48E534B8BF19F066CD] - 01/03/2017 - 21:44:31 ---A- . (.Adobe Systems Incorporated - Adobe Flash Player Control Panel Applet.) -- C:\Windows\System32\FlashPlayerCPLApp.cpl [144472]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.2CBD6D22499EB13A2666F62EF33D00E2] - 12/11/2016 - 17:41:13 ---A- . (...) -- C:\Windows\System32\ieuinit.inf [16303]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.79FED832C161DFA33201352891478D7F] - 11/10/2016 - 14:18:09 ---A- . (...) -- C:\Windows\System32\locale.nls [419648]
~ Scan Files in 00mn 13s

---\\ Export de clé d'application autorisée (O47)
O47 - AAKE:Key Export SP - "C:\Program Files\Spybot - Search & Destroy 2\SDTray.exe" [Enabled] .(.Safer-Networking Ltd. - Spybot - Search & Destroy tray access.) -- C:\Program Files\Spybot - Search & Destroy 2\SDTray.exe
O47 - AAKE:Key Export SP - "C:\Program Files\Spybot - Search & Destroy 2\SDFSSvc.exe" [Enabled] .(.Safer-Networking Ltd. - Spybot-S&D 2 Scanner Service.) -- C:\Program Files\Spybot - Search & Destroy 2\SDFSSvc.exe
O47 - AAKE:Key Export SP - "C:\Program Files\Spybot - Search & Destroy 2\SDUpdate.exe" [Enabled] .(.Safer-Networking Ltd. - Update.) -- C:\Program Files\Spybot - Search & Destroy 2\SDUpdate.exe
O47 - AAKE:Key Export SP - "C:\Program Files\Spybot - Search & Destroy 2\SDUpdSvc.exe" [Enabled] .(.Safer-Networking Ltd. - Spybot-S&D 2 Background update service.) -- C:\Program Files\Spybot - Search & Destroy 2\SDUpdSvc.exe
~ Scan Keys in 00mn 00s

---\\ Déni du service (Local Security Authority) (O48)
O48 - LSA:Local Security Authority Authentication Packages . (.Microsoft Corporation - Microsoft Authentication Package v1.0.) -- C:\Windows\System32\msv1_0.dll
O48 - LSA:Local Security Authority Notification Packages . (.Microsoft Corporation - Moteur du client de l’Éditeur de configuration de sécurité Windows.) -- C:\Windows\System32\scecli.dll
O48 - LSA:Local Security Authority Security Packages . (.Microsoft Corporation - Package de sécurité Kerberos.) -- C:\Windows\System32\kerberos.dll
O48 - LSA:Local Security Authority Security Packages . (.Microsoft Corporation - Microsoft Authentication Package v1.0.) -- C:\Windows\System32\msv1_0.dll
O48 - LSA:Local Security Authority Security Packages . (.Microsoft Corporation - TLS / SSL Security Provider.) -- C:\Windows\System32\schannel.dll
O48 - LSA:Local Security Authority Security Packages . (.Microsoft Corporation - Microsoft Digest Access.) -- C:\Windows\System32\wdigest.dll
O48 - LSA:Local Security Authority Security Packages . (.Microsoft Corporation - Web Service Security Package.) -- C:\Windows\System32\tspkg.dll
O48 - LSA:Local Security Authority Security Packages . (.Microsoft Corporation - Pku2u Security Package.) -- C:\Windows\System32\pku2u.dll
~ Scan Keys in 00mn 00s

---\\ Contrôle du Safe Boot (CSB) (O49)
O49 - CSB:Control Safe Boot HKLM\...\CCS\Minimal\sermouse.sys . (.Microsoft Corporation - Pilote de filtre souris série.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\sermouse.sys
O49 - CSB:Control Safe Boot HKLM\...\CCS\Minimal\vga.sys . (.Microsoft Corporation - VGA/Super VGA Video Driver.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\vga.sys
O49 - CSB:Control Safe Boot HKLM\...\CCS\Minimal\vgasave.sys . (...) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\vgasave.sys (.not file.)
O49 - CSB:Control Safe Boot HKLM\...\CCS\Minimal\volmgr.sys . (.Microsoft Corporation - Volume Manager Driver.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\volmgr.sys
O49 - CSB:Control Safe Boot HKLM\...\CCS\Minimal\volmgrx.sys . (.Microsoft Corporation - Pilote d’extension du gestionnaire de volumes.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\volmgrx.sys
O49 - CSB:Control Safe Boot HKLM\...\CCS\Minimal\Wdf01000.sys . (.Microsoft Corporation - Runtime de l’infrastructure de pilotes en mode noyau.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\Wdf01000.sys
O49 - CSB:Control Safe Boot HKLM\...\CCS\Network\ipnat.sys . (.Microsoft Corporation - IP Network Address Translator.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\ipnat.sys
O49 - CSB:Control Safe Boot HKLM\...\CCS\Network\nsiproxy.sys . (.Microsoft Corporation - NSI Proxy.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\nsiproxy.sys
O49 - CSB:Control Safe Boot HKLM\...\CCS\Network\rdpencdd.sys . (.Microsoft Corporation - RDP Encoder Miniport.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\rdpencdd.sys
O49 - CSB:Control Safe Boot HKLM\...\CCS\Network\sermouse.sys . (.Microsoft Corporation - Pilote de filtre souris série.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\sermouse.sys
O49 - CSB:Control Safe Boot HKLM\...\CCS\Network\vga.sys . (.Microsoft Corporation - VGA/Super VGA Video Driver.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\vga.sys
O49 - CSB:Control Safe Boot HKLM\...\CCS\Network\vgasave.sys . (...) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\vgasave.sys (.not file.)
O49 - CSB:Control Safe Boot HKLM\...\CCS\Network\volmgr.sys . (.Microsoft Corporation - Volume Manager Driver.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\volmgr.sys
O49 - CSB:Control Safe Boot HKLM\...\CCS\Network\volmgrx.sys . (.Microsoft Corporation - Pilote d’extension du gestionnaire de volumes.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\volmgrx.sys
O49 - CSB:Control Safe Boot HKLM\...\CCS\Network\Wdf01000.sys . (.Microsoft Corporation - Runtime de l’infrastructure de pilotes en mode noyau.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\Wdf01000.sys
~ Scan CSB in 00mn 00s

---\\ MountPoints2 Shell Key (O51) (None)

---\\ Trojan Driver Search Data (HKLM) (O52)
O52 - TDSD: \Drivers32\"msacm.l3acm"="C:\Windows\System32\l3codeca.acm" . (.Fraunhofer Institut Integrierte Schaltungen - MPEG Layer-3 Audio Codec for MSACM.) -- C:\Windows\System32\l3codeca.acm
O52 - TDSD: \Drivers32\"vidc.cvid"="iccvid.dll" . (.Radius Inc. - Codec Cinepak®.) -- C:\Windows\System32\iccvid.dll
O52 - TDSD: \drivers.desc\"C:\Windows\System32\l3codeca.acm"="Fraunhofer IIS MPEG Layer-3 Codec" . (.Fraunhofer Institut Integrierte Schaltungen - MPEG Layer-3 Audio Codec for MSACM.) -- C:\Windows\System32\l3codeca.acm
~ Scan Keys in 00mn 00s

---\\ ShareTools MSconfig StartupReg (O53)
O53 - SMSR:HKLM\...\startupreg\adsl TV [Key] . (...) -- C:\Program Files\adslTV\adsltv.exe (.not file.)
O53 - SMSR:HKLM\...\startupreg\AVG-Secure-Search-Update_0913b [Key] . (...) -- C:\Users\DELL\AppData\Roaming\AVG 0913b Campaign\AVG-Secure-Search-Update-0913b.exe (.not file.)
O53 - SMSR:HKLM\...\startupreg\AVG_UI [Key] . (...) -- C:\Program Files\AVG\AVG2013\avgui.exe (.not file.)
O53 - SMSR:HKLM\...\startupreg\Broadcom Wireless Manager UI [Key] . (...) -- C:\Program Files\Broadcom\Broadcom 802.11 Network Adapter\WLTRAY.exe (.not file.)
O53 - SMSR:HKLM\...\startupreg\ccleaner [Key] . (.Piriform Ltd - CCleaner.) -- C:\Program Files\CCleaner\CCleaner.exe
O53 - SMSR:HKLM\...\startupreg\Google Update [Key] . (.Google Inc. - Google Update Core.) -- C:\Users\DELL\AppData\Local\Google\Update\\GoogleUpdateCore.exe
O53 - SMSR:HKLM\...\startupreg\HOSTS Anti-Adware_PUPs [Key] . (...) -- C:\Program Files\Hosts_Anti_Adwares_PUPs\HOSTS_Anti-Adware_main.exe (.not file.)
O53 - SMSR:HKLM\...\startupreg\SDTray [Key] . (.Safer-Networking Ltd. - Spybot - Search & Destroy tray access.) -- C:\Program Files\Spybot - Search & Destroy 2\SDTray.exe
O53 - SMSR:HKLM\...\startupreg\Spotify [Key] . (.Spotify Ltd - Spotify.) -- C:\Users\DELL\AppData\Roaming\Spotify\spotify.exe
O53 - SMSR:HKLM\...\startupreg\Spotify Web Helper [Key] . (.Spotify Ltd - SpotifyWebHelper.) -- C:\Users\DELL\AppData\Roaming\Spotify\Data\SpotifyWebHelper.exe
O53 - SMSR:HKLM\...\startupreg\tuto4pc_fr_23 [Key] . (...) -- C:\Program Files\tuto4pc_fr_23\tuto4pc_fr_23.exe (.not file.)
O53 - SMSR:HKLM\...\startupreg\tuto4pc_fr_37 [Key] . (...) -- C:\Program Files\tuto4pc_fr_37\tuto4pc_fr_37.exe (.not file.)
O53 - SMSR:HKLM\...\startupreg\vProt [Key] . (...) -- C:\Program Files\AVG Nation toolbar\vprot.exe (.not file.)
O53 - SMSR:HKLM\...\startupreg\ZoneAlarm Installer [Key] . (...) -- C:\Program Files\CheckPoint\Install\Launcher.exe (.not file.)
~ Scan SMSR Keys in 00mn 00s

---\\ Microsoft Control Security Providers (O54)
O54 - MCSP:[HKLM\...\CurrentControlSet\Control] - (SecurityProviders) - (.Microsoft Corporation - Credential Delegation Security Package.) -- C:\Windows\System32\credssp.dll
O54 - MCSP:[HKLM\...\ControlSet001\Control] - (SecurityProviders) - (.Microsoft Corporation - Credential Delegation Security Package.) -- C:\Windows\System32\credssp.dll
~ Scan Keys in 00mn 00s

---\\ Microsoft Windows Policies System (O55)
O55 - MWPS:[HKLM\...\Policies\System] - "ConsentPromptBehaviorAdmin"=2
O55 - MWPS:[HKLM\...\Policies\System] - "ConsentPromptBehaviorUser"=3
O55 - MWPS:[HKLM\...\Policies\System] - "EnableInstallerDetection"=1
O55 - MWPS:[HKLM\...\Policies\System] - "EnableLUA"=0
O55 - MWPS:[HKLM\...\Policies\System] - "EnableSecureUIAPaths"=1
O55 - MWPS:[HKLM\...\Policies\System] - "EnableUIADesktopToggle"=0
O55 - MWPS:[HKLM\...\Policies\System] - "EnableVirtualization"=1
O55 - MWPS:[HKLM\...\Policies\System] - "PromptOnSecureDesktop"=0
O55 - MWPS:[HKLM\...\Policies\System] - "ValidateAdminCodeSignatures"=0
O55 - MWPS:[HKLM\...\Policies\System] - "dontdisplaylastusername"=0
O55 - MWPS:[HKLM\...\Policies\System] - "legalnoticecaption"=0
O55 - MWPS:[HKLM\...\Policies\System] - "legalnoticetext"=0
O55 - MWPS:[HKLM\...\Policies\System] - "scforceoption"=0
O55 - MWPS:[HKLM\...\Policies\System] - "shutdownwithoutlogon"=1
O55 - MWPS:[HKLM\...\Policies\System] - "undockwithoutlogon"=1
O55 - MWPS:[HKLM\...\Policies\System] - "FilterAdministratorToken"=0
~ Scan Keys in 00mn 00s

---\\ Microsoft Windows Policies Explorer (O56)
O56 - MWPE:[HKCU\...\policies\Explorer] - "NoDriveTypeAutoRun"=145
~ Scan Keys in 00mn 00s

---\\ Liste des Drivers Système (O58)
O58 - SDL:[MD5.21E785EBD7DC90A06391141AAC7892FB] - 14/07/2009 - 02:26:15 ---A- . (.Adaptec, Inc. - Adaptec Windows SAS/SATA Storport Driver.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\adp94xx.sys [422976]
O58 - SDL:[MD5.8AAD333C876590293F72B315E162BCC7] - 13/07/2009 - 22:40:41 ---A- . (...) -- C:\Windows\System32\ANSI.SYS [9029]
~ Scan Drivers in 00mn 00s

---\\ Liste des services Legacy (O64)
O64 - Services: CurCS - 02/03/2015 - C:\Windows\System32\DRIVERS\avgntflt.sys (avgntflt) .(.Avira Operations GmbH & Co. KG - Avira Minifilter Driver.) - LEGACY_AVGNTFLT
O64 - Services: CurCS - 27/10/2013 - C:\Windows\system32\drivers\avgtpx86.sys (avgtp) .(.AVG Technologies - Pas de description.) - LEGACY_AVGTP
O64 - Services: CurCS - 02/03/2015 - C:\Windows\System32\DRIVERS\avipbb.sys (avipbb) .(.Avira Operations GmbH & Co. KG - Avira Driver for Security Enhancement.) - LEGACY_AVIPBB
O64 - Services: CurCS - 02/03/2015 - C:\Windows\System32\DRIVERS\avkmgr.sys (avkmgr) .(.Avira Operations GmbH & Co. KG - Avira Manager Driver.) - LEGACY_AVKMGR
O64 - Services: CurCS - 14/12/2012 - C:\Windows\system32\drivers\mbam.sys (MBAMProtector) .(.Malwarebytes Corporation - Malwarebytes Anti-Malware.) - LEGACY_MBAMPROTECTOR
O64 - Services: CurCS - ??\??\???? - C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\secdrv.sys (secdrv) .(.Macrovision Corporation, Macrovision Europe - Macrovision SECURITY Driver.) - LEGACY_SECDRV
O64 - Services: CurCS - 02/03/2015 - C:\Windows\System32\DRIVERS\ssmdrv.sys (ssmdrv) .(.Avira GmbH - AVIRA SnapShot Driver.) - LEGACY_SSMDRV
O64 - Services: CurCS - 22/03/2017 - C:\Windows\system32\drivers\TrueSight.sys - TrueSight (TrueSight) .(...) - LEGACY_TRUESIGHT
~ Scan Services in 00mn 00s

---\\ File Associations Shell Spawning (O67)
O67 - Shell Spawning: <.bat> [HKLM\..\open\Command] (...) -- "%1" %*
O67 - Shell Spawning: <.cpl> [HKLM\..\cplopen\Command] (.Microsoft Corporation - Windows Control Panel.) -- C:\Windows\System32\control.exe
O67 - Shell Spawning: <.cmd> [HKLM\..\open\Command] (...) -- "%1" %*
O67 - Shell Spawning: <.com> [HKLM\..\open\Command] (...) -- "%1" %*
O67 - Shell Spawning: <.evt> [HKLM\..\open\Command] (.Microsoft Corporation - Lanceur du composant logiciel enfichable Observateur d’événements.) -- C:\Windows\System32\eventvwr.exe
O67 - Shell Spawning: <.exe> [HKLM\..\open\Command] (...) -- "%1" %*
O67 - Shell Spawning: <.html> [HKLM\..\open\Command] (.Microsoft Corporation - Internet Explorer.) -- C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe
O67 - Shell Spawning: <.js> [HKLM\..\open\Command] (.Microsoft Corporation - Microsoft ® Windows Based Script Host.) -- C:\Windows\System32\WScript.exe
O67 - Shell Spawning: <.reg> [HKLM\..\open\Command] (.Microsoft Corporation - Éditeur du Registre.) -- C:\Windows\regedit.exe
O67 - Shell Spawning: <.html> [HKCU\..\open\Command] (.Google Inc. - Google Chrome.) -- C:\Users\DELL\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe
O67 - Shell Spawning: <.bat> [HKCR\..\open\Command] (...) -- "%1" %*
O67 - Shell Spawning: <.cpl> [HKCR\..\cplopen\Command] (.Microsoft Corporation - Windows Control Panel.) -- C:\Windows\System32\control.exe
O67 - Shell Spawning: <.cmd> [HKCR\..\open\Command] (...) -- "%1" %*
O67 - Shell Spawning: <.com> [HKCR\..\open\Command] (...) -- "%1" %*
O67 - Shell Spawning: <.evt> [HKCR\..\open\Command] (.Microsoft Corporation - Lanceur du composant logiciel enfichable Observateur d’événements.) -- C:\Windows\System32\eventvwr.exe
O67 - Shell Spawning: <.exe> [HKCR\..\open\Command] (...) -- "%1" %*
O67 - Shell Spawning: <.html> [HKCR\..\open\Command] (.Google Inc. - Google Chrome.) -- C:\Users\DELL\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe
O67 - Shell Spawning: <.js> [HKCR\..\open\Command] (.Microsoft Corporation - Microsoft ® Windows Based Script Host.) -- C:\Windows\System32\WScript.exe
O67 - Shell Spawning: <.reg> [HKCR\..\open\Command] (.Microsoft Corporation - Éditeur du Registre.) -- C:\Windows\regedit.exe
~ Scan Keys in 00mn 00s

---\\ Start Menu Internet (O68)
O68 - StartMenuInternet: [HKLM\..\Shell\open\Command] (.Google Inc. - Google Chrome.) -- C:\Users\DELL\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe
O68 - StartMenuInternet: [HKLM\..\Shell\open\Command] (.Microsoft Corporation - Internet Explorer.) -- C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe
O68 - StartMenuInternet: [HKLM\..\InstallInfo\ShowIconsCommand] (...) -- C:\Users\DELL\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe (.not file.)
O68 - StartMenuInternet: [HKLM\..\InstallInfo\ShowIconsCommand] (...) -- C:\Windows\System32\ie4uinit.exe (.not file.)
O68 - StartMenuInternet: [HKLM\..\InstallInfo\ReinstallCommand] (...) -- C:\Users\DELL\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe (.not file.)
O68 - StartMenuInternet: [HKLM\..\InstallInfo\ReinstallCommand] (...) -- C:\Windows\System32\ie4uinit.exe (.not file.)
O68 - StartMenuInternet: [HKLM\..\InstallInfo\HideIconsCommand] (...) -- C:\Users\DELL\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe (.not file.)
O68 - StartMenuInternet: [HKLM\..\InstallInfo\HideIconsCommand] (...) -- C:\Windows\System32\ie4uinit.exe (.not file.)
~ Scan Keys in 00mn 00s

---\\ Search Browser Infection (O69)
O69 - SBI: SearchScopes [HKCU] {0633EE93-D776-472f-A0FF-E1416B8B2E3A} - (Bing) - http://www.bing.com
O69 - SBI: SearchScopes [HKCU] {121CD75B-A115-45D4-BB04-91BFB429953C} - (Google) - http://www.google.com
O69 - SBI: SearchScopes [HKCU] {19F296C1-D831-4346-B8DF-C8890C908D4F} - (Search The Web (buenosearch)) - http://www.buenosearch.com
O69 - SBI: SearchScopes [HKCU] {460C3D19-B3D4-4964-A550-77D263B0CCCB} - (Trovi search) - http://www.trovi.com
O69 - SBI: SearchScopes [HKCU] {6A1806CD-94D4-4689-BA73-E35EA1EA9990} - (Bing) - http://www.bing.com
O69 - SBI: SearchScopes [HKCU] {A33DB9FD-7A8A-496E-92D3-9CFCF9D9E1C9} - (Trovi search) - http://www.trovi.com
~ Scan Keys in 00mn 00s

---\\ Recherche des services démarrés par Svchost (O83)
O83 - Search Svchost Services: AeLookupSvc (AeLookupSvc) . (.Microsoft Corporation - Service Expérience d’application.) -- C:\Windows\System32\aelupsvc.dll [62464]
O83 - Search Svchost Services: CertPropSvc (CertPropSvc) . (.Microsoft Corporation - Service de propagation de certificats de cartes à puce Microsoft.) -- C:\Windows\System32\certprop.dll [67584]
O83 - Search Svchost Services: SCPolicySvc (SCPolicySvc) . (.Microsoft Corporation - Service de propagation de certificats de cartes à puce Microsoft.) -- C:\Windows\System32\certprop.dll [67584]
O83 - Search Svchost Services: lanmanserver (lanmanserver) . (.Microsoft Corporation - DLL du service Serveur.) -- C:\Windows\System32\srvsvc.dll [168960]
O83 - Search Svchost Services: gpsvc (gpsvc) . (.Microsoft Corporation - Client de stratégie de groupe.) -- C:\Windows\System32\gpsvc.dll [606720]
O83 - Search Svchost Services: IKEEXT (IKEEXT) . (.Microsoft Corporation - Extension IKE.) -- C:\Windows\System32\ikeext.dll [679424]
O83 - Search Svchost Services: AudioSrv (AudioSrv) . (.Microsoft Corporation - Service Audio Windows.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Audiosrv.dll [474624]
O83 - Search Svchost Services: Rasauto (Rasauto) . (.Microsoft Corporation - Gestionnaire de numérotation automatique d’accès distant.) -- C:\Windows\System32\rasauto.dll [90624]
O83 - Search Svchost Services: Rasman (Rasman) . (.Microsoft Corporation - Gestionnaire de connexions d’accès distant.) -- C:\Windows\System32\rasmans.dll [286208]
O83 - Search Svchost Services: Remoteaccess (Remoteaccess) . (.Microsoft Corporation - Gestionnaire d’interface dynamique.) -- C:\Windows\System32\mprdim.dll [75264]
O83 - Search Svchost Services: SENS (SENS) . (.Microsoft Corporation - Service de notification d’événements système (SENS).) -- C:\Windows\System32\sens.dll [49664]
O83 - Search Svchost Services: Sharedaccess (Sharedaccess) . (.Microsoft Corporation - Composants de l’application d’assistance à Microsoft NAT.) -- C:\Windows\System32\ipnathlp.dll [300544]
O83 - Search Svchost Services: Tapisrv (Tapisrv) . (.Microsoft Corporation - Serveur de téléphonie Microsoft® Windows(TM).) -- C:\Windows\System32\tapisrv.dll [242176]
O83 - Search Svchost Services: TermService (TermService) . (.Microsoft Corporation - Gestionnaire des connexions distantes du serveur hôte de session Burea.) -- C:\Windows\System32\termsrv.dll [523776]
O83 - Search Svchost Services: wuauserv (wuauserv) . (.Microsoft Corporation - Agent de mise à jour automatique Windows Update.) -- C:\Windows\System32\wuaueng.dll [2060288]
O83 - Search Svchost Services: BITS (BITS) . (.Microsoft Corporation - Service de transfert intelligent en arrière-plan.) -- C:\Windows\System32\qmgr.dll [585728]
O83 - Search Svchost Services: ShellHWDetection (ShellHWDetection) . (.Microsoft Corporation - Dll des services Windows Shell.) -- C:\Windows\System32\shsvcs.dll [328192]
O83 - Search Svchost Services: iphlpsvc (iphlpsvc) . (.Microsoft Corporation - Service offrant une connectivité IPv6 sur un réseau IPv4..) -- C:\Windows\System32\iphlpsvc.dll [499712]
O83 - Search Svchost Services: seclogon (seclogon) . (.Microsoft Corporation - DLL de service d’ouverture de session secondaire.) -- C:\Windows\system32\seclogon.dll [21504]
O83 - Search Svchost Services: AppInfo (AppInfo) . (.Microsoft Corporation - Service Informations d’application.) -- C:\Windows\System32\appinfo.dll [47104]
O83 - Search Svchost Services: msiscsi (msiscsi) . (.Microsoft Corporation - Service de découverte iSCSI.) -- C:\Windows\System32\iscsiexe.dll [114688]
O83 - Search Svchost Services: MMCSS (MMCSS) . (.Microsoft Corporation - Service Planificateur de classes multimédias.) -- C:\Windows\System32\mmcss.dll [49664]
O83 - Search Svchost Services: wercplsupport (wercplsupport) . (.Microsoft Corporation - Rapports et solutions aux problèmes.) -- C:\Windows\System32\wercplsupport.dll [61440]
O83 - Search Svchost Services: EapHost (EapHost) . (.Microsoft Corporation - Service EAPHost Microsoft.) -- C:\Windows\System32\eapsvc.dll [98304]
O83 - Search Svchost Services: ProfSvc (ProfSvc) . (.Microsoft Corporation - ProfSvc.) -- C:\Windows\System32\profsvc.dll [164864]
O83 - Search Svchost Services: schedule (schedule) . (.Microsoft Corporation - Service du Planificateur de tâches.) -- C:\Windows\System32\schedsvc.dll [751104]
O83 - Search Svchost Services: hkmsvc (hkmsvc) . (.Microsoft Corporation - Service Gestion des clés.) -- C:\Windows\System32\kmsvc.dll [71168]
O83 - Search Svchost Services: SessionEnv (SessionEnv) . (.Microsoft Corporation - Service Configuration des services Bureau à distance.) -- C:\Windows\System32\sessenv.dll [113664]
O83 - Search Svchost Services: winmgmt (winmgmt) . (.Microsoft Corporation - WMI.) -- C:\Windows\System32\wbem\WMIsvc.dll [168960]
O83 - Search Svchost Services: browser (browser) . (.Microsoft Corporation - DLL du service Explorateur d’ordinateurs.) -- C:\Windows\System32\browser.dll [102912]
O83 - Search Svchost Services: Themes (Themes) . (.Microsoft Corporation - DLL du service des thèmes Windows Shell.) -- C:\Windows\System32\themeservice.dll [37376]
O83 - Search Svchost Services: BDESVC (BDESVC) . (.Microsoft Corporation - Service BDE.) -- C:\Windows\System32\bdesvc.dll [76800]
O83 - Search Svchost Services: AppMgmt (AppMgmt) . (.Microsoft Corporation - Service Installation de logiciels.) -- C:\Windows\System32\appmgmts.dll [149504]
~ Scan Services in 00mn 00s

---\\ Recherche particuliere à la racine de certains dossiers (O84)
[MD5.98161DC6255C6BE7FFA89BEA634E2A6E] [SPRF][13/06/2014] (...) -- C:\ProgramData\uninstall_Deeal.exe [431104]
[MD5.2B17F4EAF9DB3DE0ADBF59F8F2C5DE50] [SPRF][01/03/2017] (.Google - Chrome Cleanup Tool.) -- C:\Users\DELL\AppData\Local\Temp\DF29.exe [3387896]
[MD5.ECB37619C729F6BCD19216CDEDDB1E38] [SPRF][11/10/2016] (.Microsoft Corporation - NT Layer DLL.) -- C:\Users\DELL\AppData\Local\Temp\dllnt_dump.dll [1310528]
[MD5.24BCAF1BBB1F29E0245416B5D2873E46] [SPRF][24/08/2014] (...) -- C:\Users\DELL\AppData\Local\Temp\optprosetup.exe [5777584]
~ Scan Files in 00mn 00s

---\\ Firewall Active Exception List (FirewallRules) (O87)
O87 - FAEL: "{147B868E-E545-41CF-B9F0-BF89696F79B7}" |In - Private - P6 - TRUE | .(...) -- C:\Program Files\AVG\AVG2013\avgmfapx.exe (.not file.)
O87 - FAEL: "{C062C7B8-CF9C-499E-86ED-A6AA7D6C1FC7}" |In - Private - P17 - TRUE | .(...) -- C:\Program Files\AVG\AVG2013\avgmfapx.exe (.not file.)
O87 - FAEL: "{BA8405CB-64EA-48D0-86FB-8BF30D7B1F97}" | In - Private - P6 - TRUE | .(.Spotify Ltd - Spotify.) -- C:\Users\DELL\AppData\Roaming\Spotify\spotify.exe
O87 - FAEL: "{F7A5BE6F-0BC8-4353-94E1-2D7EB4F11EDF}" | In - Private - P17 - TRUE | .(.Spotify Ltd - Spotify.) -- C:\Users\DELL\AppData\Roaming\Spotify\spotify.exe
O87 - FAEL: "{F6DCB8B7-0229-45B6-B36F-0FBA02C4E323}" | In - Public - P6 - TRUE | .(.Spotify Ltd - Spotify.) -- C:\Users\DELL\AppData\Roaming\Spotify\spotify.exe
O87 - FAEL: "{D4378F8F-926C-4F47-BCB6-49A29E0C066F}" | In - Public - P17 - TRUE | .(.Spotify Ltd - Spotify.) -- C:\Users\DELL\AppData\Roaming\Spotify\spotify.exe
O87 - FAEL: "{F1AE3CAE-2A29-47DC-AACC-6E90DCA94142}" |In - Public - P6 - TRUE | .(...) -- C:\Program Files\adslTV\adsltv.exe (.not file.)
O87 - FAEL: "{FFAEAD32-4696-4994-A3AD-EBD051D5FD1E}" |In - Public - P17 - TRUE | .(...) -- C:\Program Files\adslTV\adsltv.exe (.not file.)
O87 - FAEL: "{04CA5F0A-AB35-4075-9147-C2C959671A03}" |In - Public - P6 - TRUE | .(...) -- C:\Program Files\adslTV\VLC\vlc.exe (.not file.)
O87 - FAEL: "{E205B3E7-17F2-4D85-B11A-58B0C1B8657C}" |In - Public - P17 - TRUE | .(...) -- C:\Program Files\adslTV\VLC\vlc.exe (.not file.)
O87 - FAEL: "{ADF14407-F5EF-4B46-9643-EB8E9CF5894B}" |In - Public - P6 - TRUE | .(...) -- C:\Program Files\AVG\AVG2013\avgnsx.exe (.not file.)
O87 - FAEL: "{59492721-D424-4843-B6B9-3FCF7459353D}" |In - Public - P17 - TRUE | .(...) -- C:\Program Files\AVG\AVG2013\avgnsx.exe (.not file.)
O87 - FAEL: "{8D7028F0-92B1-4F4A-946E-480367FFB851}" |In - Public - P6 - TRUE | .(...) -- C:\Program Files\AVG\AVG2013\avgdiagex.exe (.not file.)
O87 - FAEL: "{5088392C-F98C-4925-B53E-E650524F0C63}" |In - Public - P17 - TRUE | .(...) -- C:\Program Files\AVG\AVG2013\avgdiagex.exe (.not file.)
O87 - FAEL: "{76D9F0D6-9FA6-484E-B95B-04141E290757}" |In - Public - P6 - TRUE | .(...) -- C:\Program Files\AVG\AVG2013\avgemcx.exe (.not file.)
O87 - FAEL: "{2D29D2C5-7976-421C-894D-8CFD7F75911A}" |In - Public - P17 - TRUE | .(...) -- C:\Program Files\AVG\AVG2013\avgemcx.exe (.not file.)
O87 - FAEL: "TCP Query User{E9220B01-CF60-4B61-ABC9-E30E2CF7EEE0}C:\program files\adsltv\adsltv.exe" |In - Private - P6 - TRUE | .(...) -- C:\program files\adsltv\adsltv.exe (.not file.)
O87 - FAEL: "UDP Query User{0AD39F5F-C037-419C-8E32-51E9915066F5}C:\program files\adsltv\adsltv.exe" |In - Private - P17 - TRUE | .(...) -- C:\program files\adsltv\adsltv.exe (.not file.)
O87 - FAEL: "{90943966-DAAE-41F2-89A6-E92B54929679}" | In - None - P17 - TRUE | .(.Google Inc. - Google Chrome.) -- C:\Users\DELL\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe
O87 - FAEL: "TCP Query User{7009E7D6-9531-46C3-B56E-0006FB61AE04}C:\program files\soulseekqt\soulseekqt.exe" | In - Public - P6 - TRUE | .(...) -- C:\program files\soulseekqt\soulseekqt.exe
O87 - FAEL: "UDP Query User{2793FBA1-0E6B-4704-82A2-74BF47ABA77D}C:\program files\soulseekqt\soulseekqt.exe" | In - Public - P17 - TRUE | .(...) -- C:\program files\soulseekqt\soulseekqt.exe
~ Scan Firewall in 00mn 01s

---\\ Product Upgrade Codes (O90)
O90 - PUC: "1ED3565076566C049B03933D996B3496" . (.OpenOffice.org 3.3.) -- c:\Windows\Installer\{05653DE1-6567-40C6-B930-39D399B64369}\soffice.ico
O90 - PUC: "3702794CEFB2D574481465E49AD71A16" . (.QuickSet32.) -- C:\Windows\Installer\{C4972073-2BFE-475D-8441-564EA97DA161}\ARPPRODUCTICON.exe
O90 - PUC: "42510D6586DC67541BEA5D278EAEFFD3" . (.Adblock IE 2.2.) -- C:\Windows\Installer\{56D01524-CD68-4576-B1AE-D572E8EAFF3D}\app.ico
O90 - PUC: "9CB66E996B4EF584BACF13FEEC63FDFD" . (.Microsoft Keyboard Layout Creator 1.4.) -- C:\Windows\Installer\{99E66BC9-E4B6-485F-ABFC-31EFCE36DFDF}\_21F3885A18D238E15AAE81.exe
O90 - PUC: "D7314F9862C648A4DB8BE2A5B47BE100" . (.Microsoft Silverlight.) -- c:\Windows\Installer\{89F4137D-6C26-4A84-BDB8-2E5A4BB71E00}\ARPIcon
O90 - PUC: "F6071111A6667304777712318267D401" . (.JavaFX 2.1.1.) -- C:\Windows\Installer\{1111706F-666A-4037-7777-211328764D10}\javaIcon.ico
~ Scan Files in 00mn 00s

---\\ Etat général des services non Microsoft (EGS) (SR=Running, SS=Stopped)
SR - | Auto 02/03/2015 432888 | (AntiVirSchedulerService) . (.Avira Operations GmbH & Co. KG.) - C:\Program Files\Avira\AntiVir Desktop\sched.exe
SS - | Auto 02/03/2015 432888 | (AntiVirService) . (.Avira Operations GmbH & Co. KG.) - C:\Program Files\Avira\AntiVir Desktop\avguard.exe
SR - | Auto 09/03/2017 349560 | (Avira.ServiceHost) . (.Avira Operations GmbH & Co. KG.) - C:\Program Files\Avira\Launcher\Avira.ServiceHost.exe
SS - | Demand 09/05/2011 136120 | (gusvc) . (.Google.) - C:\Program Files\Google\Common\Google Updater\GoogleUpdaterService.exe
SS - | Auto 0 | (HOSTS Anti-PUPs) . (...) - C:\Program Files\Hosts_Anti_Adwares_PUPs\HOSTS_Anti-Adware.exe
SS - | Auto 14/12/2012 398184 | (MBAMScheduler) . (.Malwarebytes Corporation.) - C:\Program Files\Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware\mbamscheduler.exe
SS - | Auto 14/12/2012 682344 | (MBAMService) . (.Malwarebytes Corporation.) - C:\Program Files\Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware\mbamservice.exe
SR - | Auto 13/11/2012 1103392 | (SDScannerService) . (.Safer-Networking Ltd..) - C:\Program Files\Spybot - Search & Destroy 2\SDFSSvc.exe
SR - | Auto 13/11/2012 1369624 | (SDUpdateService) . (.Safer-Networking Ltd..) - C:\Program Files\Spybot - Search & Destroy 2\SDUpdSvc.exe
SR - | Auto 13/11/2012 168384 | (SDWSCService) . (.Safer-Networking Ltd..) - C:\Program Files\Spybot - Search & Destroy 2\SDWSCSvc.exe
SS - | Auto 8192 | (WIN-srvGA) . (...) - C:\Windows\system32\srvany.exe
SS - | Demand 14/07/2009 20992 | C:\Program Files\Windows Defender\mpsvc.dll (WinDefend) . (.Microsoft Corporation.) - C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe
SS - | Demand 14/07/2009 20992 | C:\Windows\System32\wuaueng.dll (wuauserv) . (.Microsoft Corporation.) - C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe
~ Scan Services in 00mn 01s

End of the scan (982 lines in 01mn 36s)(0)


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