Format du document : text/plain
maxgputemp 85
stratumproxy enabled
proxywallet 0xF4de0B3664D757D98F100004c1fA138C2EB948B5
flags --cl-global-work 16384 --farm-recheck 200
globalfan 85
# !!!!!!!!!!!!! IMPORTANT NOTICE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
# If you are just starting out, please note:
# all lines with a pound sign are comments, they are ignored by all scripts.
# 1. Set ethOS to single rig mode:
# 2. In /home/ethos/local.conf , change "0x0bdC4F12fB57d3acA9C3cF72B7AA2789A20d27f2" to your wallet.
# 3. Reboot, and you are all set.
# Read the ethOS knowledge base, a useful guide to getting set up:
# Read the ethOS changelog for version information and latest changes:
# WARNING: Using apt-get to upgrade, update, and/or install packages is unsupported and will likely break ethOS.
# NOTE: There is no email or skype support for ethOS.
# If you need help with any aspect of ethOS, please talk to us in IRC (#ethereumOS on Freenode).
# If you do not have an IRC client, you can use this webchat:
# !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
# example config settings that apply to all rigs:
# maxgputemp 85
# stratumproxy enabled
# proxywallet 0x5eb6fd512408eef848a060d197e64b419d716bc7
# proxypool1
# proxypool2
# flags --farm-recheck 200
# globalcore 1000
# globalmem 1250
# globalfan 90
# globalpowertune 20
# example config settings that apply to individual rigs (and their respective individual GPUs):
# cor c94e13 950 950 950 950 950
# mem c94e13 1250 1250 1250 1250 1250
# fan c94e13 90 80 85 100 70
# pwr c94e13 10 20 15 15 20
# vlt c94e13 0 1.118 0 0 1.118
# flg c94e13 --cl-local-work 256 --cl-global-work 8192 --farm-recheck 200
# mxt c94e13 70
# reb c94e13 1
# loc c94e13 d3 (goes live in 1.0.5)
# For instructions on setting configs, see
# If using "pool" parameter, write WORKER (a placeholder variable) in place of rig name (i.e. NOT rig1, myrig, home, warehouse2, etc).
# pool: use this if you have a network proxy or to define a getwork pool (example: )
# stratumproxy: enabled or disabled, if enabled, you will bypass "pool" and connect to stratum proxy located on this rig
# proxy wallet: the ethereum address to which this rig's proxy will mine (only used if stratumproxy is enabled)
# proxypool1: this rig's stratum proxy's first pool (only used if stratumproxy is enabled)
# proxypool2: this rig's stratum proxy's failover pool (only used if stratumproxy is enabled)
# flags: set desired ethminer flags here
# maxgputemp: the temperature in C that your GPUs will trigger ethminer to turn off
# globalcore: set the global core clock of all GPUs
# globalmem: set the global mem clock of all GPUs
# globalfan: set the fan speed percent (0-100), or set "auto" for automatic fan control
# globalpowertune: set the power tune setting of all GPUs (notes from dev: 20 is default/max on everything except 290/390; r9 290 should use 50)
# Your [worker] names are assigned automatically by the OS, do not change them. They are 6-digit alphanumeric codes.
# cor [worker]: set the core clock of individual GPUs on a single rig
# mem [worker]: set the core clock of individual GPUs on a single rig
# fan [worker]: set the fan speed of individual GPUs on a single rig
# pwr [worker]: set the powertune of individual GPUs on a single rig
# vlt [worker]: set the voltage (EXPERIMENTAL, MAY NOT WORK!) of individual GPUs on a single rig
# flg [worker]: set the ethminer flags of a single rig (applies to all GPUs on the rig)
# mxt [worker]: set the maxgputemp of a single rig (applies to all GPUs on the rig)
# reb [worker]: increment this value (example: 4 becomes 5) and the single rig will automatically reboot within 10 minutes.
# loc [worker]: set an 4-digit alphanumeric code for rack/location information for rig (goes live in 1.0.5)
# You are able to reboot remotely. Start with "1" (no quotes) to reboot a rig:
# reb a23def 1
# Then, if you want to reboot again, increment it to 2, then 3, then 4, etc etc (never skip any numbers).